OPNM 1 🦌

Oppa! Please notice me!
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A/N: This is an edited chapter.


Luhan already memorized Kim Jongin’s routine and schedule for almost three years. He is pretty contented on staring at his crush from a far, supporting him in his basketball games, dance showcase and stalking him in his social media accounts just like other sappy teenagers do. He didn’t even once thought to confess because Jongin will surely reject him. And who will even like Xi Luhan? In his four years in university, not once that he received any love letters or some sweets. Total opposite of his bestfriend, Byun Baekhyun who receives at least five gifts a day. He even thought that maybe he’s cursed to be single and lonely forever. But Baekhyun’s just laughing everytime he says that.

“I really doubt it my dear Lulu. If you will only open your eyes wider, but then, that guy will not even take a plunge. I think you should provoke him even more, Lulu.”

That’s what Baekhyun usually says everytime Luhan complains to him about his lack of love life and to think that Luhan’s already 21 now (even his 12 year old neighbour has a boyfriend, poor old Luhan). When Luhan asked him after what he meant by that, Baekhyun will just look at him as if he is the most stupid and dim-witted person he ever encountered in his life (which is very offending because Luhan’s not that stupid, he even took education course, though he admits that he tend to become slow sometimes).

Luhan thinks he is not that ugly (and as what his family and friends say), the doe eyed has shining pink bubblegum hair (they were permitted to dye their hair because they’re done with their on-the-job training) that falls to his pale face, luscious pink lips and pearly teeth. Long lashes flutter innocently on the apple of his cheeks. He looks like an angel who falls from heaven (as what Baekhyun described him during first year). But despite of these, Luhan is still single. No one even takes the courage to confess to him or take him out. He can even see that they are scared of him. The moment he walked, all the students will avoid him like a plague. 

After how many years, he accepted that maybe he is not a boyfriend material and occupied himself by watching Jongin from afar. Every morning, he makes sure that he arrives early in their school because Jongin is an early bird. Instead of going directly to their building, he always wanders on College of Business and Management building just to see his inspiration. His day is not complete without seeing Jongin. Every afternoon, he’s in the basketball court to watch Jongin in their practice game. That’s his routine almost everyday, if he’s not in the basketball court, Luhan is in the library (because he is such a nerd). Aside from his obvious affection to Jongin, he also loves reading both for academics and recreational purposes. 


This day though, his routine was broke due to his excessive reading of novels last night. He usually sleeps 10 in the evening, making sure that he finished advanced studying and reports. But last night, he slept 12 in the morning, which totally broke his usual routine resulting to him getting up late. He didn’t even ate his breakfast because he is late for his first period class.


There are so many inconsistencies that happened to him this day. First, he woke up late. Second, he didn’t passed on Jongin’s building and instead he directly went to his building. Lastly, he found Baekhyun under the shed of Education building (usually it’s Luhan who’s waiting for Baekhyun). He thought at first that he’s just waiting for him but then, he saw his bestfriend talking to the basketball team’s captain and Jongin’s bestfriend, Oh Sehun. 

Luhan is confused on why they are talking. He is not even aware that Baekhyun knows Oh Sehun personally. He saw a paper bag that was given to Baekhyun by Oh Sehun. Luhan’s even more confused for a moment but after a while, he realized that maybe, Sehun’s also one of Baekhyun’s dedicated admirers. He can’t help but to feel jealous. Maybe he’s just too undesirable that’s why there’s no one who likes him. Luhan immediately perished that thought. He shouldn’t feel jealous over his bestfriend. Jongin’s already enough for him, even if it’s just a mere crush. When he saw that Sehun left, he instantly approached Baekhyun who’s smirking at the retreating back of his admirer. 


“Hey, what was that? Is the university’s Ice Prince also one of your admirers?” Luhan teases Baekhyun while poking the latter’s side. 


“No way! Sehun already likes someone else. And if you only knew how whipped that guy is for the one he likes, you will doubt if he is indeed an ice prince.”


“Then, why did he gave you that paper bag?”


“This is for you, Luhan dear. I knew that you didn’t ate your breakfast because you are running late so I requested Sehun to run an errand for me.” Luhan only humms, he is still doubtful. He really thinks that the food is intended for Baekhyun. But if he will not accept it, Baekhyun will surely chew him. 


“Okay, our class chairman just announced in the group chat that Prof. Lee is sick so you can eat your breakfast peacefully. Let’s go to the cafeteria.” 

Luhan shrugs, so he didn’t ate his breakfast for this. He didn’t saw Jongin this morning too. This day already . 



“That guy, seriously, can’t he just give this to him directly?” Baekhyun mumbles which Luhan didn’t hear clearly. 


“Did you say something, Baek?”


“Did I? Oh it’s nothing. Anyway, you look prettier than yesterday, my dear Lulu. No wonder, someone got tongue tied today.” Baekhyun giggled. Here comes his bestfriend’s cryptic statements.


“Wait, this is really for me?” Luhan asked as he scans the food in front of him, egg sandwich, sausage and avocado smoothie. This meal is indeed for him because Baekhyun is allergic to egg and avocado is Luhan’s favorite. Baekhyun only hums while checking his flawless face in a compact mirror. That’s Byun Baekhyun for you, he will forget everything except his make-up kit.

“B-but, how did you know that I haven’t got my breakfast?” 

Baekhyun suddenly laughed awkwardly then closed the compact mirror. “W-well, your mother called me?” Luhan looked skeptical at Baekhyun’s argument. Then the former saw sweat in the latter’s nose.

“Yah, you are lying! Your nose is sweating everytime you lie. Tell me the truth, Baek.” Luhan said while tickling Baekhyun’s side, the latter’s major weakness. But of course, birds with the same feather, flock together, so if Baekhyun is ticklish, Luhan is even more ticklish than his bestfriend. They end up tickling each other while giggling.


A guy suddenly sits in their table. “Seems like you don’t have an appetite to eat, little Lu, I’ll just eat this then.” Before Luhan can do something, Baekhyun already slapped Jongdae’s hand away from his food. 

“You , stop taking food that’s not yours.” Luhan laughs at Jongdae’s dejected expression. He bites at his egg sandwich then he gestured at Jongdae to take a bite too. 

“Nah, just kidding, little Lu. Someone will sock my face if I take a bite.” Jongdae said, wiggling his eyebrows. Then he noticed that Jongdae saluted while grinning widely at someone behind him. He turned his back to his friends and saw Oh Sehun with his usual blank expression staring directly at him. He almost spit out the sandwich he is chewing. Why the hell is he staring at Luhan? Nah, he’s probably just staring at Jongdae.  The famous Ice Prince will never notice a wallflower like Luhan. 


“This is such a wonderful day, right little Lu?” Jongdae whistled then pinched Luhan’s cheeks. What is good in this morning? He didn’t even saw Jongin this morning. Luhan jutted his bottom lip while thinking how unfortunate his day started. He didn’t even notice that Oh Sehun’s still staring at him. 


“Oh, Kim Jongdae, you truly have a death wish. And I’m such a wonderful friend so I will buy your casket in advance.” Baekhyun said in a snarky tone. 


“Might as well buy your own in advance too, Baekhyunnie,” says Jongdae, as if he is talking to a child. He even pat Baekhyun’s head.


“Don’t you even touch my sleek hair. It took an hour for me to groom this.”

“Well, my hand that I used to pee earlier will surely contribute to your smooth and glossy hair.”

Luhan braced himself on what will happen next. He covered his ears while sipping on his smoothie. 

Baekhyun screeched and started to chase Jongdae around. “You son of a b-- argh, come back here, you troll! I’m going to kill you!” Luhan only giggles. He is used to this scenario. 



“Hey, I’m planning to confess to Choi Minho.” Luhan doesn’t usually eavesdrop but he can’t help it. Choi Minho are one of those fine men in their school. 


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Currently rewritting all of my fics before I upload new chapters. Forgive me for some changes from the old version to new version.


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748 streak #1
Chapter 17: I was hoping I had not finished all the chapters! This story is so enthralling, I really hope you decide to finish it at some point. I have been enjoying the plot and the characters while binge reading.😊
springmiya #2
Chapter 17: what a chapter
Chapter 17: I hope Luhan remembers when he wakes up. Shixun's just beside him now. Ohhhhh. Beautiful Dilraba is here!! Weilong too.
Chapter 16: I am thankful that there are still authors who write about HunHan.
Chapter 16: I swear yours fanficcs are my second religion 😩
The first one is of course dedicated to every ships I worship ❤️
springmiya #6
Chapter 15: thank you author

please keep safe also
Chapter 14: omg i didn't expect that it was wild af >< happy 1220 indeed! ♡
springmiya #9
Chapter 14: thank you for the updated i was wondering what to read tonight
springmiya #10
Chapter 13: Great chapter