We Blaze The Night With All We've Been Waiting For

To Say, "Oh, What A Beautiful Life"

AN: Happy 1 year anniversary to this fic!!! I hope everyone enjoys!!!


1 week post World Cup

The World Cup Celebration Continues On, Even Heading Over to the Pop Idol Scene!

Following the South Korean Women’s National Soccer Team’s historical victory at the FIFA World Cup last Saturday, it seems like all of South Korea’s media want in on the celebration! All twenty-two star players on the National Team have taken part in interviews, guested on shows, and attended celebration parties all week to celebrate their win! Of course, the celebration can’t last forever— the girls have stated that practice starts up again for them this coming Monday, and while they’ve enjoyed their time in the direct center of the spotlight during this past week, they’re all eager to get back to training in preparation for the Summer Olympics to be held next year! Should they win the upcoming Olympic gold medals, they’ll be making history as the first ever team to win the World Cup and Olympics back-to-back! That being said, the festivities aren’t over just yet! Our soccer stars have all been invited to the nation’s idol’s concert by Rosé herself! We all hope that they have a blast! We also wish Moonbyul and her wife, highly-acclaimed surgeon, Solar, a great honeymoon!

The loud cheers of the concert’s enthusiastic crowd brings a wide grin to Irene’s face, laughing to herself as she witnesses the South Korean Women’s National Soccer Team good around onstage with none other than the internationally famous idol, Rosé, herself. Being good friends with virtually all of the National Team, Rosé had personally invited the members to celebrate with her onstage, following their immense win at the FIFA World Cup only a week prior— perhaps it was the hype of finally bringing the cup home again, but the entire country’s excitement had yet to die down, although none of the players were complaining.

It brings a smile to Irene’s face, seeing Seulgi so happy, jumping up and down with her members, bobbing her head so energetically to Rosé music.

Meanwhile, Irene herself remains in the wings of the stage, enjoying the music on her own while Coach Kwon and the girls dance with the crowd. She’d been invited to join them, Rosé and Seulgi both having pouted when Irene had politely refused, but she doesn't feel too bad for missing out-- large crowds were never quite her thing, even while she was at the height of her popularity during “Bae Joohyun’s” era.

In all complete honesty, she's more than content with swaying casually on her feet from the sidelines.

She remains transfixed in the music, closing her eyes and enjoying herself, when a small hand taps her shoulder lightly, and Irene finds herself opening her eyes to see the disturber.

“Irene-unnie! Enjoying yourself?”

“Oh my god,” the part-time coach’s eyes go wide as she whirls around. “Chuu?!”

“The one and only!” Chuu grins, waving with her left hand, and Irene soaks in the appearance of the young girl who she hasn't seen in literal years. For the most part, Chuu hadn't changed a bit in the two years that the younger girl hadn't been a part of Irene’s life— her signature bangs remain as untouched as the day Irene saw her off, and Chuu’s telltale expensive camera that still hangs around her neck, a careful hand steadying it.

“It’s been quite a long time, unnie!”

“It has!” Irene exclaims excitedly, attempting to be heard over all the noise. She quickly draws Chuu in for a hug, patting the younger girl’s back before pulling apart. “You look well! How has everything been? Are you finally back from the United States?”

“Honestly, I've never been better!” Chuu says enthusiastically. It's then that Irene realizes that Chuu’s infectious smile hasn't changed in the slightest, and it’s this knowledge that sends Irene’s heart tugging a little, memories swirling through her mind. “Life is really good, unnie! And yes, I'm finally back from the US— we’re finally back from the US, that is.”

Irene nods, and she’s suddenly taken back to slightly earlier this week, thinking back to a discussion she’d overheard between Coach Kwon and a higher up with a National Team representative from the company.

“Say, Chuu?” Irene furrows her brow, motioning for Chuu to come closer and being careful to mind the expensive camera. “I've been hearing some rumors recently… and I'm guessing that your presence here in South Korea confirms it, but I’m still really curious. Will—”


Irene blinks in surprise, and Chuu laughs as she steps backward, index finger still resting on her lips.

“Nothing’s actually set in stone yet,” Chuu explains in response to Irene’s bewildered expression, which quickly melts into one of understanding at Chuu’s explanation. Chuu winks playfully. “So unfortunately, I can't say much as of right now, but I'll just say that discussions are in the air. You'll see soon!”

“I see,” Irene nods. Briefly, she hears the music fade, and Rosé’s musical voice - yes, she sounds absolutely lyrical even while merely addressing the audience - echoes through the arena, followed by the National Team’s cheers. “By the way, why are you here, Chuu—”

Irene’s startled into silence yet again by the sound of a camera shutter, and a fleeting bright light.

Chuu’s laugh fills the air again, and Irene can't help but smile at the sound.

“I was hired as a photographer for this show today by Rosé’s management,” Chuu chirps, fixing her camera and moving past Irene towards the stage. “It’s the final show in her Asia concert tour, so today’s especially special!” Irene thinks that Chuu looks incredibly bubbly today— it’s clear that she’s gotten to a better place over the years. “It's the last few song, so I have to go take pics now, but I’ll find you afterward, unnie!”

“Sounds like a plan,” Irene chuckles, waving off the hyperactive photographer. “I'll see you later!”


“It was so much fun, Hyun!” Seulgi gushes as the rest of the team comes filing offstage as Rosé remains to wrap up the concert with an encore song. “Like, all of our pre-game dance sessions, but ten times better! Plus, Lisa got to stare openly at her girlfriend for five whole songs, and literally no one in that audience could blame or question anything.”

“I saw!” Irene giggles, accompanying Seulgi back to the changing rooms, where the girls could change out of their shirts that read WORLD CHAMPIONS in all capital letters. “I could see her heart eyes from all the way backstage! I beg the entire arena could tell that Lisa’s utterly whipped for Rosie, and I’d advise her to cool it, but I don't think it's a problem because literally everyone in that audience is whipped for Rosé too.”

“Her songs are pretty addictive,” Seulgi quips, pushing open the changing room entrance, where some of the members were already changing back to more casual clothes. “Like, earworm addictive. And others are just so touching, especially when she plays the acoustic guitar!”

“Hey, don't go looking at other girls, Kang Seulgi!” Irene joking snaps, her tone playfully jealous, even going as far as to shove Seulgi lightly. The team captain laughs, playing along with her girlfriend’s antics and stumbling backwards into a nearby shelf before flopping onto the ground.

“Oh, how you pain me so!” Seulgi gasps dramatically from her spot on the floor, and Irene tips back her head to laugh before making way to help her stand up. She takes Irene’s hand without hesitation, allowing Irene to pull her up and immediately wrapping her arms around the smaller girl, mumbling into Irene’s hair, “You know you’re the only one I see, Hyun!”

Irene giggles once more, nodding into the crook of Seulgi’s neck.

“I know, Seul, don't worry.”

“Yeah, you keep your eyes firmly on Irene, KangSeul!” Lisa shouts from the other side of the room, eyes gleaming with mirth. It's evident that she's trying to covering up a laugh, especially as Jennie and Jisoo smirk from a few feet away. “Rosie is mine, mine, mine!”

“Someone is protective,” Jennie snickers.

“All of you with significant others give me a headache!” SinB complains loudly from where she sits in the corner, and beside her, Chungha barks out a laugh, patting the younger, pouting girl on the back.

“Just wait until you find yourself someone, kid,” Chungha chuckles. SinB rolls her eyes.

“Listen, just because you’ve reconnected with a friend from your club team doesn’t mean that—”

“Let’s just all be glad that Moonbyul’s still on her honeymoon with Solar!” Tzuyu interrupts. There’s a moment of silence, and suddenly the room erupts into laughter at the raw desperation in the young member’s tone.

“She’s got a point!” Seulgi laughs, wiping away tears. “Just don’t let Byul hear that!”


@lalimario: just spent the best concert of my life next to my favorite girl!

@rosiefan42: @lalimario omg Lisa and Rosé are perfect together!!!

@lisapriyaluv: @rosiefan42 @lalimario I hope we’ll see their wedding soon wahhh


Jennie cracks up, high fiving Seulgi and Eunae as their laughs rise even higher than the loud noise in the changing room.

“Yah, Lisa! Your own fans want you and Rosie to get married already!” Jennie shouts, nearly falling onto Eunae in hysterics.

Wild whistles fill the space, even Irene and Coach Kwon joining in the teasing, giving the bright red Lisa matching pats on the back.

“Marriage is quite the commitment,” Coach Kwon comments nonchalantly.

Irene nods in agreement. “That’s true. I’m in awe of you, Lisa! I hope you both live happily until the end of your days.”

“G-guys, cut it out!”


Irene allows herself to be swept up in the excitement as they team makes their way out to their cars in the back parking lot, the girls still all chattering energetically amongst themselves. They’d already said goodnight to Rosé and Lisa, who had opted to go home with her girlfriend. Meanwhile, Irene links arms with Seulgi as they walk, discussing their favorite parts of the concert.

“Okay, but Boombayah was definitely the most hype song of the night,” Seulgi says in a definitive manner, only for Irene to shake her head.

“Did you hear the crowd during Ddu-du Ddu-du though? They were absolutely cheering louder,” Irene protests. “I—”


“Oh, Chuu!”

Seulgi raises an eyebrow as Irene pulls away from her arm, the older girl eagerly turning around to greet the approaching newcomer. The captain only feels more confused as she sees Irene easily touch the stranger’s forearm in a farewell.

“We need to meet up and reconnect sometime soon, unnie!”

“We do! Let’s get in touch, yeah?”

“Of course! I’ll call you! Have you changed your number, or…?”

Irene laughs, placing a gentle hand on the photographer’s shoulder.

“It hasn’t changed at all. It’ll be great to catch up! I’ll see you around?”

“That sounds great!” Chuu takes a step back, flashing Irene a quick smile and bowing. “I’ll see you soon!”

“And Chuu?”

“Yes, unnie?”

Irene sighs, although from Seulgi’s position, she notices that it isn’t a disappointed one. Instead, the part-time coach sounds… content? Maybe even contemplative?

“You’ve grown up too fast, Chuu.” Irene chuckles. “Way too fast.”

Chuu’s responding smile is sheepish, perhaps even lamenting, as she raises a hand to scratch the back of her head.

“I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, unnie,” Chuu says, and Seulgi is stunned by the solemnity of the entire exchange. Just how did Irene know this girl? “But I don’t have any regrets, y’know? Everything I did, all the growing up I had to do… It’s all been worth it.”

“I see,” Irene responds, her gaze turning gentle. “That’s good, that you have no regrets.”

They say goodbye after that, and Irene returns to Seulgi’s side with ease, leading them back to walking to the parking lot like the exchange with the unknown girl had never happened.

“Hyun?” Seulgi inquires, after exchanging a few moments of silence. “Who was that girl?”

“Hm?” Irene blinks, snapping out of a reverie. Seulgi chuckles softly; even in Irene’s rare moments of absentmindedness, her girlfriend is adorable. “I’m sorry, Seulgi, I was too caught up in my thoughts. What did you ask me?”

“I was just curious who that girl was.”

“Oh!” Understanding overtakes Irene’s features, and she smiles up at Seulgi. “She’s an old friend of mine, from the days I was starting out my work as a physical therapist. I haven’t seen her in a few years, which is why she asked me to meet and catch up. She’s a professional photographer, and she had been hired to take pictures of Rosé.”

Seulgi nods. “I see, I see. So I’m assuming you haven’t decided on when you’ll meet up yet?”

“Not yet,” Irene shrugs. “We’ll see when we have the time. Until then, are you ready for practice on Monday? I’ve been developing these new drills! I’m sure you’ll love them.”

Seulgi huffs, swinging an arm over Irene’s shoulder and laughing.

“If by love, you mean will have the girls and I grunting on the turf in pain, then you’re probably correct!”


Monday arrives all too fast, and Seulgi finds herself, almost as expected, surrounded on the stadium turf by a group of groaning girls now lying on the grass in pain. She’s yet to give in yet, fixing Irene with a raised eyebrow. The older girl remains to the side, watching them with amusement sprinkled in her eyes.

“Holding squats, Hyun?” Seulgi calls over. “Really? You’ve put me through much worse than this!”

“But not the rest of us!” Yeri snaps. She tapped out five minutes ago, sprawled out spontaneously next to Joy, who’s resulted to closing her eyes and thinking of a more innocent era. “We are weaklings compared to ye!”

Irene smirks. “Think you can beat your time, Seul? Mind you that there’s no water break until everyone has reached their limit.”

More groans emerge from the heaps of bodies.

“Uh… perhaps beating my record can wait for another day,” Seulgi says sheepishly, haphazardly falling backwards and joining her members on the ground. “Teamwork and bonding, y’know?”

“What a good captain you are,” Irene says teasingly before waving her hand in dismissal. “Fair enough, time for a water break, everyone! We’ll do the regular scrimmage afterward, and you have permission to go a bit easier on yourself today, but only today. Regular intensity tomorrow.”

“We love you, Coach Irene!” Somi shouts as she stumbles to her feet and rushes over to grab her water bottle for a refill. The rest of the team follows soon after, although Seulgi opts to trudge over to Irene and drape herself over the smaller girl.

“You’re harsh,” Seulgi drawls, though her tone sounds light, and Irene more than know that she’s kidding. Seulgi hadn’t been wrong when she’d said that Irene had put her through worse. Case and point: hour-long wall sits.

“Do you think it’s too much?” Irene frowns, genuinely worried about being too hard on the girls.

Seulgi shakes her head. “Nah, I don’t think so. I mean, I’ve never seen Jennie so fired up for a challenge before! And it’s not like you’re forcing them to do it for very long. I mean, a minimum of thirty seconds is definitely a good plan. You’re easing them into it!”

Irene sighs in relief, turning in Seulgi’s embrace and planting a kiss on the taller girl’s cheek.

“If you say so,” she says, a soft smile on her lips. “But never hesitate to tell me if you think my exercises are too much.”

Seulgi grins.

“Will do. So scrimmages start in ten?”

“Yup, sounds about right. Everyone’s already back on their feet and passing balls to each other, after all.” Irene nods over to where Joy and Tzuyu are already back in goal, having a competition to see who can block the most attempts on goal, the catch being Yeri, Chungha, Krystal, and Yuju all shooting at the same time.

“Ah, but you have that meeting with that representative from K League, right?” Seulgi comments, recalling how Irene had mentioned that during their walk to the stadium this morning. K League, or the Korea Professional Football League, is South Korea’s professional football association, or better known to coaches and players as The Higher Ups. “Are they finally coming to talk to you?”

“I think so,” Irene says, a full-on beam breaking out across her face as Seulgi whoops in excitement at her words. “At least, I think that’s one of the major topics that’s going to be discussed today with both Coach Kwon and I. Can you handle things from here?”

“Absolutely,” Seulgi asserts confidently. “I’m not one of the team captains for nothing, after all!”


It’s approaching the end of the scrimmage when SinB looks over to Momo, who has been seated on the bench for the past fifteen minutes, waiting for her turn to get rotated in. She calls up to Jennie, who acts as captain for her side of the team.

“Jennie! I think it’s time for Momo and me to switch out in the rotation!”

“Sounds good, SinB!” Jennie calls, receiving the ball from Wheein and kicking it backwards towards the defenders in an attempt to make more room for passing. “Momo! You’re getting swapped in!”

“SinB, while you’re out, do you mine filling up the water jugs?” Seulgi asks from where she stands on the opposing side of the field. “We were basically empty by the end of that last water break.”

“Sure thing, Cap!”

SinB jogs off the field, casually high-fiving Momo as they pass each other, before making her way over to where the water jug sits on the metal bench fieldside. She picks up the orange container, and sure enough, it’s as light as a feather, a refill definitely in order.

Putting on her sweater, she gingerly picks up the container and walks off to refill it.

She passes by Coach Kwon, who is jogging through the hallways to the field, and SinB waves as she strolls by, container in one hand. There’s nothing out of the ordinary really— until she comes around the corner and sees a sight that has her raising an eyebrow.

“Huh…?” SinB stares in confusion. She shrugs to herself, pulling her phone out of her sweater pocket.

A second passes and she pockets the device again, returning on route to refill the container.


Tuesday practice comes and goes as per usual, and Seulgi finds herself cleaning up the cones after practice with Irene as the other girls meander towards the locker rooms.

“Hyun, are you up for getting dinner today?” Seulgi asks the coach as they’re stacking the cones up. “It’s been a while since we last went out just the two of us.”

“Um,” Irene purses her lips, frowning. “I’m sorry, Seul, but I made plans to go get dinner with Jiwoo today.”

“Jiwoo?” The name sounds foreign to Seulgi’s ears.

“The old friend I saw at Rosé’s concert,” Irene explains, and Seulgi nods. “You might’ve heard me call her Chuu because that’s her nickname.”

“Ah, I see…”

“I’m sorry, Seul,” Irene looks terribly guilty, and Seulgi forces a smile. “I completely forgot to tell you after the meeting yesterday…”

“It’s fine, Hyun!” Seulgi shrugs in an attempt to sound nonchalant. “It’s just one day, no problem.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Are you going soon?”

“I…” Irene nods. “Yeah. Chuu’s picking me up.”

Fifteen minutes later, Seulgi waves Irene off as the older girl gets into a black sports car. She can’t help but her head in befuddlement as the car drives into the distance.

The driver sure didn’t look like Chuu…?


Seulgi sees the tweet later that night though—

@chuuwu: @baerene unnie! I had a lot of fun tonight! Thank you for taking the time to meet up with me!

@baerene: @chuuwu no problem, my beloved dongsaengie! We’ll see each other again soon!

“Huh,” Seulgi mumbles to herself, shrugging slightly before deciding that it must’ve been a trick of the light earlier, and that she’s been overthinking way too much over the past hour. “I suppose it really had been Chuu then.”

She goes to sleep soon after, but not without replying to Irene’s message, which lights up her phone amidst the dark room, the only source of light.

Baeby <3: good night, Seul! Sleep well, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Seulgom: night night, Hyun! Get lots of rest, and I hope you had fun at your dinner!

Baeby <3: I did! Rest well, Seul, it’s another day of practice!

Seulgom: <3 <3 <3

Baeby; <3 <3 <3 mwah~


Irene stays late after practice on Wednesday, and Seulgi opts for hanging out with Eunae and YooA.

“No Irene today?” Eunae asks, leaning against the railing as Seulgi laces up her sneakers on the stairs leading up to the stadium. YooA perks up in interest at the question— it’s not often to see Seulgi without Irene by her side.

Seulgi shakes her head with a sigh. “No Irene. She’s has another meeting today. Apparently all those behind-closed-doors discussions with Coach Kwon weren’t sufficient, so now they’re meeting with an entire board.”

YooA’s brow furrows in confusion.

“About what?”

“I have no idea,” Seulgi’s chest heaves as she forces herself to her feet. “I really have no clue, honestly. She has meeting almost daily these days— she’s got two lined up for tomorrow as well. I feel like something is going on, but she won’t let me know what’s up.”

“I see,” Eunae muses, and she beckons for Seulgi and YooA to follow after her easy jog. “Perhaps something is happening in the League? Is there a new member joining?”

“I don’t remember this much discrepancy and secrecy happening for a simple player contract though,” YooA says, her smile upturning into a frown. “There certainly wasn’t when I was called up. Even Somi didn’t have this kind of turnout, and she was added incredibly close to the World Cup.”

“That’s true as well,” Seulgi mutters before deciding to push away her thoughts. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see then, right?”

She receives two twin nods in agreement.

“Anyway,” Seulgi shrugs, speeding up her pace slightly, and Eunae and YooA follow suit. “How’s Nahyun doing these days, Eunae?”

“She’s doing well! Busy, but well,” the tall forward relays with a puff of her cheek. “The other day she was apparently thrown right into this big classified case. I don’t know much about it, just that her side is trying to sue a man, and that this particular guy is particularly stubborn and adamant about not giving in.”

“Damn,” Seulgi winces, “Sounds like an uphill battle. Nahyun’s a skilled lawyer though, so I’m sure she’ll come out on top of the conflict.”

“I sure hope so,” Eunae agrees. “I’ve never seen her so passionate about a case before, in all honesty. Like, she’s been called to so many cases, but this one has just gotten her particularly riled up. And while I’m glad she’s talented at what she does, it does mean that she’s working long nights, and I’m worried about her health. She can take care of herself, I know, but I don’t want her passing out from overexertion or something.”

“I hope not too,” Seulgi says sympathetically. Her thoughts drift back to Irene, toiling away in meeting after meeting.

I hope things are okay, Hyun.


Seulgi’s about to go to sleep on Thursday when her phone buzzes and she sees a text from Irene.

Bae: Seul, can I come over?

Seul: Of course you can

Ten minutes later, Seulgi opens the door for Irene, who looks exhausted in every single sense of the word. Her usual impeccable hair is rumpled – Seulgi knows that Irene had been running her fingers through it out of stress – and there are bags under her eyes that lack the usual shine that Seulgi’s been missing these past few days.

“Can we just sleep?” Irene croaks out, voice hoarse.

Seulgi nods wordlessly, when in reality all she wants to do is ask Irene what’s wrong. Judging by the older girl’s unkempt appearance though, Irene is definitely not in the mood for questions— something tells Seulgi that she’s had enough of those today for a whole lifetime.

“Let’s go get you changed and head off to bed,” Seulgi murmurs, and she ushers Irene silently down the hallway, making sure not to wake up Wendy in her own bedroom along the way.


Friday finally comes around, and it’s not a good day for Irene.

It madness starts when she wakes up to her phone being blown up by emails from the League and texts from certain representatives at the unholy hour of 4AM in the morning. Giving the messages a quick once over, and heaves out a sigh— things just aren’t getting easier. She casts a guilty look at the girl sleeping right behind her, slipping out of Seulgi’s arms, being careful not to wake her up.

(Two hours later, Seulgi wakes up feeling empty as she stares at the empty side of the bed, her heart sinking the more she stares).

Irene sits on the sidelines during practice, occasionally giving her input as Coach Kwon takes charge of the girls today, but Seulgi looks find herself looking past the head coach to see her girlfriend staring out blankly into the distance, lost in her own thoughts.

It’s then that she sees the older girl’s phone buzz, Irene picking up the device in a hurry and dashing out to take the call.

Seulgi frowns.

What’s going on, Joohyun?

Even during their halfway break, Irene doesn’t make a reappearance, and Seulgi sighs picking up her sweater and seating herself a few rows up on the bleachers. She pulls her phone out of her pocket, tapping open twitter.

Not even a minute later, however, she receives a text moment later from a number she doesn’t recognize.

Unknown: You Might Want To See This

Unknown: [picture attached]


“What is this?” Seulgi asks lowly, cornering Irene outside the stadium later that day, after practice is over and Seulgi has had enough. In her hand is her phone, the screen frozen on the picture she’d received earlier that day. “Who is she?”

Irene stares at the picture in shock. “How the—”

“Who is she, Irene?!”

“She's none of your concern, Seulgi,” Irene says, her tone suddenly taking on an edge. Had Seulgi not already been in hysterics, not knowing why Irene had been keeping secrets, she would've flinched. “You don’t have to worry about it.”

“How can I not worry?!” Seulgi’s eyes are wide, frustration running through every ounce of her body. “You aren't telling me anything, Irene! Nothing about the meetings, nothing about your dinner with Jiwoo-- did you even have dinner with Jiwoo? Because she wasn't the girl who picked you up on Tuesday. What even is your relationship with her? Why are you suddenly so willing to drop everything to meet with her, without even telling me until right before? And who the hell was that girl you were hugging in the picture I received?!”

“It's none of your business, Kang Seulgi,” Irene hisses, positively seething. Her voice is icy cold, a side to Irene that Seulgi has never witnessed before. “Stop putting yourself in instances where you have no reason to be.”

“There is clearly something going on!” Seulgi exclaims, hands coming up to tangle in her hair in utter exasperation. “Why won’t you just tell me, Irene?! You’ve been neglecting everything this week to run off to do God-knows-what, you’ve been hiding things to yourself and—”

The glare that Irene shoots her sends Seulgi reeling backwards.

She’s never seen Irene look so angry before.

“Go away, Seulgi,” Irene says through gritted teeth.

Seulgi clamps shut, a feeling of doom creeping up her body, from her toes to the core of her heart. There’s a churning, rolling in her stomach of fear, like she had just lost something crucial.

I ed up.

“Okay,” Seulgi manages to utter out weakly, nodding shortly before hastily shouldering her bag and dashing out of the locker room.

She doesn’t dare look back.

(Alone in the locker room, Irene finally allows all the events that just took place to sink in.


She crumbles to her knees and cries, silently sobbing into her palms. From where it’s fallen to the ground beside her, her phone begins to ring, but she ignores it.

She doesn’t know how much time passes until the locker room door opens once more.

“Irene-unnie? They’re looking for you in the boardroom— oh no…”

Two pairs of arms wrap around her, murmurs asking what’s wrong, what’s going on? but Irene shakes her head and explains nothing, whispering quiet apologies to someone who isn’t around to hear them.)


Seulgi finds herself lying awake at night on her couch, head rested in Wendy’s lap as the two of them watch the iconic sports movie, Space Jam as midnight approaches. The team captain’s close friend sighs as she sees Seulgi’s gaze wander from the TV screen to the ceiling yet again.

“Seul,” Wendy says gently, pausing the movie and nudging the other girl with a hand. “You agreed to watch something funny in order to bring your spirits up, but right now we’re watching freaking Michael Jordan playing basketball with characters from Looney Tunes and you haven’t even smiled once!”

“I did too smile!” Seulgi protests half-heartedly, though she shuts at the raised eyebrow that Wendy sends her way.

“Yeah, you snorted while watching Michael Jordan fail at baseball,” Wendy deadpans, and Seulgi rolls her eyes. “Really, Seul, what’s wrong?”

“…I think Hyun and I just had our first real fight,” Seulgi murmurs, and she hears Wendy’s brief intake of breath before resuming its steady, pulsing rhythm. “I just don’t know what to do now, Wan… I feel so guilty, and I hadn’t been thinking about the consequences when I’d cornered her like that in the locker room…”

Oh, Seul,” Wendy smiles gently, smoothing out the creases on Seulgi’s forehead. “You were both under stress when that confrontation happened. Yes, it definitely was not ideal, but I’m sure that Irene’s feeling just like you are right now— you know how she is.”

“What should I do, Wan?” Seulgi asks weakly, pushing herself to a sitting position, only to sag back down onto the couch in the other direction. “I… this is the first relationship that I’m really invested in – we both know that Krystal and I agreeing to date each other to get men off our backs back in high school doesn’t actually count – but god, Wan, I love Irene so much… I don’t want to lose her because I was stupid.”

“Then make it up to her,” Wendy says simply, patting Seulgi’s leg. “You’re not dumb, Seulgi. You know better than to make promises that you can’t keep, so maybe it’s time to make yourself and Irene another one— one that you know you both can keep from now on.”

“I—” Seulgi nods, comprehension dawning. “I… I think I know where you’re coming from.”

“Great!” Wendy beams before sharply kicking Seulgi to sit up straight again. “Now that that’s done, and you’re finally coming out of your moping phase, let’s finish Space Jam! You can think more tomorrow, after we’ve seen Michael Jordan and the Looney Tunes characters save the universe, and after you’ve had a good rest.”

Seulgi chuckles.

“Sounds like a plan, Wan. Also… thank you. For always being near, for always putting up with my clumsy self.”

“It’s my pleasure, Seul. You know that we’ve all got your back, no matter what.”

“I don’t deserve you girls, really.”

“Well, you’re stuck with us! Even after we get that Olympic gold medal.”


Two weeks after the World Cup, the following Monday

Seulgi wakes up that morning with a different type of energy as compared to usual. She heaves a deep breath, willing herself all the luck in the world, before heading off to the stadium for the team’s usual practice.

Irene isn’t present during the first half of practice – Coach Kwon had said she’d offered to take care of paperwork for today – and Seulgi had sighed, forcing herself to work extra hard and release all the nervous energy she’d been gathering all morning.

They’re on for a water break, so Seulgi heads back to the locker room to change out of her sweaty chin guards (it’s far too hot today), when the locker room opens once more with a BANG and suddenly, the space is filled with shouting. The captain jumps in shock, ears ringing with the abrupt introduction of noise, especially when Joy shouts her name with such purpose that it sounds desperate.


“I'm here!” Seulgi yelps immediately, worry creased on her forehead. “Is something wrong?”

Yeri is panting heavily, beads of sweat lining her brow.

“You need to hear this, Cap! Like, you really need to hear this.”

“What’s wrong?” Seulgi stands up from the bench.

Joy appears from around the corner, appearing to be struggling with something.

“Someone,” Joy grunts out, teeth grit together from the effort, “Has something that she needs to confess.”

Seulgi’s eyes widen as Joy shoves the culprit to stand in front of the captain.

“Um, well this is rather unexpected.”



“Yeah, Jennie?”

“Are you okay?”

The captain pauses, a second away from letting the usual I’m fine slip through her lips.

“No, not really,” she admits a moment later, breathing in heavily. It’s the truth, though. She’d been absolutely awful during practice today. A full weekend without Irene. A full weekend without the Irene’s signature laughter ringing through her ears, a full weekend of pacing and worrying and trying to find a way to make things right. “I really blew up last Friday, Jen. When both of us are on edge, too.”

“I’m sorry, Cap,” Jennie murmurs, lingering by the locker room entrance.

“I’ll be alright though,” Seulgi says, looking tired. “I’ll have to be. Especially after Wednesday when—”

“I can ask her not to practice with us,” Jennie interrupts. “Eunae and I have been working more on our chemistry too, and—”

Seulgi shakes her head, “No. I want her to play. She’s more than ready, and she deserves it. Especially after working so hard.”

“You’ve been working hard too, Seul,” Jennie insists, but Seulgi only shakes her head in disagreement again.

“I’m not changing my mind, Jen,” and even with her back to her close friend, Seulgi can still imagine the saddened-kitten look that would most definitely overtake the midfielder’s face. “Now don’t you have to get along too? You said that you were taking Jisoo out to dinner today.”

“I am,” Jennie relents with a sigh, a hand coming up to tangle itself in her hair out of frustration. “Listen, Cap, I really appreciate you looking out for me, but please, look out for yourself too. I—” Jennie huffs, exhaling with purpose. “I hate to see you hurting. You’re one of my best friends, and I you know how I’ve come to love Irene too. Both of you are precious figures in each other’s lives— anyone can see that! You two belong together, I know it, Seul. Please don’t let this come in between you two. Not after everything you’ve been through.”

Seulgi is silent for a moment, but nods. “I’ll be fine, Jennie. Please don’t worry too much about me. I… I’m going to try and make things right today.”

Jennie bites her lip as she hesitantly opens the door to leave.

“I believe in you, Seulgi-unnie,” Jennie mutters quietly, and Seulgi whips her head around, but by the time she’s finally rests her gaze on the entrance, Jennie has already slipped out.


A whole hour after practice has let out, it’s Seulgi who finds Irene in the locker room. Knowing that Irene would be in yet another meeting in the afternoon, Seulgi had waited for her with the knowledge that both of them are hurting. After her encounter with Jennie earlier, she’d been launching shots into the net, the field otherwise empty, when she’d seen Irene exiting Coach Kwon’s office. The two of them had met eyes before something akin to panic had overtaken Irene’s expression, and she’d quickly dashed off to the locker room, Seulgi following close behind.


“What is it, Seulgi?” With her back turned to Seulgi, Irene doesn’t sound harsh, more tired than anything; regretful. Seulgi knows the feeling.

“I… I just wanted to talk.”

“…We tried doing that last time—”

“—and I had been stupid and jumped to conclusions.”

The statement quickly silences Irene, the older girl completely ditching what she had been about to say.

“I’ve made my fair share of mistakes these past few days as well,” is what Irene decides on a second later, turning around to finally meet Seulgi’s gaze, and Seulgi blinks, not expecting that. “Even more than you.”

“I— maybe so, but I was the one who messed up first,” Seulgi relents, genuinely remorseful. “I shouldn’t have pushed you, I shouldn’t have kept prodding. I know you, and I should’ve known that you have your own reasons for keeping secrets. I… your relation to Jiwoo and that other girl… I shouldn’t have assumed that whatever it is would be jeopardizing our relationship.

“I'm just… sorry,” Seulgi whispers, clenching a fist and shutting her eyes tight. She looks away, not feeling worthy to meet Irene’s eyes. “I'm so, so sorry, Joo— Irene.” Her quick correction doesn't go unnoticed by the older girl, whose heart clenches at how far away her very own name sounds. “I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions too quickly. I'm sorry for getting angry… you did nothing wrong, I just wanted you to know that. You were only doing as you were supposed to, and I was being unreasonable. I'm so sorry…”

Irene only shakes her head, tears in her eyes. The intent is there, at the tip of her tongue, but the words are stuck, trapped in .

Seulgi’s voice sounds painful.

“I understand if you don't want to see me right now… or if you need time away… It’s alright, Irene, I completely get it, I—”

“Hug me,” Irene finally manages to choke out, and Seulgi’s gaze snaps up to meet her own in shock. She reaches out to Seulgi desperately. “Please. I miss you.”

The captain wastes no more time in stepping close to Irene and enveloping the older girl in her arms. The second Seulgi’s hands brush against her arms, Irene whimpers, hands curling into the fabric of Seulgi’s jersey. She pushes her face into the crook of Seulgi’s neck, quietly letting soft sobs fade into the space— or lack thereof.

“You've always been so strong,” Seulgi murmurs absentmindedly, closing her eyes and indulging in the contact. It had been a long weekend of isolation; she had missed Irene like a drowning man misses air, and now with Irene finally back in her arms, it's like she can finally breathe again. “Meanwhile, a single day without you felt like torture to me… I'm so stupid, please forgive me.”

“I'm not without fault either,” Irene whispers, her lips. She shakes her head again, hair tickling Seulgi’s jaw ever-so-slightly. “I never told you anything, and when you asked me about it, I just allowed myself to be irritable instead of explaining everything as it happened— it had been a rough day, and I had unfairly snapped and took my anger out on you. I-I… it was supposed to be a secret, and instead of explaining that calmly, I pushed you away, and that was unfair of me. I'm sorry as well, Seulgi, for making things even worse instead of better.”

“I guess we both were stupid,” Seulgi concludes dryly, though she smiles at the sound of Irene’s hoarse giggling. “I still love you, Irene.”

“And I still love you too,” Irene says, her lips finally pulling upwards after a long few days of frowning. “Always. Forever and ever. I… I guess I wish that we could guarantee that misunderstandings like this will never happen again, but even I know that’s impossible.” She catches Seulgi’s eye, biting back a smile. “But I guess that’s the beauty of love, right? You love that person no matter what.”

Seulgi laughs gently, pulling back gently and trying to ignore Irene’s quiet whine at the distance she creates.

“I was thinking about that part, actually,” Seulgi says, stepping away. Pulling her locker open, she digs into a pocket of her sports bag to pull out a small box. Casting a wry smile at Irene, she opens the box to pull out a small golden necklace, holding it up for her girlfriend to see. “I know we can’t wear jewelry during games, but I like the meaning behind this one.”

Irene carefully cups the necklace in her hands, gasping in surprise at the little carved bird swinging from the bottom of the chain.

“It’s a hummingbird!” Irene exclaims, a wide smile blooming across her features. Suddenly, she narrows her eyes, pointing accusingly at Seulgi. “Wait a minute, this better not be a stab at my height!”

Seulgi can’t help but throw her head back to let out a laugh at that, waving her hands in front of herself in an attempt to dissuade the girl fixating her with a suspicious look.

“It’s not, I promise!” Seulgi says through giggles. “I swear it’s not! Although, it does fit rather nicely, doesn’t it?”

Irene pouts but spins around nonetheless, allowing Seulgi to clasp the necklace around her neck.

“Really though, the hummingbird has a lot of meaning behind it,” Seulgi continues, and Irene hums, nodding for the captain to keep explaining. “For starters, hummingbirds flit around a lot, right? They’re very carefree, going wherever they want. They remind us to live in the moment, to experience and enjoy the simple things, y’know? Not everything has to be a big show; sometimes, it’s the small victories that count.”

“Like watching you beat your record on the pacer test,” Irene murmurs, and Seulgi looks at her in surprise. “It wasn’t even me doing the running, but seeing you so happy, even while breathless… that meant the world to me.”

“Seeing you so proud of me had me over the moon as well,” Seulgi chuckles, draping herself over the other girl and starting a simple sway on their feet. “Speaking of which, so more about hummingbirds— they’ve got these long beaks, and they can reach past the not-so-great parts of flowers to drink the nectar. Just like them, we can get past the bad parts of life and seek out the good.”

“Together,” Irene says, and Seulgi nods.

“Together. Oh, and one more major thing,” Seulgi chuckles, nudging Irene’s waist. “Did you know that some hummingbirds can travel up to two thousand miles to reach their destination?”

“Two thousand?” Irene looks impressed. “That’s a lot.”

“They’re extremely tenacious,” Seulgi agrees. “They… they can endure a lot, all to reach their happy ending.”

“Seulgi…” Irene smiles fondly. She stands up on her tiptoes, planting a firm kiss on the taller girl’s lips, sighing contentedly into the kiss.

“You’re so close to reaching that dream,” Seulgi whispers, only the tiniest of space between them. “So close… I want to see it become a reality. This necklace is my promise to you, reaffirmed. We’re going to get that gold medal.”

“And I’m nowhere near giving up either,” Irene murmurs, and her arms wrap around Seulgi’s neck. “So let’s get our happy ending, shall we?”


It isn’t until hours later, when they’re lying on Seulgi’s couch together, half-paying attention to a dumb sport-related movie that Seulgi had randomly selected (tonight, it’s Air Bud, that movie about the golden retriever that plays basketball), both of them feeling more at home than forever, that Irene finally realizes that there’s still a few things that haven’t been addressed.


“What’s up, Hyun?”

“Did you ever find out who that unreleased number was that sent you that picture of me hugging… that girl?”

“Oh!” Seulgi chuckles to herself. “I was so caught up in everything that I completely forgot to tell you. Yeah, I did find out who the culprit was, right before practice started, actually.”

Irene furrows her brow, absently picking up the remote turning down the volume of the movie – golden retriever’s barking to pass the basketball is rather loud – in order to hear Seulgi’s words better.

“Who was it, then?”

“Oh, it was SinB.”

“What?” Irene can’t believe her ears. “SinB? Are you sure?”

“One hundred percent,” Seulgi laughs, loud and clear. “Especially after she confessed her ‘crime’ to me. Or… more like Joy and Yeri brought Oh, man, Hyun, I actually felt super bad for her— she looked like a kicked puppy!”

“I would’ve loved to see that,” Irene giggles before cocking her head. “But why would she do something like that?”

“Ah,” Seulgi scratches the back of her head sheepishly. “That’s… kind of my fault, honestly.”


“She told me that she’d grown jealous,” Seulgi admits, her sheepish expression only deepening at she winces as the words leave her lips, and she hastily backtracks at Irene’s wide, wide eyes. “Not in like, a romantic way or anything! Nothing like that! She says she supports us a lot, she really does.”

The team captain looks up at the ceiling.

“Before you came along, I used to spend a lot of time with SinB. We’d hang out after practice a lot, along with Chungha and Tzuyu. I kind of adopted those three, in a way,” Seulgi explains. “They were quite the trio of rookies! But I definitely was closest to SinB. Then the whole injury happened, and to be quite honest, I haven’t really spent time with her in that same way ever since. I’ve always been sidetracked with something, be it the whole competition thing with Jennie, the World Cup, Olympics prep, and… and I guess you, in a way, though you’re by no means a sidetrack,” Seulgi grins, and Irene rolls her eyes knowingly.

“So she didn’t know how else to get your attention?” Irene inquires.

“She didn’t,” Seulgi confirms, and she sighs. “But I can see where she came from. I really haven’t been giving her the same amount of attention, and just damn… I pulled a really ty move, just sort of forgetting about our friendship like that. She,” Seulgi chuckles, massaging her temples, “She kept stammering over her words – it was the first time I’ve ever seen her like that! – and she kept repeating over and over how she knew that I never intended to get occupied in other things, and how she knows that there’s no one else I love more than you,” a faint blush taints Irene’s cheeks, “but I just felt so bad, Hyun!”

“I bet you did, but it’s alright, Seul,” Irene says soothingly. She shifts on the couch, joining Seulgi on her side and resting her cheek on Seulgi’s shoulder. They curl around each other naturally, as they’ve done so many times before, as Irene rubs circles into the back of Seulgi’s hand, and the younger girl feels herself start to calm down. “The good news is that now you know, and now you can remember to balance some time for her, and maybe Chungha and Tzuyu too.”

“I was thinking of bring them to that ESPN Body Issue party I was invited to on behalf of the team,” Seulgi comments, and Irene finds herself bobbing her head along to the idea. “The one that’s next month. You were invited too along with Coach Kwon, right? Look at you, gaining a fanbase! Anyway, I’m allowed to bring a few guests, and coincidentally, there’s three young not-really-rookies who I haven’t spent enough time with.”

Irene grins. “That sounds like a great plan, Seulgi.”


Seulgi wakes up to Irene on her phone, chuckling to herself.

“Why are you up so early?” Seulgi groans. She glances at the nearby digital clock on the bedside table before casting a confused look Irene’s way. “Babe, it’s 4 AM, how on earth are you on your phone?”

Irene completely disregards the question.

“Are you up for dinner on Friday?”

“Huh?” Seulgi pushes herself up onto her elbow. “Dinner? Like, just the two of us, or…?”

“Not just us,” Irene clarifies, and she flashes her phone screen for Seulgi to see. The messenger app is open, and Seulgi sees the conversation open, Jiwoo’s name at the top of the screen. “Jiwoo and her girlfriend— I’ve finally been given the okay to disclose their relationship,” she giggles.

“W-wait,” Seulgi bolts up, startled. “That girl with the amazing proportions and unfortunately slick hair is Jiwoo’s girlfriend? The one who you were hugging from the picture?”

“Correct,” Irene nods, before tilting her head and scrunching her nose. “Err, something like that at least. Things were finally settled, and everything can be explained on Friday, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it, then,” Seulgi agrees in contentment before breaking out into a yawn. “Can we go back to sleep now, Hyun?”

“Sure thing, Seul,” Irene chuckles. She types out a quick goodbye to Jiwoo before locking her phone and lying back down next to a Seulgi who is way too willing to engulf Irene in her arms.


That Friday, Seulgi pulls up to the rather high-end restaurant, Irene in the passenger seat.

“Pretty fancy place,” Seulgi notes, stepping out of the car and opening the opposite door for her girlfriend, smirking at Irene’s embarrassed expression. She hands her keys off to the suited man in charge of valet parking before taking Irene’s hand, and they head down the walkway hand-in-hand. “Not going to lie, I didn’t really take you for the type, Hyun! Though then again, I shouldn’t be surprised, given how you’re the princess of South Korea.”

Irene rolls her eyes playfully as they step inside, fully knowing that Seulgi is teasing.

“I rather would have something more lowkey,” Irene sighs. She tugs lightly at the dress she has on, and Seulgi wordlessly hands her the leather jacket she’d been wearing. Irene slips it on gratefully, already feeling slightly cold. “Unfortunately, the K League is insistent that anyone who meets my… friends meet them in a completely secure place. This restaurant is a sponsor of the League who have sworn to secrecy, so while it’s great that we kind of get to eat free, dressing up for the occasion each time is such a hassle.”

“I can imagine,” Seulgi laughs lightly. A waiter already seems to have anticipated them, motioning for the girls to follow him deeper into the restaurant. “So Chuu somehow has business with the League?”

“Not Chuu specifically,” Irene says, tilting her head, moving to the left to make way for a busy waitress to pass by. “It’s her girlfriend who has business with them, actually. Chuu is kind of along for the ride now.”

“Wow,” Seulgi says in admiration for the photographer. She’s seen the difficulties of dating someone not of the same occupation – Eunae and Nahyun being one example – and she can safely say that her respect for the young girl has already increased. “That’s some amazing dedication.”

“It really is,” Irene agrees, her smile soft. Seulgi gets the feeling that there’s even more to the story than that, but as they’re lead over to a few tables by an extravagant window, she supposes that it’ll be told later on.

There are already two girls seated at the table— Seulgi recognizes the first girl as Chuu, who breaks out into a smile at Seulgi and Irene. The other girl, of slightly taller, more mature-looking stature, straightens up at the sight of the older girls approaching; Seulgi recognizes her as the girl from the picture SinB had sent.

“Hi girls,” Irene smiles gently, reaching out to engulf the other two in a hug, and Seulgi can already see the motherly affection in the gesture. When Irene pulls back, she reaches out to Seulgi, who takes her hand like second-nature. “I brought your hero with me this time, Yves.”

Much to Seulgi’s surprise, upon meeting the eyes of the unknown girl, she finds a shocking mixture of awe and familiarity in scanning the girl’s face.

“You’re Kang Seulgi!” She says excitedly, standing up to shake Seulgi’s hand. “I— I’ve always wanted to meet you, I just—”

“I’m Jiwoo,” Chuu says with giggle, cutting off her girlfriend with a humorous glance in the taller girl’s way. “But everyone calls me Chuu! It’s very nice to finally meet you, Captain Seulgi!”

“Just Seulgi is fine,” Seulgi chuckles, nodding in the photographer’s direction.

“And my name is Sooyoung, but I go by Yves,” the other girl finally introduces herself, smiling at Seulgi almost shyly. “I’m a soccer player too, and I’m also kind of… the cause of all of this, including why Irene-unnie has been so busy lately. I’m really sorry about that…”

“Please don’t worry about it!” Seulgi hastily assures Yves, who bites her lip, a sudden expression of nervousness flitting over her features. Somehow, Seulgi gets the impression that this whole issue is even larger than she’d initially thought. “Although, I will admit that I’m pretty curious as to what’s been happening with all this League business.”

“I guess it’s time to start explaining,” Irene says, sharing looks with Chuu and Yves, her gaze especially lingering on the latter.

Meanwhile, Yves takes a deep breath, her smile becoming subdued. “I suppose it is. Seulgi-ssi, you might want to sit down for this one.”

A minute later, having finally taken her seat and given her order to the waiter, Seulgi listens intently as the beginning exposition of a saga is laid out before her, and she can feel her jaw dropping lower and lower the more Irene speaks of everything that had transpired in the past few weeks.

“Wait, so you’re telling me that the League has given you trouble before, like, years ago, but now they want to sign you and they’re still giving you a difficult time?” Seulgi gapes, summarizing the overview that Irene had just presented to her. Yves nods, chewing on her lip, and Seulgi turns to Irene. “That’s why you’ve been in so many meetings lately? And going out to dinners?”

“You’d be surprised how many representatives want to discuss contracts over expensive dinners,” Irene groans, picking up her glass of water to take a sip. “I’m honestly running out of dresses to wear to these outings. But yes, that’s why I’ve been so disconnected recently, even this week. Yves is another special case for me… she was my first patient I had ever taken on as a physical therapist… I couldn’t let her down— I can’t let her down.”

“I see,” Seulgi nods, and slowly, all the puzzle pieces come into formation in front of her eyes. “So… what had happened that caused the League to screw you over the first time?”

“I had been a collegiate player at my university at the time,” Yves explains, her voice low. “It had been a regular day— Chuu and I had been relaxing on campus during one of my rare days when I didn’t have practice. I don’t remember the exact details of it, but there had been a guest speaker on campus that day— the CEO of some major conglomerate. He had been impatient on campus and decided to speed on the roads and ignore the streetlights and walkways. I’d been crossing the street after Chuu when… yeah.”

“Oh no…” Seulgi whispers, mortified.

Yves sighs, absently twirling her fork around her fingers.

“Chuu had tried pulling me out of the way, but I’d fallen and the wheel broke my dominant leg… it was completely broken, but had it not been for Chuu, I would’ve died that day.

Meanwhile, Chuu whimpers, bringing up her hands to cover her ears.

“I don’t like it when you talk about that part,” Chuu mumbles, and Yves smiles apologetically. Seulgi watches as the older of the two takes one of Chuu’s hands, gently rubbing the back of it until Chuu pulls away with a glare. “And I’m supposed to be the one comforting you!”

Yves laughs, affectionately dropping an arm to wind around Chuu’s.

“I’m over the whole accident now,” Yves says honestly. “My family, Irene, and Chuu all helped me overcome it. It was… definitely not the easiest road to walk on, but it happened, and now I’m back here.”

“I remember Irene mentioning how you and Chuu just came back from the States,” Seulgi recalls. “Is that what you mean by ‘back’?”

Yves nods. “Yeah… back in my collegiate days, I’d been offered positions in the League, but in light of the accident, they were… kind of revoked.”

“What?” Seulgi’s eyes go wide. “Wait, just like that? They were gone?”

The younger player shrugs helplessly. “I know, and it was just as bad as it sounds. I broke my dominant leg just as I was about to head over to guest for a club team that weekend. I never had the chance to show any of the League’s representatives how I could play in a true adult setting, and they didn’t think that I’d come back, so they filled the holes with other new players and there just wasn’t any space for me anymore.”

“So you went to the US?”

“Yup,” Yves smiles tiredly. “Chuu went with me as well—”

“To support you!” Chuu pipes up, and she makes a rectangle with her thumbs and pointer fingers, imitating the clicking of a camera shutter. “I worked as a photographer!”

“—she went to support me,” Yves giggles. “She’s been my number one cheerleader for years now.”

“You two must be perfect for each other,” Seulgi grins. She’s only been around these girls for maybe a maximum of thirty minutes, but she can already feel between them a bond that goes deeper than the average comprehension, especially after all their hardship.

“Imperfectly perfect,” Yves nods, all affection for the smaller girl seated next to her. “She’s been by my side throughout everything— from my early college days, to the injury, to my time in the States, and even now during the lawsuit… she’s stayed next to me through it all.”

“That’s amazing,” Seulgi says, her gaze shifting from Yves to Chuu, the younger of the two blushing under the scrutiny. “But wait… what’s this lawsuit you just mentioned?”

“Ah,” Yves winces just as Chuu and Irene’s expression both noticeably sour. “Well, there’s a lawsuit, and then there’s just the negotiating of my contract with the K League and National Team. Irene and Coach Kwon weren’t… fond of the terms that were given to me, arguing that I had been wronged to have all opportunities stripped away.”

“I was given time to recover after my accident,” Irene says as explanation, and Seulgi nods, recalling how they’d talked about this during her own recovery period. “But I’d chosen not to return to the National Team because I’d assumed that I wasn’t wanted. However,” she frowns, “Yves wasn’t given that choice, and her current contract doesn’t reflect that unfairness at all, so Coach Kwon and I were given the opportunity to argue for Yves to be granted better terms. There’s been a lot of negotiating, but I think we finally came to a good middle ground.”

“All that’s left on that end is me signing the contract, thank goodness,” Yves concludes, genuinely relieved. “I’ll be taking care of that tomorrow. On the other hand…”

“We’re trying to sue that awful CEO who nearly killed my girlfriend,” Chuu states, uncharacteristically blunt.

“You mean he didn’t give you compensation?” Seulgi asks lowly. She hadn’t even known Yves for that long and she’s already angry for the younger girl. “How the hell did that happen?!”

“We don’t know,” Chuu huffs, slumping back in her seat, a stark contrast to the high-class atmosphere of the restaurant. The girls hardly even notice the waiter bringing them their food, merely giving him a polite thank you before continuing their conversation where they’d left off. “Somehow, he got out of paying the hospital build despite being responsible, and Yves’s family ended up paying for it themselves. Additionally, he refused to acknowledge any questions about his involvement in the accident, despite all the witnesses that had been present when the incident took place.”

“Wow, I hope you get your compensation and ample,” Seulgi grunts. She crosses her arms, clearly annoyed at the entire situation. “He deserves to get a few zeroes knocked off his bank account. How’d your lawyer?”

“She’s the best of the best,” Irene says, smirking. “Despite being the youngest at her firm, she’s said to be the most astute. I think you know who I’m talking about, Seul.”

Nahyun is your lawyer?!” Seulgi’s eyes bug out. Wow, tonight is just full of so many surprises. “It really is a small world!”


“I’m really sorry for the mess I caused, honestly,” Yves says earnestly after dinner, shifting awkwardly on her feet as they follow their respective girlfriends down the streetlight lit park path. “Irene told me about the whole situation between you two, and Jiwoo says that she’s sorry too.”

“Don’t be sorry, silly!” Seulgi protests, choking on a surprised laugh. “None of it was your fault! It was all a big misunderstanding really.”

The young soccer player still looks unsure, gaze flickering back and forth between Seulgi beside her, and Chuu and Irene chatting animatedly in front of them.

“Are… are you positive? Because it was kind of my being present in the first place that jumpstarted this whole mess—”

“Trust me when I say that you did nothing wrong,” Seulgi says assuredly, patting Yves’s shoulder comfortingly. She grins when she finally gets the other girl to relax her previously rigid posture. “Besides, it was because of this whole fiasco that I realized that being in a relationship doesn’t mean needing to essentially be with your significant other at literally all times, and instead it’s more about respecting and trusting your partner’s better judgement. Basically, I learned that using my head to think things through reasonably is a good option.”

“Oh man, I remember having to deal with that too,” Yves bobs her head sympathetically. “My girl is a photographer, which means there’s plenty of times when she has to take pictures of clients one-on-one.”

“Yikes,” Seulgi winces. She can already think of too many scenarios where something like that can go downhill incredibly quickly. “That must’ve been rough.”

“It was at first,” Yves agrees. “I mean, I’m super happy that Chuu’s talented at what she does, but back in L.A., and even here now in Seoul as her reputation spreads, she’s high in demand amongst modelling and entertainment companies. Sometimes I still think about all the pretty girls she’s had to photograph, and I feel jealous of those models! They have all of her attention right then and there, after all.”

“But in the end…?” Seulgi trails off.

“But in the end, it’s me that she comes home to,” Yves says proudly, throwing a fond look over at her girlfriend. “I still remember the day when I told her that I’d been feeling jealous. Chuu had said, Sooyoung, whose apartment am I in right now? And whose apartment will I be sleeping over in again tomorrow? And the day after that? I sobered up pretty quick after that talk.”

“I can imagine,” the captain smirks. “Well, anyway, I hope to see you on the playing field with me and the other girls soon, Yves, really. I remember hearing a lot about a Ha Sooyoung a few years ago. Did you play collegiate around the same time as—”

“As Chungha, SinB, and Tzuyu?” Yves chuckles to herself before sighing, almost in reminiscence. “I did. I played collegiate for three years, and we all came from the same university. I was just starting my third year of collegiate when the car accident happened.”

“And then you weren’t able to accept the position to the Under-20 or National Team,” Seulgi finishes.

Yves’s smile suddenly looks tired. “That’s right. I was called up with those three, actually. We… we were supposed to attend our first practice camp together.”

They lapse into silence as they continue to walk, and Seulgi ducks her head, feeling the waves of genuine sadness radiate off of the other girl. She can’t even imagine what it had been like, to be so close to achieving your dream, only for it to be shattered before it could even take flight. Having finally been able to talk to Yves, Seulgi can safely say that she’s already taken a liking to the other girl.

“I would’ve adopted four rookies then,” Seulgi mumbles, and Yves’s walking abruptly comes to a halt.

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the younger player is trying to hold back tears, and Seulgi is quick to wrap Yves up in a comforting embrace. She rubs circles into the slightly taller girl’s back as Yves’s shoulders shake as she tries to keep her crying quiet.

“It was so hard,” Yves manages to get out between her sobs, and it is then that Seulgi understands that this is probably one of the only times that Yves has even allowed herself to cry ever since the injury. “Irene had been so kind and determined to help me recover, and Chuu had been so patient and— god, only to discover that all opportunities for me here in Korea had been revoked! I felt so awful, like I had wasted their time. And… and then Chuu decided to fly all the way to L.A. with me because it was the only chance and I had… she had a scholarship here in Korea and she gave it up for me! She had her life all set up for her, and she decided that she’d rather struggle with me—”

“But both of you are stronger than ever,” Seulgi soothes, reaching into her back pocket for a tissue to wipe away the tears from Yves’s eyes. “Chuu has grown quite the reputation with her skill, and now you’re back here in Korea, claiming your rightful spot on the National Team, as you should.” The captain’s eyes gleam under the night light. “You’re going to be on my team, and we’re going to play together, just as it should have been. You’ve had a tough two years, Yves, but I know for sure that you’ve come out all that much better for it.”

Yves sniffs, swiping at her eyes with the back of her sleeve, though Seulgi knows that despite her red eyes, Yves is definitely feeling better now.

“So this is really why you’re one of the captains,” Yves laughs lightly, still rubbing at her eyes.

“Stop rubbing!” Seulgi scolds gently. “They’ll only get redder!”

“Yes, yes Captain!”

“That’s Cap to you!”

And then—



The two soccer players turn to face the direction of the sounds; apparently the two other girls had finally realized that their significant others had stopped walking in favorite of an emotional heart-to-heart.

“Sooyoung, are your eyes red?!”

“N-no they’re not, Jiwooming—”

“Seulgi, were you mean to Yves?!”

“Wha— Hyun, of course not! I was comforting her!”

“She was, Irene! I can vouch for it!”

“Thank you, Yves! Yves is my new favorite.”

“Well, what on earth did you say to make Yves cry?!”

“W-we were just reminiscing, Hyun, I swear!”

“I was nostalgic and got emotional, Irene! I promise your girlfriend did not make me cry— intentionally.”

“That actually makes a bit of sense. My Yves sure does get emotional easily.”

“Wow Chuu, I did not come here to get attacked!”


@chuuwu: @sringles @baerene I can’t believe I got to meet and eat dinner with the captain of the National Team today! It was such a surreal experience! Thank you so much for taking pictures with me!

@sringles: @chuuwu @baerene Of course, Chuu! We’ll post the other pics we took soon ;)

“Do you think people will realize that you’re actually ghost-tweeting from Chuu’s twitter account?” Seulgi laughs, bumping Yves’s shoulder with her own. “You’re cute, Yves!”

Yves’s flushes as the three other girls join in Seulgi’s laughter around her.

“Listen, it’s not every day you get to meet – let alone eat dinner – with the captain of the Korean Women’s National Team!” Yves says defensively, pouting. “I’m not allowed to let the world know that I’m actually back in Korea yet because semantics, so I can’t post pictures of myself! This is the second best thing, okay?!”

“Oh, look!” Cackling to herself, Irene holds up her phone for the other girls to see. “Tzuyu’s getting suspicious. You guys were classmates, right Chuu?”

@chewytzu: @chuuwu wait… you’re back in Korea *sunglasses emoji*

@chuuwu: @chewtzu uhhhhhhh I’m here on official business!

The four girls burst into another round of laughter on the on-the-spot improvisation.

“Man, I can’t wait until you don’t have to come up with excuses for me,” Yves chuckles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Oh, uh,” Chuu giggles nervously, and immediately, three pairs of eyes snap to the photographer. “Actually, it wasn’t really a lie… just more like not the whole truth?” Yves gives her an incredulous look. “Okay so maybe I’ve been given an opportunity to sign a contract with the League as well.”


“Excuse me?”


“So earlier today, I might’ve gotten a phone call about being offered the position of the Official Korean Women’s National Team Photographer,” Chuu beams, throwing up a peace sign. “Apparently, the higher ups really liked the portfolio I submitted, and one of them had attended my gallery back in L.A., so once they found out I was linked to Yves, they offered me the job.”

“Oh my god,” Yves whispers, her smile growing larger as she looks at Seulgi and Irene’s similarly happy faces. “Wait, so this means—”

“You’re stuck with me, babe,” Chuu says, throwing her arms around Yves’s neck. “But I said that you and I are a package deal, so given that Yves signs that contract, it looks like you’ll all be seeing me that much more often!”


Moonbyul and Solar return from their two week honeymoon the next day, heading over to Seulgi and Wendy’s shared apartment the next day for lunch.

“What did we miss?” Moonbyul asks, reclining backward onto Seulgi’s couch. She directs the question towards Eunji and Seulgi, who sit on the other chairs in the living room. Meanwhile, Solar, Wendy, and Irene were in the kitchen, working on finishing making the sandwiches. “Besides practice, did anything happen?”

“Uh,” Eunji shares a look with Seulgi. The other defender had been informed of Seulgi’s and Irene’s fight by Wendy the day after everything had settled back to normal. The two girls shrug.

“Nothing much, really,” Seulgi says, whistling nonchalantly, and Eunji nods in agreement.

“Irene’s been making us practice lots,” Eunji says, smiling all too kindly, “but other than that, nothing much!”

Seulgi mentally reminds herself to hug Eunji and buy her that luxury meat set she’d seen the other day while buying groceries.


Three weeks post World Cup

They’re walking home from practice on the following Wednesday when they get the news.

Irene’s phone vibrates, and she bites her lip, hastily checking the most recent message. What she reads has her stopping in place, a smile blossoming across her lips.


“Hyun? Is something wrong?”

“They… they finally finalized it! The contract has been put through! Yves is on the team, and she starts this Friday!”

“YES!” Seulgi shouts, her fist pumping into the air before tackling Irene into a hug, laughing as she hugs Irene tightly happily on the grass beside the sidewalk.

They’re making a scene, they both know it. Neither of them find it in themselves to care as they quickly dial Yves’s number to yell in excitement with both Yves and Chuu.

Things are finally looking up.


None of the other girls quite know what’s happening when they’re finally rounded up on Friday right before practice starts, but things start to make sense when Seulgi strides forward, Moonbyul by her side, and she starts to give her signature teamwork is the key to this team speech— the one she always gives only when a new member joins the team.

“Hey guys,” Yves greets, much more shy without Chuu by her side— Seulgi had noticed how Yves tended to act more outgoing while around Chuu, probably as a side effect of the bubbly photographer’s nonstop positive attitude. Her next words are directed towards a certain three members, “It's been… quite a while.”

There's silence as Chungha, SinB, and Tzuyu gape at each other across the small distance, as multiple pairs of curious flicker back and forth between the two parties.

Finally, it is Tzuyu who speaks up.

“Yves-unnie,” Tzuyu whispers, voice cracking under the weight of her emotion. “Yves-unnie!”

“You're back,” SinB says in awe, looking dazed for a whole ten seconds before a wide grin sweeps across her features, and she launches forward to tackle Yves into a hug. “You're finally back!”

Yves laughs but bobs her head in agreement. “I’m back!”

Tzuyu is quick to join in the embrace, and Chungha completes the loop a moment later, the four girls finally embracing for the first time in years.

“You’re really here,” Chungha mumbles, almost in a state of disbelief. She had, after all, been the first girl to appear in Yves’s hospital room following the car accident, and she’d been there to wave Yves farewell at the airport, stricken with grief as she’d believed that Korea had all but lost Yves forever. “And you're playing soccer with us!”

Yves nods, pulling back to wipe the tears of happiness from Chungha’s eyes-- the slightly older girl had been her captain back in their collegiate soccer days.

“My contract with the team was finalized over the weekend,” Yves grins. “There had been discussions over the terms for weeks and Irene had been vouching for me, but I'm officially a part of the team now!”

“And now we've got all four of you on the team,” Seulgi chimes in, patting each of their shoulders in turn. “As it should’ve been way back then.”

“Seulgi’s already adopted Yves,” Irene chuckles, fondly taking Seulgi’s hand within her own and massaging the back of it gently. Turning to the rest of the team, she says, “This is Yves, otherwise known as Ha Sooyoung, and she’s our new defender! She had been supposed to join the team years ago, before the World Cup, but things got complicated. Thankfully, she’ll be playing defense with us from here on out, so please make her feel welcome!”

A chorus of cheers arise from the team.

“Will do!”

“Welcome aboard, Yves!”

“You’re another Sooyoung, right? We can be twins!”

“She’s a year younger than you, Joy!”

“What’s your point?!”

Seulgi laughs. “Okay, gang! Huddle up! We’re a good three weeks off our World Cup win, which means that we can’t be basking in the glory anymore! Our other captain, Moonbyul, is back from her honeymoon, and we’ve just gained a new member in Yves! It’s time to really crack down and get ready for the Olympic qualifiers, and of course, the Olympic Games too! Are you guys ready?”

“Aye, Captain!”


@selfinsertfanfics: Check out our new team member, @yvesofeden! She’s super funny and an INSANE defender! Look forward to her playing, everyone!

@jendeukkie: Our new girl, @yvesofeden is seriously one of the most awesome people I’ve ever had to play with! Guys, her moves during our scrimmage today was amazing and I am in awe

@DEunA: @yvesofeden kept me super busy during our scrimmage holy crap like she NUTMEGGED ME IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES

@yvesofeden: @DEunA hhhhhh I’m sorryyyyyyy XD

@sringles: @DEunA @yvesofeden ok but no joke, that was literally hilarious, and Irene caught it on camera so that one’s going in the record books lmfao Eunae was like “where tf did the ball go???”

@wdykchungha: @yvesofeden @chewytzu @lilshinb it feels so good to have the 4 of us reunited TT

@yvesofeden: @wdykchungha @chewytzu @lilshinb I missed you guys so much <3


One month post World Cup

“So,” Chungha wriggles her eyes teasingly at SinB, who rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her wine. “You enjoying yourself, SinB?”

“I came for the free food,” SinB deadpans, scanning the crowded room of the ESPN Body Issue party. There are far too many bodies than what she’s used to, but admittedly, she’s actually having a pretty good time— not that she’ll ever admit that Chungha of all people.

“What?” Seulgi frowns, setting down the plate of food she’d been holding this whole time before being to poke the younger girl excessively. “I invited you here, and you don’t even credit me!” She gasps, placing a faux hurt hand on her chest. “I’m hurt, SinB. Really hurt.”

SinB rolls her eyes again, ever the one to never admit her feelings.

“Why aren’t you with Irene, unnie?” SinB asks suddenly, genuinely confused as to why Seulgi isn’t with the older girl, and especially in a venue filled with highly attractive athletes and models from all over the world. “Aren’t you like, worried that someone will hit on her or something?”

“I don’t want to be overbearing,” Seulgi chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. “Besides, I trust her! She’ll be coming home with me, after all, and not some random ‘highly attractive athlete or model’ so I’m not too worried. Instead, I wanted to spend time with you guys!”

“That’s a good mentality, unnie,” Chungha says at the same time SinB mumbles a happy little if you say so, unnie, under her breath. “Speaking of attractive people, see anyone you like, SinB?”

SinB chokes on her wine.

“E-excuse me?!”

“I was just wondering that!” Seulgi claps her hands enthusiastically. “There’s actually someone I want to introduce you to tonight— Solar’s cousin is a model, did you know that? Her name is Sowon, she just came back from working overseas in the States, and—”

“H-hold on!” SinB stammers. “Who said I want to meet anyone?!”

“Well,” Chungha starts.

“We’re back from getting more food!” Tzuyu interrupts, happily holding a now full plate from the buffet table. Yves accompanies her, her plate also containing more food, although not as much as Tzuyu’s. “That place is crowded, like I’m so glad we got our first servings early.”

SinB sighs in relief, only to freeze in place when Yves finally speaks up.

“I ran into a friend of mine, actually!” The newest member of the team says, smiling. “She’s a model named Sowon, have you heard of her? She modeled for Jiwoo once back in the States, and we became friends.”

“SinB’s heard of her!” Chungha chimes in, and SinB feels the strong urge to smack her best friend. “You should introduce them, Yves!”

“That’s a great idea!”

SinB is scared to see that even after all this time, Yves still gets that same unchangingly playful glint in her eyes every time she wants to pull something big.

“It’s really not—”

“Nonsense! Let’s go!”

Yeah, SinB is terrified.


“Did SinB have a good time?” Irene asks Seulgi later, as they lie in bed, Irene’s head rested on Seulgi’s chest.

“She had a blast,” Seulgi grins. “Like, she honestly had a blast.”

Irene chuckles to herself, feeling amused and almost sorry for the younger soccer player.


Two months post World Cup

“Smile for the camera!” Chuu exclaims cheerfully. The shutter goes off, and the girls all sigh in relief when Chuu gives them the thumbs up to indicate that the picture looked good. Team photos and profile picture taking are definitely the most stressful non-game events of the year— Chuu says that she’d been looking forward to everyone’s awkward smiles though.

“I can make you look good, I promise!” The photographer had claimed. Having grown to know Chuu well over the past two months, no one had dared deny her.

“Can I ask why you had Irene and I take pictures together?” Seulgi asks, allowing the makeup artists – courtesy of Yves and her surprisingly extensive connections into the cosmetics industry – to wipe off the foundation off of her face.

“I don’t think those were required, Miss Chuu,” Irene adds teasingly, taking a sip of her water bottle.

“Trust me, you’ll thank me during your wedding,” Chuu quips, unperturbed.

Irene coughs on her drink, and Seulgi nearly trips over her own feet at the statement that had been spoken far too naturally for it to be normal.

“I-I’m sorry?!”


“I have planted the seeds, and I will see the harvest,” Chuu says calmly, much to the inherent amusement of the rest of the entire soccer team who are absolutely losing it in the background.


Five months post World Cup

“Yuju!” Jennie yells, racing down the field, hand pointing to the ground in signal that she’s open.

The defender snaps her head up, meeting eyes with Jennie. With a curt nod, she dodges the forward charging at her, swiftly sweeping her right leg low to send the ball over to Jennie.

Yuju lets out a grunt of annoyance as a Swedish forward steals the ball with a well-timed header, bouncing the ball up towards their opposing Swedish teammates.

“Naeun!” Jennie calls sharply, but thankfully, the other tall defender is already a step ahead, bounding in and making use of her good height to steal the ball back with a header of her own that sends the ball careening over in Jennie’s direction.

The midfielder throws Naeun a thumbs up, having successfully retrieved the soccer ball back from the opposite team, before serving a pass to a waiting Krystal who slots the ball into the goal with ease.

Seulgi cheers from the sidelines, high fiving Eunji and Moonbyul who jog past on the field.

South Korea Wins International Friendly Against Sweden With a Score of 3-0! Their Teamwork is as Strong as Ever!


Nine-and-a-half months post World Cup

Seulgi touches the ball down with ease, bumping the ball up past the defending Chinese player with skill. She hears the crowd go wild from the little trick, and she allows herself a small smile – it’s the little victories that count, after all – as she passes the ball up to Chungha.

The forward is all smiles as she continues making her way down the field with pure speed. There’s laughter ringing through the air as Chungha nutmegs not one, but two Chinese defenders, slipping the ball through their legs each time.

Three defenders surround her, and Chungha swiftly passes to an open Eunae, who touches the ball down without breaking a sweat.

Seulgi’s always admired the way Eunae plays— all crystal clear movements and pure accuracy. It’s almost a work of art, really, especially in the way Eunae so very easily kicks the ball with her non-dominant left foot and shoots the ball into the goal with such precision in her fake out that the opposing goalie dives in the direct opposite direction as Eunae truly shoots.

Naturally, Seulgi whoops and starts the dog pile on top of Eunae, laughing loudly as she and her girls topple to the ground in glee. The buzzer signifying that the game is over blasts seconds later, and the crowd goes wild.

“We’re going to the Olympics!” Seulgi yells, and the rest of the team follows suit, shouting loudly to the point where the spectators can no longer distinguish what’s being said.

The message is clear though: they’re ecstatic.

South Korea Takes Home the Cup at the AFC Olympic Qualifying Tournament! Congratulations Girls! Let’s Bring Home Those Gold Medals!


“That fake out into the left-footed shot was amazing!” Seulgi praises as she and Eunae change back into their casual clothes post-game. “You’ve really been practicing that one a lot, haven’t you?”

“Thanks, Seul! And definitely,” Eunae nods. “I was inspired from watching Irene shoot goals one day during practice, so I looked up old videos of Irene playing, back during her days as Bae Joohyun, the Lightning Forward. She was so accurate with both feet, and I was inspired to work on my accuracy as well. She’s been helping me out a bunch too.”

Seulgi nods understandingly. She thinks back to the very first time she’d seen Irene shoot for her, way back on that night so long ago, when Seulgi’s leg had still be broken and Irene had been working so hard to raise her spirits.

She still remembers the joy on Irene’s face from that night, as she’d excitedly told Seulgi to watch her before kicking the most beautifully arched ball into the air with her left foot of all things. That night, Irene had shown Seulgi that she could make the impossible, possible.

Or at least, what was thought to be impossible.

Now, Seulgi thinks to herself, it’s time for me to return the favor.


One week to the Olympics (Eleven months post World Cup)

“I can’t believe we’re so close to the Olympics,” Seulgi whispers, touching Irene’s arm gently. They’d just gotten home from another game, and although she’s tired, having played a strong second-half, it all hits Seulgi that in just a month, they’re going to be somewhere else— in another country, at the Olympics.

“I know the feeling,” Irene giggles. She squirms around in Seulgi’s hold to look the other girl in the eyes. “I remember feeling like this last time too… but this time, I think it feels that much more special.”

“The Olympics is going to be so special,” Seulgi assures. “Especially for you. We’re going to win the whole damn show for you, Hyun.”

“I don’t doubt you in the slightest,” Irene whispers, shifting upwards to place a swift kiss to Seulgi’s lips. “Thank you, Seulgi, for being the very best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for.”

“I should be telling that to you,” Seulgi murmurs, pulling away and burying her face in Irene’s hair. “I’m so, so thankful you were my physical therapist back then. Like, really.”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better patient,” Irene hums, contentedly snuggling back into Seulgi’s arms. “There’s no one like you, Kang Seulgi. Thank you for allowing me to know you.”

“Now onto the Olympics?”

“Now onto the Olympics.”


The Olympic Games (One year post World Cup)

Seulgi can basically feel the excitement in the air, energy crackling around her like electricity, even as she waits with her teammates in the tunnel from the locker rooms to the field.

She bounces eagerly on the balls of her feet, shaking out the fun combination of nerves and excitement through the tips of her cleats. Closing her eyes, she thinks back to earlier this morning, when she’d woken up in an unfamiliar bed next to a very familiar girl. Irene had beamed at her in the early light, and Seulgi had immediately reached out to cup her cheek before bringing the older girl in for a kiss.

“For good luck,” Seulgi had muttered as Irene giggled. “I’m going to be asking for a few more of those throughout the course of the day, okay? No complaints, please.”

“You won’t hear anything from me,” Irene had replied sweetly.

And now, here she stands, beneath the hot lights of the tunnel leading out of the locker rooms to the pitch. Directly to her left stands Moonbyul, who meets her gaze with the tip of her head and a confident smile. Someone abruptly pats Seulgi’s back, and she laughs, knowing it’s none other than Eunae in an attempt to diffuse the tension.

“You’re gonna crush it for me, right?” Eunae asks cheekily, shaking Seulgi’s shoulder. “Since I won’t be seeing you for a bit over 90 minutes.”

Seulgi snorts, shoving her friend playfully. “You act like you’ll be completely isolated from us, but it’s just the bench!”

Eunae huffs and pretends to pout. “I’ll miss you! It’s lonely on the bench!”

“We’ll all cram onto the right bench, and you can sit on the left one all by yourself!” Jennie yells from further down the tunnel, cupping her hands around . “Since we’re just not good enough for you, Eunae!” Her statement ends with a forced voice crack, and Jennie turns around to sob into Jisoo’s shoulder.

The other girls holler shouts of encouragement, and Eunae bursts out laughing as Amber sticks her tongue out and even the ever-quiet Tzuyu shoves her spare goalie gloves into Eunae’s face.


There’s a murmur that falls over the field as the announcers shift eagerly in their seats, leaning forward to look over the Olympic soccer field, watching the left-field team of Zimbabwe jog onto the field, warming up, kicking soccer balls back and forth in practice. The male announcer grins as an assistant nearby informs him of the South Korean’s approach onto the field, handing him a sheet with the team’s details.

“It’s an exciting first day on the Olympic field, folks! And here’s the team you’ve all been waiting for! It’s our current world champions, South Korea!”

Even from the opposing side, cheering erupts as the team jogs onto the field, heads held up high with pride to represent their country.

“Our starting eleven from SK is looking especially strong today! Of course, the ever impressive Kang Seulgi plans to lead her team to victory! We still can’t forget her amazing recovery story, coming right off her injured leg in record time and leading her team to victory! Now, Miss Boa, as the former captain of the South Korean team and lead striker, what do you have to say about their other choices?”

The female at his side, Kwon Boa, the former captain of two generations past, grins, crossing her arms.

“Well, of course they’ve gone really strong as usual! Their entire team is strong, but this starting lineup especially emphasizes the specific synergy between certain members. Starting with their goalkeeper, Joy is a naturally a flawless starter, even going after that world shutout record, previously held by US goalkeeper, Hope Solo! Joy’s chemistry is further complemented by Yeri, who is reportedly playing defender today alongside other members of South Korea’s brick wall, Eunji and Wendy, as well as recently added player, Yves.”

“Would you agree that Yves has been an integral part in the team’s set pieces over their last few games, Miss Boa?”

“Oh, most definitely! The team has gotten more goals off of set pieces than ever before as of recent thanks to Yves’s inclusion. I’m not going to lie, I was worried about how Yves would fit in with the rest of the team. After joining right after the tail-end of the World Cup and being the only girl who wasn’t part of the World Cup winning team, I was worried about whether she would mesh with the tight-knit group or not. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Yves has been welcomed with open arms! I visited some of their practices, and the girls really love her.”

“That’s great to hear! And what are your thoughts on our midfielder line? I’ve already touched on Seulgi, who has stayed consistently dependable from the very beginning.”

“I’d even go to say that Seulgi’s vastly improved in both physicality and mentality ever since her injury, which is saying something, given how she has had such a good head on her shoulders from the very beginning,” Boa enthuses, a proud smile on her face, reclining in her seat. “And the rest of our line is nothing to shirk at either. Going back to what I said about synergy, Yooa, Krystal, and newcomer, Somi – she’s one to keep an eye on – are well known to work like a well-oiled machine around each other, especially under instruction from Seulgi.”

“Oh! Seulgi’s wearing a new number today! Lucky number 13, isn’t it? Now, speaking of synergy, Miss Boa, I’m absolutely shocked to see that Eunae is not, in fact, on the starting eleven!”


Eunae barks out a laugh at the sudden noise of confusion from the crowd, shoving her hands into the pockets of the track suit letting a lazy smile grace her lips in amusement. She has no intentions of playing today, and she makes it obvious, winking at some nearby fans who scream louder.

“I didn’t think me not being on the field at the same time as you would cause such an uproar,” Eunae chuckles, nudging Seulgi with her elbow (she figures that the cameras must’ve been focused on them, because the noise suddenly gets louder, and Eunae swears she hears the distinct yell of “Seulnae is real!”). “Shippers sure are persistent.”

“Yeah, well,” Seulgi shrugs with a smirk, dumping her bag of gear on the metal bench. “You and I are kind of a dynamic duo, if I do say so myself.”

“Yeah, but you’ve got plenty of chemistry with another certain someone, right? I can’t wait to watch this game,” Eunae winks before she laughs again, punching Seulgi’s bicep. “This is going to be so much fun!”


“So who is taking Eunae’s place tonight?”

“Why, none other than the best of course! A legend’s return to the pitch is long overdue.”


The screams are deafening as she steps on the field.

It’s like the world revolves in slow motion, every step feeling like a lifetime. But then again, she’s spent a lifetime away from home, and now, in her pristine jersey, well-worn cleats— she’s going to soak it all in, feel the energy coursing through her veins, the adrenaline washing over her in waves, and she’s willing to drown in it all.

The number 10 burns on her back, blazing.

There’s nothing like an entire audience staring you down like you have something to prove.

She meets their gaze with the intensity of a thunderstorm, lightning crackling around her very being with the signature quirk of her lips.

She’s going all in.

“Please welcome back South Korea’s Lightning Forward Bae Joohyun!”


Watching Irene on the field is like watching a movie.

Eunae sits on the sidelines and watches in pure, unadulterated awe.

Irene is everything she could ever want to be in a forward— speed, grace, accuracy, and aggression all put into one Irene-sized package.

Eunae can’t even imagine what it must feel like to be going up against all of that. And as she witnesses the agility on field, witnesses how Irene moves around defenders like nothing, sees how Irene never freezes in the sight of danger, watches Seulgi and Irene weave around each other like they’d been playing together for an eternity, Eunae can’t help but tip her head back and smile.

Surely, there is no better role model than Bae Joohyun.


“Tonight on ESPN: South Korean’s Lightning Forward, the legendary Joohyun Bae has returned, and she’s back with a vengeance, scoring two of South Korea’s three goals in their game against Zimbabwe in their first game on 2020’s Olympic grass! Eight years ago, Joohyun had made headlines after leading her team to a FIFA World Cup clinching victory against Japan, but had been forced off the field in an incident that left her leg broken for years. Now, she’s back under a new name— Irene Bae, and if her performance today as a keystone player in South Korea’s women’s team is anything to go by, we’re going to be in for a very interesting tournament this year!”

Irene bites her lip as she sits cross-legged on the hotel bed, twiddling her thumbs and trying to hold back a big smile as she watches the news headline flash across the TV. Feeling unusually giddy, she bounces up and down in excitement— it’s been a while since she’s been this excited.

A body drapes itself over hers, and Irene laughs as Seulgi buries her face into Irene’s hair, arms coming to wrap themselves around her waist.

“I’m so proud of you,” Seulgi mumbles, and her fingers press insistently against Irene’s stomach. “And I’m so, so happy for you.”

“And I,” Irene replies, twisting in Seulgi embrace and leaning in to plant a swift peck on her girlfriends lips, “and so, so thankful for having someone like you in my life.” She gazes up at Seulgi in utter adoration, like the younger girl had just handed her the world on a silver platter. “You’re my everything, Seul. You’ve done so much for me, encouraged me to do pick up where I’d left off when I thought I had to abandon everything behind. Just thank you, Seul, for being mine.”

“I should be telling you that,” Seulgi chuckles. She threads her fingers through Irene’s long raven black hair with one hand, pulling Irene in to rest her head on her shoulder with the other.

Absentmindedly, she thinks back to how surreal the whole experience is— Bae Joohyun had been her idol as Seulgi had been climbing the ranks, and she even went as far as to almost imitate Joohyun’s signature electrifying platinum blonde hair, always pulled up in that recognizable high ponytail. It had been a dream of Seulgi’s to play on the same field as Bae Joohyun, and now, what seemed like an unattainable reverie has become a reality; she can still recall the shivers that danced down her spine as she watched Irene walk out of the locker rooms and step onto the Olympic field for the first time in years.

Seulgi finds it amusing that people are trying to identify the gap between Joohyun and Irene. Why did she change her name? How has she changed symbolically? What’s the difference? It’s funny, mostly because there isn’t— Seulgi hadn’t met Joohyun until after she’d met Irene, and the transition had been seamless. Joohyun or Irene, her Hyun is still her Hyun.

The very same girl who had strode into her hospital room that first day after her knee surgery and told Seulgi with nothing but sheer confidence, I think you’ll be my best case yet.

“Hyun?” She murmurs, and she feels Irene smile into her shoulder.

“Yeah, Seul?”

“Thank you. Thank you for believing in me first,” Seulgi says.

“Thank you for trusting me first,” Irene replies.


If the South Korean Women’s team had been a storm during the FIFA World Cup, then they are nothing short of a straight up hurricane during the Olympic Summer Games.

They kick the entire way through the tournament, all the way to the moon and back before circling around again just for good measure, Seulgi and Moonbyul leading them like a pack of hungry wolves.

Nothing can stand in their way.


Minutes before the Olympic Finals (One year and two weeks post World Cup)

Seulgi inhales in the scent of the clean jersey, humming lightly to herself before pulling it over her head. It’s funny, really, how at peace she feels just moments before the final Olympic game— the one that could make history. They’d be the first female team to win back to back tournaments, first at the FIFA World Cup, and now, hopefully at the Olympics, so she’s nervous, obviously, but there’s no back-breaking anxiety. No fear, just a quiet confidence.

Today, they could make Irene’s long-abandoned dream a reality.

She feels a familiar pair of hands help tug her jersey down, and when Seulgi’s head pops out the neck hole, she grins at a serenely smiling Irene.

“Hey, you,” the captain greets with a chuckle.

“Hi back at you,” Irene giggles, tugging at the fabric and smoothing out the creases as Seulgi lets the older girl dote on her with gentle hands. “Are you ready for the big day?”

“I think I am,” Seulgi replies, an air of assurance exuding the statement, and Irene feels the pride swell and expand in her chest like a sponge soaking up water. Her Seulgi has come so far since the days of her injury that she almost wants to cry. “I’m more than ready. How about you, Hyun?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Irene chirps back as she steps away, rocking back and forth on her heels, toeing the floor with her cleats.

And the captain smirks, nudging Irene’s stomach gently, causing the forward to squeak in surprise, another giggle escaping her lips that Seulgi leans in to capture with her own. Looping her arms around Seulgi’s shoulders, Irene smiles into the kiss, bumping their foreheads together. Around them, their teammates pay no attention to their little act, already too used to witnessing such scenes— besides, who are they to talk when they’re doing the same with their significant others?

Leaning away, Seulgi pulls Irene in close, holding her by the small of her back.

“That was a great good luck kiss, but are you sure you’re ready?” Seulgi prompts again, and Irene lets out another laugh.

“Why wouldn’t I be, Seul?”

“I don’t know… For something like the Olympic finals, don’t you need this?”

And Irene gasps as Seulgi gingerly takes her arm, slipping on a rainbow-colored captain’s armband around her left bicep with the utmost carefulness— the same exact captain’s armband that Seulgi and Moonbyul had been using as the National Team’s captains throughout the entire past season.

“Seulgi, I— what’s this?” Irene whispers, staring down at the band in shock. “I don’t—”

By now, the other girls had caught on to the change of events, and suddenly, Irene finds herself surrounded by the smiling faces of her teammates; of the family she had made by agreeing to coach, by rejoining the South Korean Women’s National Team. Oh, how she loves these girls dearly.

“I talked with Moonbyul and the rest of the girls,” Seulgi explains, shining tenderness and pride in her gaze as she rubs circles into the back of Irene’s hand, “and we decided that we wanted you to be our captain for this final game.”

“But, why?” Irene shakes her head, furrowing her brow. “Seul, you and Moonbyul have led this team to get here. Both of you deserve to wear this band for this game.”

“Irene,” Moonbyul steps forward, Yves by her side. There’s something gleaming on their faces— nostalgia? Irene can’t quite put her finger on it, but she feels a warm feeling in the pit of her belly at the sight of the only remaining member from her own Olympic team standing next to the girl who had given her hope for the future right after her occupation change; they’d worked so hard to get to this stage. “There’s no one who deserves to wear this armband more than you.”

“You were wronged all those years ago,” Yves continues, looking so at home in her uniform, gazing at the first National Team captain she ever knew. “They broke your leg, and you weren’t able to lead us at the Olympics. Without you, we fell apart. But look at you now, Irene! You’ve more than recovered— you came back even better, even stronger.”

“The crowd goes wild for you!” Wendy says excitedly. “Ever since you came back, the cheers only grow louder! Your story of redemption is awe-inspiring. They want you to win, unnie!”

“It only seems right that you draw this story arc to a conclusion with a bang,” Seulgi finishes proudly, patting the captain’s armband once more and gazing at her captain, her idol, her girlfriend with all the love in the world. “The dreams you had… the ones you thought you had to give up… I want to make them all come true, Hyun! Right here, right now.”

“Seulgi…” Irene murmurs, tears welling in her eyes. “All of you… Thank you so much! Every single one of you.”

“Lead us to victory, Captain Joohyun!” Yeri cheers. “Let’s do this girls!”

“We got this!” Joy shouts, rallying the team up as everyone yells in turn. “Repeat after me, girls! I!”











The Olympic Finals (One year and two weeks post World Cup)

“We’re down to the final ten minutes!” Irene yells, making herself loud and clear over the racket of the hyped crowd. “Ten minutes! This game… we’ve gone the whole eighty minutes, and neither us, nor the United States has scored a single point. I think it’s about time we changed that, don’t you all think?!”

She receives cheers and high spirits in response, and Irene smiles. She’s glad that despite all the hardship, her teammates haven’t given up hope, haven’t started to feel like all is lost.

“We’re a team full of dream chasers!” Irene shouts, arms spread out to gesture to them all, and the other girls whoop in agreement. “A team of girls whose bones were broken, who were scorned by the media, who were told that they don’t stand a chance, who were denied the right. But who are the ones standing on this Olympic field right now, about to take those gold medals for ourselves?!”


“That’s right!” Irene says in agreement, throwing her fist up in the air. “Us. Because we’re a team of miracle workers. Girls who can make the impossible, possible. We don’t know the meaning of giving up! Isn’t that right?!”

There’s a chorus of cheers.

“Hell yeah!”

“Our bodies are strong!” Seulgi continues, having received a look of encouragement from Irene. “Our minds are strong! Our willpower is strong! If there’s anyone who’s going to come out victorious from this, it’s us!”


“And we’re stubborn as hell!” Joy shouts, and they all get a round of laughter from that.

“So what are we gonna do right now?!” Moonbyul finally yells.

“We’re gonna WIN!!!”


Last time Irene had been present at a big tournament like this, she’d been in the stands, at the FIFA World Cup.

This time, she’s in the exact opposite place, standing center field with her teammates on either side of her.

Ten minutes left.

She is a dream chaser; the Lightning Forward, the product of her own will and the strength of her loved ones.

And with Seulgi by her side and her family at her back, she can make miracles happen.


The last minute of gameplay happens in a blur; it is definitely one to go down in the history books.

It is Joy who takes the ball back from an American forward, the goalie picking up the ball in her large goalie gloves and punting it over to Wendy.

Wendy makes an okay sign with her hands, passing the ball to the left for Yeri to take up.

Almost immediately, the young defender is nearly caught in a slide tackle from an opposing midfielder, and she jumps, flicking the ball over to Yves.

If there’s something that Yves is proud of, it’s her tenacity. The crowd goes wild as she, the newcomer, out-maneuvers three incoming American forwards, dodging and zipping around them— she was born to run.

From there, it’s a sharp right pass to Seulgi, who taps the ball down with skill, the crowd roaring in her ears. Seulgi had been their superstar back during the World Cup, it’s common knowledge to everyone. But Seulgi knows that while the World Cup had been the pinnacle of her recovery journey back then, the Olympics is not necessary her right now.

She passes the ball up to Irene.

Right now, it’s Irene’s turn to draw her conclusion. It’s Irene’s turn to finally put to rests all her worries, to finally fulfill her dream that’s been too long in the making.

Right now, Irene is the main character, and Seulgi is more than happy to cheer her on from behind.

They race down the field together, opposing defenders, midfielders, and forwards alike hot on their tail.

“Faster,” Seulgi whispers. She’s sure that to the normal ear, no one would hear, but this is her Irene. Even as she finds herself falling behind, “Run faster, Joohyun! Run!”

Irene hears lightning crackle.

She’s never run so fast in her life.

And it must’ve been quite the sight too— one small Lightning Forward in front of a huge pack of bodies doing all they can to stop her.

They’re too late.

Irene sees the American goalie in front of her lunging to the left, and it feels almost like it’s in slow motion—

—except that it’s not, and Irene smirks, her left foot flicking out to shoot the ball squarely into the back right corner of the net.

The buzzer signifying the end of the game rings.

Irene sinks to her knees, hot tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.

The score is 1 to 0, and they won.


Seulgi is the one who reaches her first, as the confetti is fired and the Korean National Anthem blares, and Irene is pulled into Seulgi’s strong, strong arms.

All she can do is cup Seulgi’s cheeks and pull the other girl in for a searing kiss, their teammates and the crowd completely screaming around them.

“We won,” Irene sobs into Seulgi’s jersey moments later when they pull away, short of breath because damn, that was the longest 90 minutes of gameplay that either girl has ever played and everything is surreal, but kissing Seulgi feels like being grounded and being lifted up to the highest of heights at the same time— a strange, but exhilarating feeling that Irene can’t help but want to feel more of.

“We did win,” Seulgi chokes out, her own eyes turning water. “Oh, god, Hyun, you were absolutely phenomenal!”

“You think?” Irene blushes.

“You were the star,” Seulgi says, beaming as she taps on Irene’s rainbow captain-armband. “You are the star. My star. You are my everything, Irene. I love you so, so much!”

“Thank you so much for everything,” Irene gasps, throwing her arms around Seulgi’s neck and holding her tight. “Thank you for giving me the very best present of them all, Seul! I love you too!”

“You know I’d go to the ends of the earth for you, Hyun,” Seulgi says, raw adoration in her eyes as she presses their foreheads together. “I’d do anything for you, Irene.”

“And I would go to anything length for you as well,” Irene whispers, standing up on her tiptoes and pressing another hard kiss to Seulgi’s lips, and just for a brief moment, they forget about everything.

Of course, when they return to reality, Seulgi has a South Korean flag draped over her shoulders, and Irene’s been given a bottle of champagne to pop, but they grin at each other before turning back to join their friends in the festivities, hand in hand, heart in heart.

Nothing looks more perfect than the Olympic gold medal swinging around Irene’s neck, right next to the hummingbird necklace gift from Seulgi.

Because even after all of this time, even after Irene’s dream has been fulfilled, there’s still so much more to do, so much more to see.

Who better to see what life has to offer with than each other?

And they believe, believe, believe.



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Hiya hummingbirds! I just wanted to say that I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE HFDSKL Life got in the way, and I kinda fell out of touch with it for a few months, but then I came back and had a blast with this one! I tried my best to finish it for Seulrene Day, so I hope you all enjoy!


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73 streak #1
Chapter 3: WE CHHEEER!!!!
73 streak #2
73 streak #3
Chap 3 lezgoooo
73 streak #4
Chapter 2: We cheer!!!
73 streak #5
I still dont understand Yooa's twitter handle tho😭😭😭😭😭
73 streak #6
My god!!! Just kiss already
73 streak #7
Seulgi is in love😭😭😭😭😭
73 streak #8
Chap 2 lezgoo
73 streak #9
Chapter 1: I'll continue this later. I'm going to sleep now
73 streak #10
Idk what to say, jsut kiss already😭