Chapter 10

Puppy Love
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Luhan goes off on his own to try and save the hostages. With Marianne's memory returned, she realizes she must come up with a plan of her own.

Puppy Love

For Forever:

"Who is this?" Luhan spoke into the phone.

"Hello, Luhan. Long time no see." Luhan's jaw dropped at the sound of that familiar voice. "It's Jinwoo. We have a lot to talk about."

Luhan growled under his breath, "What do you want?"

"I have something of yours. And if you don't hurry, you just might lose it forever." He could literally see Jinwoo's cunning smirk in his mind and it made him want to kill Jinwoo right then and there.

"Where are you?" Luhan ran outside as if to find Jinwoo out there lurking nearby watching him. He wanted Jinwoo to be out there, just so he could be the one to rip his head off.

"I'm nowhere near you if that's what you're thinking." Jinwoo chuckled, "I'm where it all happened. I think you know what I'm talking about."

Luhan felt his stomach drop to his feet. Jinwoo was where Marianne had almost died, where he almost killed her. What was he doing there? Why was he there? Something of his...What exactly was Jinwoo getting at?

"Yeah, I do." Luhan clenched his teeth. He was fuming so hard from anger, his breath was heaving from his chest. "If you've even gone near Miyoung, I swear I'll tear-"

"Don't worry about Miyoung, it's not her I have." Jinwoo chuckled, "I have a different surprise just for her."

"You stay away from-"

"Would you like to say hi to this lovely lady right now? She's right here waiting for you." Luhan could see that smirk in his mind again.

"Luhan?" Luhan's mouth dropped in shock at the voice he now heard in his ear. He couldn't focus his eyes on anything, or his mind. His bottom lip trembled. He couldn't tell if it was from anger at Jinwoo or fear that it was her who was in danger now.

"Sandra?" Luhan whispered. Unknown to him, Kyungsoo was listening in. He knew he couldn't stand by any longer. It was time to take action now. Kyungsoo then disappeared to make an important phone call of his own.

"That's right." Jinwoo was on the phone once again. "You better hurry if you want her to make it. Because if not, don't expect Sandra here to be so lucky."

The line went dead after that. Luhan couldn't find anymore words to speak anyway. He felt his entire body shake now. Sandra. No. Not her. He found in himself that he couldn't bear it. His rage reaching the highest level, his hand crushed the phone in his hand, knowing his eyes were now red.


Marianne looked down at the shattered glass coffee table and at her hand that had thrown it. There was a huge dent in the wall from the impact and pieces of drywall on the floor. Her eyes widened at her sudden strength. Turning around at the mirror on the wall, she gasped at the sight. There she was standing there with fangs protruding from and her eyes glowing red. The longer she stared at herself, the more confused she became. After a few moments of her trying to calm herself, she saw the fangs fade back to her normal teeth. What was this?

"Marianne!" Luhan charged through the door in an obvious panic. From what, she didn't know. She could only look at him with her still red eyes, but he was panicking so hard that he didn't even notice. "Marianne, you need to stay here. You need to keep the door locked and don't let anyone inside. You understand?"

"Luhan?" Marianne spoke up softly and ignoring his commands. "...What am I?"

"What are you talking about?" Luhan stopped his continuous pacing so he could look at her straight. His gaze shifted from confusion at her question, to shock. Right in front of him, he watched her red eyes fade back to her normal brown. "Oh...Marianne, I-"

"Tell me the truth. You know what I am, don't you?" Marianne raised her voice. "Don't you?"

"Marianne, it's not that simple-"

"Yes it is that simple! I know you know. If you're really my friend, you will tell me right now."

"That friend I told you about, the one who died.." Luhan took a deep sigh and frowned, bracing himself, "It was you."

Marianne blinked her eyes in confusion, "What?"

"You're Miyoung. It was you all along." Luhan felt tears threatening to pour from his eyes. "I was the one who insisted on fighting Jinwoo and his pack. It was because of me that you got hurt. You scarred his face, so he decided to finish you right there. It was what he wanted to do for a long time. Jinwoo slammed you into that tree...You died twice in the emergency room that night..."

"And that's how I lost my memory?"

"Yeah." Luhan nodded. "The damage had been done. Your long term memory was damaged, they said you might never regain it. When I said being there in the hospital was the last time I ever got to see Miyoung, that was true. It was true because you losing all your memory was like losing you. You didn't know me. You couldn't remember us growing up together. You couldn't remember what you were. And it was because of me."

"If it hurt that bad, then why did you hide it from me?" Marianne felt overwhelmed to the point where she was crying yet again. "Why did you lie to me all this time? Why did you take my life away from me?"

"Jinwoo thought he killed you that night. That meant he wouldn't be after you anymore. We were threats to him, so he wanted to rid of us. Since he thought he succeeded, I wanted to keep it that way. I gave you a different life. I had you start going by your American name your mother gave you. I had you go to a new school, live in a new apartment. I kept our pack away so you wouldn't remember what you were so you wouldn't risk running into that bastard again. I did it to keep you safe. And if you think I regret doing that, don't. Because you were my best friend, and the sister of our pack leader. I will never regret doing what I had to do to keep you safe after the mistake I made."

Marianne's lip trembled at Luhan's words. "Luhan..."

"It doesn't matter now anyway. Jinwoo found us somehow, and now you're in danger. He has Sandra. So you need to stay where you are, which is right here. Or you'll be next. Got it?"

"Luhan, wait!" Marianne called out before Luhan could rush out the door. "Chanyeol's gone. He left with his family to go back into the woods. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen and-"

"When did he leave?" Luhan immediately asked. He suddenly remembered what Jinwoo had said before. He had a different surprise for her...Luhan didn't know what that meant before, but he had a feeling he did now. Jinwoo didn't only have Sandra. He had Chanyeol too.

"I don't know. No more than fifteen, twenty minutes ago?" Marianne shrugged her shoulders.

"Stay here. Keep the door locked. Don't let anyone in. Got it?" Luhan didn't even give her a chance to respond and quickly left.

Luhan wasn't going to worry Tao or anyone else of the situation. He could handle it himself, he knew he could. He had to save Sandra. He had to. He couldn't see a future in his world where she didn't exist. Why? He concluded that it was because of everything she had done for him and Marianne. After all, she saved Marianne's life. That was a debt he could now repay by saving hers. And Chanyeol, he knew he had to save him too. He understood Chanyeol was Marianne's one and only mate she will ever have in her life. He didn't want her to go through the pain of losing Chanyeol. He couldn't bear the thought of her feeling that way.

He was going alone. He was going to save them. He was going to finish what he started all those years ago. He was going to end it.

Marianne sank to the floor, thinking about everything Luhan had just told her. She was Miyoung all along. She was a wolf hybrid, as was Luhan, and this Jinwoo thought she was dead. Now he knew she was alive and had Sandra hostage. Then what of her Chanyeol and his family? She was easily able to put two and two together there. If Jinwoo was out there and took Sandra, Marianne knew right there that she wasn't the only one in danger. Chanyeol was in danger too.

She couldn't obey Luhan's orders for her to stay put. She wasn't going to let her best friends get hurt, and she most definitely wasn't going let anything happen to the one who was her entire world; her Chanyeol.

Marianne stood from the floor and unlocked the door. She ran out and sprinted down the stairs to leave the complex. She had to find them. She had to save them. Luhan was walking into a trap and him along with Sandra and Chanyeol would die. Luhan needed help, he couldn't just go alone. However, the second she got off the complex, she was stopped by a sudden familiar face.

"Do Kyungsoo?" Marianne looked at who she thought to be her boss in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I was keeping watch." Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.

"Oh no, not you too." Marianne whined. So Kyungsoo was part of this as well? Was there anyone in her life who wasn't some kind of hybrid or involved with hybrids?

"Yes, me too. Now you need to go back inside where you're safe." Kyungsoo put his hands on her shoulders to guide her back inside her apartment.

"No!" Marianne shoved him off, " You don't need to stand here and watch and care for me like I'm a little baby. Luhan went off by himself to save Sandra. Chanyeol could be in danger too, now I need to find them and help and nothing you say is going to stop me!"

To her surprise, Kyungsoo smiled at her words. It occurred to her that she had never seen him smile before.

"You really are back, Miyoung." Kyungsoo sighed in relief through his smile. He could see the wolf, the determination, the defiance, the independence. She really was Miyoung once again. "You're right. I know I can't change your mind. But, what you are going to accept is my help. Because what I won't allow, is you going alone."

"Who are you calling?" Marianne asked when she saw Kyungsoo take out his phone and putting it to his ear.

"Just shush, you'll see." Kyungsoo said with his usual grumping tone once again.

"Okay then." Marianne then pressed her lips shut.


"Please." Suho attempted to speak through his gag, "Please, do what you want to me. Just don't hurt my family. They did nothing to deserve this."

Suho, along with Yixing and Chanyeol, sat side by side on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs with their mouths gagged. Across from them was Sandra in the exact same condition. Meanwhile, Baekhyun and Chen were in a small cage together next to Yixing since they were so scared they shifted back into their beagle forms.

"Would someone make those two mutts stop their whining before I do?" Jinwoo rolled his eyes at Baekhyun and Chen who wouldn't stop their puppy-like whines in the cage with their tails in between their legs. Jinwoo approached Suho and gave an evil smirk as he kneeled down to his level, "I'll make you a compromise, okay? After I finish off Luhan and little Miyoung, I'll just go ahead and kill your family one by one. Then I'll show you mercy by killing you last. How's that?"

Chanyeol interrupted Jinwoo's taunting by struggling in his bounds and groaning in anger at him. He couldn't believe he believed a word this monster said even for a second. All he wanted to do now was take Jinwoo on himself for threatening Marianne's life, along with his family's.

"Be quiet and don't move." Jinwoo looked at Chanyeol and shifted so he was then kneeling at his level. "Don't take it so hard. You understand why. You and your kind are nothing but a disgusting nuisance after all."

Angered even more, Chanyeol struggled to get himself free and pounce on Jinwoo for what he said, but it was no use. The binds were too tight and it only amused Jinwoo at this point.

"When I kill your little Marianne, I'll be sure it's right in front of you nice and slow. She did do this to me, remember?" Jinwoo got in his face more and pointed to the scars on the left side of his own face. "Don't worry. I'll show you mercy by killing you right after. You won't even have to watch the rest of your family die. That's a gift just for your dad."

Jinwoo chuckled when he saw a tear shed down Chanyeol's cheek. Meanwhile, Sandra was trying to nudge at least one of her wrists out of the bounds as discretely as she could. It was no use for her too. The rope was just too tight, and every time she struggled just a little too much, members of Jinwoo's pack standing over her would catch attention. How was she going to get out of this?

While looking around to see if there was anything she could use, she could've sworn she saw something up ahead. She squinted her eyes to try getting a better look of what flashed by, but she couldn't see anything. Just then, she saw Luhan peek out from behind one of the trees. Luhan. He was here. He was here and she almost couldn't contain her excitement. He was trying to sneak up on them, but there were too many of Jinwoo's pack around them and keeping an eye out for Luhan. She knew she had to do something if Luhan was going to have a chance.

Sandra began screaming as frantically as she could and throwing the rest of her body to the ground in an insane attempt to try getting herself free. All of Jinwoo's pack, even Jinwoo himself, turned their focus toward her. The two members of Jinwoo's pack who were standing next to her got down and pinned her still where she was on the ground to stop her.

"Is this human really that afraid to die?" Jinwoo laughed as he approached Sandra who was still attempting to struggle like a maniac. She looked up behind Jinwoo then at Jinwoo himself.

"No." Sandra chuckled slightly to herself, "I just needed to distract you for a moment."

Confused by her statement, Jinwoo scoffed at her and went to lift his foot so he could kick her wherever he pleased. Before he could, however, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder which turned him around and was greeted by Luhan's fist across his face.

Luhan's punch immediately knocked Jinwoo to the ground. The rest of Jinwoo's pack went to grab Luhan, which he expected, but was surprised when Jinwoo shouted at them to back away and not touch him.

"Stay with the hostages." Jinwoo stood, touching the trickle of blood on the corner of his lip, glaring at Luhan. "He's mine."

Luhan didn't hold back on any of his punches, his claw strikes, his bites. He kept thinking about what Jinwoo had done those years ago. And it was right here in this very spot of the woods. On one of these trees, that was where Jinwoo held Miyoung by the neck and bashed her head in. Luhan wanted to tear him to shreds that very night when he thought she was dead. He wanted to do that now. He was going to. He wasn't going to let this monster called Jinwoo threaten them ever again.

Jinwoo wasn't holding back either. He had Luhan right where he wanted him. Alone, emotional, angry, eyes and mind still only in the past. Luhan thought he was a step ahead and thought he would win just with his passion alone. But it was that passion that made him so easy to defeat. Jinwoo punched Luhan in the stomach, the face, over and over until he decided to grab Luhan by the back of his neck and shove him to the ground at his feet.

"I should've finished you here a long time ago," Jinwoo stood over him and spat, "Along with Miyoung."

Luhan tr

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The big finale will be happening on Friday! It's my favorite part of the story so please look forward to it!


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⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hello Author diamondELF193!!

I hope you are doing well!! I think you know this already but just in case, I am commenting to let you know that I recommended this story of yours here>>

Have a star day!!

26 streak #2
Chapter 1: Marianne's life has taken a turn now that she has taken Yeolie under her wing. Excited to see their adventures!
Chapter 10: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

I love this so much!! The way Tao came in!! I suspected that Sandra and Luhan were mates but maybe he was too stressed at the time to know..but does that mean that Sandra knows about them too?? She does not seem surprised by it all..but awwzz the puppy hybrids!! So cutes!!

Chapter 9: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

What is the problem with Jinwoo?? He is such an , I hope he gets what is coming to him really soon!! Looking forward to Tao!!

747 streak #5
Chapter 10: That was such a sweet ending, I really enjoyed it! The pups are so adorable and the cafe was a great idea. I also love the fact that Tao is back and watching over everyone. Thank you for this journey Chanyeol and Miyoung.❤️

Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and best wishes for the New Year!
Chapter 7: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

Okay I had my suspicions and this confirms it all..but no!! Not Yeolie!! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy he is so cute!! Too cute!!

Chapter 1: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

How cute..but I did not catch that her name is Marianne and not Miyoung..oops..not until it was mentioned..I have such a poopy brain..

⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author diamondELF193!!

This is so cute!! Looking forward to reading!!

747 streak #10
Chapter 9: Jinwoo is quite the troublemaker. Poor Chanyeol is so impressionable, which is what he was counting on. Now, Marianne just had the surprise of her life.

P.s. okay, the Sehun comment was just a passing thought. 😂 Maybe Luhan though, they are more than extreme with each other, and I want LuLu to be happy.