Love 007



"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." - George Sand


From a twisted coincidence, they will get to meet each other.

Eventually from dislike they will come to know each other better and realize

that the other is not whom they think they were at all. 

Will two lonely hearts finally find their way to happiness?



Hi littlemissgoodie here! I am still unsure whether this fic will be a oneshot or a full blown fic yet.

This fanfic is a tribute to Ojakgyo brothers, since I cant believe I just finished watching it now and ship them so hard. How come there are only a few Joo Won fanfics?? :(

im leaving here one of my favorite quotes from their drama "Only by letting you go can I continue to love you."


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LilianaTan1708 #1
Chapter 2: This is a good story. Too bad that you have no intention to continued this story 😭
nana0415 #3
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update..nice chapter..cant wait for the next update^^
nana0415 #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon^^
LimePearl #5
Chapter 1: update pleaseee