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" so do right people with the wrong timing ever get a second chance?"


we were young back then. We loved each other, or so we thought, but when the test of time comes, We could't survive it. We only wanted what's best for ourselves without considering for the other. Maybe that's why they say timing's wrong. Maybe timing was never wrong, we were just too immature, being blinded by our own needs and forgetting others' wants. Maybe that night, i should have listened to him and wait for him. If i did, would things have been different? would we be together and complete our initial promise of growing old together? But it's all in the past. i should just leave it as it is because that experience made me stronger and it matured me, it gave me a valuable lesson and i will never ever forget it

"You were the one

i wanted most

to stay.

but time could not

be kept at bay.

The more it goes,

the more it's gone,

the more it takes away."


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Chapter 1: ah, this was so sad... i wonder if things would have worked out if she did give him a chance-- i like to think that there are multiple avenues to happiness in one's life. but perhaps this was for the best!