
Forget; 11:11 || Baekyeon

I tried to hate him for making my heart bleed.

But I couldn't.

There was every reason to.

Yet I wouldn't let myself.

Where would I be if you weren't ever here?

If you didn't step into my colorless life.

I would still be the girl walking a narrow path that wasn't of her choosing.

Singing songs that weren't her own and hiding who she was.

It wasn't me and you knew.

And awoke me up.

Tugging on the plug that replayed our times together on a tiny screen.

I let you go, I let us go.

Never forgetting.

"I loved you."


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I added a chapter to fill in the gap between |:14| and the after story.


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Chapter 6: feeelllss.
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful! I'm tearing up and I'm not even halfway!