Apologizing to Min Yoongi (Suga)

The 30 Day Challenge
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~*Double posting today cuz I missed a day earlier in the month, lucky you ;)
The original prompt was "making up," supposed to go hand in hand with the "arguing" prompt of chapter 23, but since I wanted to have 30 different guys, I had to separate the two, so I adjusted the prompt to "apologizing." Hopefully this goes well...Kinda old news, how I'm going to write this, but I had to do something lol. Enjoy maybe? ^^

Poster by the one and only cylbaengin...I would link her profile/request questionnaire except she's been super busy with graphics and I don't want to burden her. Please understand <3







Yoongi turned around at the greeting and was surprised to see it was directed at him.

"Oh wow, hello Miss Song Jihyo," he said, bowing as much as he could in the throng.

"Please, call me Seongim or noona," she smiled at him when she was close enough.

"Then call me Yoongi," he smiled back.

"Alright Yoongi-yah," she laughed, to which his smile deepened.

They actually bumped into each other in the busy streets of Thailand: Seongim was there for a photoshoot and BTS for a concert, but they decided to stay for an extra day or two before heading off to Indonesia.

She suddenly linked her arm with his.

"Is it alright if I do this?" she asked him, suddenly conscious.

"Yes, it's fine," Yoongi answered, his cheeks pinking.

"So we won't lose each other," she explained gently.

He just nodded because he didn't know what to say.

He definitely didn't expect to have company on his walk. He just wanted some fresh air, outside the hotel he was staying in; unlike his other members, he was good at blending into a crowd and easily snuck away from the fans camped outside. However, he was glad she called him out and decided to join him. Out of all the Running Man members, she was his favourite, and it showed a bit during their appearance on the 300th episode, much to his embarrassment. The other members wouldn't stop teasing him about it for days.

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I just made my first cover…it’s so simple lol but it’ll do.


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2491 streak #1
Chapter 2: Saw you were online recently and then I remembered this wonderful collection!! ^^ And I noticed this one with Dongjun, which is great since I've been having ZE:A feels lately, hehe. :') And ahhhh, it's so so so cute!! x] Even though they're both so shy and subtle, you can really feel how comfortable they are with each other and how much they care about each other. :) Anyway, hope you've been doing well and stay safe during this time!! <3
2491 streak #2
Chapter 12: I finished watching Goblin this past weekend as a treat for finishing final exams and I've started watching the Running Man episodes that Dong Wook guested in (which are great!). And I had a feeling that you wrote a drabble with him, so here I am. ^^ And WOW, I feel like I shouldn't be surprised that this is the scene you wrote. XD Dong Wook is such an awkward potato sometimes (there were so many awkward scenes when he was the Grim Reaper, but it worked LOLOL) and Ji Hyo would definitely be the one to make the first move in this pair. :P
2491 streak #3
Chapter 15: Hey, it's been awhile, but I wanted to drop another comment since I miss you and this collection. ^^ I hope you've been doing well! <3 After not watching K-Dramas for a year, since I was binge-watching Running Man (which I'm now completely caught up on!), I finished Uncontrollably Fond the other week and I was wondering if you had written a drabble with Juhwan, and you did! :D This one is very simple, which I think fits really well with their more reserved personalities, and subtle fluff is honestly my weakness. :')
Enjoyed the fluff! I look forward to more of your work. :)
2491 streak #5
Chapter 20: Okay, now that I've finally begun stanning Monsta X, I've gotten around to reading this one. And even though my knowledge of Monsta X is still pretty rudimentary, from what I know so far, I feel like you've written their personalities really well! ^^ And I can totally see the members teasing Shownu about him teaching Ji Hyo how to dance. XD Very cute and I'll be sure to watch the Running Man episode that he guests in! :)
2491 streak #6
Chapter 30: What a lovely scene with one of my favorite actors! :') Haha, Ji Hyo would end off the month with some relaxation, especially after all of the fun she had the past few weeks. ^^ So much fluff and veiled romance is giving me so many feels, hehe. x]

Anyway, thank you for writing so many drabbles that were centered around Ji Hyo! :D Like I mentioned earlier, I just got into Running Man so these are the first Ji Hyo fics I've ever read. And I'm so glad I found this by chance on the front page; it gave me something to look forward to in April whenever I took a break from studying. And once again, congrats on completing the challenge! Lots of people give up on these after the first few days, so it's awesome that you stuck it through until the end! :) Keep on writing and spreading the Ji Hyo love! ^^
2491 streak #7
Chapter 29: Oh my, oh my, that went from 0 to 100 really quickly, haha. :O I've only seen Woo Bin in one Running Man episode so far, but I've heard his guesting appearances are great so I'm really anticipating when I get that far into the show. And I can totally see him pulling some moves on her with his very sultry gaze after some childish, lighthearted antics. XD
2491 streak #8
Chapter 28: Awwwww, I love how fluffy this is!! x] I would blush too if Daniel Henney were flirting with me, haha. XD One can dream, hehe. :P And I love how Ji Hyo is down to basically do so many stupid, silly things with these guys, since most girls wouldn't. ^^
2491 streak #9
Chapter 27: I'd love to be at Wooyoung's birthday party myself, hehe. x] And Ji Hyo's gift was so thoughtful! :') I'd really appreciate such a down-to-earth friend like her, and that small moment that you included between her and Wooyoung was so perfect. ^^
2491 streak #10
Chapter 25: So much fluff!! x] I'm squealing so much inside!! ^^ And I love how chill Ji Hyo is with all of these guys, hehe. She'd honestly be someone I'd love to hang out with in real life. :)