

Kim Taeyeon, the youngest female soldier to be ranked Major. She looks innocent with that baby face but looks can be oh so deceiving. She is the captain of the SK army's special forces and argubably the best fighter. 

Tiffany Hwang, a military medic. She is the daughter of SK army's commander. Not to mention, she is well trained in combat. 




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573 streak #1
Chapter 5: Solja Taeng is my religion
tipco09 #2
Chapter 4: Poor Yoona. It must've been tough to be abandoned by her mother. No wonder she is still very bitter . I hope someday soon, she can forgive her mother. I wish Tiffany too can forgive Taeyeon for breaking her heart.
tnsl_sone #3
Chapter 4: hmm. i suggest to do more research when it comes on writing medical related topics. taeyeon's surgery was a bit exaggerated and it didn't feel and look realistic.
Chapter 4: I wonder what will tae do to get fany back ^^ thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap hehe
82 streak #5
Chapter 4: Wahhh i hope taeny will get back together
Chapter 4: thankyou for the update authornim.... :)
tnsl_sone #7
clicked the subscribe button just now ;))
tnsl_sone #8
Chapter 3: Wow, a nice change of "scenery," this is good! At first I thought it was going to be similar to DOTS(that thought made me hesitant to read this because i thought it was gonna be boring) oh how wrong i was. It's well wrotten which made me really happy since it's very hard to find some well-written ffs nowadays and i hope that in the long run, it's gonna stay that way— or even better. The action scenes were very good written, a bit rushed (maybe put some more details into it?) but very good nonetheless. Also, the cliffhanger!! Damn, nice choice. I'm gonna guess it's TY? hehehe. I'm looking forward to this!! Actions and dramas and also the romance!! Insert heart-eyes emoji!
Chapter 3: I wanna know what's next ^^ nice update, hope you update soon authorssi
Chapter 3: Its taetae who is injured then fany will notice it and treat her ,,they'll have their chance to talk ^^