The Moon Bleeds Red

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Byun Baekhyun, otherwise known as Devil, was never supposed to mate.

Park Chanyeol, otherwise known as the Red Soldier, was never supposed to miss a shot.

None of this was supposed to happen...


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Baekhyun: In a world at war between wolves and men, Byun Baekhyun stands in both worlds as neither human nor alpha, beta, or omega.

He is Gamma, one of the rarest, most lucrative, most volatile wolf breeds in the world.

With the biology of an omega, the sensibilites of a beta, and the dominance of an alpha, Baekhyun has made a name for himself in the hellholes of Seoul even without a pack. He has survived through bloodshed, killing anyone who appears to be a threat. When Baekhyun learns the government is sending the Red Soldier after him, he is offered a chance to be accepted into the pack if he kills the hit-man. He expects it to be a simple, clean-cut job.

That is, until said soldier turns out to be his human mate.


Chanyeol: In modern day Seoul, humanity is on the brink of extinction. Park Chanyeol, however, is only trying to keep his family alive.

When the government offers Chanyeol the opportunity to enter the armed forces again, Chanyeol accepts the offer as a means to protect his daughter, Mi Cha. When he is sent to kill or capture the notorious Devil, Chanyeol doesn't bat an eyelash. He expects to put a bullet in the wolf's head and drag the body to the Capital.

That is, until he discovers that said Devil looks exactly like his late wife.

And to make matters worse, Chanyeol's daughter is confusing Devil with her dead mother.



A  C  T  O  R  S

Byun Baekhyun || Devil

Park Chanyeol || The Red Soldier


Important Note: Let me know what you think about the story description in the comments below. Based on the reader interest, I will upload the first chapter. I want to know what your thoughts are about this new story. To guide your thinking, I have included some questions:

S t o r y  Q u e s t i o n s:

  1. What caught/catches your interest about this a/b/o fic? Further, is there anything in this story that piques your interest?
  2. Are you new to a/b/o fanfics? If you are not, why do you like reading them (assuming that you like those type of stories)?
  3. Is there anything in the description that excites you about the story? Anything you are looking forward to reading (e.g. Chanyeol and Baek's meeting)?
  4. Is there anything you usually DON'T like about most a/b/o/wolfau! fanfics (e.g. cliches, typical characters, etc.)? Is there anything you would like to see more of in alpha/beta/omega baekyeol fanfics?


L i k e  t h i s  d e s c r i p t i o n ?

C O M M E N T  ||  U P V O T E  || S U B S C R I B E || F R I E N D  M E


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xXiuhunbyunXx #1
Chapter 2: Your writing is fantastic. Really wish you posted on ao3 too. This is seriously one of the best chanbaek fics or abo fic I've ever read. Absolutely incredible!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 2: Interesting start - different take on a/b/o
Chapter 2: I really wanted to read this for a long while, but I wasn't sure if this would get continued, but now I finally read it anyway and I hope you come back someday TT this story is just so good! It's not a typical story, gosh he's a gamma! And Chanyeol a hunter + he has a kid! This is very interesting and I already love it! The story has so much potential. Hope u continue this amazing story ❤❤❤
Chapter 2: Is everything okay? ㅠㅠ
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 2: no more chaps? sadly
trinst #6
Chapter 2: Still waiting for the next chapter, please update soon, tx
Chapter 2: I hope you come back to finish your stories...
Jhtylee #8
Are you going to continue this story its so good
JustFanficLovers #9
Chapter 1: So much is happening, this is so interesting. Can't wait to read more.