Extra Special Bonus Chapter

Stubborn Pride
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This extra special bonus chapter is a celebration for 100 subscribers!!!!!  (This special gift applies for all my stories. When my stories reach 100 subscribers, I will add a bonus special chapter to celebrate!~)









The sound of harmonious giggling could be heard inside Sehun and Baekhyun’s room, along with the rustle of blankets as they tumbled around together in the bed. The happy expressions on their faces were lit up by the twinkling lights hanging from the ceiling, a permanent decoration ever since they were first hung up, accompanied by another set of lights unattached to any source of power. 


Baekhyun let out a loud laugh as Sehun nibbled on his collar bone, a spot Sehun had learned was very sensitive and always earned him a good reaction. Baekhyun retaliated by wrapping his mouth around Sehun’s shoulder and sinking his teeth into the fabric of his shirt. Sehun laughed as he abruptly pulled away, moving his body to bite Baekhyun in a different spot.


It was a common activity for them both to wrestle around at night nibbling on each other, ecstatically laughing as they got tangled up in the bedsheets. Baekhyun got easily swallowed up by the blankets and Sehun’s large body, they often had to pause to make sure he had space to breathe. Sehun would pull the blanket down off Baekhyun’s face so he could get a breath of air. Sehun would only give him a short moment before he stared biting him again and Baekhyun was pulled back under the layers of blankets. The only thing visible was their feet sticking out off the side of the bed, intertwined with each other.


The other bed in the room was never used, and they would have asked to remove it, but they weren’t sure how Sehun’s mother would react if she knew they were always sleeping together. She already had a hard time knowing that they were dating and still sharing a room. They were only sixteen after all. She had contemplated separating them, but she knew that would be useless and unnecessarily cruel.


Everyone had learned to ignore the sound of their rattling door, constantly shaking in it’s frame as the wind inside their room beat against it. They lived by the ocean anyway, wind was a common sound throughout the entire house, bashing at every window from the rage of the sea.


“Se-Sehun!” Baekhyun’s voice broke into a muffled sound as the blanket covering his face trapped it.


Sehun stopped nibbling on Baekhyun’s side and lifted his body up to look at Baekhyun’s face, both of them still hidden under the tent of blankets. Small orbs of light lit up the space under the sheets, making it possible for them to see each other.


“Too much?”


Baekhyun smiled at Sehun brightly and sat up, scooting close to him. Sehun’s head acted like the top of a teepee, supporting the blanket that draped a

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Chapter 2: The fluff was too much for me to handle!! I actually cried because this was so cute TT
970 streak #2
Chapter 1: It was such a sweet story.
It was good that Sehun was able to overcome his pride before it was too late.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Lulyhan #4
Chapter 3: Wow i love se hun here so muchhhh
Chapter 1: It's cute how sehun turned from arrogant and stubborn to shy and adorable UWU
And LMAO I just imagined jongin teleportating while confessing XD he's gonna end up teleporting along with his lover y'know when they do the deed XD
QueenofSnow #6
Chapter 1: lmao jongin "why im in egypt?"
house_of_cardso #7
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: How beautiful!;^; thanks for this <3
house_of_cardso #8
Chapter 1: I had to read this drabble and lmao the last note made me laugh so hard haha definitely it would be funny to read something like that now I'm curious. Also this was so angsty at first but then so fuffly and cheesy. I love it!
Chapter 1: this was so adorable i can't believe ;;
sehun is so shy and cute meanwhile baekhyun is soo naughty ♡♡♡ my heart is full
Chapter 1: I still get giddy and ‘kilig’ whenever i read this >~< this one of my faves when i was still new to the fandom and when i was just starting to ship my bois.