[N] Love Scenario II (Wendy x You)

Day & Night
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            You stood there staring at Wendy in awe. In high school, she was already perfect to you. But now as you’re standing in front of her again you realized it was possible to be even more perfect. The Wendy in high school was popular and loved. She was friendly, bright, smart and so on, people who tried to hate her couldn't because they couldn't find anything about her to make them hate her. However, there were times where she was teased about her weight but you were always there to stand up to the people who made such rude comments. Son Seungwan, the girl you had a huge crush on in high school is completely different from the one standing in front of you right now. The aura surrounding her is different from the one in high school. Now she's like a flower that's bloomed. She's confident and successful. 

You stop dozing off when Lay smacks you with a pile of music script paper. 

" I get that you're nervous but you're so lucky that our boss didn't catch you like this right now. " Lay comments.

" Sorry. " You apologize. 

Lay chuckles and shakes his head. 

" I don't care about it. If you're going to reignite that love between you and her be my guest. But at least be professional in front of our boss first. " Lay teases 

You roll your eyes as you elbow his rib. 

" I wouldn't call it reigniting. It's more like a small reunion and that's it. " You answer

" So you have a song ready for her then right? " Lay asks

" Of course. I don't want to be fired. " You respond. 

" I wasn't asking about that. I was wondering what kind of song did you make for her and did you secretly put your love into the lyrics of the song? Because I think that's a smooth way to start things. " Lay winks. 

You were about to chuck the paperweight at Lay when your boss turns around and calls you. Lay smirks while you purposely bump into him while approaching your boss. 

" You can begin working tomorrow. Catch up with Wendy first. You didn't say anything about you and her being friends! " Your boss exclaimed. 

You chuckle awkwardly. 

" I thought it wouldn't be professional to mention it so I kept it to myself. Sorry. " You remark. 

" Nonsense! I'm not drowning you in that much work. Catch up with her first! You can work on the release later. " Your boss says. 

You nod. 

" Alright. We're out too then! Bye kid! " Lay says as he pulls Chanyeol out of the room with him. 

You stood there in front of Wendy so awkwardly that it makes her laugh as she pats your arm. You get startled by the sudden touch. 

" We're not that awkward are we? Losen up. I have a friend who has a restaurant around here. You want to go get dinner and catch up? " Wendy asks

" Sure. " You respond. 

" Great! Follow me! " Wendy exclaims as she tugs you out of the room. 

" Heart be still! " You mutter to yourself. 

" Did you say something? " She asks

" Nope. " You respond. 


" So how have things been for you? " Wendy asks 

" Good. " You reply 

" Well, that's great. You seem to get along with your workers really well too. " Wendy states. 

" Yeah, I've been around them for years now so we're pretty much like family. " You remark. 

" Do you still keep in touch with anyone from high school? " Wendy questions. 

You chuckle. 

" Not really, I have a few as friends on social media but we don't really talk to each other. " You answer

" Ah. I see. " Wendy says. 

" Besides, I think I rather not since I don't think many of them like me that much. The quiet kid that suddenly becomes famous because of their job? I rather just keep it the way it is to avoid anything from happening. " You state. 

" Yeah, I can understand why. " Wendy remarks. 

" So is there anyone new in your life? " She asks

You shake your head. 

" I've tried but it doesn't work out. The job takes time out of dating so most of them think I'm in love with my work more. " You reveal. 

" They wouldn't understand it because they're not within this field. " Wendy adds and you nod. 

" What about you? " You ask 

" Same thing. It only lasts for a bit and then it's over. Even dating within idols is not possible because of all the schedules we have so at some point it drifts us apart and we just part ways. " Wendy says. 

You nod. 

" So I'm looking forward to what you have ready for me. " Wendy jokes. 

You chuckle. 

" Don't expect too much otherwise I'm worried I'm not going to meet those expectations. " You chortle. 

Wendy laughs. 

" I believe in you. You're doing well. " Wendy says. 

You awkwardly laugh and scratch the back of your head while Wendy chuckles. 

" You're still so awkward. " Wendy claims. 

" It's part of me. " You reply. 

Wendy nods. 

" I'm glad that you didn't change. " Wendy states. 


After dinner, you drive Wendy back to the hotel that she's staying in and make sure that she gets to her room safely before driving back to your apartment. Tonight is most likely going to be another night where you don't get any sleep. 


You come into the studio with your backpack and an energy drink in your hand. You get startled when a hand grabs your drink and throws it away. 

" What- "

" I thought I told you energy drinks weren't good for you? " Wendy scolded. 

Lay and Chanyeol chuckle and turn back to work on setting up the equipment. 

" Then what am I supposed to drink to stay awake? " You ask

" Why would you need something to help you stay awake? Did you not sleep yesterday? " Wendy questions. 

You were quiet and you can see Wendy's motherly side come back again. 

" Seriously, you're going to die young if you keep this up. " Wendy comments. 

" Sorry, mother. " You reply. 

Wendy scoffs and hits your ribs making you yelp. 

" Go take a nap on the sofa of the recording studio. " Wendy suggests, 

" But your recording is today. " You state, 

" And it's not like you're going to be working great without any sleep. Now go take a nap on the sofa before I call your boss in here. " Wendy demands. 

You sigh as you go lay down on the sofa. Lay and Chanyeol look at Wendy impressed. 

" Wendy we need you here more often. " Lay comments. 

Wendy chuckles. 

" Hey kid all the lyrics are on the table right? " Chanyeol asks

You nod. 


You woke up around 2:30 p.m. at least you got six hours of sleep. You sit up and you find Wendy's jacket on top of you. You chuckle. Of course, she would. Wendy always takes care of people. When you enter the studio everyone turns to you and Chanyeol pulls out the extra chair. 

" Someone looks alive. " Lay comments. 

You snicker while Chanyeol and Wendy laugh. 

" You can finally function, right? " Wendy asks

You nod. 

" Alright kid. Time to put that talent of yours into good use. " Lay says 

On hot days like today, I remember you and how we left together
When I see how little energy I have, I think of you
With an annoyed tone, you say you like winter better than this hot summer
But because we could watch the rain fall together, It was alright for me
Just like how the summer night starts, When the sun sets 
As much as we were together, Those times were so short
Even when I got annoyed, You never let go of me even on

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Sorry for not updating quickly this week people! I only managed to update the blackpink fic once & I feel like dying. So I got sick because I was running around at 3 A.M. without a jacket. It's not that I'm not updating this week it's just to let you all know why it's going to take a bit longer.


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1188 streak #1
Chapter 11: Yeri is adorable
Chapter 91: In 2022~~
Thanks for the story author-nim
Osekop12 #3
Every story is incredibly good!
Chapter 1: hardcore wendy, lol
LoveyDoveyKrabs #5
Chapter 63: AwWww That was cute.
Chapter 91: Cuteeeee! :)
Blankpatch #7
Chapter 36: (Phone call,ruined)
You ruined my heart author-nim sequel please even just a friend ?
Chapter 91: A cute chapter with my ult yay!!!
Chapter 91: awww
Chapter 91: something uwu in the morning