Stay Crazy (Ver. 2)

Little Things

Title: Stay Crazy
​Word Count: 1245
​OTP: Jinyu / Jinto (Jinho x Yuto)
Random Tags: #fluffish #eighth #bc LET'S REVIVE THIS SHIP #this song is also lyf #version 2!! #this was supposed to be for yuto's bday #but things happened #s i g h s #orz #jinho #yuto #jinto


"Get a grip, Yuto!"


Yuto found his forehead resting on top of his textbook. Those words were on his head, trying to encourage the hell out of Yuto. But even if he had tried to read at least a paragraph, he still did not have the motivation to continue studying. He had an exam the next day and he did not want to fail again. It was his last chance to save his grade, get a passing grade, and move on with his life. He got advice from his sunbaes about the subject and it was one of the worst subjects they had ever taken. Yuto could feel his sunbaes' pain. But he had to go through it to reach for his dreams.

He was a second year exchange student in college studying International Studies and he wanted to be a diplomat between his country, Japan, and Korea. He had studied Korean for quite some time and he was doing pretty good at it. He was already fluent with his mother tongue and Korean, which was perfect for his degree. The subject he was studying about, International Relations, had a terror professor. That professor would create insane exams that only 10% of the class would pass. Sometimes even lower. Yuto was on the brink of failing the class if he were to fail his exam the next day. He was already in the library, studying for the exam, but he did not have the motivation to study.

He wanted to go back to Nagano. He wanted to play soccer with Wooseok. He wanted to dance with Kino. He wanted to be with...

Never mind that bit.

Yuto groaned inwardly. He had conflicting feelings. Would he pick the pleasure of failing or the hardwork of succeeding? 


Yuto blinked from his trance and he looked up to the source of the voice. His mind began repeatedly shouting '!' but it was too late. The smiling angel was already in front of him. The male was up to Yuto's shoulder height. His hair straightened accordingly and whenever his eyes turn to crescents when he smiles, Yuto's heart raced as if it wanted to break free of his rib cage. Yuto might have been awestruck but he tried not to stare too much.

"Ah, Jinho-hyung."

Very smooth, Yuto.

"What are you studying?" Jinho began as he sat beside the younger male and looked at his textbook.

Jinho's face contorted in a disgusted expression. Yuto knew the feeling exactly.

"Who's your professor?"

And when Yuto told the professor, Jinho's expression was even worse. He looked sympathetic towards Yuto, which was kinda cute despite it was a clear indication of Yuto's doom.

"You don't have to state the obvious, hyung," Yuto groaned as he returned to rest his forehead on his textbook.

Jinho chuckled lowly. "Come on. Don't be too sad about it!"

"Hyung, this is my last chance for me to stay here in Korea. What if I fail? What if I am sent back to Nagano? What if I wouldn't be able to see you again?"

The last part? Well, Yuto wished he could have said it, but he had no guts to tell how he truly felt towards Jinho. He only told the first two questions.

Ever since the time when Jinho helped Yuto in one of his subjects, and literally saved him from failing, Yuto began to admire the older male. Jinho was studying for his degree in Music and had taken electives in International Studies, including International Relations, so he knew quite a lot from Yuto's field. The admiration slowly became a tiny crush. Every time he would see Jinho in the music room, his heart would beat fast. He would become nervous all of a sudden, as if he wanted to impress Jinho in any way possible. Jinho's voice sealed Yuto's feelings. It was vivid, clear, soulful. Yuto would think of Jinho at times and he was just infatuated.

Jinho reached out to flick Yuto's head in response to the questions.

"You're not leaving. Not without trying, anyway," Jinho said with a huff, "Let me help you, then!"

"Hyung you might be busy--"

"Aish. I'm already offering help so just accept it!"

All Yuto did was just nod and accept the offer. Yuto wasn't really complaining, but he might get distracted every once in a while.

His crush was helping him pass the test.


On the contrary, Yuto was more motivated to study once Jinho started to help him study. Jinho explained the difficult concepts and gave a number of examples for each. He tried to keep everything as simple as possible. Yuto kept on scribbling notes and asking questions so he could understand the concepts better. At a few times, Yuto and Jinho would tell stories about themselves to alleviate from their technical studying. Stories such as Jinho failing at one subject for lacking a few points, Yuto telling his first stay in Korea, and the likes.

Yuto felt in bliss. He could talk comfortably with Jinho. He could be this close to Jinho without having to care about anything. It felt like the fresh night breeze of Nagano. Cool and comfortable. It was an elating feeling, and he did not want it to end.

But sadly, everything would eventually come to an end.

The librarian began to announce that the library was closing. Yuto began to pack his things as Jinho stretched his arms in the air with a small yawn.

"Did I tire you, hyung? I'm sorry that I bothered you," Yuto said as he put his textbook in his bag.

"No, and I told you, not at all! I enjoy teaching you from time to time."

Yuto's heart might have leapt a hundred feet. All he heard was Jinho also had a great time with him.

They exited the library and walked towards the dormitories. It was already evening and the lights of the lamp posts illuminated their way to their dormitories. Yuto slowly came to realize that they were to part ways at the road intersection since they were in different buildings. He slowed himself and told more interesting and humorous stories. Jinho just listened and laughed at some, reacting confortably to Yuto's words.

Upon reaching the intersection, Yuto became nervouse all of a sudden. A thought came to his mind, but he did not know if Jinho would agree to it. His heart began beating wildly and it couldn't stop. Before Jinho could even say his farewell, Yuto mustered all of his courage to speak up.

"Hyung," Yuto began, his voice not in the most confidence.

Jinho looked up to Yuto with a hum of question.

That made it a lot more difficult.

How can his sunbae be so adorable?

"If--If I pass with above 90% grade," Yuto looked elsewhere, trying to avoid Jinho's eyes. In the end, he closed his eyes and expected the worst. "If I pass with above 90%, I'd like to treat you to cake and sweets to thank you!"

Yuto was totally crazy.

Jinho laughed softly and reached to ruffle Yuto's hair.

"Deal. And you know, even if you don't get a grade of above 90%, I would still date you, Yuto."




Wait what?

Jinho stood on the tips of his toes and gave Yuto a small peck on his cheek.

"Make me proud, Yuto."


Don't worry. Yuto got a 90.1% for the exam, and a date with his crush.

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Selleauw #1
Chapter 10: I absolutely love your writing style it's amazing!
Chapter 9: oh sht so cute i just can't-
Chapter 2: awwwww how cute
Chapter 4: THIS IS SO CUTE, BYE.
Pentastic #5
DZoieSM #6
Chapter 8: OMGGGG
Chapter 5: *falls off chair* NO NO!! IMMA TELL MAMA
DZoieSM #8
DZoieSM #9
Chapter 6: OMG. I did ship Wooseok and Shinwon but never Shinwon and Yuto. I guess I'll have to start shipping them. ♡♡♡
meaniedx #10
Chapter 7: I'm crying. I'm so happy for them that I'm crying ㅠ
I hope you could make a sequel of this please ㅠㅠㅠ