Where Chanyeol figures out how dating works

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Where Chanyeol figures out how dating works

2691 Words






“You should eat more! I swear this bony of yours will rip your pants one of these days!” Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he took another sushi and engulfed it in his mouth, chewing on it maniacally.


Once again, he was squatting Chanyeol’s flat – escaping from his own gloomy and unsanitary dormroom. And Chanyeol didn’t care. He never cared, when it came to Baekhyun. He enjoyed his presence a lot. Furthermore, the dancer had brought sushi as a treat and that was definitely something Chanyeol couldn’t say no to.

The perspective of eating Baekhyun made his day.

“Ah but I'm feeling full just by seeing you eat.” Chanyeol smiled bashfully, pushing his own plate toward Baekhyun who didn’t push it away – he liked sushi too much to refuse such an offer honestly.

“What does that mean?” He glared, then crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you, dear Park Chanyeol, saying that I eat like a pig?” He leaned in with a threatening light in his irises.

“No no!” Chanyeol blushed, waving his hands dramatically – but he couldn’t help thinking back to the first time they met, with the ketchup on the corner of Baekhyun’s lips that had unsettled him so much. “I meant the way you eat, it's cute.” He smiled, looking down at his lap with pink on his cheeks. “I'm happy seeing you all cute while munching happily, it's so endearing it's making me feel sated.” He murmured before showering Baekhyun with yet another heart throbbing curve of his lips.


Defeated, Baekhyun stuffed another sushi in his mouth, taking Chanyeol’s plate too.

“Park Chanyeol, you certainly have your way with words.” He muttered.

“Sorry.” The other looked at his sleeve -puppy paws again.


But he was taken aback when he felt a force pulling him in, hands having curled themselves to the front of his hoodie, and then there were lips sips on his, and by the time he had blinked they were gone – said lips munching on yet again another Japanese treat.

“Stop saying you're sorry every time you do something.” Baekhyun breathed as he took his can of Dr. Pepper.

But Chanyeol just nodded dumbly.

“You just kissed me.” He stated, voice flat.


Baekhyun settled the can back on the table and looked up:

“Oh, yes.” He shrugged.

“But... I'm a guy.”

“Apparently.” Baekhyun shrugged again.

“And you're a guy.”

“Definitely.” He nodded this time.

There was another break, where both studied the other’s, faces unreadable. Baekhyun tilted his head, and Chanyeol blinked. Then his eyes widened:

“You... You like guys?!” He gasped, as if the world had suddenly crashed on him and realization had sunk him.

“Yeah.” Baekhyun shrugged for the umpteenth time, going back to eating. “Surprised? “ He asked, pressing his chopsticks to his lips, and Chanyeol found himself having a hard time as he noticed these lips – took all their beauty into consideration.


These lips that had been pressed on his just a few seconds ago.

“Well, I never heard that you were...” He barely managed to tear his gaze away from these sinful representations of lust and looked at Baekhyun in the eyes -but maybe this wasn’t a better option.

“I guess few people know, that's true. I only tell it to people I'm interested in.” The dancer explained in a detached tone, looking down at his plate that he had the surprise of finding empty. Good food always leaves too fast.

“People you're interested in, I see.” Chanyeol nodded thoughtfully, cupping his own can of orange juice in his hands. “Wait.” He jerked up, making Baekhyun jump. “You just told me.” He blinked.

“Yup. I just told you.” Baekhyun nodded in confirmation.

“But you only tell people you're interested in.”

“That's right.”

“But you shouldn't have told me then.” Chanyeol was feeling his face grow hot and his brain sending alarms to him -he didn’t have the right to hope, abort mission, he couldn’t let his fantasies take the best of him, surely not! “You're not interested in me.”


He certainly wasn’t expecting Baekhyun to fall in a fit of laugher, clutching at his own stomach and almost letting a single tear slide down his cheek from the hilariousness of the situation.

“Oh how more oblivious can you get Park Chanyeol.?” He breathed in, calming down before setting a serious gaze at the boy in front of him, definitely not smiling anymore. “Do you think I take care of anyone the way I take care of you? Do you think I kiss anyone who tells me I'm cute when eating?! Do you think I spend more time in the library than in the practice room to study although I'm a performing arts student? Heck, I even slept with you in a closet! I'm completely and absolutely infatuated by you Park Chanyeol. You're a mean puppy, having stolen my heart with that shy smile and cute little sleeve paws of yours.”


Chanyeol was choking on air, face red and eyes wide:

“I'm sorry...” He murmured, looking down to his lap.


But it wasn’t enough for Baekhyun:

“You should take care of this now!” He said as he slammed the table, a frown set between his brows.


Chanyeol looked panicked:

“How do I?”

“You should date me.” Baekhyun snapped his fingers. Eurêka.


But Chanyeol only frowned, looking for the light:

“Date you?”

“Yes. Date me, Park Chanyeol.” Baekhyun nodded with a huge grin plastered on his face and his eyes turned into little crescets. Chanyeol’s favorite.

“Okay...” He breathed, cupping his own cheek in hopes the redness would fade away. “Okay I'll date you, Byun Baekhyun.” He inhaled, nodding to himself as to give himself more courage.


He could do this. He got this.


“But hum...” His chest deflated suddenly, making him lose all his peacock-like glory. “How do we date?”


Baekhyun blinked at him, his jaw falling slack. Was Chanyeol seriously asking him that? Well, in fact he shouldn’t even be surprised after all. This was Park Chanyeol he was talking about.


“Come with me.” He motioned as he walked to the center of the living room, standing still and straight there.


Chanyeol didn’t really understand why Baekhyun wanted him to go there, but he proceeded anyway. Burying his hands in his sleeves, he trudged toward said place, placing himself in front of his now boyfriend, smiling shyly at him.

But Baekhyun was all but smiling, his face hard and serious – so Chanyeol copied hi

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Okay I don't know why ch2 momentarily disappeared - I was sleeping and woke up to people telling me that - but I think it's fixed now? Sorry about this AFF has been a real pain recently...


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chocolatecheese #1
Chapter 7: Fk so goood vibe in the morning
Chapter 4: This part is the sweetest so far ㅠㅠ
Christieemma #3
Chapter 7: This really warmed my heart :3 it's fluffy and sweet and so uwu
Also, welcome back! I missed uuuu <334
Chapter 7: YASSSS! YOU'RE BAaaaAaACK!! WE MISSED YOUUUuuu~and you came back with this warm and sweet chapter huhu Chanyeol called him "puppy" uwu same Chanyeol same!!>< and and and get well soon~ ^u^ i'm excited to read your BAE fic.!! although i'm a little bit scared because i know it will make me cry hahaha!but still! i will read it!<3 /i hope i can guess what is yours/
Chapter 7: this was so hot I love
Chapter 7: Idk why but I cried reading this. The words coming from Yeol's mouth is really heartwarming. I am so touched and I feel the love. Thank you for this beautiful drabble.
Chapter 7: Aaahhhhhhh! I’ve missed your updates! And yasssss! What an update. So worth the wait. I’m so soft for this. Uwu. Thank you for taking the time to do this. My heart is happy.