Part 4

Wonderland | Twice

“Mina!” Dahyun sighed once Sana materialised infront of her, with a certain cat slunk around her shoulders. “Leave our guest alone.” She hissed, picking up Mina from Sana’s shoulders, as Momo narrowed her eyes at the sight of Mina’s lack of kingdom, a reminder of the citizens of Wonderland, befoe the split. She just got reminded of the wars, of the stupid deed she did, and shooed Mina away, she hated thinking about it.

“How did you arrive in Wonderland, Sana wasn’t it?”

Sana wasn’t sure how she should act around Momo, she wasn’t her queen, but she was still the queen of the land she was standing in, the gatekeepers had always been taught to treat foreign lands with respect, just because they weren’t like theirs they should still show manners. So Sana picked up her skirts and curtsied. “Yes, your majesty, that is correct. You see, I simply pushed open a door in my own world, and suddenly I am falling though some kind of clutter hole.”

“Watch it! That’s my home you’re talking about there!” Dahyun hissed.

Momo simply shushed her, and continued to ask Sana more questions.

“What is your full name?”

it, why lie? “Minatozaki Sana miss”

“I see. Your age? I presume you’re human.”

“Yes, and I am 16.”

“Very good. Well Minatozaki Sana, I am Hirai Momo, in your age I am 17, in my years I am 341 actual years. This is Kim Dahyun, who you met. She is 16 years your years, and 96 years actual years. Welcome to Wonderland.” Momo said, stepping up and shaking her hand. “I will not invest you into Wonderland yet, we can’t do that until you’re 17. When is your birthday?”

“29th of December, your highness.”

“Okay we have a few months then, in your months anyway, our months are… different.”

“I am sorry miss but, who can’t you ‘invest me yet?’”

“When you become a part of Wonderland, you will not age from when you turn 17, that is why.”

“I see..” Sana sighed, she had no intention of staying that long at all, just maybe a few days. But when her father found out, where she was she would be in heaps of trouble, so maybe a few weeks to wait until he’s cooled off.

“HATTER?” Momo yelled, and within a few seconds, a very short girl was by the queen’s side. Her hair was short, curled and finished before her neck ended. On her head was an old fashioned black hat. She was wearing a tweed patterned skirt that finished at her knees, with a red button up jacket over her arms and upper body, with a yellow tie around her neck.

“Yes your highness?” The girl grinned, a slight smirk on her face.

“Show our new guest to her room. Sana, this is Chaeyoung.”

And Chaeyoung removed her hat, and did a slightly saracastic bow, before beconning Sana to follow her. Dahyun went toi follow thenm, but Momo called her back.

“Don’t to it again Dahyun.”


“She’s not Alice.”

“Yes I know that.”

“So don’t fall in love again.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

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Chapter 7: Dang how long been since you last updated this?!
Chapter 7: Finally, an update! Thank yoy for this!
Chapter 6: Waaah SaiDa tho! I will wait till the day you update author nim ^-^
Chapter 6: That SaiDa! Kilig much HAHAHA Im anticipating for TzuMo moments :)
Chapter 5: This is so fun to read HAHAHA i like it!
Chapter 1: SaiDa and TzuMo pleasee hehe