ONE MONTH LATER.............................................................................................................

Pretend Wife

ONE MONTH LATER……………………………………………………………………………..

(Jade POV)

Here I am, standing in my kitchen. Making dinner for Jin. I’ve been married for a month and all I can say is that Jin is the most self-centered person I have ever met. My days are boring since I am not in America anymore my assistant is taking care of my restaurant which I left in her hands. My days are consisted of the same things…


Wake up. Make breakfast. Find something to do during the day. Make dinner. Wash the dishes. Go to bed.


There are things that make my life more pleasurable. My favorite books, watching sunsets, meeting up with friends on weekends being able to work at my restaurant, and there are things that I’d rather not see everyday. For example his face.


I see him at dinner time. After that he goes to his room and doesn’t come out until he’s hungry in the morning. If you sum up the time, ive actually talked to him like 2 times

It’s been like this for a month.


After the wedding, we went on a well-deserved honeymoon for a week. it was just me, laying on a beach with a book in my hand. I have no idea what Jin did all week. And I don’t care honestly


Every day he comes home from work, sits opposite me, without looking, without saying hello, eats everything without saying thank you and goes to his room.

The only time we talk, is when we have to go in public.

He always turns into someone else His hand is always wrapped around my waist. He kisses my forehead and whispers in my ear.

I know, I said that I hated him, when I first saw his face, but somehow he is more despicable now.


I heard the front door open and shut. He’s home.


“Come this way.” I heard him say.

Great, we have guests.

Inside the room, he was taking a coat off from a tall woman skinny model like women.

She was dressed in a tight black dress just over her knees and black high heels. Her hair and makeup were done perfectly.

She was beautiful and honestly I felt self-conscious how could someone look so beautiful

While she was tall and skinny

I was short and chubby

While she had long black hair

I had long curyl brown hair

While she wore designer clothes

I wore sweats and a tank top

While jin loved her

He didn’t love me

Hold up!!!!!!!!!!! Why should I care if he loved me or not it’s not like this marriage is real   


“Hello, Seokjin, why didn’t you tell me you were bringing a guest?.” I said leaning on the door, smiling.



“Oh, hi, yeah, haeseo will stay for dinner tonight

Omg this is her the one Jin so openly said he loved


“I’ll add a plate for our guest.” I said and walked out. I didn’t know what to think. I understand thatwe agreed that we would see other people but come on how could you bring her home while I am here.


When I got to the dinning room, Jin was already sitting next to Haeseo. I put the plate in front of her and sat on their opposite side. The girl was looking at me a ovious smirk was on her face.

The dinner went on slowly



 Jin and Haeseo were talking

Sometimes I could see him touch her hand on the table

Everything made me sick.

 I felt like I was invading their privacy.

All I wanted to do was go to my room, but I didn’t. This was my house.



After an hour, Haeseo finally realized, it was late and that she had to go.

I smiled at her, even though I was sure she could read my eyes.

Jin walked her to the door, while I went to clean up the kitchen

 As I didn’t hear the door shut, I walked to the entrance and what I saw made my heart fell heavy


She was standing at the door. He was standing right next to her, hands around her waist. He was pulling her body close to him, as his lips left kisses all over her face. They smiled at each other once and their lips met. The kiss was passionate

When they finally pulled away, Anna opened the door and walked out.

Jin looked at the door for a few seconds, before I couldn’t help but talk.


“Maybe you should stop bringing your lover here, especially when I’m home. I swear I’m going to cut you.” I answered.



“You could’ve just gone to your room.” his eyes were boring into mine.



“Whether you like or not, I’m the woman in this house. every time your hormones win over your mind, book a hotel room. This is not a brothel.” I said with confidence.



“You know this doesn’t count as cheating. You can’t cheat with someone you have no relationship with.” he said after some time. He said with a big smirk on his face

When he said that I couldn’t help but wonder why my heart felt like it was breaking


“Legally, I am your wife. And making me sit here while you and your lover hug and kiss is the most pathetic thing any man can ever do. And next time you decide to do that, just decide if you are a man or not already, okay?” and with that, I turned around and left for my room.



I don’t know where all this confidence came from and I obviously didn’t care about his feelings, because I knew, I was right.


My mother was making me live with a cheater, and I couldn’t even complain about that, because you can’t really complain, when your relationship isn’t even real in the first place

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pham_vivian #1
I like how the plot sounds from the description! Looking forward to more updates <3
Btw, welcome to asianfanfics!