Ladies and Gentlemen

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Rocking turbulence and sounds of screeching wheels jolted Taeyeon wide awake. She takes a quick peek with tired blinking eyes still adjusting to bright lights coming through the small frosty window. I'm here. Nauseous and feeling quite out of it, Taeyeon's not so sure if it was the flight or the thought of being here that makes her sick.


"Flying alone?" An older passenger asked. Taeyeon dread small talks with strangers so she offer a small smile and a light nod, hoping the conversation would drop and the plane would hurry up and come to a stop.


"That's so brave for a little girl like you. I would never let my child travel alone. Is someone here to pick you up sweetie?" One question after another, Taeyeon can't understand talkative Americans who always seems to care too much for a complete stranger.


"I'm actually in college. So no worries, not that young"


"Oh my. Well what a lovely lady you are. Safe travel and study hard!" The small lady cheered and Taeyeon smiles as they return to sitting in an awkward silent, waiting for the plane to park.


The overhead light switches the safety belt off and Taeyeon hustle toward the over head for her luggage. Bodies rustling to get past, crying babies amongst the many noises, and smiling flight attendants bowing their heads, wishing passengers safe travel are all familiar feelings that is coming back to Taeyeon. She head down a long hallway, arriving at the conveyer belt that's looping around, delivering passengers their checked-in luggage. Momentarily, she spots a small blue suitcase and pull it off the impatient machine sloppily, almost knocking herself to the floor. This is it I think.




Taeyeon's body suddenly froze, her feet immediate take root to the ground beneath. She recognizes the voice without having to turn around. She had thought about this moment many times. How it would happen. What she would do. Turn around, smile, and say hi.


"Hi" Icy reply over cold shoulders was the best Taeyeon could do after all.


"Do you need some help with that? How was the flight? Are you hungry?"


Questions. So many questions. Taeyeon doesn't know if the questions are for formalities or if she should really answer them.


"Eh" another one-word reply accompany by a shrug.


"You look tired. Let me grab that. I parked in the garage. But it's not too far."


Before Taeyeon could refuse, a hand has reach into her comfort zone and grab her suit case, casually rolling it away. Taeyeon's eyes follow the rolling suit case towards a pair of sleek leather heels. Her eyes trace the person in front of her, perfect white jeans without a speck of dust, silky smooth black top, long black coat that looks quite fuzzy and comfortable to be in, thin silver pendent with a heart charm that dangle around elegant long neck. Tiffany. Her eyes darts away, avoiding eye contact, and Taeyeon’s glad she’s wearing her Raybans. She's gotten skinny.


"Thanks" Taeyeon whispered.


“You’re welcome” Tiffany replied and they start to walk toward the exit.


It's a cold October morning. Red and golden leaves litter the streets as they make their way across the pedestrian crosswalk. Taeyeon shudders every time a cold breeze rushes through. She thinks she's having Deja vu because everything is practically how it was eight years ago. Yet it was all in the past so she quickly snaps back to reality. They walk in silent for the most of it with the exception of clicking heels and rolling wheels until the sounds of ringing phone break their rhythmic walking.


"Hello. Yes, she just arrived... oh right now?" Tiffany checks her watch and take a quick glance at the girl who is trailing two steps behind her. An unchanging Taeyeon. The one she's always known, so quiet and unapproachable like when they had first met. Despite the cold weather, the small girl is in shorts, simple hoodie, sneakers and sunglasses. Tiffany wonders if Taeyeon has age at all since then. Definitely didn't grow an inch. A sheepish smile starts to escape her lips and Tiffany spins her head around.


"Alright. We will be right over."


They get to the car and Tiffany drove in silent. She knows how much the girl hates small talks and knowing Taeyeon, it's better to just go straight to the studio and get this thing started.


"Do you mind?" Taeyeon asks and reaches over to turn the radio on. The question was more for manners than it is for an answer. It's only been less than an five minutes since they've been in each other's vicinity yet the air surrounding them is almost suffocating. Surely music might help in achieving some sort of normality between the two ex-lover’s reunion.


Korea huh. I’m like a stranger in my own home. Taeyeon closes her eyes and tries to fit in another nap before the big night.




Once you're up on that stage. It'll be game on. I know you’ve never done this before, but it’ll be your first appearance to the audience so just try to relax. Remember this is a show and people want to see the fun, the drama, and your interesting characters. Believe me, they WANT to cheer for you! Also, this is our first time ever doing this so try not to get the show cancel. Show some personality alright?


Taeyeon checks her reflection in the mirror before walking over to the man behind the stage. He set a fuzzy recorder to her hoodie and gave two thumbs up, directing her toward the stage. Every step up the stage felt aggravating but Taeyeon doesn’t decline. One step at a time, she made it to the thick black curtain. Peaking through the opening and looking into the crowd, she thinks there must be at least three to four dozens people out there and more filling in from the exit. I hate crowds.


Taeyeon has never been fond of these types of show. The ones that were too personal, monitoring people's life and broadcasting for the world to view. But this is a new Korea now. A bolder and louder United Korea that's rapidly catching up with the west and its culture. And here she is, contributing to its growth and approach to modernism. Perhaps if she develops a patriotic view for this entire ordeal, it'll add one more logical reason to go through with it. Taeyeon take a big breath and summons an incredibly bright smile, gripping onto the black fabric tightly, she swipes the curtain cleanly to reveal herself to the audience, stepping into the game. This is what they crave, so she'll give it to them. Have some personality!


The audience claps enthusiastically at the sight of their second guest’s entry.


Oh she's so small!



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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
Chapter 8: I'm reading it in 2021 and still hoping that's gonna be an update on this story.
standvastig #3
Chapter 8: Really like this story, can't wait for next chapter :)
Chapter 8: OH my a new plot which I found interesting~~ ❤️
Keep it going, love your style in writing it!
qiugui #5
Chapter 8: Thx for updating fast,i really love sunny and jessica caracter here. Hope to see more taenysic drama
Chapter 8: I hope the headache does not turn into something bad in the future.
Chapter 8: hope both will get back together, delighted with these updates author nim
wanderluzt05 #8
Chapter 8: I DUCKING LOVE THIS UPDATE! And cheers tiffany! You earned it, girl!
Chapter 8: Ah taeyeon ah pls make it up to fany...
20 streak #10
Chapter 8: Aww poor taeng.. Glad fany is there to take care of her.