
M a r k e d



The cold winter night causes the omega to bury his reddening nose into his scarf as he walks through the unguarded side doors, an exit leading him into the unknown future that now lays before him.

Inhaling the familiar scent that slowly relaxes his tensing shoulders.

Though the owner of the scent no longer brings comfort towards the omega, it would be something Taehyung would no longer have the privilege of seeking – a price to pay as he continues walking forward, something he will deal with because he is leaving, and this is his decision.

As much as he would like to say out loud that he would no longer miss the pack, the life he lived for so many years, how it meant nothing to him in the end – that walking away is something that came so easy,

It wasn’t and though he curses himself for looking back, his eyes take in the building that was once home for him, a home that was at one point filled with warmth, protection, something filled with love and joy.

The corner of his lips lift upwards, his eyes shine under the poorly lit street lights as he recalled how long it took Jeongguk to come this far with so many of the current pack members – it was pride that filled his chest of how his mate allowed him to build it along side of him the moment the title was handed from his late father to the alpha.

He was leaving it all behind, there will be no way nor decision that would be able to erase what he is doing at this moment,

Once he steps foot off the property, it will be for good.

The creeping feeling of dread fills Taehyung because he knows there will be no comfort once he leaves, no ties with any packs out there. The omega will be alone and it causes fear to spike his scent, it would be the first time in his life to be on his own with no one at his side.

Swallowing the forming lump in his throat, Taehyung shakes those thoughts away – there was no time to think about it, as if the omega never thought of the consequences of being an omega who is alone, someone who has to rebuild a life on their own-

Blinking back the tears that were forming, he reaches out to touch his own shoulder where the claim of his mate lay, the one who he was ultimately leaving behind and lets out a shaky breath – the mark would be his only saving grace against anyone who would try and touch him.

Pushing pass thoughts of the negative feelings the omega harbored towards his alpha, and even though Taehyung is the one turning his back against Jeongguk, it would still be the alpha who continues to protect the omega,

Try as he might, the omega could not stop the warm tears from escaping as they slowly slid down and stung his reddening cheeks.

It takes a strong, cold breeze to snap out of his thoughts of regret of what and who he would be leaving behind – Taehyung has already made peace with this, he could do this.

Everything will be okay, he reassures himself as Taehyung forces himself to turn away from the building he once called home and as he wiped away the now cold tears – things will turn out okay, nothing would harm him, he could do this.

Because all that is here is nothing more than a threat that continues to be hung over their heads, Jimin was the blaring sign this will no longer be okay – Taehyung no longer felt safe in the condition that the pack is in now, has been in for a long time.

Mentally, emotionally as well as physically he has been stressed to the point where at times it feels like he could no longer breathe.

Everything that Jeongguk has shielded from his eyes is beginning to crumble, everything around the pack is continuing to slowly fall apart and all it would need for it to finally break is one strike – Taehyung refuses to stay around for the moment to happen.

To see the ones who he calls family to suddenly disappear in a flash because of the greed that is consuming the pack, for money, for power, for drugs – at one point for a very a long time, Taehyung would have ignored it, but now the pack has been playing a dangerous game with other territories and it was getting out of hand very fast,

The unknown enemy that lurks just outside of their territory – the loud statement they made with not only Nayeon (something in his stomach churns as he recalls how mutilated her body was) and with Jimin recently, all it did was taunt the pack because they know Jeongguk has nothing on them.

No information, no leads.


There was a moment in the past where Taehyung chose to attempt to have a discussion with Jeongguk, because the lingering guilt that would remain it was partly his fault it all began no matter who protests against the very idea, to be a part of trying to figure out who and what pack was doing this,

Unconsciously, the omega brought his arms to wrap around himself as if he could protect himself from the memory, Taehyung has never until that very moment seen Jeongguk so furious.

It forced Taehyung to face the reality that was he never one of them, never apart of the ‘business’ side of the pack – all he was is Jeongguk’s mate, he should have known his place as Yoongi hyung had mildly put it, he had no place in what they do.

As the gravel crunched beneath his boots, his head lowering in an almost bowed position, it still pained him to know Jeongguk never took his words in mind nor in a positive way, that his alpha would immediately shut him down the moment he would bring up anything in regards to the business.

It doesn’t matter now, anyway – Taehyung thought with a heavy heart.

The omega doesn’t see nor sense the growing figure in the distant from behind him, the steps hurried almost angry in the way they walk, but Taehyung pays no mind to the silent world around him, too lost in his thoughts to pay attention.

The smell of anger comes slowly from the hurried figure, it doesn’t make itself known to the omega, his ability to smell is blocked by the cloth of his scarf as he continues his way across the lot, just a few feet away from the exit, to freedom – no Taehyung was not made known of the presence until the familiar click of the safety being pulled off reaches his ears.

The creeping sensation of unease fills the omega as his eyes widen with fear, coming to an immediate halt in his steps as his breathing picks up.

This is not possible, Taehyung thought as a cold shiver runs down his spine, there was no way anyone would have seen him, known what he was doing – no one should be here, behind him while pointing a gun to his back.

The omega has made sure to follow each schedule of the guards set out from the inside as well as outside, Taehyung had prepared for this day thoroughly. He knew the schedule of each of them like the back of his hands, so who was behind him?

It would be so easy to pull down his scarf, to raise his head to tug the piece of cloth down from covering his nose that dulled his senses, but he wasn’t idiotic enough to attempt any type of movement – this could be an underling, one wrong move and he could be shot.

Panic begins to spread within him, he has to be smart about this – Taehyung has to be smart about this, he has to find an opening and make a run for it.

The two of them stand there in silence, as if they both need time to take in the situation. The moment of silence is broken by the dominant presence behind him.

Kim Taehyung

Any thoughts of running is crushed as a small whimper makes its way pass his lips, his head shaking at the familiarity of the voice – this wasn’t possible, this couldn’t be happening!

There was no reason, no way could they have been here. The omega has taken every precaution for this night to run as smoothly as possible to leave without anyone being aware of his actions tonight. He went as far as purchasing herbs from a market they visited on one of the runs his mate allowed him to tag along with – a rare occurrence as Jeongguk had him strictly remain in their small city, his mate doing everything within his power to be keep Taehyung protected as well as isolated from anything that wasn’t within their city.

The herbs he purchased were intended to put his mate into a deep sleep, one that would not be able to be simply shaken awake. Taehyung had douse enough of the herbs into each of the cups he served to Jeongguk’s lieutenants as well, adding crushed sleeping pills along with the mix – just in case.

Taehyung knew he had to take every small opportunity in his hands, knowing fully well had he not done what he did at dinner, the moment Taehyung took one step out those doors Jeongguk would be alarmed.

It would have taken away any chance Taehyung had of ever tasting freedom, so why, why was Jimin here?

Taking in a shaky breath, the omega speaks softly almost timidly, “H-how-“

The scornful laugh causes the omega to flinch, the pitch high and clear in the silent night, “Did you really think you could easily drug me, Taehyung? The others may have fallen for it, but I caught the scent as soon as you placed it before me.” The cold tone causes the omega to stiffen.

The beta watches the movements of the other carefully, watches the way his arms move in case the omega tries to do anything because apparently there was nothing he could trust in Taehyung anymore.

Everything was up in the air right now, it causes something in his chest to tighten.

“I wanted to know what you were planning, so I played along. I thought maybe it was a simple and nice gesture coming from you, due to the stress the pack has been holding onto, but it seems it was nothing more than a ploy to leave.” Jimin sneers, his body begins to tremble with anger as he recalled the moment he heard those familiar, delicate footsteps pausing and then passing by his door just minutes prior.

The moment it all clicked just what Taehyung was planning to do, it had taken every single fiber in his body to keep from running out of that room and chasing the omega down, but Jimin could not do that regardless of how much the anger in his body burned, the lower levels would try and get involved.

What he needs is answers and there would be no chance if they signaled any type of alarm, the moment they got their hands on Taehyung, the omega would immediately be put onto lock down as they gather Jeongguk to figure out what to do.

Jimin took a step closer to the omega who was beginning to tremble, it caused the fire within him to dull slightly because this isn’t something the beta would have ever thought he be in the position with Taehyung.

This was never supposed to happen between them.

“P-please, Jimin” The small hitch of the omega’s breathing reaches his ears, “Let me go, let’s pretend this didn’t happen, please just-“

The words die down on the tip of the omega’s tongue when he feels the hand of the beta’s come around the back of his neck, the force from behind the hand causes the omega to stumble in his step.

“Let you go?” The fury in the beta’s tone causes the omega to shiver, the dominating presence was beginning to be too much and with the hand on the back of his neck, it was causing his instincts to submit to Jimin in fear of the beta lashing out,

But Taehyung refuses to let his instincts overtake him, there would be no one who he would submit to unless it was his mate – only Jeongguk would have that power over him.

The omega straightens his back, only to hunch over a second later when the beta squeezes his neck tightly in warning, “This is betrayal, Taehyung.” The beta hisses, almost at a loss of words, “You are abandoning our pack in the middle of the night and not only that, but betraying your mate. What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”

There was nothing more the beta wanted to do than to shake the omega back into his senses, to make Taehyung see just what exactly what he was doing, how terrible of an idea it was.

The consequences of turning ones back on their pack would be something not even Jimin could protect him from.

Betrayal was unforgivable, punishable.

Jimin wants to think that he would have never saw this coming from the omega, but the moment months ago comes to mind and it was painfully clear that Taehyung meant those words said in the heat of the moment towards Jeongguk.

“She told me to run as far as I can away from you, and I think she’s right.”

The beta never thought too much of it, words were words and Taehyung has never shown in any way that he was considering leaving.

Jimin thought it was something said as merely a way to hurt their head alpha, it worked in the end because Jeongguk had kept Taehyung by his side for a month straight, almost desperate in the way he handled the omega at the time.

Still there was never a time, a thought, where he would think Taehyung would attempt to leave – Jeongguk is someone Taehyung treasured too much to leave behind.

Nothing in world (aside from Jimin, something he took pride in) matter more to Taehyung than Jeongguk did, the omega would always look at the alpha with eyes filled with love, affection so deep the beta was always worried Jeongguk would somehow drown in them, it was like that from the very start of their courtship.

It would take thousands of men for Taehyung to be ripped away from Jeongguk’s side, their bond and love for one another was stronger than anything he has seen.

The omega would never abandon the family they slowly built, the ones who Taehyung would always take care of before and after each ‘business’ trip. The ones who would protect Taehyung with their lives and the same for the omega, who would do just about anything for each of them because the love and care was mutual.

It would never cross anyone’s mind that the omega would do something like abandon them, because it seemed impossible almost laughable at the thought that Taehyung would leave them all behind.

He would never do something like this,

Taehyung would never leave Jimin behind like this – For as long as the beta could remember, they took each step with one another, having gone through the awkward phases of life with each other, having defended and fought for one another,

Having fought with each other because sometimes life gets to be too much, but at the end of the day it was just the two of them, they only had each other and they wouldn’t have had it any other way in the past. They were both hand in hand ready to face the world, their paths always intertwine with one another’s.

Taehyung would never abandon Jimin and Jeongguk, he would never abandon the pack.

At least,

Jimin thought the omega would never.

The beta was brought out of his thoughts by the shaking coming from the omega, “I don’t want to live like this anymore, Jimin.” The thickness coating Taehyung’s voice causes the beta to furrow his brows, it was easy to tell that the omega was now crying. “Having to live in fear of some pack out there that wants us all dead, would do just about anything to get to us – they got to you Jimin, what does that say?” Taehyung hiccups as he shakes his head, hands balling into fists, “I don’t want this.”


The words falling from the omega’s lips harden the eyes of the beta’s, there was no sympathy he could offer nor allow himself to have for Taehyung, “You chose this life. There is no back out.” Is all the beta says through gritted teeth, no remorse in his tone as his eyes narrow.

Because it was true, Taehyung knew what exactly he was signing up for when Jeongguk began to court the omega, the alpha had informed him right up front what exactly his position and his future position would be – what life style he led, Jeongguk wasn’t one to hide anything away from Taehyung.

The alpha wanted to properly court Taehyung which meant there would be no secrets out of respect of their future relationship, he wanted the omega to have the chance to reject him in case Taehyung wasn’t up for it, he would understand if the omega had turned him down - no matter how much it would have hurt his pride and feelings, but the omega had taken it well.

Taehyung stubbornly took it in because he had come to adore Jeongguk, Jimin could see it when he would watch them interact – even at the early stages in their relationship the beta could see it the body language and eyes of the omega, he was taken and smitten by the alpha.

There was nothing that could push the omega away from the alpha, when the omega loved, he loved fiercely and with loyalty.

Taking every flaw that would come with the alpha, it would no longer matter to Taehyung because he would kiss, love the cracks in the figure that is Jeongguk.

There was one thing, only one, that would have kept the omega far away from the alpha – one that would have crucified their relationship had the alpha not have complied with the omega’s request-

“You not only brought yourself into this life, but me as well or have you forgotten about that, Taehyung?”

It would have been impossible for Taehyung to have left the beta behind, there would have been nothing to separate the inseparable from each other – the omega would have rather cut off his left hand than to live a life that doesn’t have Jimin in it.

It was unaccepted by the alpha at first, the second and the third attempt the omega had tried, begged for his future mate to allow Jimin to be in the pack – the business side because there would have been no other way for the beta to have remained by Taehyung if not for that.

The memory still remained fresh in his mind as it comes back in a flash,

An angry Taehyung stood in front of the beta, arms crossed over his chest in a defensive stance as his expression twisted into a scowl as he stared down his potential mate.

This conversation is going nowhere as quickly as it began, something that has been continuing for the past week and it was driving the omega mad with frustration at his stubborn, pig headed alpha.

“Jeongguk, stop being so irrational and hear me out on this-“

The alpha merely shakes his head, effectively cutting off the omega,

“I am not having him join us, Taehyung. Not after knowing what exactly you two have done intimately, no one should have done that-“

Taehyung merely huffs and rolls his eyes at the remark, alphas and their territorial neediness.

“He doesn’t qualify for the position you even want him to join, there’s no way an amateur could survive out there on the field, do you want to get your best friend killed?” The alpha reasons, almost cooing to have his omega finally agree with him on this matter.

The omega merely stares at the alpha, severely unimpressed, “Jimin is more than capable of handling a weapon, and he has done so to protect our lives, Jeongguk. You don’t know him and yet here you are assuming things to fit your perception.” Taehyung states, almost offended on behalf of the beta.

The alpha almost groans out loud.

Having to deal with this for days has cause his annoyance to spike and it wasn’t towards Taehyung, no not his precious omega, but towards the vain of his existence who stood behind his omega.

Like the coward he is, the alpha thinks with furrowed brows.

Why couldn’t Taehyung understand having someone around who had taken his omega’s ity is something he would never under any circumstances accept?

The alpha was brought of his heated thoughts when Taehyung spoke once again,

“Jeongguk, please don’t make me choose.” The omega says softly, almost tiredly as he stares directly into those doe eyes that he has come to adore with every fiber in his being.

This wasn’t something the omega would have wanted, an ultimatum.

But the alpha wasn’t giving him any other choice, it would either have to be join Jeongguk in his courting and leave Jimin behind or leave Jeongguk behind – the choice was obvious and he could see in the reflection of the alpha’s eyes that he knows it as well.

Taehyung and Jimin have been together for as long as he could remember, Jimin had remained by his side through thick and thin and the omega refuses to have that be changed because of some potential mate.

The two came as a pair and will always remain a pair, Taehyung had promised forever and he was going to keep it – the two having sworn and pinky promised when they were small pups to remain by each other’s side, no matter what.

“I adore you, Jeongguk and I don’t want to leave your side-”

But I would for Jimin, remains unspoken, but it hangs in the air.

“Then leave with me, Jimin.” The voice rings out clear in the dead of night, gentle flakes of snow began to fall as the two stand there – one with a loaded gun in his hand, mind whirling with the many possibilities of how this night will come to an end and the other, trembling from the cold, resolve clear within his mind.

“Let me fix this, you could come with me, Jimin and it could be just the two of us like it used to be before Jeon-….before this all happened and we’ll be okay, right? Because it would be just you and me, we could work things out on our own-“Desperation clouds the omega’s voice because deep down within, he knows, knows that Jimin would never betray Jeongguk nor the pack.

“We could find a place of our own and it would be like before, Minnie-”

Something within Jimin snaps at the way Taehyung could carelessly say words of disloyalty, as if it were a possibility that he would not only let him go, but to join him as well?

The beta forces the omega to turn and face him, his teeth clenched as he tries and reel in his emotions before he lashes out at Taehyung – he has to be rational, he has to convince Taehyung to stay.

But the moment they make eye contact, Jimin knows there was no way to convince him because the eyes he stares into are ones who seem to suddenly change into someone who he doesn’t know.

It doesn’t sit well with Jimin,

“You are nothing more than a selfish son of a , a coward with his tail tucked in between his legs!” The beta shouts, his hands tightening against the omega’s shoulders. “Jeongguk has done everything-“

“Why are you trying to drag me back to a mate who no longer sees me as an equal!?” Taehyung bitterly shouts, his lower lip quivers as everything from months of holding back finally tumbles out, “Jeongguk has lost himself, Jimin and I can’t save him – I no longer know the man who sleeps by my side every night…”

Taehyung grasps the hands curled tightly around his shoulders and squeezes gently, “There’s nothing left worth fighting for here, so please Jimin – let me go.” Even as the tears causes his vision to blur, he could see the beta falter for a second as if to think about, until fury takes over his expression and the next thing he knows, he’s being harshly shoved towards the building.

“I will not let you betray Jeongguk, you will not abandon your pack and I will make sure of that!” The beta sneers at the omega as he once again shoves Taehyung towards home as he makes no move to do it himself.

Taehyung catches himself before he could fall to his knees, stumbling in step as he tries to regain his balance, “Please!” Taehyung almost shouts, frustrated and nearly defeated because time was slipping through his fingers – it wasn’t fair, he should be on his way out of the small city by now.

Blinking back the tears away, Taehyung stares at the building and his chest tightens – he refuses to go back, there was no way he could, not with freedom so close by.

So Taehyung stands his ground with his back towards the beta, he remains still because there would no way he would willingly walk towards that cage, “Please don’t force me, Minnie.” His voice sounds so tight, so wound because there would be no other choice than to deal with Jimin.

The silence that hangs in the air, it rings so loudly within his ears as the beta remains silent towards his pleas,

Taehyung takes in a shaky breath, “I can’t live like this.” He repeats himself, “I almost lost you, Jimin…I can’t go through that again and if you don’t want to come with me, fine. But please allow me the peace that I want, let me walk pass those gates and no one has to know. It would be our secret-”

“Walk, Taehyung,” The words are firm as the beta ignores the pleas of the omega, it was as if talking to a brick wall.

Jimin stares down the figure that is his best friend, Taehyung has always been stubborn and firm when it comes to wanting it to do his own way – it was something the beta had come to love, the beautiful trait that his best friend held.

Until now,

The beta raises the gun in his hand and points it just above the omega’s head before he shoots a warning shot. “Move or next time, I will not miss. Do not test me, Taehyung,”

It felt as if the air he was huffing was slowly suffocating him, the ringing in his ears refuses to go away as the words of the beta refuses to enter his head because all the omega could think is that this was it – he would never have the freedom to leave, he will be on lockdown once he steps back into the building.

There would be no other moment like this, no other chance.

“I regret it.” The words are soft, barely heard over the gust of wind that passes the two best friends. “I should have never accepted Jeongguk, Minnie.” The lies so easily escape his lips because the desperation to get as far away from Jimin overtakes him. “You warned me, I know” Taehyung says though he sounds winded, as his heart squeezes in protest because Jeongguk is his mate, his one, ”but if I could…I would sever this bond because it means n-nothing-“

The remaining words are caught in between his throat, unable to voice what were mere lies because his whole being belonged solely to Jeongguk and Taehyung would not have it any different.

No matter the circumstances he is in now, no matter how many times his alpha has accidently or purposely hurt him – Jeongguk still meant the world to him and that has never changed.

In the last desperate attempt to have Jimin let him go, Taehyung tugs down at the scarf surrounding the lower half of his face and suddenly turns around if only to plead and beg the beta face to face,

It was the wrong choice.

Because all Jimin could hear were the words Taehyung spewed, of how he looked down on the love Jeongguk has held dearly in his own heart, all he could see is how this was going affect the whole pack if Taehyung leaves tonight.

All it did was cause Jimin to be blinded with fury and the moment the omega began to move is the moment instincts and the fiery anger burning within seized his body – without another thought, Jimin pulls the trigger.

It took a moment for the beta to realize what had transpired, his own mouth and eyes widen in shock at his own actions – to only watch as the bullet makes contact with omega’s left shoulder and watch the betrayed and fearful look that overtook Taehyung’s expression.

Shock consumes the omega’s mind as Taehyung stares at the paling face of his best friend before looking down towards his left, his breath stuttering as he sees more than he feels blood soaking through his coat.

It felt as if time held still, his mind slowly churns at the sight before him – there was no way, no way Jimin would purposefully hurt him?

Tears slowly blur his vision the longer he stares at the growing stain, there was no way-

“J-Jimin?” His tongue felt heavy, words slurred as he tries to make sense of the whole situation.

This was supposed to be easy, all he needed to do was escape in the middle of the night – it was a full proof planned, one he worked so hard on over the course of seven weeks. Nothing was meant to get in his way, no one was-

Had Jimin really shot bullet towards him? Jimin would never do that, his best friend would never cause him harm – the beta has always protected him from it, but when Taehyung raises his eyes to look at Jimin, it was clear of what had transpired.

The gun was hanging limp in the grip of the beta, still directly pointed at him as if Jimin wasn’t sure what to do.

There was nothing more than Taehyung wanted was to convince himself that Jimin did nothing wrong, his best friend was innocent that it was someone else who heard the commotion coming from them was the one who shot him.

Someone else did this,

Swallowing the lump forming in his throat Taehyung reaches up towards his wound before pressing against it – it took everything within the omega to hold back the pained cry wanting to claw out of his throat.

There could be no doubt, and as much as the omega would rather outright deny that Jimin had harmed him in a way he would have never thought, he has to face reality,

It was a brutal reality he was ripped away from just as quickly he was coming to terms with as soon as he heard movement coming from in front of him, Taehyung whips his head towards the beta with eyes wide in alert.

The expression Jimin wore was one of heartbreak, as if he were in excruciating pain as he took a step forward towards the omega who instinctively took a step back, whose heart beat races against his chest.

His breathing picks up as he watches Jimin, fearful of what the beta would next, what else he was capable of to hurt Taehyung.

“I-I’m sorry, Taehyung-“The words were hoarse, remorseful, but Taehyung ignores them in favor of watching the beta and as soon as Jimin raises his hands in act to show he meant no harm, the barrel of the gun catches the light of the moon and it causes the omega to whimper in fear.

The beta was a threat to his wellbeing, to the freedom he fought so hard for and it was then his eyes flash an icy blue as lowers himself into fighting position, his lips curl into a snarl because his wolf no longer sees Jimin as his best friend.

All he was to his omega instinct is someone who causes harm, an enemy who is trying to rip away the only chance he has.

An enemy who has now alerted the others of what was happening as soon as the gun went off, and now time was up.

The omega has to get out of there by all means necessary and if the omega has to rip open the beta’s throat – then so be it.

The omega doesn’t waste another second before lunging forward, a snarl making its way out of his throat as he head butts the beta, before disarming him because this would be all pointless if he were injured once more.

He had the element of surprise, it seemed to have stunned the beta, on his side and the omega takes it to his advantage as knees the beta in the stomach causing him to be in the perfect vulnerable position for the omega.

But Jimin still has whatever little fight in him before he drags the omega towards the ground to try and calm Taehyung down, to have what little hold he has left.

They scuffle if only for a minute before the spots of black takes over Jimin vision, the head affecting more than he would have thought as well as the repeated hits that were coming from the omega’s fists.

It was the perfect opening as the omega pays no mind to the pain flaring in his shoulder before he wraps his arms around the one arm that had pulled the trigger and without another thought, he twists the arm in his vice grip.

The sickening crunch of bones being broken satisfies the omega if only for a second, because revenge tastes bitter against his tongue.

He slowly lets go of the arm as he tries to catch his breath, his hair plasters itself against his sweaty forehead as he stares down at the unconscious beta, and it was almost a shame as he takes in the scratches that littered the male’s face.

A shame because the omega was quite fond of the beta,

If the omega was in the right state of mind, he would have felt the regret almost instantly at hurting the one person he promised to himself he would never cause harm to, but his natural instincts are intact.

The sound of shouts as well as footsteps coming from the building causes the omega to snap out of his reverie, he looks at the building with panic before reaching out quickly to grab the gun on the ground before he turns towards the gates.

Turning his back on his alpha, Jeongguk, will be something the omega would never forgive himself, but this was for the better. For his future.

“Their future” He murmurs softly as he touches his stomach before running off beyond those gates, the chains that held him down would no longer have control over his life.

The only thought that ran through his mind as he runs, no longer giving a thought of what was behind him, is that he would create a home where he would feel the warmth he once knew, the safeness he craves for.

He would give himself something his alpha failed to do.




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Hello my loves!!

First of all, I am so sorry for being months behind on this story ㅠㅠ I honestly never meant to be this behind, it was supposed to be weekly or monthly updates, but I don't have as much time as I used to, so I am honestly sorry! I feel so terrible ಥ_ಥ

But this update has its reasoning for being delayed, my process with writing is really ridiculous like I have a full draft before writing it over again @_@

 I did have it ready towards the end of December, but I held it off because I wasn't completely sold on it and it was a bit messy in regards to Taehyung's feelings, so I had to rewrite it once again (so, there's like 3 to 4? versions of this chapter) from almost scratch and this is it !

Can you guys believe this was supposed to be a drabble series, consistency? I don't know her _(:3 」

Honestly the ending was not something I planned, but since I put it out there, what do you think about it? Any thoughts of what happened?

Also don't worry, I would not have put that there if it wouldn't flow along with the story!^^

What did y'all think of Jimin's actions? and about Taehyungie's actions, honestly I'm very curious on how you all felt about this chapter !!

Anyway, we are almost at the present time !! I think I have one or two more chapters before we are finally there,

I would like to warn (but i'm sure you guys already know) y'all ahead of time, updates will be extremely slow because I usually have a rough draft written for future chapters, but I don't as of now, so I have to prewrite and then actually write the chapter, and it usually takes time, so I am really, really sorry in advance :(

Though please do look forward to the next chapter, it will be about Jeongguk (yay) and the pact/club !


S I N G U L A R I T Y !!


I am late to the party, but I am so proud of sunshine he truly made me so proud of his intro (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)

I would like to honestly thank each and everyone who has subscribed whether it be recently or older readers, thank you for sticking by my side with this story, I honestly hope I did not disappoint with the new update ㅜㅜ

Though I may lack with my writing, I am extremely grateful to everyone and thank you so, so much for 268 subscribers

I also noticed that this story hit six thousand veiws like !! ??? That is honestly so wild to me because I never saw this growing in the way it has and it makes me so happy, the last update it just hit 3k so it was such a wonderful suprise and I'm rambling, but I am so thankful towards y'all !!

Thank you for giving my story a chance, I will always remain grateful to each of you especially those who comment!! You all motivate me to keep on writing and that's the greatest feeling/gift anyone has given me TT

also please don't hesitate to ask any questions, I would be happy to answer them! Spoilers included~

Thank you so, so much for reading!!

Take care and be safe lovelys!!

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Nikita_trivedi #1
Chapter 14: Hey, its been so looooonnnnnggg. Where are you? I need an update!!!!!!
bloodymoon #2
Chapter 14: what happened why r u not updating anymore?
AngelMC #3
Chapter 14: Okey I haven't read the chapter yet but I had to start my comment before because damn I'm so late I'm so sorry !!!! You have posted this chapter a couple weeks ago and I see it only now ??? Why didn't I check this site earlier ? T^T Now I have to read ! Oh my I'm hyped ! First I need to check the previous chapter to remember what was happening !!!

So I read the chapter and it's interesting to see Jungkook's point of view. As well as Tae's reactions. Like Jungkook loves him but feels betrayed while Tae loves him (If I understood the previous chapter correctly) but hates him at the same time ! I think they are both hurt deeply and I don't know how they'll be able to talk it out. Especially with what Tae is hiding (the scar on his stomach).

I'm also wondering if he'll be able to earn the pack's trust again, in order to not fear for his life every damn step he takes. But I don't really think he cares about the pack. So yeah I'm intrigued !

My comment is shorter than usual but I still like this story and would love to read the next chapters !! I want to see how all of this play out and if taekook are going to be be able to be together again ^^

Fighting ! See you next chapter and stay safe ^^
bloodymoon #4
Chapter 14: I love drama
Chapter 1: Woah this assertive jungkook is??????? So scary
bloodymoon #6
Chapter 14: moooooooooooooooooooooooooooore

i missed this soooooo much
SophieTheOtaku #7
I FEEL BAD FOR TAE CUZ DAAAAAAAMN, ngl Joon isn't being the best rn
Nunalisa #8
Chapter 13: Thanks for updating... ?
kulitlang08 #9
Chapter 13: yes!!!! thank you for this update... :-)

at least tae is not pregnant and he is clean...but I just hope that they really get their happy ending...sure kookie must've been heartless...but we really could not blame him...they are living in a world where there are a lot of bad things going on...he has to toughen up...but we know that kook loves tae and tae loves kook as well...

I just hope everyone gets their own happy ending...

looking forward for the next update...

also, I hope everything is going ok with you author-nim...
AngelMC #10
Chapter 13: You updated !!!!! Gosh I'm so happy ^^ I was literally thinking about your fic a few days, wondering when the next update will be and here it is ^^
I have to be honest, I don't remember everything so I had to go over the previous chapter quickly ^^

And this chapter damn !! Tae's pain is well written, I just wanted to give him a hug because poor soul is just treated poorly. I was wondering while reading why Yoongi was not trying to harm Tae like Namjoon (because I can't say he's really friendly) but with the last part of the chapter I understood. Yoongi is fiercely loyal but not in the same way as Namjoon. They obviously care a lot about Kook but while one wants to end the person who hurt Kook, the other wants to help Kook be happy again. And it's interesting to see both sides. At first I thought Yoongi wasn't angry at Taehyung but when he insulted him I realized that he was in fact very much angry. I don't think he cares about Tae. He just cares about Jungkook's well being. And if taking care of Tae makes Jungkook happy, then he will do it.

About Seokjin, I'm glad someone is being kind to Tae. Tae is already so broken and being ignored or threatened is just worsening his condition.
The attack was a little surprising, I thought Jungkook had made himself very clear, but that wolf must have had a death wish ^^' but it shows the loyalty the wolves have toward Jungkook !

Now the heat. Oh gosh I don't know what to expect. Because Jungkook still loves Tae eventhought he's bitter and angry, but now we know that Tae loves him. And it's interesting because right now that love is not good for them, they hurt each other and themselves. And the situation with the pack and everything isn't helping. So I'm really curious how they will rebuild their relationship, especially with the heat coming ! (and Kook's reaction when he will know about Tae's previous pregnancy)

I'm glad to know you're working on the next chapter ^^ I will be patiently waiting for the next chapter ^^ Fighting !!