It's okay. I'll go.

You Too?
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June 12th, 2017

~ 8 am, Seoul, Korea ~

Your POV:

You woke up still curled up in Jungkook's beanbag, nestled into the blankets he had piled onto it for you. As you sat up and stretched, you reflected on Yoongi's words last night. You'd known he liked you, but hadn't expected him to tell you openly. The fact that he had was still taking its time with sinking in. Still puzzling over it, you got up and walked to the kitchen where Jin ushered you into a chair and set about preparing your plate while Jungkook ruffled your hair and set a mug of coffee in front of you. Jin came over with your food and set it in front of you, looking at you with concern. Even though you had spent last night cheerfully watching the movie with them, they noticed your slipping out and were worried. You covered Jin's hand with your own and squeezed reassuringly, saying "Jinnie-oppa, I'm okay. Really. I promise." He looked doubtful still but nodded, getting up to get his own breakfast. Jungkook had already prepared your coffee how you liked it, and you sipped at it appreciatively. He looked worried as well, but as you hummed in contentment at the taste of coffee and a filling breakfast, his gaze softened and he got up, squeezing your shoulder while telling you he was off to the practice studio.

One by one, the rest of the boys woke and headed to join Jungkook to practice, and none of them left before giving you a quick pat on the head or a gentle hug. Jimin had kneeled down and taken your hands, saying, "Y/N, just be careful around Yoongi-hyung okay? You don't have to talk to him if you don't want to." After you reassured him that you wouldn't do anything you weren't comfortable with, he nodded in acceptance and placed a light peck on the top of your head, breezing out the door. Hobi brought you a small bag of your favorite candies, gave you a huge hug, and asked you to drop by the studio when you could. He didn't try to ask if you were okay, because he knew you'd been asked that so much already, and you appreciated the thought.

About half an hour after the boys left, you heard a creaking sound and immediately jumped up, grabbing your phone. Was someone trying to break in? Should you call the police?? You dialed 119 and were about to press 'CALL'. But then you heard a yawn, followed by some groaning as someone got up. You stared with wide eyes as Yoongi waltzed out of his room, hair messy, eyes closed, and in his pajamas. You thought he had left earlier and just not said bye, because it was Yoongi and him being cold was nothing new, but apparently he hadn't. He finally opened his eyes as he reached the kitchen and instantly met yours. He was surprised to find you there, staring at him, and he was startled for a second, spluttering, "Holy sh--oh my god, Y/N you scared me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to...I just thought I was home alone," you mumbled. You averted you gaze awkwardly as he scoffed. He shuffled around a bit as he went about making himself some toast with butter and jam.

"I sleep late, you know that," he said dismissively. "I'm up now though; you coming to the studio?" You nodded quickly. You wanted to watch the boys dance, and plus, the point of the vacation was to spend time

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Chapter 15: This is really good fiction. I m really enjoying it.
Keep up with good work :)
pauale98 #2
Uuuy SHINee y BTS esto va a estar bueno
Sakurakilari1 #3
Chapter 13: Uh uh there seems to be quite a bit of tension going on already ;)
This story is sooo fluffy i like it ! I also like how she knew them way earlier than when the story started, which means that they had the time to know each other well.
Good luck writing the rest and with life too ♡
Kanekiken66w #4
Chapter 13: This was so good I need more updates T-T
Chapter 13: It's adorable!! Enjoyed it!!
Chapter 13: Jung hoseok ;)) im watching you closely!!! How cand this not be so cuteee ;;;