Snore Snore Chaos

Little Dancer (Binwoo)


Hey guys, sorry that this is late. I had something come up and didn't have anytime to write. Also, I was re-reading chapter 3 and found some major mistakes in it. I fixed it to the best of my abilities but that chapter is still very bad and boring in my opinion. I'm sincerely sorry for my horrible writing in the last chapter, and I felt very disappointed in myself to be honest. If anything, I just hope that this chapter could make up for my latest mishap. Again, I am genuinely sorry if I'd wasted your time on my last chapter and I promise to do better in the future.


Chapter 4

*van door open*

-"Woah, what happened? Did you roll around in a dumpster?" Minhyuk asked.

-"Good to see you too Hyukie. Don't worry about me though...I'm not tired at all!" Bin said sarcastically  with a dazed smile as he squeezed through the crack between the van door and the front row chairs to get to the seats in the back.

-"hmm... I never said anything about being worried. And don't call me Hyukie, it sounds too cute and soft... like Sanha." Minhyuk replied with a repulsed look on his face.

-"HEY! What's wrong with my name?" Sanha said, giving Minhyuk's left arm a hard punch, "Your just jealous because my name is unique and yours isn't. Ha ha ha!"


-"OW!! Jinwoo hyung, what was that for?" (Got hit in the head)

-"Shut it... can't you see that your hurting Hyukie's feelings?" Jinwoo said with a smirk.

-"HEY!!! I just prefer a cooler nickname that's all... like...'The Rock' or... 'Mickey'!" Minhyuk said, slowly nodding his head in agreement to his own statement. (Mickey starts with an M like Minhyuk)

-"Pfft...'Mickey'? I thought you said you didn't want a cute name." Sanha snickered.


-"I don't!! and what are you even talking about? 'Mickey' is a cool name." Minhyuk stated.


-"It also happens to be the name of a cute, Disney character, too." Jinwoo said, amusement ringing in his voice.

-"What about Rocky?"

It was suddenly quiet...and everyone turned to face the source of the new voice.

-"You know...Rock + Mickey = Rocky. It's word play." Dongmin said with a smile.

-"Yeah... 'Rocky'... I like it!!Everyone, I've decided... from now on, I will be known as..Rocky!!" Minhyuk said triumphantly. 


-"That's weird hyung, you can't change your name when we're not even idols yet. In fact, we haven't even made it past the preliminary evaluat...OWWW OWWW!!!!" Sanha screamed as Minhyuk/Rocky placed him in a headlock.

-"Shut it dongseng, you don't need to be an idol to have a cool nickname." Minhyuk said in annoyance.


In his struggle for air, Sanha somehow managed to say, "But if it's just a nickname, then I don't have to use it right? In that case I'll just keep calling you Minhyuk--ie (psyke) because I ca.. AHHAHAHAH!!! AHA!!! STOP TICKLING MEEHEEHEEHEE!!!"

-"YAHH!!! Children, break it up!!!" Jinwoo yelled as he pulls on Minhyuk's head (the only thing he could grab because it was closest to the open door) to try and separate the two middle schoolers. Unfortunately, his efforts only ended up failing because it couldn't do anything more than prevent Minhyuk from blinking.


-"Hey everyone...what's going... on... here?" *slowed speech*

It was the trainee manager. He'd just come from the school's office to hand in a file of Dongmin's transfer papers. (Only to return to a scene of chaos :)

After about another 10 seconds of crazy...

-"yaaaaAAHHH!!!STOOPPPPPP!!!! -Op -op -op."(echo- echo) The manager shouted causing almost every head to turn and face his steaming expression.

-*exhale*"Can one of you please *snore* explain to me why Jinwoo is pulling on Minhyuk's head? Why Minhyuk has Sanha in a headlock? *snore* Why Sanha is screechinglikeadolphin? anD FOR GOODNESS SAKES CAN SOMEONE PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT 'SLEEPING BEAUBIN' OVER THERE!?!?" 



Hey everyone, this is another one of my tries at being humorous. Honestly, I've already re-read this chapter so many times that I can't tell if it's even funny anymore. Someone, anyone, please, comment down bellow to tell me what you think. I know that chapter 3 and chapter 4 didn't really have a lot of Binwoo, so I am planning to add more of it to chapter 5.... or maybe it'll be in chapter 6.
Anyhow, I actually have a plan this time guys. Oh by the way, happy belated Earth day ^v^

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Chapter 7: I have just spend the last 20 min or so reading this I love it. You are a very good writer. I look forward to reading more.
Allenjira #2
Chapter 7: auhhh.. dongmin start admiring bin XD
Waiting the next chapter *givingheartsign*
Allenjira #3
Chapter 3: you write really well anyway :D
vinavoss #4
For those who has finals and exams coming up... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
vinavoss #5
I can' t update this week because of Mother's Day, and because of projects and finals, I won't be able to update next week either. I'm really sorry - v
XindyTan #6
Chapter 6: SO KYEOT
taehyung95_jy #7
taehyung95_jy #8
Chapter 2: it's good !! I would say it's a really good start! There is humor in it ~ to me it's flowing really well and I don't see major grammar problems so it's fine :) don't worry too much ^^ hwaiting !! Looking forward to next update as always ~ !
taehyung95_jy #9
Chapter 1: good start!! it's interesting and although it is a little bit cliche, I'm fine with it :) hope you continue~ I'll waiting for your next update ^^ hwaiting !! :D