But Darling, You Are The Only Exception

But Darling, You Are The Only Exception

Irene was not one for making a mess. She loved things straight and orderly, and she lived by the motto ‘everything has its proper place.’ All the books were lined up in alphabetical order on her bookshelf. All her clothes were neatly folded up and gingerly placed in drawers or hung in the closet. All the spices and herbs were arranged by their level of spiciness (Irene had Wendy help for this one). All in all, everything was exactly where it was supposed to be, and that wouldn’t change. (Until it did.)

Honestly, Irene hadn’t been sure what to expect when she had asked Seulgi if she wanted to live with her on a complete whim. It had been in the middle of one of their university chemistry class sessions. All she remembered was that Seulgi, who had been her lab partner at the time, had been complaining about how she hated the dorm rooms, and Irene had opened without thinking. The next thing she knew, she was helping Seulgi bring her clothes up to her apartment.

The thing was that Irene liked cleanliness, but based on Seulgi’s performance in their chemistry classes, Seulgi was not the cleanly-type.

Yet as much as she hated to admit it, Irene would be lying if she had said that Seulgi was a slob. Quite the contrary, in fact. When Seulgi first moved in with Irene, the slightly younger girl had surprisingly paid close attention to Irene’s explanation of how she wanted to keep the place tidy, and for the most part, had actually went out of her way to keep it that way. Yes, Seulgi was far more relaxed than Irene and was a tad more untidy in her own room, but in the general living space and in the kitchen, Seulgi made sure to clean up after herself perfectly.

Irene had gotten so used to the cleanliness of her apartment, that when she came home late one rainy Friday night from dance practice, she had literally no idea what to think of the big pillow fort that awaited her in her living room.

Had it been anyone else, Irene would’ve probably yelled out of anger and confusion. Like, seriously? The fu—  a pillow fort? What are we, four?

But this was Seulgi. Sweet, clumsy, Seulgi who always tried her best to hold up her end of the bargain and maintain their clean apartment. Irene couldn’t just yell something like that at Seulgi.

So instead, Irene had frowned and cocked her head in confusion.

“Seulgi?” She had called attentively.

A second later, a head poked out from within the pillow fort, grinning.

“Yes, Irene-unnie?”

“You made a pillow fort?” Irene carefully stepped closer to the structure.

“Yup!” Seulgi grinned, “There was thunder and lightning earlier. I thought I could escape it if I hid under a pillow fort!”

Irene blinked.

“I-I guess that’s reasonable…”

Man, Irene thought to herself, I’m really getting soft…

“Mmhm,” Seulgi hummed, slightly pushing the fort’s blanket entrance out of the way. “It’s really nice and cozy since I took my bed comforter and brought it in here. I’m planning on staying the night and cleaning it up in the morning. Wanna join me?”

Irene’s first reaction was to say ‘no,’ but something about the way Seulgi’s cat-like eyes glowed excitedly forced her to say otherwise.

So she shrugged, “Sure, I guess so,” and that was that.

The next morning, Irene woke up, blinking as sunlight seeped through the cracks of the pillow fort and hit her eyes. She attempted to get up only to find out that Seulgi was still fast asleep, resting peacefully on her left arm.

She sighed, shaking her head before begrudgingly lying back down, choosing to let her roommate sleep a little longer.

“Man,” Irene muttered under her breath, a soft smile on her lips as she watched Seulgi’s gentle breathing, “I really am getting soft…”

As it turned out, Irene let Seulgi keep the pillow fort up for the rest of the day, opting to eat their lunch within the soft walls. Their entire Saturday was spent lounging in their little safe haven, playing games, listening to music, and simply talking. They only cleaned it up Sunday morning because Irene’s dance group was coming over for breakfast, and they didn’t want the fort to be in their way.

When Seulgi had talked to Irene’s groupmates about their ‘fort activities’ during the meal, Joy had insisted that they reconstruct it again.

Irene immediately shot down the idea— much to Joy’s indignation and Seulgi's amusement. ("Come on, Irene-unnie!" "Absolutely not.")

Once was enough, Irene decided. She could make exceptions for Seulgi, but that was it. And only once.

(Except it really was only the first time.)


The second time, Irene had been walking to her first class, but Seulgi had stayed back at the apartment, apparently having a terrible stomachache and a horrible headache.

Irene had frowned deeply, seeing Seulgi sprawled out on her bed like that. She’d felt helpless for her friend, and desperately wished that there was some way that she could help her.

“Is there anything I can do?” Irene had asked hopefully after delivering the sick girl some cereal to her bedside table.

Seulgi had chuckled, shaking her head before groaning and clutching her scalp in pain. Irene had flinched at the sight, but Seulgi managed a small smile from beneath her hands.

“It’s fine, unnie. Go to class! Maybe just stop by the convenience store for some medicine on the way back from  practice tonight? I’ll be fine by myself today, I promise.”

This only caused Irene’s frown to deepen. Was there really nothing that she could do?

“Are you sure?” Irene had probed, and Seulgi attempted to roll her eyes (‘attempt’ being the keyword here. She had never learned how to properly do it, and Irene had been trying to teach her the day before.)

“Yes, unnie. I promise I can take care of myself.” The sick girl allowed her sleepy smile to grow ever-so-slightly, settling down onto her pillow once more. “I’m a big girl! Go, I don’t want to be the reason you were late to class.”

And now, Irene stood outside the doorframe to her classroom, biting her lip. Her thoughts during her entire walk to school had been filled with concern for her roommate. What if Seulgi was actually more sick than she let on? What if she was calling for Irene and forgot that Irene had left for school during her drowsy goodbye? Seulgi hadn’t eaten before Irene had left and… Shoot. What would Seulgi eat? Irene wasn’t there to get something for her, and dance practice always ran late into the night.

Irene groaned, stepping aside from the doorway to allow other people to enter. She shouldn’t have gone to school. She should’ve stayed at home with Seulgi. Sweet, clumsy, and innocent Seulgi who Irene had left sick and alone in their apartment.

But then again, Irene had vowed to herself that she wouldn’t miss a day of university this year, let alone dance practice...

But on the other hand, Seulgi…

She groaned again, grabbing two handfuls of hair in frustration before sighing. She could hear as the professor began to recite the opening of his lecture.

The professor can’t count me late if I haven’t even stepped into the lecture hall, Irene reasoned, turning on her heels to leave the university campus.

Slipping her phone out of her pocket, she shot a quick text to Wendy, Joy, and Yeri through the dance groupchat, saying that she wouldn’t make it to practice tonight. She paused in her actions for a moment before sending another text as an afterthought.

‘Seulgi’s more sick than she’s letting on, and I don’t want her to be alone all day today.’

A second later, Irene received a few quick responses.

‘No problem, unnie! Hope she feels better soon!' — Yeri

'Make sure she gets plenty of rest!' — Wendy

'Why did you even leave her, unnie?! Gosh you're stupid sometimes. Anyway, you should try giving her soup. It soothes the stomach.' — Joy

Irene chuckled. Leave it to Joy to be on the practical side. Really, her friends were the best.

On the way back to the apartment, she stopped by a local convenience store, picking up some medicine, and, after remembering Joy’s advice, some chicken soup as well.

An hour later, Irene was coaxing Seulgi awake from her nap on the couch (the younger girl had hauled herself there from her bedroom after feeling the urge to bask in the warmth of sunlight. Sometimes, Irene swore that Seulgi was part plant.)

Seulgi's eyes widened at the sight of the older girl present, but chose to hold her tongue, not questioning anything. At Seulgi's compliance, Irene smiled softly and gently began to spoon feed the other girl soup, the two of them regarding each other in comfortable silence, neither wanting to break the peaceful atmosphere.

Later, Irene watched her roommate drift off to sleep in entranced fascination, but in the end, she couldn't help but feel a bit sleepy as well. As she began to nod off to dreamland, she began to wonder, in the midst of her drowsy stupor, how many exceptions she had made for Seulgi in just one day.

And she was just about to question why when she gave up and fell into the depths of sleep, dreaming about gigantic pillow forts and a stubborn, bear-like girl who refused to let Irene help build hers, despite how neither of them were tall enough to place the final pillow anyway.

(Later on, Irene would wake up to the sight of a slightly healthier Kang Seulgi grinning at her. "You were smiling in your sleep," she would say. "It was really cute." And Irene would realize that she had to make another exception for Seulgi, because almost no one calls resident head-unnie Bae Irene cute and gets away with it. Almost no one.)


Irene supposedly doesn't really remember the third time that well. All she recalls is that she somehow allowed herself to be dragged by Seulgi to the city park, where some organization was hosting a petting zoo with "lots of cute animals!" (Seulgi's words, not Irene's.)

The next thing she knew, Irene was sitting cross-legged in the park, becoming good friends with a domesticated chipmunk, feeding it raisins and whatnot and Seulgi was right next to her, laughing as Irene gave in to temptation and started baby-talking and cooing at it. Because let's be honest here— chipmunks are freaking adorable.

In the back of her mind, Irene was wondering how Seulgi had managed to break down so many of her walls. More than three exceptions for one person, and both girls had only known each other for four months.

(By this point, Irene did know Seulgi well enough to give the other girl her own special nickname. It had slipped out accidentally, just as the sun was starting to set and it was time to go home. "We should get going, Sseul, it's getting late."

Seulgi had perked up at the nickname, her eyes brightening. "What did you just call me?"

Irene had blinked in confusion before realizing what Seulgi was referring to, and she had rolled her eyes, "I said 'let's go, Sseul, ' Did you hear me this time?"

"Yes!" Seulgi grinned, standing up and dusting herself off before proclaiming, "Let's head home, Irene-unnie!"

Irene cocked her head, and before she could prevent herself, the words, “You can just call me Joohyun,” left her lips.

Seulgi had never beamed that widely at her before.)

It was then that Irene came to the conclusion that Seulgi was a miracle worker— practically an angel sent down from above.


The fourth time was during a New Years party. Some of the upperclassmen were throwing it in a nearby apartment, and Irene, with her high social status thanks to her dance activities (they were well-loved all over the campus ), and Seulgi with her inherent popularity and charismatic status (as well as because Joy and Yeri finally convinced Seulgi to join the dance group), were both invited.

Irene had been hesitant ("I don't know, Sseul...") while Seulgi had been all for the idea ("C'mon Joohyun-unnie! It's a privilege! Let's go and enjoy ourselves!")

Eventually, Irene had caved, just as she had done so many times prior when Seulgi would bust out the perfect pouty puppy-dog eyes, practically pleading with her to come to the party ("you can go on your own, Sseul!" "No! It won't be as fun without you!")

And that's how Irene found herself at some upperclassman apartment (whom she barely even knew), three floors beneath her and Seulgi's apartment, on New Year's Eve, sipping a slightly alcoholic drink on the balcony in the fresh air as the city lights sparkled beneath her. Yet despite the beautiful view, that's not what Irene was looking at. Instead, she spent her time peering into the apartment from the outside, trying to spot Seulgi in the crowd. And more often than not, her roommate was chatting with someone else with an adorably concentrated look on her face, and Irene would sigh.

Eventually, Yeri slipped out of the party, joining Irene on the balcony, drink in her right hand. The older girl rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue at the sight. Out of all of their friends, Yeri was the only one who was still technically underage.

"Whoa there, we have a rebel in the house," she said jokingly, and Yeri barked out a laugh.

"Oh, haha," the younger one jested back in return, happily returning Irene's witty banter and indulging herself. Yeri took another sip of her drink. "I know how to hold my alcohol."

"I'm sure you do," Irene grinned, grateful for Yeri’s distraction. "How are you enjoying the party?"

"It's pretty fun," Yeri shrugged, "Joy-unnie’s in the bathroom, and I'm waiting for her— she's not throwing up, if that's what you're thinking. Seriously, you'd be amazed at how well that girl can hold a drink."

"I know," Irene chuckled, shaking her head. She briefly thought back to her life a few years ago, back before college, when she was just finishing high school. She and Joy had gone to the same school, and the other girl had completely owned Irene in drinking contest after drinking contest. Joy’s tolerance level was ridiculous.

Back then, Irene was definitely more daring. Perhaps it was youth and adrenaline all in her head. Or maybe it was simply because there hadn't been any need to worry. She had still been an innocent kid trying to grow up but have a good time.

When had she have to become so mature?

But then again, when had she begun to revert back to her old self? When had she started breaking down all the barriers and rules she had set in place in order to maintain her adult life?

The answer was right in her face this whole time, and even as she was continuing to talk with Yeri, Irene was still attempting to pick her out from the crowd.


That girl's innocence and amicable nature was definitely doing something to her. Irene was making more and more exceptions for her everyday. Just yesterday alone, Irene allowed Seulgi to have pizza for breakfast, pancakes for lunch, and ice cream for dinner. They had neglected studying for their midterm exams (which were fast approaching and they both really needed to get on with studying), and instead spent the entirety of the day lounging in front of the TV, watching Netflix shows and playing Super Smash Bros on Seulgi's Wii. Hell, Irene was even thinking about allowing Seulgi to get a dog for their apartment. An actual, real dog. And now here Irene was, at a New Year party full of drunk, intoxicated, yet happy idiots (including herself, but she wasn't really drunk drunk.)

And at the revelation, Irene did what she always did.

She sighed.

She sighed, with a soft smile gracing her features, and her eyes closing as she brought her free hand up to her temple.

She let out another chuckle.

"Aw, darn."

Yeri beamed, a knowing look on her face. She pushed herself off the balcony railing and began making her way back into the heart of the party.

"You should really tell her," Yeri said, tossing the comment over her shoulder as she paused in front of the glass sliding doors. "I'm gonna go inside now. Some of the upperclassmen challenged Joy and I to some games of beer pong and flip cup," she continued without giving Irene any time to respond (not that Irene would've been able to anyways).

"You?" Irene gasped in a playful manner, raising her eyebrows teasingly, "Kim Yerim, you know how to play flip cup and beer pong? Our sweet baby angel Kim Yerim?"

"Oh hush you," Yeri rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at her older friend, "I may be the youngest person here, but I wasn't sheltered. I can handle a few drinking games."

Irene laughed, shaking her head once more before following Yeri inside. They parted ways soon after though, as Yeri caught sight of Joy waving to her at the table, cups set up for beer pong, and Irene started searching for Seulgi.

She found the other girl chatting in a couch with some other students who Irene had seen around campus before, but had never formally met. Irene shot a small, polite smile their way before tapping Seulgi on the shoulder.

Seulgi's face immediately broke out into a smile. "Joohyun-unnie!"

"Hey Sseul," Irene replied, her small smile growing. "I'm thinking of heading back to the apartment now. I'm getting kinda tired, and I don't think I could handle all the noise that'll be coming out of this room when midnight finally comes."

The smile on Seulgi's face didn't even falter as she jumped off the couch, waving lightly to her new friends.

"Alright! Wait here a sec, okay, unnie? I have to get my sweater first."

"Huh?" The older girl tipped her head to the side, a bit confused.

And Seulgi rolled her eyes (she'd finally gotten the hang of it after many hours of practice). "I'm going with you, silly. To our apartment. Because, you know, we're roommates?" She raised an eyebrow at Irene that basically stated duh.

"Oh," and Irene felt a bit dumb, but nevertheless still a bit puzzled. "I thought you'd be staying here until midnight."

Seulgi shook her head. "Nah. I don't want you to spend midnight alone. Plus," she leaned in, smirking a bit, "I'd rather spend the first few minutes of midnight with you next to me instead. Don't tell everyone else though!"

That got another laugh out of Irene. "Okay, Sseul. Go get your sweater. I'll be standing by the entrance waiting, 'kay?"

"'Kay!" Seulgi hummed back in return. "Don't you dare leave without me!"

"Yeah yeah!" Irene dismissed Seulgi's playful threat with a light wave of her hand.

And as she stood by the doorway of that unknown upperclassman's apartment, Irene couldn't help but wonder how often Seulgi made exceptions for her.

I suppose it's only fair, she thought to herself, thoroughly pleased, that we keep on making exceptions for each other.


That was how the fourth time transitioned into the fifth time.

Seulgi and Irene now stood in their living room, lounging on their couch in exhaustion.

"Y'know what, unnie?"

"What, Seulgom?"

"I'm so glad you decided to leave when you did!" the younger of the two groaned out, Irene laughing at the sudden change in tone. "I'm so tired!"

"You would've stayed until the very end, wouldn't you, Seulgi?" Irene grinned, shifting so that Seulgi could take up most of their sofa, with the dark-haired girl's head resting in her lap.

"I’m always a little scared to leave early," Seulgi admitted. "I’m always thinking that I’m being rude when I excuse myself, so I typically stay all the way to the end."

"Yeah?" Irene couldn't say that she was surprised.

"It’s a bad habit. Maybe I should take a page out of your book, unnie," Seulgi mused, reaching up to grab Irene's chin and tugging on her face ever-so-much to make the brunette girl look right at Seulgi.

Looking into Seulgi's eyes, Irene found herself become a bit breathless, her heartbeat suddenly getting louder and louder, pounding profusely in her ears.

"Yeah," she breathed out. "You really should."

Seulgi let out a quiet laugh, blinking as she held Irene's gaze, and the older girl had never seen someone more adorable.

It was Seulgi who broke their temporary silence.

"Hey, unnie?"


"Do you think you could wait until midnight?"

"What are you talking abou— oh."

Irene hadn't realized how close their faces had gotten. If she had closed just a little more space, she could've nuzzled their noses. She started to move back, but Seulgi quickly stopped her.

"I didn't say you have to pull away," Seulgi pouted, and dear god, she was so cute. "I only said to wait. It's been a dream of mine to get a midnight, New Year kiss."

Irene chuckled, shaking her head a little and nudging Seulgi with her nose. "As much as I'd love to stay like this, there are still 30 minutes to midnight." She motioned to the digital clock that had a red 11:30 displayed on it. "We should probably find something to do until then."

Seulgi only pouted again. "But now this'll be the only thing on my mind."

"You're the one who wanted to wait," Irene retorted playfully. She returned to her previous sitting position, gently motioning for Seulgi to join her. "C'mon. I'm sure I can think of something for you to do that'll take your mind off of your fairytale kiss."

Seulgi huffed, sitting up straight and crossing her arms. "Like what?"

"How about..." Irene trailed off, pretending to be thinking. "...we make a pillow fort?"

Seulgi's face lit up instantaneously, brighter than the sun, moon, and stars combined.


And that's how Irene found herself 28 minutes later, sitting in a fortress of pillows, with Seulgi's face in her lap and her hands tangled in long locks of Seulgi's dark hair. It was warm and natural and cozy and it felt like home; like Seulgi was home, more than her apartment had ever felt before, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the whole world. There was no awkwardness like Irene had feared— nothing but complete and utter acceptance and Irene wished that she could freeze this moment and live in it for the rest of eternity.

"You know what, Joohyun-unnie?"

"What, Seulgi?"

"Did you know," the other girl paused for a moment, pondering over her words. "Did you know that you could take over the whole world before breakfast with your beauty? If you wanted to, I mean. People would, like, bow down before you with one look. They’d let you go anywhere you wanted. I bet that you could even make it to the farthest reaches of the galaxy by nightfall. That’s how amazing you are, Joohyun-unnie.”

"Really?" Irene kept her tone light, still playing with strands of Seulgi's hair.


"Then you know what, Seulgi?"


"I'd take over the entire world for you, and be home in time to make you breakfast. And you know what else?"

"What else?"

"I'd follow you anywhere. Even to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Even if it meant that we'd be the only ones there, and we’d have to spend the rest of forever together in isolation. I wouldn’t mind that… I would love it, even. Just as long as you’re with me."

"Really?" Seulgi's eyes were sparkling.

"Really." Irene couldn't look away.

Somewhere beneath them, they could hear shouts of celebratory screaming and the hiss of champagne being opened and the boom of fireworks being rocketed into the skies.

"Do you think it's midnight?" Seulgi asked, not bothering to poke her head outside of their safe haven inside the fort.

Irene shrugged. "Close enough."

That's when Irene finally tugged Seulgi in tight and closed the distance.

Those fireworks had nothing on that kiss.


The next morning, Irene woke up to Seulgi sleeping on her arm again. They were still nestled in their pillow fort, resting in the safety that was Seulgi's star-patterned comforter.

This time, they both woke up together, staring into each other’s eyes with these big, dorky grins on their faces.

This time, Irene was the one to break the silence.



"What are we?"

"Well," Seulgi smiled, "I'm yours, and you're mine."

"That simple, right?" Irene couldn't stop herself from asking. "There's nothing wrong with it being that simple, right?"

"Of course not," Seulgi declared softly, and Irene smiled in return.

"Good. But for the record, I'm just gonna slap the label 'girlfriends' on us. For simplicity's sake. That okay with you?"

"It's perfect," Seulgi replied, her smile never letting up. "It's absolutely perfect."

(Irene stopped counting after the fifth time, because she's pretty sure that there were plenty of moments in between, and definitely more to come.)


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Chapter 1: 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
72 streak #2
Chapter 1: Joohyuunieeeee is so cuteeee
72 streak #3
72 streak #4
Lezggooo read this
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: Rereading this because it makes me feel warm and fluffy 💗 love how sweet seulrene is
Chapter 1: so cuteee
I forgot to read this gonna read this now!
Chapter 1: Reading just in time for RV’s CB. Love this 😘
Chapter 1: so adorkably cute lovely work 🥺