
Walk On Memories
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Almost every day, Luhan would be the one to pick Tao up from daycare. They would stop by at the park to play a while before either going home or back to the cafe. 

Tao had always been very fond of his baba. The brunette always welcomed  him with a smile and spread his arms apart to hug him. Just like his parents, the latter was friendly and approachable. Since birth he'd been comfortable with him and relished his presence. Due to the toddler's lack of knowledge, his thoughts were unexplainable; but his feelings were strong. Simply put, he loved his baba just as much as he did his appa and daddy. 

Luhan portrayed a vital role in his life. How was he supposed to react to suddenly not having the other around? He didn't understand what it meant to be married. Most importantly, he couldn't and refused to comprehend why that entailed Luhan had to move out; away from home, away from him. 

Though Luhan promised to visit often, he rarely did. "He's been busy baby. Baba will visit us when he can." His appa had assured him. 

Tao was ecstatic when his baba had finally come home. Except he soon came to the conclusion that the brunette was different from the one in his memory. The latter wouldn't play with him, hardly ever spoke to him and never held him anymore. This Luhan was a total stranger, and that scared him. 

"Baba." He sobbed as he made grabby hand motions towards the other. 

"I hate you." The brunette scoffed venomously. He his heel and Tao could only watch helplessly as he disappeared into the distance. 


"Tao, wake up baby." 

As if on command, his glossy eyes fluttered open to a groggy baritone yet strangely soothing voice. "D-daddy?" He croaked. 

"I'm here, buddy. What's wrong?" He combed his hand through the toddler's messy locks.

Everything that had happened seemed all too real. He didn't know how to begin explaining to the redhead. He was being swamped with all the emotions coursing through his body. He felt overwhelmed, his tears were falling subconsciously, and all he managed to do was cry. "B-baba...Ta-Taotao..." He sniffled and hiccupped simultaneously.

"It's okay Taotao, it was just a nightmare." Chanyeol coaxed as he cuddled Tao in his arms, rocking him to and fro. 

Minutes passed, the creases on his forehead deepened when the toddler's wailing was unrelenting. "Come on baby, let's go sleep with appa." 

Baekhyun had already made space on the bed for their arrival. "What happened?" He whispered to Chanyeol as he rubbed Tao's back in an attempt to pacify him. The little boy felt much safer in the company of his parents, thus his cries decreased to soft whimpers. 

"Seems like he had a nightmare about Luhan." The redhead settled Tao between Baekhyun and himself; not unraveling the arm he had secured around the toddler. 

Though they couldn't exactly pinpoint what was going on through Luhan's mind, it was obvious something was bothering him. As adults, they understood that Luhan was going through a difficult time therefore could roughly empathize with him. But Tao was still so young, it was only natural that he was clueless and confused. 

Baekhyun flipped on the bedside lamp and pulled out a scrapbook from the drawer. Hopefully, elaborating Luhan's situation would help calm Tao down. "Do you want to hear a story baby?" 

The latter was still too agitated to respond but glanced up at his appa, giving him his full attention. 

"Do you see this baby?" The brown haired male pointed to a photo of himself cradling a newborn wearing a blue toque, bundled up in a blanket. He looked lethargic but still grinned brightly as he gazed down at the sleeping baby. "Daddy took this picture a few hours after you were born." 

"Taotao?" The toddler's eyes widened in amazement, hardly believing he was once so tiny.  

"That's right buddy." Chanyeol ruffled Tao's hair as he and his husband shared a chuckle.  

"But do you know where you were before you were born?" 

Tao shook his head. To Baekhyun's question, he didn't have an answer. "Daddy know?" He curiously turned to look at the redhead. 

Chanyeol nodded then extended a hand to place on Baekhyun's abdomen. "You were in here." 

"Appa tummy?!" He gasped out in horror. 

"You had to grow big and strong before you could leave my tummy." Baekhyun couldn't refrain the uplifting of his lips at his son's innocence. "And that's exactly what's happening with your baba." He continued to explain. "A baby is growing in his tummy and that makes him very tired." 

Chanyeol hummed in agreement. "So don't worry Taotao, your baba still loves you very much." He added to reassure the toddler. 

"Really?" Anticipation was lingering in Tao's gaze. 

"Of course buddy." He affirmed with a smile. "And soon you'll have a baby brother or sister to play with, so be good for baba, okay?" 

"Mhmkay daddy." He muttered as a yawn escaped past his lips. 

Not long after, Tao was sleeping soundly, much to his parents' relief. 

They exchanged knowing looks which indicated they had to have a serious conversation with Luhan soon. 


It's been a week since Luhan's discharge. Yixing mentioned how important it was to keep a calm and happy mood through the duration of his pregnancy. After hearing this, Damon decided it would be beneficial for the brunette to be back at home with his friends. And Baekhyun took the time he had dedicated for work to care for Luhan instead. Unfortunately, with every

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Just wanted to let you all know that I added a little something to the ending of the last chapter because it didn't feel complete. Sorry to those who have already read it!


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Chapter 21: And foolishly again, he create another piece to hate.smh. such a
Chapter 22: I gat to admit how cringey this chap is but anyways was expecting it either ways
Chapter 21: Ah this is satisfying !! Atleast joyce can finally be untangled from all the mess, fighting girl!!
Chapter 19: Well to me this is what happens when ur heart is a , when u cant just choose one heart to hold dearly. I dont know why he hated luhan (because i skiped the letter scene, which i am not sorry for) but still no one can change the fact about joycle being kris first love and still his real love. Although i sheepishly know that its gona change(which wont be quite convincing if u follow the plot without having "krishan" in mind, but ofcourse its actually a "krishan" ffic. and to my conclusion although im not through with my "analysis" yet (if i can all it that lol maybe i will continue in the next chap).so my conclusion on all the chap i have read till now is i dont blame joyce for anything nope because kris never actualy focus with his heart from the beginning although he knows he truely loves he let him self to be swayed by emotions (gawd im tierd my fingers hurt lol, sori for the long comment, i hope it brightens ur day authornim')
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 24: suho and xing need their time, like the others. i am curious how you continue. luhan, kai, all of them there.
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 23: poor man. he has much troubles and thinks a lot..
i hope he wont be to late
Chapter 23: What....???!!! Wake up Kris....!!!!! Don't you dare to leave Luhan and Hunnie....
Wake up....!!!!

My gosh....!!!! I hope there's someone goes to his house now.....

Beau1996 1378 streak #8
Chapter 23: I hope Kris' realization for his true feelings hasn't come too late...
Chapter 23: What ? No no no no no kris you cant just die like that , you are not the only one who suffered ,you should talk to to luhan omg
Chapter 22: Finally there is a hope for luhan finally have his happiness