Gorillas and Priests

'Till Death Do Us Part
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After a few weeks

"Hey, Seul, can you walk properly now?" Irene asks as she eyes the younger, who was playing a video game. Seulgi shrugs, her eyes darted at the screen.

All they've done these past few weeks are just plain boring. Lie down, sleep, cook, eat, play some video games. That's pretty much it.

"Well, shouldn't we atleast see if you can walk now?" Irene asks, her fingers lazily switching pages of the magazine. 

"Sure." Seulgi says, pausing the game. Irene focuses on Seulgi, who was slowly sitting down beside her. 

Seulgi stands, bit by bit, but without Irene's help. A great achievement. 

"I think I can walk, a little?" Seulgi says a little unassured. Irene readies herself, especially if Seulgi suddenly falls and have another injury. 

"Don't pressure yourself, Seulgi." Irene reminds Seulgi, and Seulgi obediently nods. She takes a little step, then another tiny one, then the last baby step. Then she sits down again.

"Let's give it another day." Seulgi says as she rests her head on Irene's shoulder. She adjusts her position for it to be comfortable both for her and Irene. 

And there goes Irene's heartbeat again. 

They stay quiet for a while. The silence is kept, the video game's still paused, the magazine was left unread.

"Hey, Irene." 

"Yeah?" Irene tries to calm down, especially on how she can feel a little bit of Seulgi's vibration when she speaks. Seulgi, don't you know how you affect Irene right now? 

"What happened?" Seulgi asks, her tone of voice seems to ask more than what just happened between her and he-who-must-not-be-named. 

"On what?" She asks back, though she clearly knows what Seulgi's asking. 

How did Seulgi know anyway? 

She mentioned it one time, how she felt high when she was with he-who-must-not-be-named.

And that was like, a week ago? How did Seulgi remember that?

"On Bogum, you. Everything within those two words." God damn you Seulgi! I said he-who-must-not-be-named. 

"Oh. Bogum. He was, great, I guess." Irene tries to avoid the question. She doesn't really want to talk about everything.

"Oh, Bogum. He was, great, I guess." Seulgi mimics with a make face. Irene was not really in the mood to talk about him. 

"If you tell me, I'll tell you anything." Seulgi says, like a deal. It was a good deal, Irene thought. 

"Fine." She agrees, and Seulgi smiles widely. "You go first, though."  

"What?" Seulgi's face dropped to confusion. "That's not fair, Irene." 

Irene chuckles at Seulgi's pout. "You didn't really clear that up, Seulgi." 

"Fine," Seulgi surrenders with a huff, "I'll go first." 

"Krystal." Seulgi starts, and Irene can already feel her heart beating in a weird rhythm, not because - God forbid - she likes Krystal, but because she's nervous on what Seulgi will say about her. She's pressured on how Krystal took care of Seulgi, though she doesn't understand why she feels her heart erratically beat against her ribcage like it's going to explode when she thinks about Seulgi and Krystal, all snuggled up in a comforter and has hot chocolate in their hands. 

Nope, not really thinking about. 

"Well, for starters, Krystal was strange, but she was beautiful." Seulgi lets herself be absorbed by the couch. She looks up to the ceiling, then on to the paused game, then to Irene's hands, but she never looked at Irene's eyes. No, she'd drown in it before she can say her full name.

"Strange? How come? She has some kind of of some sort? Did she have a pet gorilla?" Irene's silly questions made Seulgi have a hearty chuckle. Oh how can Irene be cute at times like this? She doesn't know the answer in all honesty. 

"No. She did not have a of some sort, and no, she did not have a pet gorilla. Jeez Irene, a goril

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_eunice_ #1
Chapter 19: I finished reading it only to find out it has been last updated 6 years ago😭
1060 streak #2
Chapter 19: Just finished reading this one. Hope youre doing well author!🥹
Chapter 19: Waiting for next update
Chapter 1: I like brave seulgi
574 streak #5
Need to read this
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 19: I love the tenderness Irene has towards Seulgi in this chapter. I really like the part about Seulgi observing the clothes people wore and how there's happiness with pain and hurt and how Seulgi picked herself up with that mindset. It's sweet how Seulgi enjoyed Irene's suggestions and was open to hear what Irene had to say. Other than the idea of 'home' in this chapter, I adore the star/moon idea by Seulgi here, like the part about seeing Irene as a morning star and the moon at the same time; Irene's just a constant in her life now, someone who brightens up her life. Love the idea of 'home' for Seulgi. My heart!!! I like this part: (She just wishes hard to the evening star that she becomes Irene's home, too.) Enjoyed this so much!
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 19: Will comment on this soon!
seulrene_daze #8
gcpt21 #9
Chapter 19: CUTIES
cjmoo_ #10
Chapter 18: Hey there, don't beat yourself over not being able to update! School's really tough, so do focus on that. :) Your readers will be here waiting for you (and hey, we're here because we like your works!). I hope you have lots of rest amidst your busy schedule. Take care! :D