Love & Pride

Something Happened to My Heart

Five Days Ago…

Ji Hoo settled into the first-class leather seat of the jet to Paris. He was attempting to nap, a simple task for him usually, but his stomach was knotted and his head was swirling with various thoughts and emotions.

Ji Hoo had initially been happy and excited to be following Seo Hyun to Paris, but that had worn off, and now he was feeling other things… He felt anxious, but that was natural when making a huge life-altering change, wasn't it?

And, oddly, he was feeling something else…regret, perhaps?

Ji Hoo suddenly, inexplicably, had the urge to get off the plane, as if he was making some horrible mistake….

He rose from his seat, just as the petite flight attendant politely informed everyone to buckle up and ensure that their tray tables and seats were upright. So, he sat back down and attempted to relax and focus upon the wonderful life that was before him with the girl of his dreams…

Ji Hoo thought of Seo Hyun…sweet, smart, beautiful Seo Hyun. She had been his angel, saving him from falling into an abyss of despair when he was staring over the edge.

For fifteen years, he had wanted nothing more than to be with her. At first, that had taken the form of a deep friendship, and they were constantly together. Seo Hyun was simultaneously a best friend and a mother to Ji Hoo, and his affection for her grew over the years. But upon entering adulthood, that affection became something else entirely. Ji Hoo's childish crush on Seo Hyun—that he never spoke of—ignited into the passion of a man, and he longed to be with her in a whole new way. But still, he held back.

Ji Hoo had become so accustomed to holding back, to being safe, protecting himself…but that all changed when a brave, noisy girl walked into his life and turned it upside-down.

Thanks to Geum Jan Di, Ji Hoo had done it. He'd taken a bold step toward grasping happiness in life. He was going after the woman he loved… So now that he was on the verge of getting everything he'd ever wanted, why was he faltering?

Ji Hoo realized that it was because of that very girl—the girl who had pushed him to pursue his heart's desire—that he was now questioning everything he'd ever thought he wanted.

And suddenly, Ji Hoo pictured Geum Jan Di, that awkward, tough, adorable Geum Jan Di, and he instinctively smiled. He couldn't help himself.

Geum Jan Di was entirely different from Min Seo Hyun, but she had an undeniable charm all her own. From the first time Ji Hoo saw her, he felt some strange connection to her, and he knew she was special. And in the short amount of time he'd known her, she had managed to completely captivate him…

And now, Ji Hoo had this strange…need…to protect her. It was almost possessive, as if she was some precious belonging of his that he needed to keep safe at all cost.

The thought of never seeing Geum Jan Di again…it bothered him… But why was it bothering him so much...? And why was it causing him to rethink everything…?

Ji Hoo closed his eyes and folded his arms, hoping to just drift off. But Geum Jan Di kept haunting his mind…

The night of Seo Hyun's birthday party, Ji Hoo had noticed something about himself… He'd just shared a kiss with Seo Hyun, and they were going to take a drive together. But then, Geum Jan Di and Jun Pyo appeared. Jun Pyo had informed him that he and Jan Di were also going for a drive, and then Jun Pyo put his arm around Jan Di… In that moment, Ji Hoo felt an odd twinge of something unpleasant… Had it been…jealousy, perhaps?

Ji Hoo scoffed at himself for this line of thinking and for not being able to get Jan Di out of his head. But, he'd never known such a person, a person so sweet, innocent, and pure-hearted…

He recalled Jan Di's kindness toward him, the way she'd bandaged his finger, the way she had pleaded with Seo Hyun to stay, for him

And then he'd yelled at her for it and told her to get out of his sight. He had been so cold. She hadn't deserved that. The recollection of her tear-stained face broke Ji Hoo's heart anew, and he just kept thinking that he needed to apologize to her.

Then, there was Jan Di's impassioned speech to him at the airport and their parting… Ji Hoo recalled feeling a pang of regret when he kissed her goodbye. His eyelashes had instinctively fluttered shut, as he pressed his lips to her forehead, and he didn't want to break apart.

Ji Hoo heaved a sigh and folded his arms tight across his chest. He spent the rest of the flight alternating between napping and pondering his life.

By the time the plane landed, Ji Hoo had come to a conclusion. He liked Geum Jan Di. He liked her a lot... And he had to see her again…

Upon arrival in Paris, Ji Hoo and Seo Hyun had a long talk. It began light and grew more serious as the hours passed. They talked about their times together and their feelings for each other. Ji Hoo honestly expressed his confusion regarding Geum Jan Di, and Seo Hyun helped him to sort out his convoluted feelings.

Ji Hoo was somewhat surprised that Seo Hyun had realized how he felt about Jan Di, even before he did. But then again, Seo Hyun had always been perceptive, and she knew him well.

Seo Hyun had been very understanding and was actually excited by the prospect of Ji Hoo being with Jan Di, and she'd encouraged him to go after her.

Then, Seo Hyun and Ji Hoo embraced. She kissed him on the cheek, wishing him the best of luck, and they parted ways.

The Present…

Jun Pyo, Woo Bin, and Yi Jeong were in F4's clubhouse. Jun Pyo was playing video games, and Woo Bin and Yi Jeong were shooting pool.

"So, Ji Hoo and Geum Jan Di, huh?" Yi Jeong mused aloud, as he went for a challenging shot. He groaned when he missed.

"Yea man, that was surprising, huh?" Woo Bin commented, taking a shot himself.

Jun Pyo was staring at the screen and was silent, aside from the loud clicking sounds, as he violently pressed the buttons on the controller.

Yi Jeong grew pensive, "It's strange… Ji Hoo was in love with Seo Hyun for so long… He actually went to Paris to pursue her, and now…suddenly he's back and with Geum Jan Di…"

"Mm," Woo Bin rubbed his chin and looked to Yi Jeong, finding it equally mysterious. Yi Jeong and Woo Bin stopped shooting pool and turned to observe Jun Pyo.

"How do you feel about this, Jun Pyo?" Yi Jeong asked.

"Aish, how do I feel about what?" Jun Pyo grumbled, while continuing to assault the controller.

"Ji Hoo and Jan Di."

"Should I have any feelings about it?" he barked, not taking his eyes from the screen.

Yi Jeong and Woo Bin exchanged a look and then turned back to their stubborn friend.

"Well, it just seemed that you liked Geum Jan Di," Yi Jeong commented.

Jun Pyo stopped and tossed his controller down on the table in exasperation. "Why does everyone keep bringing that up?!"

"Who else did…?" Woo Bin began.

Jun Pyo exhaled sharply, "…Ji Hoo asked my permission to date her."

"Ah," Woo Bin said, and Yi Jeong nodded.

Yi Jeong had been struggling with the whole situation and had considered having a conversation with Ji Hoo about his actions. He didn't at all like the idea of Ji Hoo going after a girl that a friend liked. Yi Jeong had actually been a bit angry with Ji Hoo for dating Jan Di. To So Yi Jeong, Ji Hoo had broken a very important code among brothers. After all, it was clear, or at least should have been, that Jun Pyo was interested in Jan Di.

And Yi Jeong hadn't spoken to Ji Hoo since, while trying to cool his temper and make sense of it all. It was a relief to Yi Jeong that Ji Hoo had talked to Jun Pyo first, but it was obvious that Jun Pyo was still bothered by it.

"He asked my permission, and I gave it, end of story," Jun Pyo asserted, expecting them to cease all conversation about it.

"You're really OK with this, though, Jun Pyo?" Yi Jeong inquired further.

"Aish, yes, so drop it!" Jun Pyo picked up the controller again.

F2 continued to study Jun Pyo. He noticed this and tossed the controller aside once more with an exasperated sigh. "He likes her, and she has some huge crush on him, so I'm not going to stand in the way…," Jun Pyo mumbled, "…I owe him one, anyway, for breaking his robot all those years ago…"

Yi Jeong and Woo Bin smiled over at Jun Pyo. "You're really something, Jun Pyo…," Yi Jeong affectionately commented. And Woo Bin rushed over and put Jun Pyo in a bear hug. Jun Pyo shoved him off. "Yeah, yeah, I know!" Jun Pyo gave a haughty grin and returned to his game.

But Yi Jeong and Woo Bin were still concerned that Jun Pyo was bummed out, so they pondered ways of cheering him up. They started making suggestions and eventually settled upon planning a trip to New Caledonia.

Jan Di tore through Shinwha's Olympic-sized swimming pool. After overhearing her classmates' conversation, she rushed off to seek solace in the perfectly temperate waters of the swimming pool. The feel of being weightless and surrounded by the warm fluid seemed to also lighten her burdens. Jan Di through lap after lap until finally exhaustion began to overtake her.

But the swim had been cathartic and productive. She'd come to the conclusion that she was going to ignore what the Shinwha girls had said. They didn't know what they were talking about. And it was obviously their mission in life to destroy her, so she shouldn't put any stock in what they said.

As she approached the stairs of the pool, she noticed a pair of tan boots approaching. She grasped the edge, panting lightly, and looked up. She pulled off her goggles to see Ji Hoo. "Sunbae!" she instinctively smiled, despite her recent mood. Ji Hoo flashed a pearly smile and gave her a little wave.

"So, here you are," he said, with a grin, "I've been looking everywhere for you…," he knelt down before her.

"You have? Oh, well…I was just…practicing. I have that scholarship to maintain, you know."

"Practicting?" Ji Hoo grinned, "You were working extremely hard… I thought perhaps you were training for the Olympics." Ji Hoo smiled, and Jan Di chuckled.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I got into it a bit…" Jan Di didn't want to mention to Ji Hoo that she worked out her frustrations through swimming, for he would surely ask her what was wrong.

"A bit?" he tossed her that perfect smile again. Jan Di could not help but beam back at him, nearly forgetting the conversation she'd overheard. He had such a way of turning her mood around and simply making her…happy.

"Well then, are you nearly finished training?" he asked. She nodded, and he stretched out his hand to help her out of the pool.

Ji Hoo waited patiently for Jan Di while she changed. She came out of the pool area with damp hair to find Ji Hoo lightly napping against the wall. Jan Di nudged him, and he opened his eyes, gifting her once more with the smile that melted her like butter.

It was late fall, on the cusp of winter. Jan Di and Ji Hoo stepped out of the building and headed together toward Jan Di's next class.

Suddenly, Jan Di released a very violent, audible sneeze that practically shook the foundation. Ji Hoo turned toward Jan Di, gazing upon her and taking a strand of her wet hair between his fingers.

"You're going to catch a cold," he said in a firm but gentle tone. Then, he pulled the stocking cap he'd been wearing from his head and placed it on hers, carefully adjusting it.

"That's OK, Sunbae, you don't have to…" She sneezed again and sniffled.

"It's OK." He warned her to dry her hair next time and then placed his arm across her shoulders. They walked off together, discussing her professional swimming goals and other things.

That evening, Jan Di met up with Ji Hoo for a movie date. She'd informed him that she had homework and would have to be home early, though.

Jan Di wasn't sure how long she could keep it up, but she was still avoiding introducing him to her parents. Jan Di loved her family, but they were a lot to take, and she was the slightest bit afraid that they would scare Ji Hoo off. But, it was silly to even think about introducing him, wasn't it? They weren't even official yet.

Jan Di arrived at the theater, to her awaiting prince. He even had popcorn and a drink for her. He led her in, telling her to choose a seat. Jan Di glanced around the large, empty theater.

"Sunbae, there's no one else here."

He smiled. "That's right. I own the place. I wanted it to be just the two of us."

"Oh," Jan Di swallowed hard and stared back at him with wide eyes. Wow, F4 certainly leads a charmed life…

Ji Hoo just smiled affectionately and guided her to what he believed to be the best seats. They settled into the plush red leather cushions, and Jan Di suddenly felt nervous.

They were alone…in a vast, dark movie theater... A thought jumped into Jan Di's head; she wondered if Ji Hoo would want to... No, she shook her head.

She didn't see Ji Hoo as one of those guys who would try to make a move on a girl at the movie theater… But if he did…what would she do? She suddenly felt guilty for having such indecent thoughts and for mentally accusing him of such a thing. She felt even guiltier that she…kind of hoped…that he would make a move on her… And her cheeks heated up at the thought.

Ji Hoo had chosen the movie, and Jan Di was very surprised when the opening title scrolled across, and it was Pride and Prejudice, the film adaptation of the novel she'd just read for English Literature.

She hoped there were subtitles.

"Sunbae, Pride and Prejudice?" she asked, incredulous. It certainly wasn't a guy movie.

"Yes," he replied, "You told me that you read the book for English Literature and you're supposed to watch the movie, right?"

"Well, yes…" Jan Di suddenly felt silly. Here she was thinking such impure thoughts and he was simply trying to further her education.

"So, you're helping me with my homework, Sunbae?" she smirked over at him.

He grinned. "Well, that wasn't my main intention, but I figured we might as well."

He'd also thought that that it would give him a good excuse to spend extra time with her.

Jan Di smiled and nodded. "That's thoughtful of you, Sunbae. Have you seen it?"

"No, but I've read the book."

Ji Hoo offered Jan Di popcorn, and she began nervously shoving handful after handful into . He gave an amused smile; he was becoming more and more accustomed to her eating habits. After Jan Di had polished off half the tub of popcorn, Ji Hoo put it aside. He leaned back, his arm pressing lightly against hers.

It had been very considerate of him, Jan Di thought, but probably not all that practical. After all, how was she supposed to concentrate with him sitting there next to her, looking perfect and smelling so nice? Jan Di sighed, wondering when these silly lovesick feelings for him would subside so that she could actually act like a normal person around him. Wasn't it about time they did?

The movie began, and Jan Di decided to pretend Ji Hoo wasn't there and focus upon the film. She reluctantly tore her eyes from him to affix them to the screen.

No subtitles, perfect..., Jan Di thought sarcastically when the dialogue began.

Ji Hoo watched Jan Di focus hard, squinting at the screen a bit. He could tell she was actively trying to keep up with the dialogue and translate along the way, and he noticed her mumbling the words to herself now and again.

When she appeared to struggle, Ji Hoo smiled and provided a translation.

"Gomawo, Sunbae," she smiled in thanks.

While viewing the film, Jan Di couldn't help but see a bit of her own life reflected in it. Ji Hoo was the aristocratic Mr. Darcy, albeit, less cold perhaps. In some ways, he reminded her more of Jun Pyo.

As for Jan Di, she was the proud and slightly temperamental Elizabeth. And Elizabeth's family reminded Jan Di of her own, of course, trying to marry her off to some wealthy husband. In some ways, Jan Di was sorry that Ji Hoo was well-off because she didn't like the insinuations and the pressure that came with that territory, but she told herself that she shouldn't be prejudiced against him for his wealth, either.

With some assistance from Ji Hoo, Jan Di was getting most of the movie. It also helped that she'd read the novel. And some things just seemed to transcend the language barrier…namely, the interactions between the characters...their gestures, facial expressions, the emotions…and Jan Di was captivated.

But Jan Di found herself becoming distracted during the romantic scenes… Love scenes always made Jan Di a bit uncomfortable… This was only further amplified by the fact that she was sitting next to a guy—who she just so happened to be crazy about—and they were all alone...

Jan Di shrunk down slightly in her seat and bit her lip during one particularly romantic scene. She glanced at Ji Hoo out of the corner of her eye, wondering what he was thinking.

Then, she noticed him lean in closer to her. And she wondered if he was going to kiss her. suddenly felt very dry, as if it were filling up with thick, hot sand, rendering her unable to swallow.

Ji Hoo and Jan Di had only kissed once, and Jan Di had been replaying it on a loop in her head ever since. She had to admit that she wanted to kiss him again... And her face grew warm. The temperature had been fine before, but it suddenly felt extremely hot in here.

Jan Di wondered if Ji Hoo was disappointed by their first kiss. She wasn't very skilled, after all, and she recalled not even moving her lips that time. Perhaps she would do better next time…

She wondered when that next time would be exactly—tonight perhaps—and she blushed at how eager she was. She peeked over at Ji Hoo without turning, torn between longing for him to kiss her and praying he'd keep his distance.

Ji Hoo noticed her unrest and smiled to himself. He kept his eyes upon the screen—to put her at ease—while whispering a comment to her.

Jan Di was clearly very shy and modest—something Ji Hoo was not used to at all—but he liked it. Ji Hoo was accustomed to girls fawning all over him and making their intentions well-known. Not that he had taken any of them up on their offers, due to his intense loyalty to Seo Hyun.

But, this change of pace in a girl was refreshing and utterly adorable. He wasn't going to push Jan Di; he was simply enjoying spending time with her and getting to know her.

Don't worry, Geum Jan Di, I can wait until you're more comfortable…

Instead of attempting to kiss her—as she rather hoped he would, despite her anxiety—Ji Hoo simply whispered a comment about the movie to her. Jan Di felt tiny prickles break out all across her skin at the feel of his warm breath upon her neck and the melodious sound of his voice in her ear.

His comment was funny, and Jan Di giggled. Ji Hoo had a very dry, yet charming sense of humor that Jan Di very much enjoyed, but his comment had not warranted such a strong reaction. It was the nerves surely... "OK, tone it down, Geum Jan Di… Keep it together!"

And they continued to watch the movie, Ji Hoo enjoying catching glimpses of Jan Di now and again…

As the evening progressed, Jan Di became more comfortable. They watched and made comments to each other here and there throughout. Ji Hoo commented that Jun Pyo could learn a thing or two from watching this movie, and Jan Di chuckled and nodded in agreement. "But I could never see him watching it!" she said. Though, she recalled that Jun Pyo was much more sentimental than he seemed.

Midway through the movie, the hero had just professed his love to the heroine, in a beautiful, powerful scene in the rain. Though Jan Di knew the outcome, she anxiously awaited her response. And Jan Di's heart sank when Elizabeth rejected Mr. Darcy.

Ji Hoo was likewise mesmerized, but rather by Jan Di… He was enjoying watching her reactions to the film. Ji Hoo smiled and leaned toward her again. "See, that's where he went wrong…," Ji Hoo whispered to Jan Di after the on-screen couple's parting.

"Hm?" she murmured, her eyes still fixed upon the screen.

"I give him credit for speaking his feelings, but he shouldn't have let her go… They were both too proud, stubborn even… He should not have given up so easily…"

Jan Di turned slightly toward Ji Hoo, and she wondered if he was thinking about Seo Hyun. Perhaps he was regretting letting her go and returning from Paris. Perhaps he felt he gave up too quickly. Jan Di began to inadvertently dig her fingers into the armrest.

Just then, Ji Hoo laid his hand over hers, his touch sending pleasant tingles up and down her spine. He interlaced his fingers with hers and gave her hand a light squeeze. Jan Di's lips curved upward into a content smile. She glanced over at him. He met her eyes briefly and returned the smile.

Ji Hoo and Jan Di held hands for a bit longer, and then Ji Hoo put his arm around Jan Di's shoulders. She was feeling increasingly more comfortable, so she snuggled in ever so slightly closer to him. Ji Hoo smiled to himself. She'd cast her nervousness aside and was simply enjoying the moment with him.

Jan Di smiled when the couple reconciled and were finally together. The hero had allowed his actions to speak and had done something incredibly meaningful for the heroine's family. And it seemed like the kind of thoughtful, selfless thing that Ji Hoo would do...

"Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her..." It was such a nice line…

And then Jan Di said something. She didn't know what suddenly possessed her to say it, and she uttered it before even realizing the words had left her lips.

"I'm really glad you came back," she said, without looking at him.

Ji Hoo's lips parted, and he pulled her tighter.

"Me, too," he whispered, placing a kiss to the crown of her head.

Ji Hoo sighed, and his eyes darted back and forth as he held her there. "Jan Di…," he finally spoke, "…I've…been feeling terribly for how I treated you before…when I…yelled at you for going to Seo Hyun…," he seemed to be struggling to form the words. For him, the memory was like ripping a bandage off repeatedly.

Jan Di looked over at him. He was avoiding eye contact and appeared to be upset. "It's OK, Sunbae… It was my fault; I shouldn't have gotten—"

"No," he cut her off, "There was no excuse for my behavior," he pressed his fingers into her arm, "…You were only trying to help me… I was a fool, Jan Di-yah, and I'm so sorry… Can you forgive me?"

Jan Di tenderly pursed her lips and then smiled at him. "Of course, Sunbae."

Ji Hoo finally looked at her and smiled. "Gomawo, Jan Di…for so much…" He her cheek with the back of his knuckles and brought his lips down to her forehead.

After he broke the forehead kiss, Jan Di stared up at Ji Hoo, wide-eyed for a moment. He pulled her back against his shoulder and silently returned his focus to the screen. Jan Di nestled in, and they watched the rest of the movie in silence.

The movie ended with Jan Di resting her head upon Ji Hoo's shoulder and him resting his head against hers.

It took Jan Di a moment to realize that the movie had ended, for she had been caught up in her own blissful little world against Ji Hoo. She'd been enjoying his warmth, his scent, and the feel of his solid, yet comfortable shoulder. When they broke apart, Jan D felt a hint of disappointment. It had been so pleasant.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" Ji Hoo asked.

"I did. Gomawo, Sunbae. What about you?"

He nodded and commented that it was interesting and that he'd greatly enjoyed watching it with her.

Afterward, they went for something to eat and then took a walk along the Han River, discussing the movie at length. Ji Hoo and Jan Di began talking about the family dynamics of Pride & Prejudice, and the subject of arranged marriages came up. Ji Hoo informed Jan Di that the rest of F4 would likely be subject to arranged marriages by their families, and Jan Di pondered their plight.

The two stopped to gaze in awe upon the kaleidoscopic shoots of water bursting over Banpo Bridge.

"At least I don't have to worry about that," Ji Hoo muttered, as he stared out over the brightly colored waters.

Jan Di understood the significance of his statement, and her heart thumped painfully at the dark joke about his orphaned status. She wondered if he had any other family, but she didn't yet feel comfortable enough to ask him about it.

So, she simply studied him and uttered a tender, "Sunbae…"

He tossed her a faint scoff-smile over his shoulder, "It's OK, Geum Jan Di. You don't need to worry or feel sorry for me."

She didn't know what to say to comfort him, so she simply slipped her hand into his and gave it a light squeeze. Ji Hoo smiled and returned the squeeze. Then, he turned to face her—taking her other hand in his—and holding both now. Silently, he leaned in. Jan Di felt her heart begin to race, and her eyes fluttered shut.

And Ji Hoo placed a tender, appreciative kiss upon her forehead. It wasn't what she expected, but it was sweet nonetheless, and she smiled up at him.

They lingered there awhile longer, enjoying the view, before he took her home on his motorcycle. Ji Hoo pulled up in front of Jan Di's family dry cleaning business. She reluctantly disentangled her arms from around his waist and got off. She handed the helmet to him; he put it aside and got off his bike, too.

Ji Hoo suggested walking her up, but she quickly cut him off, waving her hands and saying it was fine. She was still very hesitant for him to meet her parents. Jan Di recalled in horror her family's line of questioning after her first date with Ji Hoo. They'd wanted a play-by-play, and it had been highly embarrassing.

Jan Di gave them very little information, conveniently leaving out many things, including the kiss. When specifically asked if Ji Hoo kissed her, Jan Di lied. She was not yet ready to divulge that information.

Her mother suggested that she must be doing something wrong… Jan Di questioned what the 'right' way was to go about it. And Gong-Joo suggested that Jan Di wasn't trying hard enough…that she should wear a bit more makeup and dress nicer, maybe wear heels. Jan Di informed her mother that it wasn't practical to wear heels for everyday occasions—she'd probably just fall and break something and be stuck with a hospital bill they couldn't afford—and she was in a school uniform most of the time, so it didn't matter anyway. Then, her mother started in on the whole diet thing and reminded Jan Di that she could stand to lose a few pounds.

Jan Di didn't want to hear any more helpful suggestions from her family on how to hook Ji Hoo. She informed them that he would either like her for who she was, or he wouldn't. She wasn't going to pretend to be someone she was not.

Her mother released an exasperated sigh and shook her head, not knowing where she went wrong...

'And besides,' Jan Di thought, 'Ji Hoo seems to like me for who I am, though I have no idea why…'

When her family didn't let up and their questions became too intense for Jan Di, she shouted that it was private and none of their business, and she rushed off to her room, slamming the door.

Between her family already pushing her down the aisle with Ji Hoo and her schoolmates doing everything possible to keep them apart, it was all becoming too much for Jan Di…

"Hellooo? Are you still there, Geum Jan Di?" Ji Hoo teased, ripping Jan Di from her reverie.

"Ohh, y-ye!" she gave an awkward chuckle.

Ji Hoo gave a short laugh and approached her. "Alright, well, goodnight then…," he lingered and his head dipped slightly, apparently preparing to give her a goodnight kiss. And she truly, truly wanted a goodnight kiss, but she was too afraid of watchful eyes, so she quickly bid him a "Goodnight, Sunbae! Go home safely and sleep well!" before giving him a friendly slug in the arm and rushing off.

The evening had been wonderful and magical, but it could have been perfect… She felt rude and a bit disappointed, but she did not want something so special to be on display before her family. And she didn't want to hear their shouts of joy, either.

After Jan Di entered the business, Ji Hoo stood there rooted to the spot for a moment, slightly stunned. He shook his head in amusement, "That's fine, Jan Di, but you owe me one…," he grinned to himself, before hopping back onto his bike and heading home.

The next morning at school, Jan Di received a text. She pulled out her phone. There was a message from Ji Hoo.

"Meet me at the stairwell. It's urgent." –Ji Hoo

Jan Di's eyes darted back and forth and her chest grew heavy. What could this be about? Did something happen? She quickly put her phone away and rushed off.

Jan Di arrived at the stairwell, still catching her breath; she'd run the entire way as fast as her sturdy legs could carry her.

She glanced around for Ji Hoo. When she didn't see him, she rested her elbows against the balcony, staring out over the lawn and wracking her mind for possible reasons for his urgent request.

She suddenly felt a tap upon her shoulder, and she spun around, coming face-to-face with Ji Hoo. "Sunbae! You startled me…"

He grinned, "For once I am the one startling you… Mianhae," he came closer.

"What's wrong, Sunbae? You said it was urgent…," Jan Di stared up at him with wide chocolate eyes, full of concern, as he stood before her.

Ji Hoo smiled down at her tenderly. "Well, you rushed off so quickly last night that I didn't get to do this…," he took a step forward. Their bodies were touching now. Out of shyness, Jan Di took a step backward; her back hit against the balcony wall and she was cornered.

Without another word, Ji Hoo smiled, placed his hands squarely upon her shoulders, and pressed his lips to hers.

The kiss—short but sweet—made her weak in the knees, and they nearly buckled. She gripped the brick wall for support. Once again, he had caught her off-guard.

Ji Hoo began to pull away, allowing his lips to slowly brush hers and hold them captive for a few extra seconds before they broke apart.

"I just wanted a kiss, that's all," he smiled sweetly at her. Jan Di stared up at him, doe-eyed.

She felt as though she should chastise him for making her worry and threatening to make her late for class, but she was still reeling from the kiss, and suddenly she forgot all about that.

"Don't be late to class now," he warned, revealing his gorgeous smile and poking her in the cheek. But she was still not stirred from her dream world.

Then, he winked at her, and just like that, he was gone…

Jan Di simply stood there, dumbfounded, and grinning stupidly. When she returned to her senses, she released the breath she'd been holding and berated herself for turning into such a pitiful pile of mush before him.

Jan Di checked the time, "Aigoo!" and she rushed off to class.

Ji Hoo had asked Jan Di to have lunch with him and F2 that day. Jan Di was slightly nervous, though she wasn't sure why. She questioned Ji Hoo on whether or not she should intrude upon their lunch.

"It'll be fine," Ji Hoo assured, "They like you a lot," he informed her. Jan Di found it a bit ironic that she now received far better treatment from F4 than from the rest of the school.

"And you won't even have to deal with Jun Pyo today…," Ji Hoo added.

"Oh no? Where is Gu Jun Pyo?"

"He has other business," Ji Hoo cryptically informed.

Jan Di briefly wondered what other business Gu Jun Pyo could have on a school day at lunch, but she shrugged it off. He was the Shinwha heir, after all.

Ji Hoo ushered Jan Di into the F4 clubroom. Minutes later, Yi Jeong and Woo Bin walked in, grinning from ear-to-ear. Ji Hoo shot them both a cautionary glance, silently warning them to behave themselves.

"Why, hello, Geum Jan Di," Yi Jeong strolled up to her, hands in pockets and wearing that brilliant, dimpled smile of his.

Jan Di bowed, "Hello, Yi Jeong Sunbae."

Yi Jeong took a hand out of his pocket and held it out to her. Jan Di shook hands with Yi Jeong.

"Hey yo," Woo Bin greeted from behind his friend, "If it isn't our favorite Wonder Girl!"

Jan Di smiled faintly and bowed to Woo Bin. He suddenly captured her in a rough embrace. As Jan Di struggled in Woo Bin's tight embrace, awkwardly flopping like a fish on land, Ji Hoo grinned.

"Easy now, Woo Bin," Ji Hoo warned, "If you get too rough with Jan Di she may beat you up."

Yi Jeong chuckled, and Woo Bin released Jan Di. "Oh, that's right! Who could forget Jan Di's famous spin-kick?!" Woo Bin grinned. He playfully put up his dukes and began to bob-and-weave around Jan Di. Jan Di just stared at him.

Ji Hoo smiled to himself and shook his head, "Don't be an idiot, Woo Bin," he said.

Yi Jeong laughed, and Woo Bin feigned hurt.

Ji Hoo led Jan Di to a table, and the four of them sat down, as lunch was served. Jan Di still felt a bit uncomfortable, despite her increasing familiarity with F4. Jan Di instead focused upon the beautiful and elaborate delicacies that were being placed before her, with ravenous eyes. Once given the go-ahead, she began rapidly shoving food into . The cheetah-like speed at which she ate was partially due to her discomfort, but mostly due to the fact that it was just so good.

F3 couldn't help but watch Jan Di eat. Ji Hoo looked on in tender amusement. Yi Jeong glanced at Jan Di over his teacup, and he and Woo Bin exchanged a smirk. They were completely entertained by Geum Jan Di.

"Biscotti?" Yi Jeong offered, holding out a silver platter of biscuits. "These are incredible. They come from Italy."

Jan Di bowed and took one, "Thank you, Sunbae."

"You know, it's a pleasure to have you here, Geum Jan Di," Yi Jeong commented, revealing his flawless smile.

Jan Di gave a short bow and smiled as best she could through a bulging mouthful of biscotti.

"So, how was the date last night?" Woo Bin asked suddenly, grinning suggestively and glancing between Ji Hoo and Jan Di. Jan Di swallowed hard and stared down at her china plate.

Jan Di had discovered that So Yi Jeong was the charming one and Song Woo Bin was the bold, playful one. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, and they certainly knew how to torment girls.

"That's private," Ji Hoo replied immediately and then took a sip of his tea.

"Oh, riiight…," Woo Bin winked at him.

Ji Hoo shook his head and glanced to Jan Di, who was staring hard at her plate again. He hoped that she didn't think he'd told them anything. He wouldn't dare. Even though nothing had happened, Ji Hoo was a very private person, and any information in the hands of So Yi Jeong and Song Woo Bin was dangerous. Ji Hoo was suddenly regretting his decision to bring Jan Di here before these vultures.

Ji Hoo simply glared at Woo Bin in warning, and Jan Di grabbed another sweet biscuit and popped it into , crunching it up slowly.

"So, you two official now?" Woo Bin suddenly asked.

Jan Di nearly choked on her food this time. Ji Hoo looked to her in concern. He sighed in relief when she spit the cookie out into her napkin. Jan Di gave them all an awkward smile.

It wasn't that the question was absurd, but it did put Jan Di on the spot. She cast her eyes downward, and they flitted back and forth.

Ji Hoo studied Jan Di for a moment and then turned back to Woo Bin, "Well, we haven't had the chance to discuss that yet, Woo Bin," Ji Hoo spoke in a low tone. Then, he kicked Woo Bin lightly in the shin under the table, deciding he'd been given enough warnings that day.

Woo Bin groaned slightly in pain, "Oh, right, sorry," he gave a short laugh.

The next day, Ji Hoo decided to eat alone with Jan Di after the whole F2 debacle.

"Have you eaten?" he texted.

"Not yet," she replied.

"Would you like to have lunch together in the cafeteria?"

"Really? You're not going to eat with F4?"

"Not today. I want to eat with you."

Jan Di smiled to herself.

Jan Di sat with Ji Hoo at a corner table in the Shinwha High Cafeteria. She could feel the whole room's eyes upon her.

Ji Hoo didn't seem to notice or care, but he was probably used to being stared at. Though Jan Di felt a bit uncomfortable, she'd decided to take a stand. Ginger, Sunny, and Miranda were shooting her dirty looks. She glared right back at them, sending a message of 'back off' with her eyes. Then, she turned back to Ji Hoo with a smile.

Ji Hoo had a purchased lunch from the cafeteria. He had offered to buy her lunch, but she informed him that she brought her own. "What is that?" Ji Hoo asked delicately, pointing to a food item in her lunchbox.

"Really, Sunbae? You've never had a rolled egg omelette?"

Jan Di stared at Ji Hoo, incredulous, though it truly didn't surprise her. "You F4 and your refined tastes…you don't know what you're missing," she grinned. "Here try some," she held out one for him.

Ji Hoo popped it into his mouth and chewed slowly, thoroughly. "Mm, that's very tasty."

Jan Di chuckled, "I'm glad you like it," and she smiled sweetly.

"Did you make this?" he asked.

"Mm," she nodded.

"It's very good," he took a bite of his own food and chewed it up, "Do you want to try mine?"

"That's OK, Sunbae…" But, much to her astonishment, he held out a piece to her and encouraged her to open up, as if he was going to feed it to her. It seemed so unlike Ji Hoo to be so open in public with their relationship. Jan Di's cheeks heated up and she tried to turn the bite down, but Ji Hoo was insistent, so she allowed him to put it in .

Jan Di smiled awkwardly at him, as she chewed. She glanced around the room, receiving a mixture of dirty, shocked, and envious looks. The whole school must just be just loving this...she thought.

Min-Ji arrived just then and stopped short upon seeing Yoon Ji Hoo there with Jan Di. She gave Ji Hoo a bow, "Oh, Sunbae-nim…" Ji Hoo nodded politely to Min-Ji.

Jan Di suggested Min-Ji join them, and Ji Hoo agreed, but Min-Ji quickly turned her down, saying she did not want to intrude. Slightly dejected, Min-Ji bid them goodbye and walked off with her tray to take a seat at another table.

Jan Di watched after her sadly. Ji Hoo noticed this and gave Jan Di a tender smile. "Do you want to sit with her?" he asked. "No, it's OK," Jan Di assured. She glanced to Min-Ji once more and then went back to her food.

After a few moments of silence, Ji Hoo spoke. "You have a part-time job, right Geum Jan Di? At a porridge shop?" he asked.

"Mm," she confirmed, as she stuffed a bite into .

"Hm, I'll have to check that out sometime...," he replied.

Jan Di's brow furrowed, and she finished chewing, "Really?"

"Yes. And perhaps Jun Pyo, Yi Jeong, and Woo Bin would like to go, too."

Jan Di nodded and gave an awkward smile. She could just picture F4 waltzing into the porridge shop. Her master would go nuts.

Lunch had ended, and Ji Hoo had taken his leave of Jan Di. Jan Di also needed to go, but she stopped by Min-Ji's table to let her know she'd see her in their next class together.

Min-Ji stared after Jan Di as she walked away. Ginger, Sunny, and Miranda approached Min-Ji.

"It's such a shame…," Ginger commented.

"What is?" Min-Ji asked.

"It's Min-Ji, right?" Sunny asked, condescendingly.

Min-Ji nodded, and the trio surrounded her.

Ginger continued, "How Geum Jan Di has totally ditched you for Ji Hoo Sunbae..."

"That's not—" Min-Ji began, but Ginger cut her off.

"Geum Jan Di claimed to know nothing about F4 and want nothing to do with them, but now…here she is dating one of them…and she seems to have the others in her pocket, too… It's unbelievable, a nothing girl like her!" Ginger exclaimed and the trio scoffed in universal disgust.

"That's not fair…," Min-Ji mumbled timidly, but the trio ignored her and continued the rampage.

"First, she gets Jun Pyo Sunbae's attention…," Miranda began, "And now Ji Hoo Sunbae!" she lamented. Ginger noticed Min-Ji react to Jun Pyo's name.

"That crafty little fox will probably just work her way through the group…," Sunny sneered. The other two shook their heads.

"Jan Di isn't like that…," Min-Ji spoke in as assertive a voice as she could muster.

"Ohhh," Sunny gave a false pout, "…she's got you fooled, too," and she pet Min-Ji's hair.

Ginger leaned across the table to look Min-Ji in the eyes. "Help us, Min-Ji. Help us expose Geum Jan Di for the gold-digging fraud she is…"

Jan Di went about her day. The Shinwha girls had not let up on her. They still continued to torture her at every chance they got, with whispering, snide comments, glares, and the occasional mild prank. They had not attempted anything as elaborate as the flour and eggs incident, and everything they did was behind F4's back, probably because they knew Ji Hoo would never stand for it. Jan Di hadn't told Ji Hoo about the bullying because she didn't want him to worry or make a big deal of it. She wanted to handle it herself.

Jan Di simply did her best to ignore them. Despite her female nemeses, Jan Di was in a good mood that day. Thinking of Ji Hoo's kiss and their lunch together brought a smile to Jan Di's face, and she'd also killed it in English class during the discussion of Pride & Prejudice, thanks to Ji Hoo.

After class, Jan Di was approached by Sunny, Miranda, and Ginger. She sighed but did not attempt to escape them. Enough was enough, and Jan Di needed to stand up for herself and for Ji Hoo.

The horrible girls stood before Jan Di with folded arms, sneering at her. Jan Di stood tall and proud. "Well, do you have something to say?" Jan Di demanded.

"Oh, we have a lot to say," Ginger shot back.

"And I've heard it all. You think I'm trash, and I'm not good enough for Ji Hoo Sunbae, right? You think that I'm going to somehow bring him down…," her voice was strong and steady, yet her heart ached to say the words.

The three smirked at her in confirmation, as if they couldn't have worded it better.

Jan Di took an assertive step forward and stared them down. "Well, Ji Hoo Sunbae and I like each other, and it's none of your business. So, there's nothing you can say or do about it."

Ginger scoffed, and for once the three were silent. But the golden silence didn't last long.

A wicked grin crossed Ginger's face, "…You know you're just a rebound from Min Seo Hyun, don't you?"

Jan Di was momentarily taken aback. She didn't believe that one bit, but somehow the words struck her like a hard slap to the face.

"Yea, it won't last…," Miranda added, spitefully.

"Ji Hoo Sunbae is just in pain, so he's passing the time with you…," Sunny said.

"That's not true," Jan Di spoke in a low tone, tightening her fists at her sides.

"It is. You could never live up to Min Seo Hyun in his heart. Do you think he just magically got over her—someone he loved for 15 years—and fell for you?" Miranda sneered.

Jan Di's head was screaming now; she didn't want to hear another word of it!

"Ya, what kind of dream world are you living in Geum Jan Di? Wake up!" Sunny interjected.

"Yes, you should stop this now…before you get hurt…," Ginger said in a patronizing tone.

"Why would you care if I got hurt?" Jan Di spoke up.

The trio scoffed.

"Because you may hurt Ji Hoo Sunbae and the rest of F4 in the process!" Ginger shouted.

Jan Di wondered what Ginger meant by that, but she shook it off.

"Just leave us alone…," Jan Di warned, before walking off on them.

Despite great effort taken to forget every word the nightmare trio had said, the words of Sunny, Miranda, and Ginger kept reverberating in Jan Di's head, as well as those of others.

"It won't last…"

"It's only a matter of time…"

"He'll get bored of you…"

"You're no good for him…"

"You'll hold him back…"

"You're just a rebound from Seo Hyun…"

"You could never live up to Min Seo Hyun in his heart…"

How did they manage to make her feel absolutely horrible at every encounter?

Though she hated to admit that they had gotten to her, the Shinwha girls' comments had hurt, badly. And especially that last comment about never living up to Seo Hyun.

Jan Di knew that was probably true. How could she possibly ever mean to Ji Hoo what Seo Hyun had? It was a mystery to Jan Di, why Ji Hoo had even chosen her, of all people, anyway. And perhaps he would grow tired of her… After all, she was nothing special… And perhaps she would never live up to Seo Hyun, but oddly, she was OK with that… For now, she simply wanted to be with him…

But what had Ginger meant when she suggested that Ji Hoo and F4 would be hurt by her dating Ji Hoo?

Maybe she wasn't good for Ji Hoo... But she wanted to be, and she would do her best to be. Jan Di knew that she wasn't pretty or smart, nor did she have money, but she would fiercely care for and defend the people she loved. And that now included Yoon Ji Hoo. She just wanted him to be happy, and she would do almost anything to ensure that he was.

Jan Di had been making excuses to Ji Hoo for a few days to avoid seeing him. She just needed to clear her head and figure things out, get some perspective. All the torment and pressure had been building and swirling around within her. It was exhausting, frankly. It was so much pressure to be with someone like Yoon Ji Hoo. And that was through no fault of Ji Hoo's.

Simply being with Ji Hoo was as easy and natural as breathing, discounting her intense shyness whenever he attempted to touch her. But that was just lack of experience on her part, and that would come with time, as they got to know each other as a couple… And Ji Hoo was very patient with her; she knew he would never pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for.

It was everyone else's interference that was the problem…, and in a way, Jan Di longed for the days of being invisible. Jan Di hated to give up on anything, but it was all becoming too much for her to handle.

But at the same time, Jan Di's feelings for Ji Hoo had grown and intensified and were now rapidly spiraling out of control. And she didn't want to give him up. She kept making excuses for continuing to date him, despite all the problems.

Jan Di felt as though she was getting close to some point of no return with her feelings for Ji Hoo, and it scared her. What if things didn't work out? What if Ji Hoo changed his mind and she got hurt? But she couldn't fathom Ji Hoo ever hurting her. And—she couldn't imagine such a scenario—but what if she did somehow hurt him? It would be too much to recover from. A few traitorous tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jan Di hadn't thought it would be easy to avoid Ji Hoo while she worked things out for herself, considering he knew everywhere she hung out, but she actually hadn't seen or heard from him much in the past few days. Perhaps he'd picked up on something and had been giving her space.

Standing in the stairwell, Jan Di was stirred by a familiar voice from behind her that always made her heart leap.

"There you are. You finally show yourself…," he said.

Jan Di quickly wiped away the tears and put on a smile. She turned to face him. "Sunbae," she smiled brightly.

Ji Hoo gave her a faint smile and approached her. "Well, Geum Jan Di-ssi," he grew stern, "Would you like to explain why you have been avoiding me?"

Darn, he did notice... "Well, I, um…"

He was studying her now, and she hoped he didn't see right through her. He was so good at that.

"I've just been busy and preoccupied with school…"

He nodded, "Well, I wish you would have said something. I was worried…"

She decided it best to stop with the feeble excuses and simply apologize, "Mianhae, Sunbae," she gave a quick bow.

Ji Hoo sighed. He stood before her, looking down into her eyes. He began running a hand lightly down her arm, causing an assault of goosebumps.

Finally, Ji Hoo grinned, "You're my girlfriend and yet you still insist upon calling me Sunbae…"

"G-girlfriend?" she stammered.

"Oh, oops…," Ji Hoo put a hand to the back of his head; he turned from her and began to pace, "I…meant to take you to a nice, romantic dinner and ask you officially to be my girlfriend, but I guess I screwed it up," he scoffed at himself.

Jan Di blinked a few times and glanced down, her heart fluttering wildly. Ji Hoo turned back and approached her once again. "Mianhae…"

"It's alright, S-sunbae, but about that…," she glanced away upon feeling stinging tears begin to form.

"What?" He studied her curiously, "Is something wrong?"

"No," she responded immediately, though he didn't believe it.

"But about…being…your girlfriend…" she began delicately, feeling a hard, painful knot begin to form in her stomach.

Ji Hoo tightened his jaw. He released a heavy sigh, "…Don't tell me that you are breaking up with me, Geum Jan Di, and so soon…" His voice was soft, yet there was a hint of frustration and sadness there.

Jan Di glanced away. "Well, I, uh…"

"Did something happen? Did I…do something?"

"No, I just think that...maybe it's not a good idea for us to..." Jan Di turned fully from him and wiped away the tears that had trickled down.

Ji Hoo came closer. He clearly knew that something was wrong, but she apparently did not want to tell him. He did not want to push her, but he needed to know, so he decided to get it out of her one way or another.

"Do you not like me anymore, Geum Jan Di?"

"It's not that, Sunbae…"

"Do you think I'm a jerk or something?" he continued.

"Of course not."

"Then what is your reasoning for wanting to break up with me?" he gently demanded.

She stared down at her boots and was silent. Ji Hoo stepped into the space between them, determined not to let it rest. He tilted her chin upward slightly to gaze upon her, "Are you not attracted to me, then?" he asked seriously, holding her chin.

Jan Di's face fell and she pulled away. She couldn't look at him while she did this. He was too beautiful, and his touch was too much for her. It was hurting her resolve.

What a ridiculous notion, Ji Hoo Sunbae… It's certainly not about the attraction, she thought.

But it was clear that Ji Hoo was trying to force her to admit something, so he persisted. "Is it my hair, then? Do you not like my hair? Would you prefer that I cut it, or change the color, perhaps?" Ji Hoo teased in hopes of lightening the mood and forcing her to be honest. He knew fully well it wasn't about that.

If it hadn't been such a serious situation, Jan Di would have burst out laughing at such absurdity.

"It's not that; your hair is perfect!" Jan Di blurted out in exasperation. She immediately looked away, embarrassed. It certainly wasn't his hair that was the problem. In fact, on more than one occasion she'd dreamed of running her fingers through those silky locks…

Ji Hoo gave her a faint smile. "So, what is it then?" he asked gently. He moved closer and was standing dangerously close to her now. Jan Di's heart began to thump.

"Do you like someone else?" He cocked his head, "Jun Pyo, perhaps?" It was a playful insinuation, but Ji Hoo felt a dull ache in his chest at the suggestion and he awaited her answer with anxiety.

"No! I only like y-" she stopped herself and finished more calmly, "…No, I don't like someone else."

Ji Hoo nodded, "Good," he took her by the arms and began to lean in. Jan Di stared up at him, and her heart began beating faster and faster, reaching an elevated gallop. He leaned closer still, until his bangs brushed her forehead and his nose touched hers. Her heart was racing now.

"Then tell me," he whispered. "Why don't you want to be with me anymore...?" It wasn't a desperate statement but rather a simple, direct question. Still, he seemed hurt.

She didn't want to get into it. She didn't want to repeat all the awful, embarrassing things that had been said that, frankly, she believed had a ring of truth to them. And she didn't want to tell him about her weaknesses and her insecurities.

"I just…don't feel like I…belong…in your world… I'm just a burden…"

And you deserve better, too…

This time she couldn't hold them back, and the tears streamed down. Ji Hoo sighed. He wiped away the tears and placed a finger under her chin, tilting it upward so that they could look into each other's eyes.

"Jan Di, you and I, we are of the same world. There is no difference. You could never be a burden to me. But if it bothers you…I'll be perfectly happy to join you in this world of yours." Ji Hoo smiled tenderly, rubbing a thumb lightly across her jawline. Jan Di's lips twitched into a smile.

She sniffed and nodded. "Gomawo, Sunbae…"

Jan Di sighed and finally, reluctantly admitted that some people in school were saying some negative things about them being together. Jan Di glanced down, feeling ashamed that she allowed it to get to her and come between them.

Ji Hoo folded his arms tightly across his chest. He had a pretty good idea of who she was talking about.

Jan Di hung her head. "…I don't want to cause you any problems," she admitted, "And I don't want your reputation to be damaged by associating with me…"

Ji Hoo scoffed, "So, let me get this order to spare my pride you decided to break my heart?"

Jan Di was stunned speechless. She hadn't realized he felt so strongly. She'd thought it was quite one-sided, on her end…

"What kind of logic is that, Geum Jan Di? Did you learn nothing from the movie?"

Jan Di opened to speak, but she had no words to justify it.

"That sort of thing means nothing to me. Those vapid idiots know nothing… Don't listen to a word they say," Ji Hoo's voice remained at a low level, but she could tell he was escalated.

Ji Hoo sighed, "And besides, since when do you care what others say?"


"Do you still want to break up with me, then?"

"I never wanted to, Sunbae…I…," Jan Di muttered, lowering her head, "I just thought it might be for the best…" She stared down at her feet.

"Well, I don't agree that it's for the best. And I don't want to break up," he said bluntly. Who knew Ji Hoo could be so forceful…?

"Sunbae…" she gazed upon him.

"Hm, but this is a problem… What would I do if I were my good friend, Gu Jun Pyo?" he asked of himself suddenly, as he cast his eyes skyward.

She looked at him curiously.

"Oh," he snapped his fingers as if he'd come to some epiphany. "I'll just forbid you from breaking up with me, so this won't happen again," Ji Hoo said.


"That's right, Geum Jan Di. You are forbidden from breaking up with me, and you must remain my girlfriend," Ji Hoo proclaimed.

Jan Di stood there, stunned.

"Will you comply…or will you deny me and face the wrath of F4 once again?"

Jan Di was speechless. He looked and sounded entirely serious, but she noticed the hint of a smile playing upon his lips.

Jan Di couldn't fight back her own smile. She gave an exaggerated sigh, "You know, I'm a bit tired of defying F4… I've lost interest in…," she grinned at him playfully.

"Good to know," he moved closer, "So…you agree to my demand?"

She pursed her lips, "Well, if you're sure—"

"I'm sure," he responded immediately.

"But why me, Sunbae? You could have any girl you want…"

Ji Hoo smiled in amusement. "I have the girl I want. You are the girl I want, Geum Jan Di, and I plan to hold onto you…"

"S-Sunbae…," she uttered tenderly.

"Still Sunbae, huh?" Ji Hoo smiled, closing the short distance between them once more.

"What would you like for me to call you, Sunbae?" she asked.

Ji Hoo revealed his brilliant smile; he seemed to take some kind of amusement in the question. He rubbed his chin and raised his eyes to the sky.

"You can keep calling me that if you want to…," he wrapped his arms around her small waist, "You can call me whatever you want…," his voice was like a caress. Then, he leaned in to where his lips were just…about…touching hers, but not quite… And he was just lingering there, smiling at her, teasing her… It wasn't like she didn't deserve it…

And after what seemed like an eternity—his willpower clearly greater than her own—Ji Hoo's lips met Jan Di's, and she felt as though fireworks were exploding within her heart.

Each of Ji Hoo's kisses was unique, special, like a snowflake… It was all so new to Jan Di. She was still counting each kiss, stamping them into her memory, like a scrapbook. One day, she knew she would surely stop counting, but they would always remain beautiful and special to her.

Ji Hoo had resolved to take things very slowly with Jan Di, and he was a patient guy, so it should not be a problem for him. He'd been testing the waters with Jan Di to determine how slowly he should take things exactly. But, this whole incident had made Ji Hoo bolder, and he took the liberty of deepening the kiss.

And this time Jan Di participated. As his lips parted, she followed suit, both of hers perching upon his bottom lip. He held her tighter around the waist, and she wrapped her hands around his neck and then slowly ran her fingers upward, allowing herself the pleasure of twining them through his luxurious, tawny hair.

They finally broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. They were still holding one another, smiling, and faintly catching their breath.

Ji Hoo grew serious. "Jan Di, will you promise me something?"


"If anyone ever bothers you…or anything is ever wrong…please tell me. Let me know immediately, and I'll fix it."

She gazed into his eyes.

"Will you promise me?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Good. We need to stick together, Jan Di-yah, you and I… No matter what happens, I will never forsake you…"

Jan Di smiled affectionately at him. Ji Hoo released her reluctantly and told her that he needed to go but would see her after school. He placed another kiss upon her forehead and turned from her.

"Oh, I'll think about what I want you to call me…," he tossed back a smile and a wink before making his exit.

Jan Di watched him until he was out of sight, with a smile. She inadvertently released a dreamy sigh and then scoffed at herself.

If it hadn't been clear before, it was now, crystal clear. Jan Di was irrevocably in love with Yoon Ji Hoo…

And she vowed to herself that she would do everything in her power to make him happy. She would never hold him back, nor allow him to be sad or hurt… She just wanted to see him happy and smiling, always.

That smile of his… That smile that made her heart melt and her knees weak. She wondered how many had been privileged to that beautiful smile… She didn't know the answer to that, but she definitely felt honored to be among those incredibly blessed ones.

I just want to make him smile… After all, she'd promised Seo Hyun that. I can't promise you much, Ji Hoo Sunbae, but I will do my utmost to try and make you happy… I can promise you that…

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Aqbatur #1
Chapter 12: Please continue with the story :)
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 12: Wow, talk about awkward. Poor JanDi having to deal with JunPyo. Gotta feel sorry for the guy but still. Isn't it ride to show up at someone's house unannounced? And then her parents reactions didn't help any. I did think the sleep over was cute. And Madam Kang...really? Just put your son in a bubble so no one interacts with gim, since no one is worthy to you. Unless you want their $ of course.
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 10: Well, I almost missed my bus stop. Thankfully, I didn't. Anyway...this is a really cute JunPyo chapter. lol Don't cringe. I'm sure that wasn't your intent but that's what I picked up. One minute I want to cry for him and hug him and the next second I'm laughing so hard, I want to beat him! LOL. Anyway, poor JanDi that had to put up with him all day. I hope she was still able to get the music box after all that. did a good deed today. Just put up with mom's beating for a little. lol
queenofnutella #4
Chapter 9: why this fanfic is not popular ?! it’s freaking great
queenofnutella #5
Chapter 9: omgg so much feels !!!! u are a really good writer !!! I can imagine all the scenes !!! its like it really happened !! and the vocabulary u use in your writing is really superb !!! Looking forward to the next chapter !!!
Chapter 9: This story keeps me going. I finally got up to the last chapter, as I have been reading it thoroughly the past few days. Ugh, your writing is so relatable and emotional. I really love Ji Hoo and Jan Di. Ga Eul is so well done as well. You do the rivalry between Ji Hoo vs Jun Pyo perfect too, where Jun Pyo is still likeable, but Ji Hoo is clearly better in our (Ji Hoo x Jan Di Shippersl eyes. I am soooooooo excited for the next update! Author-nim FIGHTING ~ ♡ ☆ ~ !
Chapter 9: this chapter was sweet for Jan Di and Ji Hoo and sad for Ga Eul
Jan Di meet grandfather at the porridge shop
love what Jan Di did for Ji Hoo in the ice staking rink by button up his jacket and they look like a cute couple
Ga Eul got her heart broken by her date Soo Pyo when he call her ugly not once but twice and that she was nothing girl
Yi Jeong put on his cold hearted mask when Ji Hoo told them that Soo Pyo call Ga Eul ugly and Yi Jeong told Ji Hoo that Ga Eul and Jan Di are special girl that desever guy like Ji Hoo
Love what Woo Bin told Ji Hoo that they never hurt their girls and that all the women and girls that they with knew that there no commitment and that it for fun and pleasure
Love what Jan Di did for Ga Eul by kick Soo Pyo face and elbowing his chin after hearing what he told his date what he told Ji Hoo and worst that he call Jan Di easy
Yi Jeong family is mess up first his father is dating young woman and that Yi Jeong caught them and told the girl that she the fourth one and girl was mad
then Yi Jeong mom threaten him that she kill herself and Yi Jeong felt mad
Ga Eul think to herself that she ugly and nothing while walking in the street and stop at the steps and sit down and cry
Yi Jeong watch her and felt hurt that Ga Eul is sad and when he saw her cry in step he want to help her
Yi Jeong want to make stop crying by telling her that girl think they pretty when they cry but they not and Ga Eul cry more and I agree with Yi Jeong that some girl do think that
Ga Eul manage to get Yi Jeong be the bad guy and Yi Jeong plead with Ga Eul to stop crying when people give him bad stare and he told them it not him Yi Jeong had no other choice and told Ga Eul to his studio
Jan Di went to F4 lounge and give Ji Hoo kiss in front of Woo Bin and Jun Pyo which I think Jun Pyo was jealous and when Jan Di realize that Woo Bin and Jun Pyo there she run away embarrassed and Woo ask Ji Hoo if he not going to chase her and Ji Hoo told Woo Bin he will but giving Jan Di five minutes head start
In Yi Jeong studio Ga Eul look at the tea cup and then put it down and Yi Jeong pour tea in it and drop the cup and told Ga Eul that it look strong and then he walk the table and cover it and smash it with hammer and told her that it sort and step on and burn in 1300 degree
Yi Jeong told her that what she experience today and Ga Eul understood and thank Yi Jeong and Yi Jeong told her that they going out on date
Can't wait for next chapter for the fake date and I wonder what perfect gift did Jan Di get for Ji Hoo and what contest did she enter in with Jun Pyo helping her
Madam Kang always causing trouble and wander what she going to do
love to see how Ji Hoo spending Christmas with Jan Di family and wonder if he love them and will Jan Di mom accept him
seamusmommy #8
Chapter 9: Well, that double date could have been Jihoo is a very cool guy and handled the situation with utmost class. That thank you kiss was well earned. But I just don't think JanDi will be happy with her friends new suitor either. hahaha. And we meet Harabeoji...yay!! We know he's an old softy under that gruff exterior.
Chapter 8: nice plot. cant wait to see whats next!
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 8: oh boy!! Stubborn, selfish JunPyo. Jihoo would have endured far more for your sake. So, now what, friends again? How will this go over. The double date should be interesting, I'm a little nervous.