Milk and Cookies (ChanBaek)


Society is divided between dominants and submissives, and Park Chanyeol is one of the world's most beloved Alpha celebrities. 

Byun Baekhyun is an Omega who has no interest in pop idols, especially those like Park Chanyeol.

But their scents and instincts tell otherwise.


Milk and Cookies



Word count: ongoing




Abo dynamic




Note: This started out as an experimental oneshot. It's grown into a lengthy chaptered fic now!

Warnings: slight angst, bullying, drug abuse, ual content

All rights reserved

Vote, comment, enjoy!






I know this is abo/wolf/omegaverse, and there are a lot of these fics out there. I kind of wanted to avoid some clichés in this work, though I do want to explain something.

One thing that comes up in some diverse abo fics is the idea of the unconventional/non submissive/feisty omega, or sometimes you'll see a disconnect or dominance issue between the two in the relationship. I thought about that, but then decided to try something different.

In this you'll find that Baekhyun is overly submissive. In fact his relationship with Chanyeol is nearly flawless - they fit the principle, perfect Alpha-Omega couple. The obstacles that come about in this story are pressed upon them by outside sources that I realize will reflect some issues in our own world.

Examples are a fight for Omega equality, equality for all werewolves, riots and revolutions, a combat between tradition and modernization, the difficulties of living as a world idol without much of a private life, etc etc. First off, I tried to think about this fic logically as in: What would the world be like if it was modernized werewolves? An excerpt concept from this thesis way of thinking is that maybe unmated Omegas can't have a passport, own their own property, or purchase alcohol without a mate.

So yeah. Second thing is that I'm not trying to portray any sort of political image that reflects exactly what's going on in our society. I'm not trying to turn modern struggles of our world into a metaphor here: these are of the same concepts, but they're their own.

Also: Copyright on this concept.

Please no plagiarizing.

It hurts.


Chapt (1): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (2): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (3): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (4): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (5): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (6): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (7): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (8): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (9): Completed / 100% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posted

Chapt (10): 15% completed / 0% First Edits / 0% Second Edits / Posting TBD

Chapt (11): Pending







(I won't bite I promise but please please ask)

A few days from updating Milk and's a New Year and about time for a new chapter...


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 2: Baek being thrown in without a net!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 1: What a scene!
taneel123 #3
Chapter 11: Hey, hope you are well. This feels like the millionth time that I'm rereading this. I still love and adore this fic. I hope you haven't given up and will update this someday... ❤️
applesandcookies #4
Chapter 11: Rereading this for like the 3rd time and it’s still amazing! Never feel like it’s too late for an update. I’ll wait as long as it takes <3
galaxor #5
Chapter 11: This story is great really; i hope for the update and for your good health author-nim
174 streak #6
Chapter 7: I love it when you’Ve mentioned that there is also a “power that comes from being kind and gentle.” That really struck me
Mahshid536 #7
Chapter 11: Hey hey are you there? I just finished it now and oh got what a great story... it's been a while that you updated... are you feeling ok? I just wish you continue this story I really really do
Continue pls😭😭😭😭
Danita_Bianchi #9
Chapter 1: Omg, I cannot express in words how much I ing enjoy how original and beautiful this story is. I absolutely looove it so much and I find myself very sad because it hasn't been updated in a long time, and I really want this to continue but I am afraid that it won't :'c I hope it does though, please lovely author, we really love this story and hope you finish it someday... ?
Delulubae #10
Woah its really been a while I miss this story so much I hope it'll be continued on day in the future!
If author is still around and is reading this .... hi ! How have you been ? I hope you are well ,pls make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe during this mess!
Sending love ♡