
Thinking TWICE
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Sana x Momo

In which Sana supports her friends no matter how much she has to go through 


Sana knows Momo like the back of her hand, so when Momo takes a seat next to her with a glowing smile, Sana knew something was up. 

"I think I'm in love," Momo sang, resting her head on Sana's shoulder. Sana let out a small "hm" and nodded in acknowledgement. 

Momo, her head still on Sana's shoulder, went into a dreamy ramble, "She's just... so amazing. She's possibly the most beautiful person I know, and it's not just her outside? Even on the inside she's gorgeous, and she seems like such a soft person but it also feels like she'll be the first to protect you if you get into a fight. And her dancing, oh my god, her body moves as if she was born to dance and I just," she lets out a breath, "really really like her." 

Sana closed her eyes and let the information sink in. She already had an idea of who her best friend was talking about, but she had to be sure, so she asked Momo who it was. 

And when Momo replied with a simple "Mina", Sana wondered why she felt a stinging pain in her chest, even though she knew the answer to her own question.


Chaeyoung and Sana aren't the closest, so when Chaeyoung decided to pour her feelings out to Sana and not to the maknaes or her no-jam hyung, Sana was quite puzzled. 

"How do you do it?" Chaeyoung asked her all of a sudden when Sana went into the maknae line's room to take her jacket on Dahyun's bed. "Do what?" her head cocked to the side, not knowing exactly what it was she did. She sat down anyway to hear what the petite rapper had to say, a gentle gaze towards Chaeyoung painted on her face  

"You know, put everyone else before yourself. Doesn't it hurt you?" Chaeyoung looked back at Sana. Sana's eyes widened slightly in surprise, before giving Chaeyoung a questioning look, "I guess it isn't exactly the most painless thing to do, but where is this coming from?"

"I think I love someone... that obviously likes someone else. If I confess to her, I think she'll accept me because she's so much of an angel that she'll probably feel obliged to like me back. And I," Chaeyoung's gaze shifted down, a slight frown on her beautiful features, "I don't know what to do. I want to be selfish, but I don't want her to feel trapped because of me. And I'm pretty sure the person she likes has feelings for her too..." her voice trailed off.

Sana gave Chaeyoung an understanding smile, saying, "Well, I honestly wouldn't. As cliche as this sounds, if you really love her, let her go. I doubt being in a relationship where the love is one-sided would be fun anyway. But the choice is ultimately up to you." Sana chuckled, "You wouldn't want to see Mina hurt, right?" 

Scratching the back of her head sheepishly, Chaeyoung asked, "I guess you're right... Me being selfish might also affect our group. Okay!" she slapped her own cheeks, looking determined, "I'll get over this somehow. But, how did you know who I was referring to? Am I really that obvious?" she was slightly distraught at the thought of Mina knowing how she feels.

Sana laughed, "Not really, I don't think. Neither Mina nor Momo know, if that's what you're concerned about." Chaeyoung heaved a sigh of relief, before realising Sana included another name in that sentence. "So... it's true then? Momo likes Mina back too?"

Sana shrugged, pretending as if the conversation she had with Momo the other week didn't happen, "I don't know, but don't you honestly think the both of them match each other?" Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, "I suppose they do no matter how much I want to deny it. But, how did you know about Momo liking Mina?" 

With a wistful smile, Sana said, "When you love someone, you start noticing everything they do, like how their gaze lingers a bit too long when they're looking at the person they love, and how much it kills you on the inside to watch such an exchange." 


Sana treats Mina like a younger sister she never knew she wanted, so when Mina approaches her for advice, Sana had no qualms about helping her.  

"How does it feel to be in love?" Mina surprises Sana with a question while they were waiting for their turns to film. Sana turned to look at Mina with an eyebrow raised, looking slightly amused, "I've been getting a lot of thought-provoking questions lately," she hummed, "It feels... overwhelming. The person you love never leaves your mind, and all you want is to be able t

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Chapter 2: Sachaeng are the cutest omg my soft heart
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh..this is so sad,poor Sana :'( if only Sana could tell Momo bout her feeling...cant wait for next SaMo ff ^^
omg what about 2na? PLS :D tysm!
Chapter 1: Wow :'(
More samo pleaseee XD
Can you try some sachaeng to?
Chapter 1: ouch :'(
i suddenly want chaeyoung and sana to just fall for each other save each other from the pain of a broken heart :(
kaisghoul #6
More samo pls omfg favvv