Stand by me

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"So... How was your walk today?" Hoya ask him at the dining table. Hoya had came back to the house that evening after he done taking his walk. Dongwoo and Sungjong had came back when he's still taking his walk. This is because today is Woohyun birthday. They might not celebrate it with cake and stuff because Woohyun doesn't like it. But they still gather to eat a meal together. Later at night they will have video call with Aunt and Uncle because, they couldn't come back this year.

"It's fine" he answer shortly. It's not that he and Hoya not closed. Actually they are supposed to be the closest friend in the house. But after what happened they became distant because of unknown force. He know that Hoya always take care of him behind his back. Like when he fake his sleep in his room to avoid others, Hoya will put the blanket on him and act as if he doesn't know that he fake his sleep. When he take his walk every evening Hoya will always follow him like today that's why he reach the last. When Sungyeol screw up whole taking care of him, Hoya will clean his mess.

He knew Hoya do that out of guilt. He knew it was his fault that Hoya live like that. He knew he is the reason why Hoya felt guilty. Because it was all his fault that he change so Hoya also change. He change because Sunggyu left him. And Hoya change because he thought that he is the reason why he lost his smile. And he is too much of a coward to tell him that he wasn't the reason.

That night after the video call with Aunt and Uncle, he went his room. Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungjong went back to their own respective house. They part on good term today, the usual sassy Sungjong does not aggrieved Hoya too much and cause a huge dispute. Myungsoo and Sungyeol went to their room doing who knows what. He once again feel peaceful in his room. 

He take the chime that was hang at the window into his hand and compared it with the other chime that he got from the girl that morning.

After his walk that evening he had came up to his room to change and rest. He put the chime on the side table of his bed. After a good rest he went to eat dinner with the other. Only now he has time to compare both of them. He actually want to prolong this comparison because he scared of the truth. He might not be able to comprehend. 

After touching them for a while here and there. The size of the bell, the wood the string everything. It is indeed the same. The one he made for Sunggyu with his name on it and the one that supposed to be a chime that Sunggyu made for him with Sunggyu name on it.

He touch the ring where Sunggyu name were engraved at again. Trying to confirm that it was indeed his name. KIM SUNGKYU, was what exactly engraved on the ring. It is indeed his name he had once ask Sunggyu to wrote his name for him. He wants to know Sunggyu name and how he would wrote his name. Sunggyu had spell it like that. He had ask him why he made Woohyun called him Gyu when his name is Kyu. He said because Woohyun sound cute when he called him like that. Makes Woohyun blush to eternity hearing it. 

"You liar, you had made it didn't you? Why would you give it to a dog? What had happen Sunggyu?" His lonely tears fell endlessly as there's nobody here to stop him anymore. He clenched both of the chime in his hand. His heart ache so much and his breathing stagger.

"Where are you Sunggyu?" He ask to particularly no one. His voice faded along with the breeze that manage to make its way to his room. After he had touch the chime he gets from the girl, he had unexpectedly built a hope and expectation somewhere in his heart, he believes that Sunggyu is near. He is somewhere near him. That one day Sunggyu will stand by his side again.

If Sunggyu is not coming back to him why would Sunggyu ask him to not forget? Why would Sunggyu make him made such a promise? Why would Sunggyu be so desperate for him to not forget? He must have his reason to leave him untill today. He must be thinking of coming back too, but couldn't do so right now.

Right now he does not care if it were just his wishful thinking anymore. He want to believe in them with all his heart. He does not allow himself to give up that hope. He already found a piece of Sunggyu after 5 years of separation. It must meant something. His heart beat became slower. His aching heart slowly fade replace with a more steady beat. His wishful thinking help him get throug

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703 streak #1
Chapter 6: why is life so cruel to sunggyu? 😭
Chapter 3: This is really good. I am in love with this. Thankyou for this update
Chapter 2: I don't know what to say other than saying this is beautiful yet sad.. You have written this in a way which made us feel so immersed and touched. Loved reading this
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful
This looks interesting.. It is sad too..going to read this ❤️
703 streak #6
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Why is it so sad 😢
Simran20 #7
Chapter 1: It brings out a lot of pain from within. I still cry when I hear nod nod. Thankyou so much for the update author nim ❤️
jiaeSoulaegi #8
Chapter 5: Is this the end? I hope not. This story remind me of The Bridge and I think I get it where this story will be going. I hope I am wrong. There's no tragedy tag isn't it, so it can be happy ending, right?
Chapter 3: I just discovered this story and read it.
It's mysterious and I would love to read the next parts.
By the way is always hard.we'll never get to a stage that everything is okay and we have no worries. Because if we have no worries then we're not actually living!
I just wanted to say that no matter how hard it gets,you still can do something about it.
If you feel like you're tired of living and your life, then you just need to get up and come up with an new plan to change your life.💛
jiaeSoulaegi #10
Chapter 2: I don't know how it happened and it make me curious more.