
Dahyun x Chaeyoung - One Shots
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I recently read an old-styled (?) book for homework, and it really inspired me to write this one-shot! I will set this one-shot in the early years of Italy for the sake of my aristocracts and bourgeois setting! I kind of rushed this one-shot because I wanted to upload it on this specific occasion so it's shorter than I planned, but I hope you will still enjoy it!

But anyways, #HappyDubChaengDay !!



Chaeyoung remembers it like it was yesterday, when her family took her for a trip that would make her realize what her dream was. Chaeyoung's family was rather well-of, they managed to live thanks to their little tailoring activity that was able to make them quite a decent amount of lire. It was not a crazy amout of money since not a lot of people could afford getting dresses and because the cloth that they used was rather expensive for the Son's.

It wasn't everyday that you'd see a korean family in Italy. Chaeyoung's family wanted to live the dream, and the thrill of going to another country was something they always wanted, so when the chance was finally in front of their eyes, they didn't hesitate for one second to go and leave the rest behind to transfer in Italy. Her parents would tell her how hard it was at first, but once they opened up their activity and made a few loyal customers, their life was going towards the right direction, thus why they finally decided to have a baby (her), and eventually a second one, her youngest brother.

On this trip, they decided to go into one of the most famous cities in Italy, Florence. They lived in Milan, and Florence was one of the closest cultural city they could visit. Her brother was only 5 years old at that time, making Chaeyoung 6 years old. If Chaeyoung could tell anyone what the best thing about Italy, the first thing on her mind was defenitely the art. Chaeyoung remembers little about her home country, South Korea, but one thing for sure is that it was a totally different place, culture ecc. Gangdonggu (the place where she was born) gave off the Florence vibes, but on the contrary it was not nearly as 'modern' and 'industrial' as Milan.

The most memorable thing about the whole trip though, wasn't the architectures, the food or the view. But, an old man that Chaeyoung saw the last day in that city. He was painting a woman with the view of the city on her back.

" Wow " was all that could escape from Chaeyoung's lips as she went closer to the old man and admired his work while standing beside him. Her parents were quick to try and grab her but the old man only laughed softly and told them it was okay for her to watch. Fascinating, is how she would describe what she could see and feel right at that moment. The way the old man smoothly moved his wrist and delicately brushed the woman's features while being able to capture her beauty through this magic white board that Chaeyoung had never seen before.

Eventually, because she wanted to see the finished product, Chaeyoung's parents had to split up, her mother stayed with her while her father had to go and get ice cream for the whiny younger brother.

That's when it all started. Chaeyoung knew what she wanted to do once she grew up. She was going to be an artist, she must and she will.





" What a fine piece of work I must say, Madame Son. " a fellow artist had commented. 16 years had passed ever since that trip and Chaeyoung finally managed to realize her dream, much to her parents disapproval, but despise all the doubts, Chaeyoung was a born-artist and a pretty competent one too since she had managed to impress famous italian artists in such a little time and even manage to make a name through the high-level aristocrats who often asked for her despite her being a woman.

" I have to ask though, why is such a fine Madam like you not married yet? "

" No man would marry a woman that works. And I love painting, drawing and making portraits too much to give up on them and marry someone, sir. " Chaeyoung smiles as she gives the finishing touches to her still-life painting.

" If I was not a married man, then I would've immediately asked for your hand. " he laughs and admires the finished product " your art made me fall in love. "

" I suppose I should thank you for saying that. " Chaeyoung giggles.

" Well, it was a pleasure to paint with you, Madame Son or should I say Miss? I have to go back to my commission, I'm not so prone to deal with angry rich men. "

" Miss is fine. It was MY pleasure Mister Alfredo. Untill next time then. "

Chaeyoung gathers all of her painting tools, something she worked extra hard for to earn. Tons of her teenage-hood was spent on learning how to tailor because of her parents, and as much as they wanted her to take on the activity, the girl just wanted to make a few lire so that she could eventually buy the tools she needed to learn how to paint. Because, no painter was willing to teach a girl, specifically a non-italian one too.

Thankfully, because of how much she loved art and how some non-professional old painters let her watch, she learned just by copying their skills and tricks, that eventually led her to where she is now. Most of the people knew who Son Chaeyoung was. The korean painter who makes really good portraits, especially of women.

Thus, when the daughter of a rich man who owned one of the most productive factories in Milan had asked her for a commision, the young lady liked it so very much that she recommended Chaeyoung to a lot of equally as rich ladies, who spread her name around and eventually made her one of the number one most requested painters in the town.

" Oh, it's almost 3pm... Madame Lucia is probably here... " Chaeyoung looks outside the window and sees a familiar fancy carriage outside of her studio. A light knock is followed and Chaeyoung immediately opened the door.

" On time as always, Madame. " Chaeyoung bowed.

" Of course, I don't want to bring you trouble if you have other ladies to paint after me. " Madame Lucia closes her fan and warmly smiles at the painter " Let's continue where you left off. "

" My pleasure. " Chaeyoung smiles and takes out the unfinished portrait of the woman " A bit more to the right... now up... perfect. You're lovely as always Madame. "

" Always full of such kind words. I wish my husband learned a bit from you. " Lucia brightly smiled.

" If I was a man, I'd love to be married to such a kind and beautiful wife. " Chaeyoung genuinely said.

" While we're on the marriage topic. I have something I must ask you, Chaeyoung. "

" What is it Mam? " the painter interrupted her work and carefully listened.

" I have a korean friend I got to know on my trip to Paris, remember? She decided to marry here in Italy and has been in here for a few months. Well, she asked me if I knew a good painter for her last portrait as an unmarried woman. I was quick to suggest you but I'm afraid maybe your schedule won't permit it? "

" Of course not Madame Lucia. It's always my pleasure to paint, you know how much I enjoy it. "

The woman gave a relieved sigh " I'm glad. I apologize for always bothering you, I'm sure you might have a lot of commisions by now and I'm afraid you're starting to overwork yourself... "

" Oh please, never think that! If it wasn't for you, madam, I'd probably still be on the streets and painting random sceneries without any income... You've changed my life Madame Lucia. Meeting you was a blessing. "

" I'm glad you think so much of me Chaeyoung. And I'm also glad I saw you painting in that street too, you have such talented, it would've been a waste if you only painted the death rats of the city with those gifted hand. " Lucia giggles " That aside, so I can officialy give her the address to your studio? "

" Gladly. Anything for a friend of yours. Though, I'm sorry to be rude, but I would really like to continue this painting of you. "

" Oh yeah. I apologize. Go on. "






Madame Lucia had sent Chaeyoung a letter in regards of her korean friend. She was going to come by this afternoon after Madame Sofia (whom she  had just finished painting).

Something about the woman being of the same 'race' as her made Chaeyoung strangely nervous and tingly inside. It wasn't everyday you saw someone asian in Italy, to top it all off, a woman. Chaeyoung had been looking forward to the day they met, she had so many questions to asks about life in Korea, her parents were not updated on the situation there anymore and because of how busy they were knowing the korean culture was never a top priority for them to teach her, Chaeyoung had wanted to ask all sort of things. but most of all, she was just intrigued by the idea of meeting her.

" Excuse me. " a knock on the door, a clear distinct voice with a weird accent, the woman entered the room.

What Chaeyoung didn't expect was for the girl to be so... utterly stunning, no, mesmerizingly beautiful. Once she had opened the door, she was greeted by a sweet and fresh scent of liliac flowers, an elegant girl with her hair neatly tied in an equally as elegant low bun. Her eyes, they were something different from what she usually painted or saw in her 21 (well, more like 18) year of living, the woman had monolid sharp eyes that gazed deeply inside of Chaeyoung's own orbs. It was like seeing one of those expensive porcelain dolls (that only the richest could afford) come to life.

" Welcome. I'm Son Chaeyoung. " she quickly bowed, a long time had passed since she felt this nervous around someone.

" I'm Kim Dahyun. It's a pleasure and honor being painted by one of the top artists. I'm very much thankful you accepted my request even though you must be busy. " those sharp eyes quickly turned into a smile that made her eyes shape in a crescent moon.

" It's my pleasure painting someone as beautiful as you Madame Kim. "

" Please, call me Dahyun. It's rather rare to see a korean in Europe, I must ask of you if we can put the formalities out of the way. "


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Chapter 3: the author, you perfectly conveyed the beauty of the artist and his paintings, my heart melts from such a story DubChaeng!
Mihyun101 #2
I love u author nim
Chapter 3: I miss your dubchaeng stories author-nim
I love all of the stories here. Especially that it's DubChaeng. Keep up the good work. <3 More DubChaeng stories to come. AHAHA.
I love all of the stories here. Especially that it's DubChaeng. Keep up the good work. <3 More DubChaeng stories to come. AHAHA.
Chapter 1: I'm literally puking rainbows, great story. Really really good.
Chapter 6: >_<
16 streak #8
Chapter 6: adorable