Chapter Five - Butterfly

The Remembered & The Forgotten (A BTS Fanfiction)

Lee Haein's POV

I tap my foot rapidly on the floor and glance at the clock at the front of the art studio. 12:20. Urgh! Still another thirty minutes to go! I internally groan. Not that I hate this class our anything, it's just, I've been feeling so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open. I really just need a nap or else I feel like I'm going to die. My instructor, for this course, Mrs. Song, claps her hands together, causing me to jump a little.

"Just before we go, we're going to go over our midterm for this course. As you all know, to be an artist you'll most likely need to create a newly updated portfolio for your future endeavors. For this midterm and final assignment, we'll be recreating our portfolios to match and go beyond the standards of companies and workplaces that you might be applying for after university."

I groan out loud this time, placing my head in my hands. Who decided that making portfolios was a good way to get hired as an artist? Why can't they hire me first and then worry about my skills later? And who said I was going to work for people anyway?

I guess my other classmates were also wearing similar faces to my own because Mrs. Song just laughs.

"I know it can be a lot of work, but we want you all to be prepared for life outside of this place. The final assignment this year is to have four art pieces done to add to your portfolio. You must have at least one drawing and one painting but the other two pieces can be whatever you want them to be."

"What does this have to do with the midterm?" A boy in the front of the class.

"I was getting there," Mrs. Song says. "To answer our dear friend in the front, it relates to the midterm because the midterm is your halfway mark. The final assignment will be holding most of your grade in this course. The midterm is simply a check in. By midterm though, you all need to have finished storyboards for each piece of art. And not BS-ed ones, but in-depth storyboards; I will be marking those. Just know that this will be the most free-willed and creative assignment you get to do in all your life if I do say. The only thing is, I would like them to all be the same theme. The artwork should connect in some way. This doesn't mean you can create four different coloured circles and call that your final work. Anyway, this is really for you but I must evaluate it so that it can benefit you to the best of its ability. At anytime, come and talk to me and I'll help you willingly. Good luck! Class dismissed!"




"This is horrible Soo! I don't have any inspiration!" I whine into my phone.

"Oh my gosh! You say this every time and then get a 100%!" Soojin says.

"Yeah, but those were one piece assignments, not four pieces that are my exam!" I sigh dramatically. "I might as well drop-out now."

I hear Soojin chuckle. "You'll be fine! Look, I've got to go, someone's waiting for me. I'll meet up with you at Mia's right after. Though, I might be late. Never mind, don't wait up for me, I'll see you at the apartment!"

"Are you going on a date with Minjoon?! You're ditching me for him?!" 


I sigh, falling back into my seat. I run my fingers through my hair with my eyes closed.

We'll never get it done if we keep acting like this, the me in my head reasons.

"I hate when you're right," I mutter to myself. (And yes, sometimes I speak to myself, it's not weird!)

I pat my cheeks lightly and down the remainder of my coffee before pulling out my notebook as I try to generate some ideas. Sadly, nothing comes to mind and I sit still for at least thirty minutes, wondering and pondering what to do. I didn't even have a possible theme in mind for each of the pieces. I groan and stab my pencil into the paper before setting it back down on the table in front of me. Usually, being in Mia's—a quaint café just outside of the school's campus—was enough to get my ideas flowing, but today, my mind stayed a blank. One of the servers, Taehyung, comes by and takes my empty coffee cup. 

"Can I get another?" I ask.

Taehyung narrows his eyes. "That would be the fifth one you've had. Are you okay? You don't usually consume this much coffee in one sitting."

"I'm fine Tae, just a little stressed, and tired." And alone, and sad....

The boy looks me over once, questioningly. I clasp my hands together and shake them, silently begging. This causes Taehyung to laugh.

"Okay, sure!" He says finally. "Another cappuccino coming up!"

"Thank you Tae!" I shout as he skips away, practically executing a heel-click jump, towards the front of the café. 

I laugh. That boy is always too cute for his own good. I rest my head in my hands, trying to get into the zone of an artist. I place my earbuds in and close my eyes. The music starts to swallow me whole into a world of care-free and comfort. I feel my shoulders relax and stretch out my legs onto the chair in front of me. The calming effects of music start the flowing of ideas and just as I'm about to grasp on one, a gasp breaks my train of thought. 

I pull out on of my earbuds and rotate to the left only to see the one person I didn't want to see.

"It's you!" Jungkook exclaims.

His smile reached the tips of his ears and I swear, he almost rivaled the sun in his glow of happiness. It almost made me want to pinch his cheeks but I decide that might not be the best idea. Without any warning, the boy plants himself right in front of me(Note: My feet are still currently lying on that chair). I yelp and Jungkook jumps up. My face flushes red and I look anywhere but at Jungkook.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay,"" I whisper. I remove my legs and point out to the spot invitingly. Jungkook sends me a smile before taking a seat once again.

"You know," Jungkook starts, "I've been meaning to talk to you! I see you on campus all the time but I never seem to be able to catch you."

"Oh," I mutter. Jungkook just nods his head ever-so-cutely. I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

"Hey, I never got your name," Jungkook says.

"Oh yeah," I trail off. I didn't really want to let Jungkook in on the secret of my name. It's not like it'll trigger his memory or anything since he's been dating an Lee Haein for awhile now. Maybe I just was worried. If we exchange names, doesn't that make us acquaintances? I don't think I can even handle being a simply passerby, smile-and-wave type of friend. The face Jungkook's wearing is what causes me to do what I do. I mean, sometimes Jungkook really is too precious. And, even with what happened, I can't help but fall for his charms.

"I'm Lee Haein."

Jungkook gasps, for the second time today. He places his hand over his mouth in shock and gives me a piercing stare. I can tell he's questioning what he's heard and I can only laugh slightly at his reaction. Some where—some part of me wished that he would remember. Or maybe, it would've been a flash like in all those TV shows and books. Obviously though, life isn't like the fictional, made-up worlds we all love to runaway to. Life is just a boring reality of routine after routine.

"No way? You have the same name as my girlfriend?" He shouts, making a few heads to turn to us.

I nod my head, embarrassed. Why I was embarrassed of my own name, I still don't know.

"Well, I guess that makes it all the more easy for me to remember."

Oooh, that hurt.

Taehyung comes by with my coffee before I can utter another word. I take it gladly as the warmth of the cup seeps into my body.

"Hyung!" Jungkook says.

Taehyung smiles. "Ah, Jungkook-ah! My baby! How are you doing?" He then looks at me, and then back at Jungkook. His lips slowly dip and he gives Jungkook a questioning look. "How do you know Haein?"

"I bumped into her on the first day of school. How do you know her?" Jungkook counters.

"She's a regular here and my friend," Tae explains.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask.

"He's been my best friend since like, forever."

I my head to the side and stare at Taehyung. He starts fidgeting with his apron slightly, eyes darting here and there, anywhere but my face. 

"Aren't you from Daegu?" I question.

"Um, I was born there but I moved to Busan for school when I was eight." His answer is quick, clear, clean. The sentence flows out in such a monotonous way. It's almost as if he's rehearsed this response a couple times. 

There was definitely something wrong with this. If Taehyung was Jungkook's best friend since forever, I would've known him or at least seen him at school every once in a while. I look between the boys. Jungkook seems to have wondered off into LaLa Land while Tae just stands there, face down. I shrug and let it go.

"Interesting, I never knew," I say. "Thank you again for the coffee This will be my last."

Taehyung's smile reappears. "It'd better be," he says with a jokingly-angry look. "I'll be back with your bill."

I thank him once again as he leaves. I take a sip of the cappuccino and suddenly realize why I was even here. I let out an exaggerated groan and place my head atop my blank work.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook questions, is voice dropping to a slight whisper.

"I have an assignment in one of my classes which is actually the midterm AND final assignment, and I have no idea what to do for it."

Jungkook pouts and rests his head in his right hand before asking, "What's the assignment?"

"I have to make four different pieces of artwork with the same general theme but my mind is totally blank of themes," I tell the boy. I don't know why I telll him this. I'm indirectly inviting him into my life again, the one thing I didn't want to happen, but I can't help it. Something about Jugkook is just so inviting that I really can't help but slip into the warmth of his aura. Plus, the way he pouts while thinking about what I've told him makes him look extremely kissable. Though, I'd never, it's just a thought. All of a sudden, Jungkook's voice sliences my mind.


I blink twice, then stare at the boy in front of me. The words break me away from any thought as I wonder; what the hell is he talking about?

"W-what?" I stutter out.

"Butterfly," Jungkook says again in a whisper. "You could have a theme of a butterfly."

For some reason, a wave of nostalgia rushes over me as he says the word. Butterfly. What could that possibly mean to me? Jungkook looks just as confused, his eyes wide as he tries to comprehend the situation. He seemed so out of it when he had spoken, I wonder if he even noticed he started speaking. We stay silent for a moment before Jungkook breaks it with a laugh.

"Sorry, for some reason you reminded me of butterflies." Jungkook laughs again nervously. "I must be going crazy."

I nod, unsure of what to say back. Jungkook's phone pings and he pulls it out of his jacket pocket to check it. As the screen illuminates his face, I see a lopsided smile appear on his lips. Hae-In. He gives me an apologetic look.

"I've gotta go. I'm sorry for acting so weird. Next time we meet, I'll try to be a little bit more normal."

"It's okay. We've all got a little weird in us," I chuckle half-heartedly.

"Alrighty! Seeya later," Jungkook pauses and reveals that infamous bunny smile, "Lee Haein."

And then he's gone. I sit there in confusion. I don't even recall how Jungkook said, next time, implying we'd see each other again. The word, butterfly, just circulates in my head. I am extremely positive I've heard Jungkook talk about them before. He's forgotten everything hasn't he though? But the way he looked as he spoke; as though he was also experiencing deja vu. I let it all go as Taehyung comes by to collect my money.

"You know, you gotta start paying for all your stuff at the front like everyone else does. People are starting to ask me to do this for them and you know I can't," Taehyung complains.

"Okay, TaeTae," I say, squishing his cheeks.

"Urgh, you're annoying you know? I dunno how you have any friends."

"Rude!" I say.

Taehyung just laughs, walking away after I finish paying. I shove my books into my bag and then head out of the cafe.




The walk home is silent and gives me lots of time to think. Too much time. Words can't explain how stuck I am on the one word. The way Jungkook said it, I'm positive I've heard him say it before. Leaves crunch under my feet and fall at my sides as I get closer to my apartment building. The chill of a fall night creeps up on me and I fasten my pace, trying my best to escape it in record time (though, I'm no athlete). 

I pull off my hat as I enter the elevator and press my floor number. The doors close and I shut my eyes, tired and stressed. In that moment, the most obvious answer comes flooding into my mind.



"What are you doing?

Jungkook and I were on our two year anniversary date. We decided to have a picnic on the beach because why not? The weather was nice and it'd most likely be the last time we'd have free time to go to the beach in a long time. It was cliche, I know, but it was also cute. We made all the food together and packed it into a cute picnic basket, along with a checkered, red and white blanket large enough to fit both of us lying down. It was perfect. In that moment, nothing could have ruined it.

"I'm catching butterflies!" I hollered as I chased a yellow butterfly across the shore.

I could hear his laugh in the distance and chuckled too. Though, I didn't stop going after the butterfly. Arms suddenly wrapped around my waist, hindering me from continuing to chase the little yellow insect. 

"Yah, Jungkook!"

"You're really going to be mad about this?"

I turned in his arms so I was facing him. I pouted and said, "I was really close to catching it you know?"

"We came to celebrate our love not catch butterflies you weirdo," Jungkook joked.

"Rude!" I exclaimed.

"It's just the truth sweetie."

"Let's break up then. I can't possibly date such a meanie like you," I told him.

I looked out to the sea, my expression mocking anger. Jungkook laughed before hoisting me up onto his shoulders.

"Jungkook!" I scream.

The evil little devil just continued to laugh and ran towards our spot. He placed me down on to the blanket safely and then laid next to me.

"You're horrible," I muttered.

"You love me," He replied back.

I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips causing Jungkook to smile brightly. As I shifted so my head was planted on his chest, he started to toy with my hair.

"Why do you like butterflies so much?"

"I dunno. I mean, I hate all other insects but butterflies are different. They're beautiful and Loyal."

"You think butterflies are loyal? Are you the Butterfly Whisperer?" Jungkook teased.

"No, it's just that, butterflies are all alone when they form a cocoon. But then, they join together and migrate together. They could just go by themselves but they find each other and go to their destination together."

"Birds do this too you know."

"Jungkook!" I whined, "you're missing the point. Butterflies are as care-free as they want to be but when the time comes, they join up and go to one single destination. They're free but loyal. That's how I want to be as well. Loyal to those important to me but free to be myself as well," I explained.

"Hm, that makes sense. You got poetic there all of a sudden," Jungkook commented.

"I think I've been spending too much time with your cousin Namjoon. That boy is one poetic, philosophical guy."

"Yeah, that's why I avoid asking him questions. He's worse than mom making everything into a lecture."

"That is true," I laughed.

We were silent for a moment. We listened to the calm crashing of the waves, felt the salty breeze of the ocean air, and at once were at peace.

"You know," Jungkook started, "birds can be loyal and care-free too."

I sat up and smacked the boy on the chest.

"Oh my gosh Jungkook! You keep ruining the moment! I get it! You like birds. You even want to be a seagull. I've heard your whole spiel many times," I exclaimed laughing.

Jungkook sat up as well. He placed his hands on either side of my face and smiled. Resting his forehead against mine, he said, "You're already like a butterfly Haein. And I'm so lucky to be dating a beautiful, loyal, care-free butterfly like you."




Guess who's back? It's me! Lol, just kidding, I'm not funny xD

So, aside from what I would call a fail joke, I have released the next chapter! Wha do y'all think about it? Jungkook lowkey remembered something and now he knows Haein's name. Also, what do you think of Taehyung's character? Doesn't he seem a little suspicous? 

I hope you liked it. The ending scene is kinda cringe worty so if you cringed and thought it was awkward to read that's okay, cuz I did too. 

I am also not an arts student so Haein's assignment was created from y basic knoledge of high school and elementary art classes. Yah, so much credibility! Lol, so if it's off to thse who are actual university art students please don't feel offended, I just was too lazy to search for info bout art in university. It'll most likely be this way for the rest of the story so bear with me, thanks :)

Side track: dID YALL sEE mY kIds NcT? They slayed my life! Oh my gosh, I've literally fallen in love again! Touch was such an amazing song and the whole album is fire (tho, I'm salty cuz there were only two new songs) and my children are so cute and beautiful and UGHHHH! If y'all don't stan NCT, I dunno what you are doing with your life. 

Anyways, see you guys next time!


(edited kinda)

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Okay, so this year, I will be updating this story. Hopefully soon. Sorry for being so inactive


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Chapter 22: Yes tae you must spill the tea.truth is hurt but its good for your life rather than lies.jungkook deserve to know the truth but im not sure whether haein will accept jungkook back in her life after everything.i mean she is broken and trying to move on with jimin.well maybe she will.
Chapter 20: Omg! I'm so ready for the tea or coffee xD
bunnyhats #3
Chapter 19: Omg im ready for whatever taes about to do. The real drama is about to begin *grabs cup of tea*
Chapter 19: I'm so happy that Jimin and Taehyung became friends :) Haein and Jimin are the cutest cinnamon rolls ^_^ I love the three of them
bunnyhats #5
Chapter 18: Ahhhhh i love this fic. Honestly i cant wait for what happens next. Im so curious to what happened with jungkook. I have a theory that the accident wasnt so accidental.
Chapter 18: 好故事非常感謝你,我愛你
magicshop222 #8
Chapter 18: wow i dont know why this doesnt have more views
magicshop222 #9
Chapter 14: i knew i liked this fic but that alfredo part is what locked it in for sure
Chapter 18: I was so excited because I thought this would be the trio's (Jimin, Haein and Taehyung) scenes, but it still very nice because Yoongi still loves Soojin and Jungkook have those flashbacks. Oh my god, what if, when Jungkook and Hae-in are about to get married, Jungkook becomes a runaway groom? >.< I can't wait for the next update ^_^