Moon Lovers


Suho, the young prince of Earth, is arranged to marry Hyuna, the Sun Princess on his 18th birthday. The day of their marriage is set to the next Solar Eclipse after Suho's 25th birthday. Yet there are many who are not happy with this arrange marriage, among them, Gackt, the Moon Prince. A cold stotic male that has seem to have fallen hopelessly in love with the ever clueless Suho.

Pairing: SuhoxGackt
Authors: Kora_Khan and ybakura/Sudaddykim
Word Count: In Progress
Rating: PG - NC17
Genre: Humor, romance, fluff, angst,


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Lilinne #1
I really like the concept and all, just not the picture of Gackt you choose, I didn't know he could look ugly... *shocked* Hihi
Chapter 2: Well when will the Moon Prince take action on Prince Suho and Suho keep denying the more faith like things will happen and you will not ignore it.