Bachelors' Paradise S2- A Monsta X Dating Show


MonstaX in
Bachelors' paradise
find true love in this bizarre jungle they call real life on tv.
Bachelor's Paradise is a famous Korean TV show in which 7 males are the Bachelors to 21 contestants who all fight for the hearts of the young men. But is love really that easy? No, it's not. Among the Bachelors there are Hidden Cards, also known as the hidden billionaires. Only those are in the show to find real love while the others are just there to help them find out who of the girls are fake and only participate for money or fame. Who of the female contestants will manage to win the heart of one of the boys? What will be the challenges the boys will come up with for them? 
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lee jooheon

The DJ that can be seen on every important party in Seoul is the son of the owners of a big luxus hotel chain. Nevertheless, this bachelor is infamous for his exorbitant lifestyle, comparable to Paris Hilton in her wild years. His favorite past-time activities are constant nagging and cracking lewd jokes covered by an unhealthy amount of aegyo. You think he's tough? Wait until you see him being a real weenie.

Why people think he's no hidden card: It's known that his parents abandoned him after several scandals, so nobody really believes that Jooheon has enough money to even live decently anymore. 
lim changkyun 
club promoter

Known by everyone in the Seoul Nightlife Scene, Changkyun can be found everywhere and nowhere in the big city. You saw him in Gangnam an hour ago? He probably is out now to raid Itaewon. Oh what, you saw him in Itaewon 10 minutes ago? Then he's probably off to Hongdae already. Yes, this bachelor is all about the fun in life. Also, he doesn't care about keeping a certain image in front of the cameras. He is who he is after all.

Why people think he's no hidden card: Even though there are multiple rumours about him owning a ton of clubs like Octagon or Club Answer, most people still think that he's just working for the clubs and enjoys his life as a club promoter.

chae hyungwon
Owner of a travel agency

As he inherited the travel agency of his parents, it's pretty obvious that this guy has money. But how much? And even if he has a lot... is he a hidden card or not? Most people never heard of this fellow. A little reserved at first, this bachelor can be a real romantic charmer and he's furthermore famous for his many meme-worthy facial expressions.

Why people think he's no hidden card: An unknown face. Not a lot more needed. Plus, people are very cautious in what they should believe after the first season of Bachelors' Paradise.

son hyunwoo
professional swimmer

Hyunwoo is a known face in the sports world. He's a member of the Korean National swimming team and already won a few prizes internationally. He's pretty popular among females, yet always remained single and never dated openly. 

Why people think he's no hidden card: Nobody knows why he never dated. Maybe he did but nobody ever noticed. Maybe he's married to his passion, swimming. But can it be that there's more behind this? Why is he so awkward around females?

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ONESubscribing is mandatory if you want to apply.
TWODon't bash each other. And don't bash me. 
THREEYou will have to comment. There's no way around it, believe me. 
FOURYou can apply four times but I will choose a max. of two of those characters to keep it fair.
FIVEYou are free to use any faceclaim you want. No matter if model, ulzzang, idol - whatever.
SIXIf you have any questions, send me a PM or write a comment. I'll answer asap. 
SEVENRead the cheatsheet. I'm not joking, you really should read it carefully. I'f you want to go for a character that in some points goes against my set rules that are either mentioned here or in the Cheatsheet, contact me BEFORE you apply and check if you can do it or not (sometimes I will make exceptions, depending on where this all is going).
EIGHTSince this is Season 2 of Bachelors' Paradise, you might be wondering if it's allowed to re-apply with characters that participated in Season 1. Yes, it's allowed. But only if your character didn't make it into the Top10.
NINEIf you apply, please make sure that your blogposts are open to anyone. If I can't see your blogpost before or after review, your character can't be chosen. I need to be able to see your app the entire time

Title Bachelors' Paradise -  Monsta X Ver.
Author Jey-chan
Genre applyfic, interactive, survival show, drama, romance, partly crack and comedy
Characters Monsta X, #Gun, your characters and some Easter Eggs that'll wait for you to find them
Chapters 10 Episodes + 10 BTS chapters
Disclaimer This story is completely fictional and I don't own any of the characters. Be aware that there might be swearing, fighting, and maybe some content (but no , don't worry) in this story. 
Deadline 26th December 2017
Story start Applications are officially opened, the story however will start when Bachelors' Paradise Season 1 is over.
lee minhyuk

Aspiring star actor Minhyuk is pretty famous in South Korea for acting in 2016 and 2017 most favorite dramas alongside high-class actors. This rookie sure thing already is on the top but like in the season before... can Minhyuk be compared to Jungkook? He's a lot more lively than Jungkook was, at least.  

Why people think he's no hidden card: Why would he ruin his career in a show like this? Is this for publicity?! After being confirmed as one of the bachelors Minhyuk gets hot topic No 1. But he wouldn't risk his career, would he? He can't! He's not even in the same position as Jungkook... right?!

shin hoseok
male model

Most people know Hoseok's face but not his name. As the face of underwear collections of Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Emporio Armani, this guy already made it big in the business. But nobody can find anything about his past... the question is just... what is it and is it so dark that it might harm his career?

Why people think he's no hidden card: Seriously... if someone is a bachelor, it's probably him, isn't it? But does he gain that much and also... what is it that he is trying to hide?

yoo kihyun

One might think Kihyun has it all. He used to work for Gordon Ramsay and is currently in the midst of opening his first restaurants in the States and Europe after his high-class restaurant in Seoul became a big success. But why would someone like him join a TV show like Bachelors' Paradise?
Anyway, people are most of the time startled, when Kihyun's bipolarity happens once again with the bachelor switching from the epitome of nice guy to Gordon Ramsay burning the world down with sarcasm and savagery.

Why people think he's no hidden card: After the first season of Bachelors' Paradise ended and it was revealed that one of the bachelors was married and had a child, most people believe that Kihyun is just like that bachelor before.


failed rapper, now mc

#Gun, or better said Song Gunhee, failed bitterly when he tried to become a big fish in the Korean Hip Hop scene. Most of his jobs he gets thanks to Jooheon. Oh yeah. It's known that those two are best friends.

[BP S2] The line-up for the contestants is finally out! Congrats to everyone who made it in, I'm looking forward to have you guys around for Season 2! To everyone whose characters didn't make it, hit me up if you want to know why your character wasn't chosen.


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2491 streak #1
Chapter 13: Yesssss, I live for the Twitter reactions, because they always mirror mine!! XD AND THE PERSON WHO TWEETED NEKKID HOSEOK, I'M DED AHAHAHAHA
Chapter 12: I confess I got surprise when I saw the updated icon, but I'm happy this is still going on!

I feel sorry for Hyunwoo (and actually for Hyungwon too, that had to take care of him) but I knew right away that there was something wrong with the "guy" that found him xD So I cracked up at it being Summer. And then some more at her and Haru's hyena laugh. I'm sold. They won my heart.
Yonghwa was so disapointed that things are not like in fiction :') And I actually enjoy Kihyun and Hayeon peaceful cooking camaraderie (at least until she smacked his :'3). I was afraid the kitchen would be a war zone with Kihyun and Sook living under the same roof. Hyungwon is the perfect gentleman, of course that he looks at you smiling and you melts! Haru I get you.
I suppose that Hot Fire Noodles would hurt tho. Misoon is braver than me. Chaelee got into some unexpected situation tho hahahaha I kinda feel slightly uncomfortable that Minhyuk insisted so much for Hoseok to join them. Like, I see, that's the point of the show, but idk. Minhyuk seems like he's planning something behind his pretty face xD
And of course that it would be the Joo-Chang duo that was already drinking. I had to laugh at Ari's bafflement at Myunguk. xD Ari, Ari, Myung can be both! hahahahaha Tho in the end Ari seems the one to score first, from all of the girls (tho I'm a bit unsure of Changkyun's reliability). Haebyul might disagree with me tho. She got to kiss a pretty boy AND a pretty girl! xD (I had to laugh at that plottwist).

For the answer of the question... I wanted to answer B, but I think Myunguk would actually be C. She was not a perfect child either, and she has the example of her grandma's patience and love to look at. I dare say she might even see herself in the child, depending on the situation. So yeah, C for Myung.
2491 streak #3

LOOOOOOL, so not surprised that Hyunwoo is suffering from a huge hangover, considering how wasted he got the previous night, HAHA. :') Reminds me of the birthday parties I went to during uni and how sloshed some of my friends got (and then I'd take care of them, since I usually slept over :P). OMG, I'M DED, HE GOT SPOTTED. BY SUMMER, NO LESS. That's going to be an awkward conversation when Hyunwoo realizes Summer is actually a girl and one of the contestants on the show, HAHA. XD

Oof, Minyoung and Sara are not having a good time, so hopefully things get better for them now that they've survived the first elimination. ^^; At the very least, Sara's already doing better than she did in S1, so she's got that going for her, LOOOOL. :')

Yesss, I can just imagine Hyungwon standing in front of a coffee machine and my heart is melting with Haru's, hehe. *o* And yaaaay, so glad to see that Kyungmi is hanging out with both Hyungwon and Kihyun! x] Go get 'em, girl! And I'd love to know how the conversation of witty food innuendos came about, although I shouldn't be surprised since Yonghwa is involved in the conversation, HAHA. :P BUT I AGREE WITH KIHYUN, THAT MARINATION LINE IS KINDA DISGUSTING, LOOOOOOOL. HILARIOUS, BUT DISGUSTING. XD And omg, my heart is melting even more because of Hyungwon and Kyungmi getting close!!!!!!!!!!! *o* I'm so happy that she's feeling more comfortable now and that she's been able to bond so much with Hyungwon!!!!!!!!! x] And the way he made sure her food was nut-free because of her allergy!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh, so cute and I'm just so proud of Kyungmi for taking this first big step!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ But YIKES, that was definitely not a good move on Hayeon's part. x___x I know she probably meant it as an innocent gesture, but it was technically unsolicited and Kihyun definitely seems like the type of person who highly values his personal space. >___< Yelling and insulting her so harshly was probably a bit much, though I can imagine the producers have a field day with drama like this if they managed to catch it on film. OTL Hopefully Hayeon isn't too affected by this and she's able to bounce back after learning from her mistakes.

LOOOOOOOL, OMG, MISOON IS TOO FUNNY, HAHAHAHA. THAT FIRE NOODLE LINE IS PURE GOLD. LOVE IT. And the scene of Hoseok working out instantly reminded me of Wonho's Instagram posts, LOLOLOLOLOL. If they saw those pictures, the girls would probably combust into smithereens, HAHA. XD Oh man, I also wasn't expecting Minhyuk to suddenly show up like that and of course he's picture-perfect, even after the chaos at the club. :P And omg, I am straight-up DED because of Misoon's lack of filter and I hope she stays around, just for those one-liners, HAHA. I'm glad that Chaelee's finally starting to have fun now, after also suffering from the previous night's challenge, and she is living every Wonho fangirl's dream right now, hehe. XD

Awww, that's right, Maehwa and Baerim got eliminated in Episode Two. :'( Man, I wonder how different things would be if Iseul had brought Maehwa with her to the penthouse. But then again, Iseul's also right in that she's not really responsible for Maehwa, especially since this is technically a competition. More and more of the girls are going to be eliminated in future episodes, which breaks my heart, but the show must go on! Oof, Hojung's history with Jooheon really affected her and I hope they can have a proper heart-to-heart so that she's able to find some peace by the end of the show, no matter what ends up happening show-wise. >___< Otherwise, I feel like the rift between the siblings might grow even wider. =/ Anyway, it's cool to hear some of the girls talk about who they're interested in right now and why. :D It'll be interesting to see how they'll make their moves, according to their preferences, and see who ends up being successful or if any of them end up changing targets. :P

Oh man, another party so soon after the nightclub, but I'm not surprised since it's Changkyun and Jooheon, HAHA. And Ari does not hold back on labeling people as cheap, LOOOOOOL. XD But dang, look at Changkyun being all smooth. No wonder Ari is getting swayed. :P I do wonder what Gunhee's role in the story will end up being. I'm not sure he'll be another Hidden Card, since that twist was already used in S1 and it wouldn't necessarily have the same impact. But who knows? I'm terrible at guessing this kind of stuff, so I am ready to be proven wrong or be completely blindsided by another big plot twist, HAHA. :') But WOOOO, the twins and Eunha are here, which means the party is finally complete! They truly embody the phrase, "life of the party," hehe. :P Awww, poor Ari, I totally feel her. I would feel just as insecure around the Byuls since they're so beautiful and outgoing. >___< BUT OH MY, SO MANY MAKE-OUTS!!!!!!!!! CHANGKYUN AND HAEBYUL LEADING THE SPICE TRAIN!!!!!!!! AND OMG, ARI IS TAKING THINGS TO THE NEXT LEVEL???????? It hasn't even been a full day in the penthouse, HAHA, but go assert your dominance! Make your presence known and capture a bachelor! Again, if the producers see what's going on, they are going to go WILD when they edit the next episode, HAHAHAHA. :')

So glad to have you back and no worries about the wait! The pandemic lasting this long has affected everyone, and I hope you've been safe and healthy during this time! <3 Ahhhhh, another elimination is coming soon and I'm so nervous to see who'll have to leave us next! >___< AND I'M ALSO JUST VERY EXCITED, BECAUSE WE'RE GETTING CHILDREN IN THE NEXT EPISODE AND I AM HERE FOR WHATEVER DRAMA WILL ENSUE, HEHE. :D
iisMoMo #4
Chapter 12: helllooo!!! long time no see! hahaha omg I love all the food references going on in this ep...eating bachelors for breakfast n spitting fire noodles on someone,. I'm dead....girl really pat the boy's bottom >_< why r u like that hayeon I completely forgotten about that trait of hers >_<' why did I write her like that? ahaha yes sure slap a grown man's and he will fall for you honey....and like the previous comment my goodness this season is 10x as chaotic...and I thought the jiwoo, jimmy and jk's drama and yoongi, Joanna, and mihoon's drama were crazy...haha

I'll give hayeon's answer here. B
Chapter 11: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No seriously! This was awesome! I could read a whole story only about the twins and Eunha's shanenigans xD Tho I also loved Summer's and Sook's parts. Summer is cool and Sook is scary, but I love her face off's with Kihyun xD

I feel bad for Hyunwoo and Hoseok tho. I don't feel bad for Jooheon and Changkyun. They are pure crackhead Chaos xD
Honestly i hope they can all survive this season that already looks like 10x more chaotic than the first. (But again, Juna is in the production crew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
I also feel like the girls unknowngly divided into some subgroups that can be roughly named things like "the popular ones", "the normal ones" and "the underdogs".

I also always feel bad for the first ones to be out :/ I hope Baerim and Maehwa can find their love in another place. I will just pretend they follow on with their lives and be happy.

Also I had to legit go back and re-read Myunguk's app because I didn't know anymore what she would do lol My first thought was "Friends!" But then there was a very clear line of "She's not there to make friends." So yeah. Although apparently she's not against making friends, I believe at first she will focus on the bachelors. So option a) for Myunguk. -insert thinking emoji here-
2491 streak #6

Oh man, I LOVE the editing for this show! XD It's absolutely hilarious! Like Hoseok is already a riot, but the editing enhances everything to the highest degree of comedy, HAHA. But oh my, I hope Hyunwoo is okay. ^^; He's really had a wild night and I'm glad Hyungwon was there to help him, since I'm not sure he would've been able to safely leave the area without him, not in that drunken state. OTL

And oh dear, knowing that the bachelors are already heading to the penthouse, I feel very sorry for Baerim. :( She seems really smitten with Jooheon, and I can understand her wanting to trust him and hold onto his promise. =/ But oof, it looks like Hyunwoo isn't the only one who's completely sloshed. ^^; Dang, some of these girls really drank to their hearts' content. XD Eunha and Haebyul have such a cute friendship though! Like they've only known each other for one night, but they feel like soul sisters already! x] So cute how they're rooting for each other and supporting each other, despite how they're technically competing against each other. :')

And omg, I'm DED at Hoseok's reaction to his strip scene. XD AND THE CAPTION! PURE COMEDIC GOLD! LOVE IT! And Summer is definitely going to keep those clothes as a memento forever. :') Lucky girl, hehe. :P Awww, Kyungmi, I'm glad she made her way back to the club and found some of the other girls. >___< Man, Hayeon reminded me about eliminations happening right off the bat and I really hope they all survive this round as well. D: They're all so sweet and it's too soon for them to leave yet!

Sara and Minyoung are such a great duo and I'm super anxious for them to successfully complete the challenge, especially because of Sara's history! >___> But YOOOOO, Kim Sook is such a queen and I love her dominating energy! XD Also, yikes, it's getting so late and everyone must be exhausted. D: OMG, when Chaelee, Hayeon, and Kyungmi couldn't get back into the club, my anxiety spiked along with theirs. x___x BUT YES, GOOD GIRL, KYUNGMI! SO PROUD THAT SHE FOUND THE CLUE! :D THEY ARE SAVED! And once again, BLESS HOSEOK FOR STRIPPING. HE INADVERTENTLY SAVED THESE FOUR GIRLS, HAHA.

Oh dang, have Myunguk, Sohyun, and Ari been talking and drinking the entire time? XD Man, if Haebyul and Iseul hadn't come back, they might've stayed there without knowing what was going on. :O And with Hyunwoo's phone accidentally left there as well, SUPER lucky turn of events for them. :D They really would've been stuck if he hadn't gotten so drunk. ^^;

HAHAHA, AGAIN, THE EDITING IS TOP-NOTCH. The producers really know how to spin the girls' already hilarious antics into even funnier bits. XD I bet so many moments would go viral, HAHA. And aww, that's so nice of Hojung to share the address with Misoon! I'm definitely interested in seeing how their friendship blossoms over the course of the show, as long as they don't get eliminated early on. :') And LOOOOL, I'm living for Kihyun being the angsty one out of the bachelors. XD But I also don't blame him for wanting to escape, since it's almost morning and I'd be cranky if I weren't asleep by then too. ^^; Not to mention, Changkyun and Jooheon look like they're not going to stop partying anytime soon, LOOOOOL. Man, Hyungwon's one-liners are great though and he's seriously one of my favorite bachelors on the show! XD

Ooh, sober Changkyun is such a chill guy and I'm definitely interested in seeing what he's like in future episodes when he's not partying up a storm. :') But yaaay, I'm glad everyone is making their way to the penthouse! :D Omg, what happened to Summer's group? Why did they not take a taxi like the other girls did? OTL At least they eventually made it, but my goodness, no wonder Chaelee was upset in the previous episode's preview. >___< AND HAYEON GOT TO BUMP INTO SHIRTLESS HYUNWOO OMG. SPICYYYYY~~

Oh nooo, I feel so bad for Maehwa and Baerim. T^T No one took care of Maehwa while Baerim basically got eliminated because she trusted Jooheon. Q___Q I understand why Sara and Minyoung did what they did, considering how desperate Sara is for a chance to redeem herself. And I'm glad she's not the first one out. But it that Maehwa and Baerim were the first sacrifices this time. :(


And it's okay, totally understandable that life gets busy and I'm glad you were able to find time to come back to this story! ^^ Really pumped to hear that everything is planned out and thank you again for writing this! <3 I hope you're staying safe during this time! :)
iisMoMo #7
Chapter 11: hoseok still not wearing a shirt, i love it! hahaha thats friggin cute of him to just climb up the tree but heeey thats uncall for hojung calling him stupid lol and i can totally see changkun twerking in the camera like a little concern that none of the boy are even worried about the girls but who is to say they arent and well maybe they are not because there are still the crew members there with the girls. hahaha im shipping eunha and haebyul yall....everyone is so drunk i wanna protect them all and give them cold glass of water. im l o l ing so much with hoseok's info box. ok summer is everyone's mom now lets go! and mama summmer saves the am! thank you! brrruuuh its 5am and changkun is gonna scream party time? my child go to bed. WAIT...what...didn't summer's group find the paper first how come they came in at 10am? nooooooo baerim!!!!!! she trusted jooheon! noo so sad....wild chapter.....thank you for coming back! i had such a fun time reading and i totally miss u~~~ since hayeon is there for love she's gonna chose a and get to know the bachelors....while i wait i think im gonna go reread season 1
Chapter 11: HEAVY
