Hope Is Dying For Now


Due to a dormant genetic mutation that can only be activated under extreme physical stress, ordinary people are suddenly not so ordinary. And now that the world is ending, they happen to be the only hope left. Unfortunately, everyone wants super powers, but no one wants to be a hero.


kokobop au + mama/origins au. shoutout to my beta j <3 


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Chapter 1: I love this
2447 streak #2
Chapter 1: ahhhh! where are they??? hoe did they get there? were they put ibto that world by those who took them? what is the current world they're in anyway???
but i guess the current world is better than what Baek came from... and why did Yeol have to burn the only thing that could give him a clue as to what he's supposed to do

this is really interesting!!! i wanna know how the others handled/discovered their powers too!
Chapter 1: Im already loving it!!can't wait for more