
Miracle of Love - Changmin

Nodding your head, he kissed your head sweetly before making sure you were steady before he stood up and went into the living room. Pushing the couchs back and moving the coffee table, he cleared a large area. Walking over to the built in shelved, lining one wall of the living room he turned the stereo on and began to thumb through the albums that were standing next to the speakers. Choosing a slower album, one of your favorites, he started the music as he turned down the volume so it was soft and soothing.

Returning to you, he held out his hands for you to take as you scaled your eyes up his figure. “You’re gonna have to trust me.”

Placing your hands into his, trusting him wholeheartedly, he smiled and bent down slowly as he placed your hands on his shoulders. Linking your hands together behind his neck, you kept your eyes on his while his hands rested on either side of your hips. Helping you up to your feet, you slowly rose to your feet as he kept his eyes locked on yours, searching for any pain behind your eyes, he made sure that you were steady on your feet.

“Remember, step with me and go your pace” Changmin whispered to you as you were unsure of what he was thinking, or what his idea is.

Sliding one of his feet back, he gently pressed his hands on your hips as his other foot joined the other. A gap was now between you and Changmin, feeling your legs stable underneath you, you looked down at your legs as Changmin watched you, feeling your hands gently grip his shirt and shoulders, he watched as you slipped one foot slightly in front of the other. Shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you let your other foot join next to the other.

“Good job love” He whispered, sealing his pride and happiness for you with a kiss.

Stepping back further and further, he slowly let his grip on you fade with every accomplished step. Praising you continually with each successful step, the two of you entered into the cleared space of the living room. With the music still playing, he moved one of his hands from your waist and gently held it out to you.

“Would you like to dance?” He questioned with a soft smile, knowing you can handle it with him there just in case you need him.

“I’d love to” You whispered, tears filling your eyes as you couldn’t help but feel weightless. Taking his hand once more, he smiled and pressed a sweet kiss against your cheek.

Beginning to slowly sway from one side to the other, you kept yourself against him as he kept the movements slow but sure. Making sure that you were keeping up with the movements, you began to catch on as you stayed against him.

Not even swaying for a song, your legs began to feel weak as you held onto Changmin a little tighter. Slowing his sway into standing with you in the middle of the room, you looked into his eyes as he gently nodded knowing that your legs were tired.

Bringing your hand back to around his neck, he carefully bent down and scooped your legs up in one arm as he held your torso in the other. Leaning against his chest, your head rested against his strong shoulder as he pressed a soft kiss against your head.

“We’ll do that everyday until you can do it on your own. Just take it one day at a time” His pink lips brushed against your temple before pressing a loving kiss against your skin. “I’m very proud of you”

“Thank you, I would really like that” You told him as you brushed your fingertips along the side of his muscular neck. “Would you want to come and watch a movie with me?”

“What movie did you have in mind?” He questioned as he smiled, carrying you to the bedroom where he knew you always loved to watch movies.

“You know… there is that new one that came out that you wanted to see for a while” You told him with a smile, willing to give up your movie pick for his since he has already done so much for you that day.

“Sounds like a date” He giggled as he gently set you on the bed, making sure that you had everything you needed. He locked up your apartment and put away your unfinished food so that you could finish it later before returning to you.

With you having the bed turned down, the lights dimly lighting the room and the movie ready to play, he slipped into bed with you, his arm wrapping around you as you leaned against his shoulder. The strong arms of your beloved boyfriend securely around you, you rested your head on his chest while your fingers laced with his. Kissing the top of your head, you pulled the blankets over his legs then turned your eyes to the movie that is playing.

The storyline progressed as your head rose and fell with every one of his breaths, his heart beating happily underneath you while his thumb brushed slowly over your fingers. Placing a kiss on you every once in a while, his other arm wrapped around your waist and gently played with the bottom hem of your shirt.

Time slowly ticked on as the darkness of night enveloped the two of you as you cuddled in your bed. With his strong, understanding, comforting arms encircling you while his love for you shined through every single action. Allowing your mind to reel slowly over the day’s events, your eyes closed slowly as your body began to fall into the comfort of sleep within the arms of the man whom you trusted, loved and cherished, for all time and eternity.

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Chapter 4: hello! i found this under the medical tag...
sounds like a painful illness, i hope you're still braving it after these years!
what a sweet fic tho. changmin is rly so sweet i can imagine it hehe. thank you 😊
Chapter 4: Her condition made me sad. My neck is hurting me and it's really unpleasant, so how is she feeling when all her muscles are in pain tttt :(

Though all the romantic scenes made it all better, they were really sweet and I love how he acted as a real man and stayed beside her. I totally love this story so much, the dancing part was so romantic that made my heart flutter as well <33

I'm glad that the one who requested came to you. She definitely chose the right author! I hope she's doing well ~
Chapter 4: That was a nice ending yet sad at the same time... i didn't know this kind of condition exist, it's kind of saddening... its making me cry,,,,,,