take my breath away


Chanyeol smokes to cope with the stresses of life, including-but-not-limited-to his crush on a new freshman.


"Smoking is bad for your chest."

He blinks and looks to his left. The boy's drying his hands with a brown paper towel. "What?"

"I said smoking is bad for your chest. You're just killing yourself."

Chanyeol shakes his hands, sending drips of water over the counter and onto the wide mirror. Drops snake down to the graying caulk. "Gotta die sometime, right? Why wait?"

The boy shrugs. "True enough." He drops the crumpled towel into the waste basket. "Doesn't mean everyone thinks that way and wants to die with you." There's bitterness under his tone, and it sticks in Chanyeol's ribs. 


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Yancsoo #1
Chapter 1: Awwww them so cute 🥰😍
Chapter 1: Finally got to read this and I wish there was more. I really love everything you write about chansoo ♡♡♡
This is brilliant. I almost thought something bad might happen... loved the ending tho :)
-Angisoo- #4
Chapter 1: Aww I love the thematic of this story <3 <3 <3 <3 <3... the CHANSOO is so beautiful
Chapter 1: tbh in the middle part, for 1st i thought Kyungsoo going to die, but i'm glad it isn't hehe i really really hate angstyy story (T_T)

thankyouuu for writing, authornim ^^
btw, send my regards for all the admins of do-itall :) their page really help me a lot to find a bunch of stories about uri babySoo hehe
yeolkyung #6
Chapter 1: Is this really ending like this. This fic is so so good. I wish there is a sequel or continuation to this. I love how chanyeol like 'loves' kyungsoo so much till he cried of worries. It makes me cry too. Thanks for sharing. :)
arsenouselation #7
Chapter 1: This is the stuff kdramas are made of. I hope there's a sequel!
yehet_pcy #8
Now tbh yOU CANT BLAME ME FOR THIS BUT TBH I WAS SCARED SOO WAS GONNA DIE WITH THIS CHRONIC DISEASE OR SOMETHING but soo's attitude when baek had first questioned it made me think that soo wasnt scared at all and he was doing well with it so it really isnt sometjing to worry about. But think really long and hard, how yeol had reacted when he saw soo like that, and he didnt know yet, how hed felt helpless and so ing terrified.... It showed just how much he cared about soo and how freaking scared he is of anything that extreme happening, even if soo says it s normal. Of course yeol woulf worry, and tbh i dont think hes ever going to stop worrying. But that part when he was rethinking the warnings on his cigarettes, it s so heartwarming to think that hed give that up not only because he now understands it s bad for himself and that he should stop, but because he has soo too and knowing yeol, hed do anything to make things easier for soo, yakno? Or am i not making sense......
Whatever i just really like this fic i enjoye it so much i would upvote like 26 times if i can i just loved this. Not only the chansoo, but the entirety of beagle line and chingu line ok!!!!! Everything!!!!!! I soooo wanna know how baekchen are gonna react tho~ HAHHAHAHAH
ahhhhhh thank you so much for writing and sharing!!!!!! Such a sweet fic, loved it!!
yehet_pcy #9
Oh my god??????? This is literally one of the purest most lovely chansoo fics ive ever read im so happy my chest is full of warmth omfg i love this so much
I really like the tension in their first meeting, yeol was just doing what he wanted and soo was just saying what hed felt without directly saying anything revealing???? And it's because of that curiosity that they got to get closer with soo omfg i love beagle line as it is but for me chingu line is really really the best, yakno?????? I really love how yeol was bitter at first feeling like baekchen we re starting to love soo more or something hes so adorable they really are such good friends but it didnt even take that long before yeol and soo were getting much closer themselves and it was such a welcome development????
I also like how simple their confessions were, it was really just so pure and sweet and plain and simple and quiet and so so so EASY yakno? Like it was the kind of thing you wouldnt expect any conflict from? Ughhh i love this, and their kisses were just really so :(((((( i feel like youll be weirded out by my overuse of the word pure but tbh thats really how id felt overall about the fic huhuhu 1/2