Chapter 18 | America

Affair | OSH
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"Sehun, you're going to get sick if you sleep next to me," I raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged.

"I don't get sick easily," was all he said. I stared at him. 

"Weren't you the one who wanted me to get better so that you wouldn't get sick?" he paused infinitesimally, before shrugging again.   

"I'm sure I'll be fine. It's better than sleeping on that godforsaken couch," he replied, leaning back against the headboard. I shrugged, acknowledging the point.

"Alright then, but if you get sick, don't blame me," I warned, before settling into bed, turning off the bedside lamp. Silence filled the air.

"Why didn't you want to go to hospital?" Sehun suddenly asked. I paused, tensing slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked smoothly. "It wasn't serious enough to have to go to hospital for." Unfortunately, being the observant little he was, Sehun caught the slight hesitation in my voice. 

"Areum, you had a fever of 39.6 degrees and you're telling me it wasn't serious?" I ignored the mocking tone of his voice and didn't reply. He sighed and shook his head. "Nevermind. Just go to sleep, you'll recover quicker."

It was silent again and I bit my lip, having an internal debate. Finally, I sighed. 

"I don't like going to hospitals," I admitted quietly. I felt Sehun shift in the darkness next to me as he turned to face me. In the dim glow of the moon and city lights, I could see a faint outline of his features. "Everyone says a hospital is a place of recovery and healing, but it's also a place full of death, pain and struggling." 

I sighed. "I've never liked them, but my hate for them properly began when my grandpa died of lung cancer there. He was diagnosed when I was 11. I forced myself to visit him every day, and every day I grew to hate those white-washed corridors more and more..." I took a deep breath. "He died when I was 15, after 4 long, hard years of fighting for survival and I've never stepped foot in a hospital since."

Sehun frowned. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't realise that was why..."

I chuckled half-heartedly. "Why are you apologising? It had nothing to do with you."

The blonde boy only shrugged. "You looked like you needed an apology of some sort to make you feel better."

A reluctant smile appeared on my face. "You're an idiot, you know that?"

His lips quirked upwards. "So I've been told."


A few days later and I was back to normal. It was Friday afternoon and I'd just received a call from dad telling to go to meet him at his office. Apparently, Sehun had gotten a similar message from his mother. Jae Sun came to pick me up straight after class finished. No one questioned it - this sort of thing was common in our school. No one noticed that Oh Sehun ended up leaving less than 5 minutes after me. 

Part of me was slightly nervous. Last time this sort of thing happened, I ended up having to sign a marriage contract with a total stranger. I sighed, the silence making me restless and fidgety. I shifted for the third time in a minute and Jae Sun chuckled. 

"Miss, I assure you that it's nothing bad," he said, smiling at me through the rearview mirror. I bit my lip, nodding silently before opting to look out the window. We arrived at front of the building and I looked around, taking in the familiar, beautifully designed building soaring into the sky, the Kim Corporations logo proudly displayed at the front. It was a sight I had seen countless times in my life, and yet the power and elegance of the building never failed to fill me with awe. A sharply dressed valet rushed forward, opening the door for me as I stepped out. 

"Miss Kim, this way please," he gestured towards the large, gleaming glass door. I followed him, workers, attendants, valets all bowing to me as I passed. When we finally reached the top floor where my parents' offices were located, the valet bowed and left while the secretary, who eyed me nervously, led me in. I recalled the last time I saw him was after I'd been told of my engagement when I'd slammed the door open on him. I mentally apologised and sent him a smile. He returned it only half-heartedly and I shrugged. 

"Areum-dear! How was school?" My dad asked, smiling as I entered the room. Mum was nowhere to be seen. 

"It was good. Where's mum?"

"She's in a meeting with the chief executives of the financial board. Anyway, come over here," He waved me over and handed me a sheet of paper. I looked at him hesitantly, causing him to laugh.

"Don't worry honey, it's not another engagement contract," he laughed at his own witty comment while I rolled my eyes, taking the paper and scanning through it. "What do you think?"

I bit my lip thoughtfully at the paperwork. "You want to extend a partnership with one of America's leading fashion companies? Why?"

"I believe it'll be a good opportunity to boost our American branches and strengthen our relationships there."

"But this is America we're talking about. This company is big. Powerful. It'll take a lot to make them agree, to the point where it might not even be beneficial."

My dad nodded in acknowledgement. "I know. That is why you and Sehun are coming too."

I blinked. "Sehun? What's he got to do with this?"

Dad smiled. "This partnership will not just be for our own company. Your mother and I have discussed it with the Ohs and we've decided that it will be a good chance to establish relationships for once our companies merge."

"But still, what has this got to do with us?"

"Ah, you see, the CEO of the company, Andre Powell, has a daughter of similar age to you two and - oh, don't give me that look - and I want you two to befriend her and try to make her convince her parents to agree to the partnership," I groaned at his words and he smiled sheepishly. 

"Dad, you know I hate having to do that. I-"

"You hate socialising with other kids because, as you say, kids your age are stupid, yes yes I know," He ignored my scowl. "But honey, think about how beneficial it will be for the company. And you know, being able to hold a conversation with people isn't a bad skill to have. You're going to have to do that a lot once you take over the company, you know?"

"I can talk to people just fine, but it doesn't mean I have to like it," I huffed. At his raised eyebrow, I sighed. "Fine. When do we leave?"

Breaking into a triumphant grin, my dad patted me on the back. "Sunday night, which means you have the Saturday to pack and get ready. I'll have Jae Sun to pick you two up at 5 on the day we leave."

I nodded. "How long will we be staying?"

"A week, which means you'll miss a few days of school, but that shoul

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Please reread chapter 49! I added some stuff that'll make it clearer and explain some stuff. Thank you:)


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Chapter 5: Okeyyy so far so GOOD
Chapter 1: Okey i like their reaction. This is the realistic reaction we will do when our parents trying to marry us to a total stranger rather than timidly agree urgh i can never. But knowing me i might run away or perhaps create some trouble because I'm super mad. Let them be angry together with me hahaha
Chapter 54: I simply LOVED this story, thank you so much for the ride ❤️
Chanyeoltwinkle #5
Chapter 8: Cuties🥺💕
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