Caffe Misto


Hyerin has a job at a cafe. She loves it...for the most part. But there's this one girl, that gets on her nerves.


If you know Hyerin, you know that she’s a nice girl. Maybe a little bit stubborn at times, a little too childish, and a little hot headed at the wrong times, but overall, a very charming and gracious girl.


And that’s why the cafe decided to hire her. With her cute little smile and bright expressions, she could make anyone’s day better. Except one customer.


One girl; around her mid 20s, somewhat tall, light hair passing her back, with a button nose and twinkling eyes; would always come in with her phone pressed to her ear. She seemed somewhat tense, maybe with the phone call being so urgent. But Hyerin always found it weird how she would talk every single morning. Without fail.


“Caffe Misto,” she would somewhat spit at Hyerin. The shorter girl would grumble before tapping the order in.


“And your name?” she asked. The other girl rolled her eyes.


“You know my name. I come in everyday. Solji,” she returned to her call, her voice lowering into more of a mutter. Shoving her hand into her pocket, she snatched it out and slammed it down onto the counter. Then, she strutted over to the waiting bay, leaving Hyerin feeling a little hot inside.


She puffed her cheeks and grabbed the coffee mug placed behind her. Her co worker eyed her somewhat worriedly as she tapped the top.


“Caffe Misto,” she said, eyeing the steaming Hyerin. “ okay…?”


“Yeah,” she piped out of her tight throat. “...of course…”


She grabbed the pen by her side and held up the cup. Flicking off the top, she proceeded to write her first letter.




But then she paused. It was like her inner mischievous child came out as she eyed her customer. She was still chatting on her phone, one foot tapping and one hand in her pocket. Hyerin narrowed her eyes.




She snickered to herself as she strolled over to the counter nonchalantly and placed it down. She looked down at her, biting down on her lips to try and hide her growing smile.


Solji parted the phone from her ear just a tad. Eyeing her cup, she grabbed it and gestured lightly. Hyerin took a step back, clasping her hands in front of her to calmly wait. She watched her raise an eyebrow, before her eyes went towards the front of the cup.




She looked as if she was about to explode. She nearly threw down the cup and stomped her foot but when she heard a small voice from her phone, she instead glared at Hyerin. Hard. Very scarily. She tightened the grip of the mug and stormed off, leaving a very pleasant and very satisfied Hyerin.






Even with that incident, Solji kept on coming back. Day after day. With the same phone stuck to her ear like glue and the same frustrated look on her face. But Hyerin’s mischief didn’t change either.










Hyerin didn’t seem to run out of ideas or energy. It was slowly but surely becoming the highlight of her days. No. Actually, the highlight of her days were getting to see Solji. And that stupid expression she would pull every time.


Her eyebrows would crinkle together, making the arch in her brows even more prominent. Her circular eyes would squint daringly. Her beautifully plumped lips would thin out. It oddly gave her a tint of cuteness, and maybe that’s what Hyerin saw in it.








Solji came in like every other day, except her phone seemed far from her face. It wasn’t even present in her wardrobe. She had her hair up in a strict and tight ponytail. It looked like it was tugging up her temples, making her look a little colder. And Hyerin would easily agree if it weren’t for that wide smile by her lips.


“I’ll have a…” she tapped her index finger by her full lips. Hyerin’s eyes went immediately to her painted nails, then to the red bud. Blushing, she glanced away and cleared . “Green tea latte,” she grinned, and bent over to fetch her wallet. “Please.”


Hyerin gulped and nodded, taking the change to put it into the cash register. The shorter girl watched her walk away with a satisfied smile. Maybe it’s because she’d never seen her smile, but she seemed so much more beautiful. There was no chance that she wasn’t before, but it made her look so much more...lighter. Brighter. Cuter.


“Well,” she propped up the mug by the counter. “Here’s your green tea latte.”


“Hey,” she inspected the cup. “You actually spelt my name right for once.”


“I wanted to try something different, like your order,” she smiled, moving aside a lock of hair behind her ear. Solji smiled brighter. “So why do you look so happy today?” she parted her lips to speak, but Hyerin cut her off again. “--n-not that you’re usually not! Or mean to be…? I didn’t mean it to be offensive or anything. I’m sorry if it is...I-I--”


“No it’s okay,” she snickered. Hyerin felt her face heat up. “I just got a contract. I was always on my phone because my manager would always pester me about new songs.”


“Oh! So you’re a singer!” Hyerin enthused. Solji nodded. “That’s so cool!”


“Thanks,” she scratched the back of her neck. “But you used to make me so stressed and all...probably came across rude.”


“N-No not at all,” Hyerin piped out an awkward chuckle as she lied.


“Well thanks for the drink, I-” her eyes went down to her cup. Her palm was now on top of her previously signed drink, but she realised something. There was writing on the other side of the cup.


“I-It’s my phone number,” Solji snapped her attention towards her. “For, you know, whenever you wanna call me. And don’t have to but--”


“Thanks,” she chirped. “Hyerin,” she read out her name tag. “Cute.”


Hyerin smiled to herself as she readjusted her apron and cleared . Tightening up her ponytail, she watched the girl leave. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she winked at her one last time before leave.

She could feel flattery, excitement and flirtatiousness churn in her chest, and the childish girl let out a squeak and a fish pump before returning to her job with the biggest smile that no one can wipe away.


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samkodo #1
Our author-nim you are good as always
My hand is shaking while i'm writing i can't handle this cuteness
Poor solji i think hyerin was too childish but cute at the same time
I blushed when hyerin looked at solji's lips (red face) and i was like "what ate you doing hyerin? she will catch you"
I can't stop smileing.

Can you write another fanfic for this couple ..please? (puppy eyes)

Love you author-nim
This was so adorable! :D I actually laughed out loud when Hyerin was spelling Solji's name wrong on purpose, every day something different! Amazing ^^ Thank you for writing <3