to the blonde i love

to the blonde i love



I really can't think of anything to say. We've been through a lot, so it feels like I've said all there is to say.

"What are you writing?" Blonde hair cascaded down Yeeun's shoulder.

"Elkie! Don't look, it's private!" Yeeun scrambled abruptly.

The blonde rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Don't forget we have dinner with the unnies and Eunbin in a couple of hours. You should get ready."

"I know, just give me a minute. I have to finish this."

"Hurry, babe. I'm showering first."

Yeeun watched as the blonde removed the sweater she had on, exposing her shoulders. She was left wearing a thin tank top. Slowly, the girl had taken off her skin tight jeans, glancing at Yeeun once they were completely off. She smirked.

"You gonna finish that letter?"

Yeeun stared at the girl for a moment, shaking her head. "Um, yeah." She said nervously.

Elkie laughed and headed for the bathroom.


So I actually have somethings I'd like to say to you. I'm sorry if I don't come across clearly enough. Just know I'm trying my best for you.

When I met you, I was trying this thing called "turing a new leaf". I was starting fresh, I took on new responsibilities and I searched for new challenges. It was my final year of high school for real and I was ready to face anything that came at me.

Then you came along. You tried out for the soccer team. Your try out was...less than perfect but that's only because I held you to the standards I held myself to. I'm almost positive to anyone else you were crazy talented. And you are.

That time, when we practiced after school, I'll never forget it. We watched the sun set. Our drills lasted a good 4 hours. We were tired and couldn't move, so we just laid there on the ground. You noticed the sun setting across the horizon.

"Look!" You shouted so loud I remember flinching. "Isn't it beautiful?" I don't know if I've ever told you this, but when you said that... When you asked that, I wanted so bad to tell you it was you who was beautiful. I looked towards you and the way the light shined, the way it made your skin glow, that was when I fell for you.

"Yeeun, the showers free!"

"Hold on!"

"We're going to be late!"

"I'll be a minute!"

I know I haven't been the best girlfriend. I'm busy with work and school, which aren't even good excuses I know. You wake me up so my alarm doesn't make me cranky all morning. You cook breakfast for me so I don't starve all day. You send me texts when I'm working or at school so I don't feel so lonely. You wait to have dinner with me so I don't eat alone. You do so much and expect so little.

I'm glad to tell you, you won't have to expect the bare minimum from me anymore.

I hope when you read this letter, it's after the event I have set up for us. After tonight, if everything goes according to plan, we'll be engaged.

I promise I'll be the best wife you could ever dream of. Everything I've done, everything I've ever worked for, will have paid off. I know you'd never quit modeling, but if you ever wanted to just drop everything and hide from the world for a while, just know that I can make that happen. I will give you anything you want, you just have to say the word and you'll have it.

Things are going to change for the better. I'll have so much more time to love you knowing you accepted my invitation of forever. From now until the end, you'll be my first priority. You matter so much to me and, if you let me, I can give to you what you have given to me all this time.



"Are you done?"

A love that could move mountains.

Yeeun smiled at the pages she was holding, organizing them.

"Yeah, I'm done." She hid the paper in a drawer when the other girl wasn't looking.

"That took awhile." Elkie giggled, standing in front of a vanity. "Was it for school?"

"Not really." Yeeun came behind the blonde, snaking her arms around her waist. "You smell good." She said, staring at her girlfriend through the reflection of the vanity's mirror.

"Because I took a shower~." Elkie said mockingly, kissing the side of Yeeun's temple.

Yeeun caught the girl's lips, placing her fingers under Elkie's chin. She turned her around gently, deepening the kiss.

The blonde was the first to pull back. "Woah, what's got you all excited?" She smiled.

Yeeun gazed at her lovingly. She studied all of her girlfriend's features; her eyes, her lips, her nose, the smile that she loves so much.

"I'm beautiful, I know." Elkie said jokingly.

Yeeun laughed, kissing the other girl's cheek. "Of course you are. I just wanted to know if..."

Elkie looked at her expectantly.

The brunette shook her head. "Nothing, it can wait after dinner."

"Oh no you don't. Now you have to tell me." Elkie argued.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you later. I have to get ready, remember?"

The blonde pushed the other girl lightly. "So now Miss Writer wants to get ready?"

Yeeun held on to Elkie, pushing herself closer to her. They stood silently, waiting for someone to make a move.

"I love you." Yeeun was the first to speak.

"I love you, too."

Yeeun tilted her head, leaning close to Elkie's lips. The younger of the two slowly let her eyes close. Then, out of the blue, she no longer felt the arms that held her so tight. She glanced to see Yeeun making way towards the bathroom.


"I have to shower, we're going to be late!"

Elkie scoffed, shaking her head slightly. She stared back at the vanity as she got her makeup ready. She played back what had happened and laughed.

"I'd love to see what being married to her is like."

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Chapter 1: I love this story😍
-screams really loud in approval-
Chapter 1: This is too cute *0*
Chapter 1: Awww. What a beautiful gift! And to think that Yeeun planned to propose the same day Elkie were to receive the letter! I can imagine the feels haha
Really nice one shot ^^ And your writing? So good!
_heny_ #5
Really good!!
Chapter 1: Whoa! This definitely need a sequel!!! Gosh its cuteee
Chapter 1: Dawww, very cute & sweet ^^ Thank you for writing ♥
youngyul #8
finally a yelkie fic, author fighting! update soon:)
This is such a cute story! I would love to read more
Chapter 1: I'm literally crying TT This was absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for writing this! I love EeunKie and I love how you portrayed their relationship here. Playful, seductive Elkie and romantic, loving Yeeun - just like I would imagine them :) I would love to read more about them.