The Intern


Baekhyun doesn't like interns, but when Oh Sehun gets hired as his new assistant he changes his mind. He falls in love with the young student and is prepared to do everything to win the boy's heart. Will Sehun accept his love, or will he reject everything the CEO has to offer him? Plus things tend to get a little naughty in the office whenever Baekhyun is alone with Sehun, will they be able to keep their relationship professional or does Sehun have a hard time resisting his boss?


I've always wanted to write bottom Sehun and combining it with an office setting along with some sugar daddy stuff? Sounds like a golden combo.

Genre: Office!AU, Fluff, Romance,

Kinks: , Bottom!Sehun (maybe also bottom!baek at one point), Sugar Daddy!Baek

Beta'd by: thebaeinsebaek <3


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Ray5896 #1
Chapter 25: I keep coming back to this book over and over again please continue I love it very much
please continue this book >.<
Chapter 25: Have u stopped updating this ?
969 streak #4
Chapter 25: I got hooked on this story.
Baek doesn't really know how to react now that he is on the receiving end. But, doesn't he know that he is denying Sehun his future by not passing him in his internship? That is cruel of him, even if he is jealous. He could have just given him a pass and forget about him, if that is what he really wants. Then, he could move on.
The least he could do is talk to him.
And please update when you can.
I hope you still are active here.
Thank you so much for a beautiful story.
Sebaekx1 #5
I want to translate it for Arabic, please!!
Cinder123 #6
Chapter 25: I hope you update soon! They need a happy ending together.
Chookie #7
Chapter 25: I really love this story and I can't wait for the next chapter! I hope you'll find time to write the next chapter and don't pressure yourself too nuch^^ it's a great story and it had me squealing and rolling around in my bad. When Sehun got to meet Chanyeol and Baek was treating him so mean I felt so frustrated I was about to throw my phone lol I'm kinda a very passionate reader xd
Chapter 16: Omgggggggggggg my heart something happened to it oh god this is so good
vejiyeonfan #9
Chapter 25: aww you know i have being reading this fic for 10 times and i always came here for update so please update dont make us wait