thoughts in the am

rose | markjin


[1.26 am]


how could the simplest of words, keep you up at night?


a simple letter, with two beautiful roses, that can't get out of my head.


i'm only left with a head full of worries, and dark waters to stare back.


it's almost... haunting.


nothing couldn't be more terrifying than falling into the water, that could kill you in seconds.


kids never understood.


their minds were too curious to know why you shouldn't live next to a cliff...


as my backyard almost.


it's like living on the edge of death, knowing that it's right there, but never giving in.


nothing's more satisfying than knowing you can be in peace by a stop in the beating of your heart,


or knowing someone loves you.


my eyes burning the minute i open them, looking at my watch to see it's early morning.


i know i passed out the minute i woke up on the roof still.


going for my walk at 5 am.


just like every other morning. 


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Metallica1995 #1
Chapter 8: This is art
diongphungg #2
would you mind if i translate the fic into Vietnamese?
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 8: I dunno..But mark is soo sweet..Wish they will communicate more ^^
Joyce7 #4
Chapter 6: Oh my goodnes that so sweet :)
JinyoungsMark #5
Chapter 6: This is short but sweet .. :) pls continue..
Shihaam1 #6
Chapter 2: I'm Enjoying This Markjin Story So Far Even More It's The Sweetest Cutest Adorable Amazing & Most Beautiful Markjin Story Ever Can't Wait For What's Next:DYay!Markjin Together Forever It's Beautiful I Love Just It:D