The guide to applyfic world


Still not going to change the layout.

Here's a simple guide on how to look at applyfics.

Hopefully someone would find it useful.


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Chapter 8: Super late and idk if this is still a thing,, but do you have any tips to look for red flags in applyfic authors?
Chapter 8: sdfghjdeshzsg okay this hit me in the FEELS (ish lol)

I really like what you have ;; but I thought of something that personally matters a lot to me:

For plot-heavy applyfics (which are usually the ones me and my coauthor put out), the personality and backstory are the most important. As pretty as the app might be, and as detailed the small quirks like trivia, it doesn't help if we don't know who the character is and what's happened to them ;;; (especially since i'm a bit nitpicky on DETAIL ASEGRHD)

also omfg the lack of motivation-- that was the part that hit me in the feels LOL we've given up on a lot of our fics, and so have the authors to a lot of the fics we've applied to sgujdrkxfd tbh my coauthor and i are both in high school and not saying that college isn't hard, but high school's not easy either ;;; srdghdrjxg
11 streak #3
Oh here's something I just thought of - before applying, read other applicants' reviews and try to pick up what the author liked and / or didn't like and if possible, add / avoid those in your own app to stand a better chance of being chosen.
11 streak #4
Chapter 7: Thanks for writing this! I think it’s important to note that the most important thing is how your character’s backstory and everything fit in with the storyline, and as much as the author may like your character (and you want your character in the story) they may not have managed to have fit your character in with the storyline. For me, I decided to re-read my rejected characters’ apps and think about what I could improve so that they’d have a better chance of getting chosen for a future story.
Chapter 5: everything of that!
honestly, i can understand that some people lose motivation but as an applicant, it can be very frustrating if 8/10 apply fics you submitted a character for, never make it past the application process.
I once created a brand new character for a fic, but as soon as the chosen members were revealed (before the author even wrote a single paragraph for any of them) they made an update about 'losing motivation for this story but I started another apply fic, another girlgroup fic just like this one but with a different concept so you can apply for that if you want to'. ugh. i feel like some people just create apply fics because they like to have characters submitted to them or the karma points, not really because they actually plan on writing anything. i actually always check the username of the author before subscribing to an apply fic because there are some which created and deleted at least 5 stories within the last 3 years.
i mean, i've also gave up on a fic before (which was mostly due reason 1/ personal stuff that lead to a great amount of stress and a lack of time/motivation) but i at least made an attempt and started to write before I called it quits.
Also, I've seen authors who made an update asking if anyone wanted to take over their fic which imo is way better than to just deleting it or never updating it again.
"yeah no I don't even do roleplays"

i was so excited for a second until i saw this, pmsl
crown-headed #7
I needed this fic lol
Chapter 1: can i say that cheatsheets aren't a must have? a while ago, cheatsheets were optional. now, it's a lot easier to follow guidelines if they're laid out right in front of you in a cheatsheet.