
Shards of Us
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“Hyung, I know you hate me and will continue to for many years to come.” Sehun chortled into the phone line. The bitterness inside him gnawed away. He never thought of himself as any better than his stepbrother. If anything, he wanted Baekhyun's acceptance. “The girl is so predictable,” he mumbled to himself as he sat on the train to Busan.

“Can we talk fast? My train is about to arrive,” Baekhyun was always irritated when he spoke with Sehun. He always wanted to make things quick and short.

“I need you to do one favor for me…” Sehun hesitated from the other side of the line unsure if he was really doing the right thing. His heart ached since the day he left her. The hurt in her face and anger in her voice, the strength of her punch; he remembered everything clearly.

“Our father’s going to call you soon. This is your chance. I just want you to know, you're like the brother I've never had. However much you hate me, please just do this one favor for me. Please, please say yes. Take care of her for me. Whatever you do, make her the happiest girl alive. Do things that I didn't get to do with her. Protect her, love her, kiss her, hold her, smile her, make her laugh.” Sehun's words began to tremble. “But,” he hesitated. His voice cracked. “But, don't make her fall if you aren't going to catch her.”

The line went dead after that. Baekhyun became dumbfounded as he stood on the platform that would lead him back home to visit his birth mother. The dead silence in his phone was contrary to the noise around him. He was at a lost of words. The sudden visit home became unimportant as the handphone he held, once again, began to vibrate.


He stood from afar and tilted his head to the side as he stared at his couch. It wasn't new or any of that sort, but he felt like he needed to rearrange his room for a change.

“That definitely was not the perfect place for it,” he mumbled to himself. He moved the couch back to the previous spot he had placed it and smiled in satisfaction. New changes weren't always a good thing nor did they ever go the way one wanted. He fixed the photo of his daughter and himself on the lamp table next to the couch. He stepped back and appreciated his work.

“Daddy!” his little girl ran up to him and he couldn't help but turn around and open his arms to catch her. “When is she coming?” Hyesoo asked with excitement. At an age of four, she couldn’t help but want someone who could be a mother to her and so, she looked forward to their guest.

Sehun chuckled at her eagerness. “I’m going to get her later when I send off Uncle Jongin. But first, let's go see Mrs. Choi,” he smiled at her. Hyesoo fastened her embrace around father's neck as he walked them out the door.

They lived on the outskirts of Seoul. The house was nowhere near the size of the elites, but for now, it would do. In fact, he found it sort of cozy. He didn't have to walk a mile from his bedroom to the dining room, something he'd found comfortable after living so long in Busan.

Sehun had been very thankful to his friend, Jongin. Without his support, he would have never made his way back here. Life in Busan was different. It was rough and very far away from family. It was amazing how quick a turn in judgment would change his entire world upside down and backward. His father had cut off all his support and he was stuck starting life from the bottom again. The days he spent as a barista at the coffee shop to coming home to a daughter that had the hardest time accepting him was brutal. He learned many things while he was away. In fact, he found a new way to love, again.

“Daddy?” his little daughter called breaking him away from the thoughts.

“Hmmm?” he hummed. He looked down and smiled at her as they waited at the crosswalk. He loved how her tiny hand fit into his palm and especially how she addressed him even if it took her about a year after her mother passed to be able to call him by that name.

“Is she pretty like mommy?” Hyesoo asked.

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[UPDATE Epilouge] I couldn't seem to forget Hana and Baekhyun, so here you have it!

Finally, THE END! ^-^

Thank you to everyone's love and support to the very end of this fic! I've never been so flattered. <3


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Keycolight #1
Chapter 27: Good job for writing this story. I'm still annoyed with sehun for throwing everything away just for a friend tho 😅
But baekhyun's changed and its nice to see how much he cares for his family. Well, second one is on its way. He needs to chill, kids are not easy baek 😅
Like all of their problems could've been solved with communications but none of them seemed to give a chance for explanation. Good thing there was jongin and sehun. It must be hard for sehun to move on tho considering hana's still in life and taejoon often stays with him when his parents want to get rid of the 🤣
I liked your fanfic so i gave an upvote. Thanks for sharing 😊
Keycolight #2
Chapter 21: What a relief that now baekhyun knows she's preggo and they're willing to give it a try. And im just happy that baekhyun said there is no more minji 🙂
What annoying is it Took him a month to find her. He could've called jongin if he was that eager to get his wife home.

Buuut there is one thing. One thing that's been bugging me with this whole pregnancy thing. They've only done it once. ONCE and it became a baby. Do you know what a baby does???? Being a 😅😅😅
Its gonna be so hard for them to enjoy a y time with a baby around. They haven't even had their honeymoon 🙃
Keycolight #3
Chapter 17: Whaaaat???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh sehun whyyyy??? That was a reckless movement to choose jihye over his happiness. It was that big decision that put three of them in this situation. Now he's longing for hana as he's never stopped loving her and she fell in love with his brother and his brother is an effin bipolar. Not to mention hana was pregnant when he decided to choose jihye over her. Now she's carrying baekhyn's baby. At this point i will just root whoever will be hana's choice. Baekhyun's okay, sehun's okay too.
Fighting hana! 😅😅
Keycolight #4
Chapter 8: Well now it makes perfect sense. So first pregnancy was sehun, second one was baekhyun. But... why is baekhyun so bipolar towards her. One time he's this gentleman and the another time he's a jerk. I can understand how depressing it is to be his wife. And hana jas feelings for him. Poor girl 😢
Keycolight #5
Chapter 6: This is an interresting story. I've subscribed this fanfic years ago and only got a chance to read it now. I love it so much but i'm so confused. Is it because i don't pay enough attention or i haven't got to the explainations bit. She was pregnant when they got married 3 years ago, right? And then she got pregnant again now but not with baekhyun either. The first pregnancy was sehun? And second...? Maybe i just need to keep reading it
Chapter 27: Came back to re-read this. My all time favourite fic
Chapter 2: This story is one of my favourites 🥰 Coming back again to read this masterpiece ✨
december0898 #8
Chapter 27: Such a very good story.. i love the character development.. thank you for this authornim!
Khahani #9
Chapter 27: I am so happy and glad with how the story of Baekhyun and Hana is unfold. From hurting each other to loving each other, the journey is beautiful. While they are busy hurting each other, I also can see how they grown onto each other. And they slowly become more matured with their relationship.
Chapter 26: This is a second read for me and I absolutely love the way you wrote their story. I could live inside their world and never get bored with their story