Arms Of The Angels - What If

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“What’s up, buddy?” The general surgeon answered but never took her eyes off her patient’s chart.

“I need a favor.”

“You got me all ears.”

“Can you replace my schedule for morning report tomorrow?”

“You know I hate morning report.” She snorted as she wrote.

“Tiffany is at the other side of the world, my parents are not going to be in Seoul till next week so it leaves me and my three kids alone. I can’t leave the house at seven in the morning. Seven is their wake up time then I have to feed them, bath them, clothe them, get them to the day care. I also have to take care of their documents to the immigration office. Not to mention I have surgeries and lots of patients to visit. So, please, Yul? I’m begging you.”

“Where’s Tiffany?”

“States. Her father just called me, her mother is getting a PCI at the moment.”

“Oh?” Yuri finally looked at Taeyeon. “I’m sorry to hear that. Okay, I’ll do it. I hope she’ll be okay. Send my regard to Tiffany and her parents.”

“Thanks, Yul.” Taeyeon patted her friend’s shoulder. “It means a lot.”

“Hey, if you need a hand to take care of the triplets, call me. I’m free as a bird, I’m funny, I can entertain them. They love me.”

“I might take you up on that.”

“Please do.”


Yuri and Sunny babysit the triplets on the first night of Tiffany’s absence. Taeyeon had to push her surgery to late afternoon since she needed to take care of Aorta, Artery and Venous documents. She was still in the OR when Tiffany called.

“They’re at home with Yuri and Sunny.” Taeyeon spoke through the mask. “Where are you?”

“On my way. Dad has called. Mommy is in the ICCU right now. She’s going to be okay, right?” Tiffany was drain with the flight, the thought of her children and wife back in Korea, her parents – moreover her mother.

“I hope so, honey. Are you going straight to the hospital?”

“No, I’m on my way home. Visiting hour is in four hours.”

“Okay. Take care. I love you. I’ll call you back when I’m done.”


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Hello! It's been a while since i post something in AFF. How are you all?


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czankx #1
Chapter 72: Erika and Kim Taeyeon, definitely a doppelganger, Taeyeon is a police officer and Tiffany sounds like a spy or an assassin.. Continuation please, author-nim
NekoLS #2
Chapter 72: Im kind of lost here
NekoLS #3
Chapter 62: I need more for this 😭
NekoLS #4
Chapter 61: This shot is hotss with tiffany elegant and confident aura and yeah Taeyeon so attractive 🤭
NekoLS #5
Chapter 45: I surely enjoy reading this story of how taeyeon deal with the triplets itsoooo hilarious, cute and sweet
NekoLS #6
Chapter 12: Hahahah why i found taeyeon and mr hwang moment is more sweet than taeny lol hahahaha
Chapter 70: Nice stories you have here! I love all the feelings I got here.
Chapter 62: Re-read this again. How are you, author-nim? I wish you could continue this one and your another stories. Stay healthy, author-nim ^^
Chapter 62: I hope you could continue this masterpiece 🥺
lalatreese #10
Chapter 48: not me getting back to your stories with the intention to read fluff but here i am with tears in my eyes.. 😭