the third arrow.

hello from cupid.

Henry mumbles to himself as he checks to see if he got everyone’s coffee order right, making sure that Jackson’s frappuccino has extra whipped cream, Joonyoung’s Americano is iced and Kenzie’s black has only one packet of sugar. He’s just about to open the door to the management’s building when someone does it for him and he looks up to see Amber smiling at him, gesturing for him to go first.

“Thanks.” Henry smiles back, walking past her. She trails after him and closes the glass door behind her.

“Oh, I just came back from a coffee run. I didn’t know what to get you.”

“Oh, that’s fine. I’m more of a milk tea kind of gal.” Henry’s eyes land on the huge cup of milk tea that she’s sipping, ice making noise as she shakes it.

“Well, if you want one, just ask.” Henry offers, grinning at her as they head towards the elevator to the recording studio.

“Thanks, but there really is no need.” Amber insists, continuing to sip her milk tea. “I’m just really excited for the recording today.” Henry chuckles.

The elevator door opens and they step in, pushing the button to the 6th floor. Checking the orders again, he sees Jackson’s and remembers what he asked her three days ago. Pulling the arrow out should have done the trick.

“So,” Henry clears his throat. From the corner of his eye, he sees Amber looking up at him.

“You really don’t have a boyfriend?” Amber chuckles.

“No, I don’t.”


“None.” Henry squints at her.


Amber laughs. “No.”

Henry frowns. That’s weird. “You’ve never been in love before?”

The elevator dings and they get out, walking through the hall as Henry waits for her answer.

“Nope.” Amber answers simply, looking up at him and taking a sip of her drink. “I don’t need it.”

“Huh,” Henry muses, frown getting deeper. “Interesting.”

“Why is that interesting?”

“Because I’m the God of--” Henry quickly cuts himself off, realizing what he’s about to say just as the door to the recording studio opens and Jackson greets them with a huge smile. Henry glances at Amber and he knows she’s already cringing but Jackson just takes his coffee from Henry, mumbling a thank you.

“Hey Amber.” He greets the other with a smile, patting her shoulder, before settling down the leather couch, earphones on and miming his bass parts in the song. Amber looks relieved.

It worked. Good. The drummer is safe, the band is safe.

“What were you saying?” Amber asks, turning her attention back to him.

“Nothing.” Henry mumbles, closing the door behind them. He can’t believe he almost revealed himself. That’s an even bigger problem than his prank on Seohyun or Jackson having an arrow on his hip. And he probably won’t be able to go back to Olympus. Ever.

After recording and rehearsals, Henry goes straight home to work on some songs and get some sleep but when he opens the door to his apartment, he sees three figures sitting on his couch, huddled close together in a quiet conversation.

“Hello people I didn’t remember inviting.” The three from the couch look up and greet him with smiles.

“What are you all doing here?” Henry asks, looking directly at his mom. The other two - Mark and Kyuhyun - stand up from their seats to give him a hug. Henry hugs back, patting them both on the back. He notices that Mark’s wearing the sneakers that he gave him last time. Henry still thinks it’s tacky but if it makes his friend happy, then who is he to judge?

“We have good news and a sort of good news.” Qian says just as Henry sits down.

“What does that mean?”

“Both news will benefit you but one of them has a catch.” Kyuhyun answers, finding a comfortable position on the couch.

Henry squints at them. Is this related to him going back to Olympus?

“Okay, spill.” He says, sighing.

“Let’s start with this first.” Qian grins, holding out a hand. She snaps her fingers and suddenly, a quiver of arrows and a bow appears. His quiver of arrows and bow. Gasping for joy, he leaps towards his mother to seize his beloved weapon, holding it in his arms for the first time in five years. As expected, he feels more complete with them in his hands. He misses the feel of his bow and how it fits perfectly in his hands.

“Siwon’s letting you have it.” Qian says, still with a grin.

“You can do your job here.”

“Thank you.” Henry whispers, still admiring his bow.

“The next news, you might not like as much.” Mark starts, glancing at Qian and Kyuhyun.

Henry loses his attention from the bow and looks nervously at them. “What is it?”

Is he not going back to Olympus? Is that why they’re letting him do his job here in the mortal world?

“Siwon’s putting you on a three-month probation here before you can go back to Olympus.” Mark continues.

“Probation? But I’ve never done anything wrong for the last five years!” Henry exclaims, grip on his bow tightening.

“We know that.” Kyuhyun says. “But you know Siwon.”

“What Siwon means is that he’s too prideful to make you go back even though he really wants to so he’s going to do this instead.” Qian says, walking over to him and rubbing his back to calm him down. Henry feels like Siwon’s dangling a piece of meat in his face. He sighs.

“Well, it’s better than not coming back at all.”

“Which is why,” Kyuhyun grins, holding his hand out like Qian did earlier. He snaps his fingers and a bottle of wine appears. “I brought wine to celebrate. I heard wines in the mortal world are horrifying compare to the ones I make.”

Henry grins, taking the wine. “I really missed your wines.”

He goes to the kitchen to get some glasses, pouring the wine and starting a toast. “To the probation.”

Kyuhyun, Mark and Qian chuckle before clicking their glasses together. “To the probation!”

They all laugh before sipping their drinks, the nervous atmosphere earlier changing into a lighter one, keeping their hopes that Henry will be able to come back home. After all, he survived five years in the mortal world. Three more months wouldn’t hurt.

“Oh mom, do you know this girl?” Henry takes his phone out and shows a picture of Amber. Her never falling in love before has been bothering him a lot. He’s the God of Love, he knows every single person he had shot. How come he has never shot her? Usually, mortals who say that they don’t need love are the ones he targets. “Apparently, she has never been shot by the arrow. Ever. Not even the temporary ones.”

Qian sets her drink down and leans over to take a good look of the picture. “Oh, the girl in your band? I tried to shoot her multiple times. She’s very good at dodging.”

“You planning on shooting her?” Kyuhyun asks, smiling as Mark refills his glass. Henry remembers what happened to Brad and shakes his head.

“Not as long as she’s in the band.”

The next day, Kenzie dropped a bomb.

“I’m sending you on an overnight camping trip in the mountains.” He says, excitedly grinning at the four gloomy faces in front of him. “Come on, guys! It’s for the band! Think of it as team building.”

“We could have a team building over a few bottles of beer.” Joonyoung says, rolling his eyes. There’s no way he’s gonna spend a night being eaten by bugs.

“You don’t have a choice anyways. I already cleared out your schedules for this.”


That night, Joonyoung decided to make a counter argument by throwing a party at Henry’s apartment. Henry doesn’t mind. He doesn’t want to do the team building either. He just got his arrows back he might as well practice. Not even Jackson is excited for it and he’s the one who spends his spare time hiking.

Henry spends extra time watching the painting, though. He might have seen the eyes blink a few times and he’s not about to let everyone know that his mother is watching them.

“Hey,” Henry nudges Joonyoung who’s in the middle of a conversation with a girl he can’t recognize. “Where’s Jackson?”

Joonyoung turns to look at him, a bit annoyed that they got interrupted. “I don’t know. He’s probably talking to the older girls. You know how he is.”

Henry sighs. “And Amber?”

“I saw her watching the beer pong at the kitchen earlier.” Joonyoung answers, turning his attention back to the girl he’s talking to.

“You’re no use.” Henry rolls his eyes before walking away, heading for his room. The music pounds on his chest and he grabs Kyuhyun’s wine from the rack, thankfully, unopened and goes straight to his room. He pours himself a glass of wine and picks up an arrow from his quiver and smiles. He’s been making people fall in and out of love for centuries and his mother always says that love is the closest thing to magic that mortals have. After feeling worthless as a God for the past five years, gaining back this power is making him feel like he’s whole again.

He traces his fingers on the arrow’s shaft, smiling as he feels the familiar Greek letters. It’s been too long.

“Is this the bathroom?”

Henry immediately hides the arrow behind him as he looks up, seeing a tipsy Amber entering his room. The girl blinks at him and enters, giggling to herself.

“Oh this isn’t?” Amber hiccups. “Is this your room?”

He feels a sting on his forearm and he freezes on his spot, looking behind him just to see a cut and he horrifyingly realizes what that means.

. This is definitely not good.

“Hey, what are you hiding?” Amber walks closer and Henry panics walking backwards.

She laughs and hits his shoulder lightly. “Come on, what’s that?”

Amber reaches behind him and Henry’s breath hitches. He’s never been this close to her. She’s a lot prettier up close.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

What the was that? Is that his heart?

Wait, no. It can’t be. Maybe he’s just nervous that she’ll find out that he’s the God of Love. That must be it. Maybe his cut is from something else and not from the arrow.

Amber’s hand comes in contact with his and his breath hitches once more, heart thumping even more erratically inside his chest. His grip on the arrow loosens and Amber takes this opportunity to seize it from him, yelping in victory as she holds the golden arrow in the air.

“A golden arrow, huh.” She muses as she takes a better look at it, running her fingers through it. Henry winces. “I didn’t know you do archery.”

Henry clears his throat and grabs the arrow from her, putting it safely back on the quiver.

“Yeah. I’m quite good at it.”

Amber blinks at him. “Oh. I’ve always wanted to learn. Maybe you could teach me sometime?”

“U-Uh, yeah. Sure.” He stutters pathetically. Damn it.

“Thank you!” Amber smiles widely and now his heart is stuttering pathetically, too.

Goddammit, he’s ed.

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i'm reading all your comments and y'all are really kind. thanks for reading this even though i barely update. thanks for further encouraging me to write. i'll update soon, promise!


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Momonlisa #1
Chapter 5: My God. I need more chapter. Please do your magic author 😁
Chapter 5: Oh my goodness, the anticipation! Please update please update!
372 streak #3
Chapter 5: thank you for update...hahaha! its so funny! amber really open her eyes! henry can't help but need to deal with his mother later...I can't wait for it! update soon...thank you again!
frozen-autumn #4
Chapter 5: Hahahas Mark is such a prankster >.< but the drama is going to start!!
themisberry #5
Chapter 5: Omg!! Omg!! So funny and sweet as well. I could imagine how henry will face qian after these happen. Must be super funny!!thx for updating!!
Chapter 5: Soooo... happy finally you update this...
henry use all his power to not fall in love with amber, is it something the arrow effect or.. true love..
what happen to amber after she open her eyes...
honestly i thought it would be interesting if amber fall in love with another man instead... wkwkwkwk... and henry would experienced the heartbreak...
oh gosh what am i thinking...
iam so curious... its getting more and more... interesting...
keep it up... iam always waiting... thank you so much...
Leonicograce #7
Chapter 5: Hey... Ur back! Funny but sweet story... Thx for d update!
Chapter 4: omg rina... how did i not read this earlier?? this is everything i've ever wanted!!! it's the perfect mixture of humor and fluff. henry and victoria's relationship is seriously so cute and adorable. also, the idols and their god/goddess counterparts fit really well! please write more of this!!!
372 streak #9
Chapter 4: thank you for this chapter...they so cute...he already fall in love with her...just admit that henry...hehe...update soon...thank you!
StarSongGalaxy #10
Chapter 4: This is hilarious! Keep up the good work!