Part 7

Seonsaengnim (A Jimin Fanfic Series)

That school day, all you could manage to do was leave campus for the remaining four hours you had left of school. You couldn't function, not after what happened. You would never be able to get that out of your mind, and because of it you felt vulnerable and yet so utterly thrilled at the same time. This feeling was unhealthy and inhumane, yet you somehow liked the remembrance of it. The way he held your neck, the way his hand ran through your hair and the way that his fresh tickling breath hit your cheek, everything about it sent chills down your spine. But the moment that you came upon the thought of his age, you shuddered in rejection. How could Iyou thought, how could I like my own teacher? Why did it have to be him?

You walked slowly, clutching onto your right arm in sorrow, lip gloss smeared across your cheek which glistened in the faint sunlight. The clouds hung overhead like the burden you carried with you all the way home to your front door, and your ruffled hair gently swayed in the warm afternoon breeze. Your legs felt tingly and numb. All you could think about was hopping in the shower and washing off all the filth that you had gotten yourself into.

After your shower you lay down in bed staring up at the ceiling, wondering what the heck you were gonna do, or even say tomorrow at school. You wouldn't dare try and talk to him though, because then all you'd be able to do is imagine his lips on yours and the feeling of his soft hair in the palm of your hand. That isn't what students and teachers are supposed to think of each other, not even the least bit. You buried your face into the pillow, mind racing with guilt and regret. "Why, why, why," you repeated into the cushion, your voice muffled and furious.

As you continued to ramble for the next few minutes, a short vibration sounded from your night stand, and you peeked up from your pillow in its direction. "Who the heck is that?" You asked yourself, reaching for the phone and hoping it was only a notification or email.

"Tammy?" There were about two messages and counting, for it seemed she was in the midst of spamming you worriedly. "Hey Y/N?" "Are you okay?..):" "Crap you better be okay" "Who do I need to fight??!" You rolled your eyes and faced the ceiling once again, simply turning your phone off without sympathy. I'm too tired to explain this mess. Maybe tomorrow I'll think about it.

The next day at school on the way to fourth period, Tammy ran into you and looked into your eyes confusedly. "Y/N? Are you okay? You didn't answer me last night.. And I know you're always up.. What's wrong?" she pleaded, grabbing onto your arm to keep you from walking away. You continued walking regardless, but eventually she let go, staying behind like an abandoned puppy as she watched you leave. After a moment or two, you couldn't take the guilt, so you looked back and watched as the other students walked around her on their way to class.

Your fists clenched, you took a deep breath, and marched your way over to her, grabbing her wrist and exiting to the court yard which was empty. The two of you sat together by a tree, a spring green tree, and you struggled putting together the words to help her understand, but eventually you managed to get the whole story out, from start to finish. It was difficult, but the little nods of her head and lack of eye contact signified that she was thinking and listening deeply. She threw little pebbles off to the side over and over again, but not because she was bored. Not because she was impatient. She was thinking of a way to help you. When the tears welled up in your eyes, she wiped them away, and held onto you until they stopped.

"I know you think this is the end of the world, but it's not," she told you, looking into your eyes as she brushed a stray hair out of your face. "You don't tell anyone. Not a peep. This needs to stay between you and him, and I know you want to settle it. Just take it one step at a time, okay?" She coached, your hair. Your breathing slowed and you stared blankly into the distance. "Okay," you echoed, lifting yourself from her chest. "I need to go talk to him," you pronounced, wiping your eyes and primping your face to clear the sadness from it. "Hey, you go tell 'em. I know you got this," Tammy encouraged, getting up from her spot as she tried to dry her shirt which your tears had fallen onto. "I'll tell you about it later!" You called back, and went on your way to his classroom.

The room was empty when you looked through the small window at the top of the door, but something didn't seem right. Mr. Park was always in his classroom at this time of day. In suspicion, you parted ways with the classroom and planned to come back a little later. However, as you were about to leave that section of the school, you spotted him walking down a nearby hallway. Without any thought at all, you called out to him, and his head immediately sprang up from his papers and searched for the source of his name, until he saw you in the distance. Hesitantly, he walked over to you while you leaned against a locker, looking in another direction.

Once he reached you, your cold face met his. He wore a blue tie today, his gleaming eyes peeking just above his rounded glasses, and his ear piercings reflected the sunlight, creating little sparkles. "Yes?" He asked meekly, looking down at the floor. You boldly lifted his chin upwards as he did yours in that little abandoned area behind the school, and squeezed tightly as you forced him to make eye contact with you.

"Don't you ever pull something like that again," you murmured softly and delicately, yet with a forceful undertone that screamed you meant business. "And you know what I'm talking about." With that, you harshly ripped your hand away from his chin, causing his face to be jerked to the side. His tongue ran across the inside of his cheek as he cocked his head, almost as if he were offended, and watched you leave through the corner of his eye. "Wait, Y/N," he called out a little later, turning around slowly with an arrogant unforgivingness. "Don't talk to me!" You called back, already a little ways down the hall. He faced you, wearing a rather apologetic expression. "Let me take you out to make up for it," he added, a pinch of sympathy now evident in his voice. You stopped midway down the hall and looked back at him after some time, then down to the floor, considering the proposal.

Why did you stop? Why didn't you just keep walking? All of that was beyond you, and instead you came up to him and grabbed him by the back of his neck. "What's the catch?" He looked around deviously and settled his eyes back upon you. "Just give me your number. There isn't any catch." You slowly released your hand from him and continued looking down, down at his shiny, expensive dress shoes which crossed over the other as he waited. "You got out your phone and gave it to him, tucking your arms away across your chest. "Don't try anything funny. Just your number and that's it." He tightened his lips in a youthful demeanor and handed you his phone, watching you for a moment before typing his number into your contacts, until both of you had given equally and swapped the phones back.

"Well, with that being done, I'll text you later," he winked, and then walked off down the hall, leaving you alone once again. Phone in hand, you exited your contacts and stuck it into your pocket, continuing on with your regular school day's routine.

After school, you couldn't wait to arrive home, eagerly glancing over and over at the phone, expecting Mr. Park's name to pop up. "He's probably still at school," you mumbled to yourself as the phone fumbled in your hands impatiently, your nervous wandering mind occupying you for a good thirty minutes or so. Eventually, you decided to give up the wait to finish up on some homework for Calculus, so you left your phone upstairs for a few hours while you worked.

Once you were finished, you came back to your phone almost instinctively, where you were greeted with two messages from someone, Mr. Park you assumed. After unlocking your phone, you guessed correctly, they were both from Jimin. "Hey Y/N" 
"It's MrPark"

You immediately panicked and internally screamed as you rummaged through your thoughts thinking about how to respond to him. "Hi MrPark!" You typed, then cringed because it was simply too enthusiastic. You then proceeded to type, "How are you?" then deleted it because it sounded unrelated; you knew what he had texted you for. Then finally, you resorted with "What's up," which seemed pretty normal to you. After sending the text, you changed out of your school clothes and threw on some skinny jeans, a black long sleeve with shoulder cut-offs and some sneakers, then fixed your hair a bit and touched up your mascara. "I'm gonna take you to the carnival, so you better be ready," he sent, and your heart felt light and feathery at the mention, already dizzy with excitement. "Really?? Okay well I'm already ready to go."

The moment you sent that text, you remembered that he wouldn't be able to pick you up from the house, because if your mom saw a guy looking like Mr. Park trying to pick you up, without a doubt she'd bring him inside to play twenty questions. Uncalled for is her middle name, and you didn't want, OR need, any of that shenanigans happening tonight. This situation wasn't illegal since you were eighteen, but your mom was pretty much the equivalent of the law just waiting to crack down on anything that comes even remotely close to bending it.

You quickly pulled out your phone to warn him of that, and grabbed a jacket off of the coat hanger once you made your way downstairs. "Mom, I'm gonna head to the mall with Tammy okay? She's gonna pick me up," You called out towards the living room where your mother was watching the news, as she does daily until seven o'clock when she prepares dinner. "Where? The mall? Which one?" She asked, and you rolled your eyes while reaching for the door handle. "The one on East Central drive; the one we always go to. I'll be back before ten okay? Don't worry mom," and with that, closed the door behind you.

In actuality, you were going to walk to the nearest Dairy Queen, which was only about a block away, and it was always populated, so it was way safer than waiting for him anywhere deserted. The wind blew your hair all around, a chilly crispness to the air as you clutched onto your arms and walked along the sidewalk on the back road of your house. That way, she wouldn't be able to look out of her window and see you walking anywhere. You've used this method before when you were younger and simply wanted to visit someone's house, but she wouldn't allow it unless she met the kid's parents first. So stupid, you used to think, but now that you were an adult with sensibilities, you knew you would be fine, especially with Mr. Park. Though he made you shiver, in the best way possible of course, he also made you feel safe and protected. What is this he does to you? You really had no idea.

Eventually you made it to the ice cream shop, and waited inside at one of the tables sat by a large window, looking out for the red car that he described. "It's expensive," he had told you. "Not meaning to brag, of course. But it's a pretty nice ride." Anxiously, you watched and waited as you tapped your foot against the ground and played with the ring on your index finger. Not long later, a shiny red Ferrari rounded the corner of the parking lot, and your eyes grew about a hundred sizes larger, jaw just about hitting the floor the second you realized who's car it was. W-was this real? Was this him? THE Mr. Park? He owns a Ferrari? How??!

The soft hum of the engine became louder until he parked in front of the building and the lights died out, then he stepped outside the car, only his head was visible until he fully got out and stood up tall. You.. almost fainted right then and there. His soft hair exposed his forehead, he wore black boots and ripped jeans, a white flowy t-shirt paired with a black hoodie that was detailed with rose embroidery along the back, and his gleaming piercings sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. His walk, ever so cool and collected as he pushed the sunglasses up higher on his face and lowered his hood, running a hand through his hair.

He opened the door to the diary shop and scanned the area, finally laying eyes on you as soon as he saw your face. You shyly looked down, cheeks and ears burning, and he walked over to the table you sat at, his boots creating faint click-clocks that echoed throughout the rather quiet room. "You look great," He complimented with an eye smile, leaning down closer towards you. "Let's get out of here," He unexpectedly murmured into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He placed a delicate hand on the small of your back as the two of you walked out and over to the car parked right outside the front, and he opened the passenger's door for you, making sure your legs were inside before closing it. Music played on the inside, the surround-sound blowing you away, for you couldn't focus on where the sound was actually coming from. The left and the right, the top and bottom, you weren't used to the quality to say the least. He sat down on the driver's side as if this were just a regular day for him, and looked over to you with the corner of his mouth upturned after studying your expression.

"I know what you're probably thinking," He started, reaching into the glovebox above your knees to pull out a scented chapstick, which smelled like Lavender, and applied it across his plump lips that you couldn't resist staring at. "How could I afford this type of car when I only teach history at a highschool?" And he looked over to you, a deep intensity in his dark brown and glossy eyes. "I..I," you stuttered. "I do wonder that.. actually." The gulp you swallowed was a bit loud, so you cleared your throat to cover it up. "Well, I knew I'd have to tell you eventually..." He said, holding onto the wheel with a hand decked in big fancy rings, looking mellowly out at the road. "You know, I'd had my eyes on you ever since the first day I saw you," he confessed, the corner of his eyes watching you, almost sadly, as if he were risking something that he hadn't expected anyone to have to know about. "I knew you would mean something to me." Your eyebrows furrowed as you faced the road in front of you. "Me? Special to you? But, we don't really even know each other. We only ran into each other once outside of class, and.." You trailed off, reviewing in your head all the times he'd subliminally flirt with you during class. Was this all real?

"I know that..." He responded, staying quiet for a few moments as he were thinking over things himself. "Which is why I wanted to take you out tonight. To show you how special you are to me. I want to know you Y/N." He looked over to you again, this time not as long as before, but he clenched his lips, the faint dimples in his cheeks becoming visible, and then laughed quietly, facing the front again. "I know it must be weird, but.. I know you like me too." You were strangely caught off guard and didn't know what to say. Though you had already confessed to him your feelings, it felt as if you hadn't even told him, like he were exposing you out of the blue, without warning or preparation. "You... you like me?" was the only thing you could think to say, and the question was left hanging in the air for some time, making you reconsider asking anything like that again. Before you were going to cut the silence in half with the statement, "Never mind, I shouldn't have asked that. Of course you wouldn't like a high schooler," he responded, "Yes, I think I do."

The entire ride took about thirty to forty minutes, where the two of you conversed with one another about the school system, and his double life of being a teacher and very successful business man who owned his own company for years. "I would've never guessed you were this well-off, not to be rude or anything at all. I just.. didn't see this coming," you expressed, running a hand through your hair out of stress, and not negative stress, but the kind of stress that came with the sudden shock of being told something as dramatic as Mr. Park just had. "Yeah, I get that a lot. When I told my family members about all of this, some didn't even believe me. They didn't think I'd end up this way." He continues looking out at the sunset, the reds and blues of the sky, a sad expression, but nonetheless in peace. "They support me now, but the business wasn't in their respects. It wasn't anything they'd been open to before." You fought back the urge to intrude on his personal life, but the itch of curiosity, the pondering of every detail about him just ran full force, never able to stop itself like a broken engine.

"What is the business about?" You asked him, peering from the passenger's seat, admiring his gorgeous profile. "I would rather talk about that another time," he responded, causing your heart to sink. "But it's gotten me here, and I was so lucky to become successful. I just teach history because I've always liked it," He smiles, then ruffles your hair playfully. "We're almost there." The car pulls into the parking lot of the carnival location, which sits outside of a large flat field of grass, olive green and swaying in the warm air of the evening.

The two of you stepped out of the car, and he immediately wrapped his arm around you, squeezing you tight to keep you from getting cold. He smelled so fresh and sweet, it was faint but pleasing to have your nose snuggled into. The more that you two walked across the field, the more lights could be seen in the distance, ranging in colors and patterns; blinking ones, sparkling ones, red green and purple, every color you could think of. The crunch of the grass blades sounded beneath your shoes, just the two of you, and he eventually let go and walked alongside you, smiling brightly with a rosy glow in his cheeks that seemed to radiate from within.

Finally, you were a few meters away from the carnival, kids running around and around, chasing each other with laughter dancing in the air, couples hand in hand that walked through the park, customers lining up for amusement park snacks, and of course, the giant ferris wheel smack in the middle of it all, circling slowly and peacefully as the hanging seats swung ever so gently. "OH MY GOSH!!" You exclaimed, setting eyes upon a very adorable stuffed koala hanging on the wall of a water shooting game. "I NEED THAT KOALA!" You said to him, and skipped over to the booth, quickly pulling out your wallet which contained about thirty dollars. Mr. Park followed after you and smiled over your shoulder as you proceeded to hand over your money, and suddenly grabbed your wrist, softly, retracting it back down to your side. The employee wearing a bright yellow shirt and funny hat looked between the two of you confusedly. "I'll pay for it," Mr. Park concluded, and pulled out a shiny, almost brand new-looking credit card. "You take these?" He asked the young man, who seemed a tad bit around your age, maybe younger, and he nodded meekly. After swiping and handing back Mr. Park's credit card, he sniffled and dabbed his nose with a tissue, then moved aside for the two of you to start the mini game.

A large speaker played cheesy carnival music in the background and began a countdown as the two of you readied your guns labeled "Death By Water!" and aimed at the spot where you'd have to hit the targets. At the sound of an artificial gunshot, various enemy soldiers popped up behind a cardboard battlefield, and the two of you repeatedly squeezed your triggers and begun yelling and laughing contagiously as the streaks of water fired away at those pesky things, until the full minute ended, and the dripping targets fell into retreat. Mr. Park's face was shining brightly with a smile bigger than the world, and your hands felt sore because in order for the guns to squirt water far enough to hit the targets, you had to use an abundance of force. The number of targets you had hit weren't enough to buy the Koala, but Mr. Park's surpassed it with a whopping number of thirty six. "Aaaalright! And what would you like for your prize my good sir?" The enthusiastic employee asked with his elbow propped on the counter. Mr. Park's lower lip pouted adorably as he ran fingers across his chin, speculating and sizing up every stuffed animal and toy on the shelves. His eyes laid upon one very particular grey and ginormous animal that hung in the right corner of the booth, almost illuminated. "I think I'll take... that guy over there. The Koala," Mr. Park decided, which caused you to explode with "aww"s and giddies. The employee used a stick with a hook at the end to grab the Koala off of the very top, and handed it over to Mr. Park happily. "You two enjoy the rest of your night!" He wished you and Mr. Park a good night, and greeted another couple of people who were waiting behind you guys.

"Thank you so much Mr. Park," you smiled delightedly, placing your face into the softness and fluffiness of the Koala's back. "Just call me Jimin, Y/N, I'm serious," he said, breaking your train of thought about how awesome this stuffed animal was. "A-are you sure?" Jimin nodded in response, smiling and placing his hands into his pockets. "Especially because we don't need people overhearing you using my surname," he laughed, giving you playful crazy eyes. "Ah it feels so nice out here," he said, spinning around with a tranquility in the way he moved, seeming carefree and like he enjoyed being there, maybe even being with you. Your eyes scanned along the trails of colorful lights overhead, connecting everything together. They all shone down on everyone there, a warm colored light that made you feel welcomed. "Hey!" Jimin exclaimed, touching your shoulder and pointing over in the direction of a merry-go-round. "Let's go ride that!" He proclaimed excitedly, and just like you did, skipped cutely off towards the revolving pastel horses. Old carnival music spewed from the circular ride and sounded as if it would cut off any second and never play again, but it never stopped and continued just like it had for years.

Once the current riders' turn ended, you and Jimin climbed aboard the platform and mounted a small horse, in which you struggled to stay seated on because you had grown a whole lot compared to when you'd ride these as a child, and for Jimin it was even worse, though he was a bit on the shorter side. Nevertheless, he still towered over you dominantly. The employee for the merry-go-round warned you and the rest of the people on the ride to hold onto the rod protruding out of the horse's back which connected it to the top and bottom of the ride's frame, and so you did out of child-like obedience. The music continued as always and the ride begun to spin, slowly at first, but eventually increased in speed, and you were able to see every angle of the park as you spun around. Peaceful and youthful, you felt. Outings like these helped you remember that the young person inside of you never really left. Every once in a while you looked back at Jimin, who was too busy smiling up at the sky, too busy living life in the moment. But you couldn't blame him, because you were doing the same.

Once the ride ended, the two of you stepped down hand in hand, only to keep from falling, but stood connected for a few moments, just looking out at the scenery of it all. After a while, Jimin glanced down at your hands intertwined and smiled, pulling you to face him. "I kinda like this, this holding hands thing," He smiled bashfully, looking down and playing with your fingers. "You know something Jimin?" You asked him, meeting his gleaming eyes. "What?" You pecked his cheek, smiling brightly at him as you pulled away. "You're adorable." For the next hour or so, you and Jimin walked around the carnival and played numerous mini-games and rode all the kiddie rides, just because you could, and the whole time, you just felt this strange, invisible magnetic pull to him, an intense attraction that you couldn't really explain, but everything he did became more and more endearing as time went on, and his smile turned into your drug. He was like this whole new person you didn't even know existed. You didn't know that he could be this.. cute.

By the end of your expedition to hunt down and play or ride everything in sight together, the two of you were in some desperate need of something to eat, so as wise as you were, you suggested cotton candy, and the both of you stood in line at the small booth that sold it, all different colors of pastel; green, pink, blue, yellow, you name it and they've got it. The fluffy sugars looked like enchanted clouds, like a fantasy or something, much like this outing had been. When it was your turn to order a stick of cotton candy, you looked off of the menu and couldn't decide on which color to get, so you ordered a swirl, and so did Jimin. As the cotton candy spun in the back, the two of you giggled amongst each other and said stupid things to make each other laugh to pass the time. Your relationship really improved, and it made you look back to when you hardly knew him. Thinking of that really made you feel grateful for having agreed to being here with him tonight.

With your cotton candies in hand, you and Jimin walked slowly through the park, feeling light and feathery like nothing could go wrong. Jimin's smile never faded, and you never stopped staring at him. His existence was just so ethereal, and naturally you couldn't help it. How was he here, on a date-for the most part, with you? You just couldn't believe any of this was actually happening. After passing a few rides that you two had already been on, you came across the one ride that you hadn't ridden tonight yet. The main attraction, the one that everyone comes to see. The ferris wheel.

You looked at Jimin with anxiousness in your eyes, for you had always been afraid of ferris wheels, but he grabbed your free hand in response, assuring you that he'd be there right beside you. "Common', let's get in line," he said, and you followed him while still holding onto his small hand. The line took a while to shorten, but the two of you continued biting away at your cotton candy, trying to imagine the heights that you'd be at on this ride and cowered secretly, for you were very fond of the ground instead of being up high in the air.

Once it was time for you and Jimin to climb into the little pod that would carry you to the top of the wheel, you hesitated stepping in and wore a look of fear. "Hey hey, whats wrong?" Jimin asked, showing genuine concern as he held your shoulders. "I'm.. a little scared of heights," you said, looking up to the top of the ferris wheel, envisioning yourself there. "Y/N don't worry, I'll be right next to you. These things go slow, you don't have anything to worry about," Jimin reassured, and took your hand again, guiding you in first. You sat down on the hard seat inside of the caged pod and trembled slightly, but Jimin held you close and suddenly you felt safer and more at ease. It was amazing how a simple hug from someone could wash your worries away. As soon as the ride begun, the pod swayed from side to side just like you'd seen them do upon arrival, which caused you to grip the cage in fear of falling, but you soon realized that it actually became a bit comforting, almost like being rocked to sleep. After a while, as your pod was ascending to the top, you got up to look around at the park below you, and the city beyond where you stood. Everything seemed like tiny dots and twinkling lights with no certain shape or purpose, like a galaxy full of stars, and made you feel a warm fuzziness in your stomach, a feeling of accomplishment. "Look look Jimin! This is so pretty," you expressed in awe, never seeming to get over the beautifulness of those lights in the distance. You could see more now that you were higher up, and it gave you a new perspective on this evening. Moving out of your comfort zone had probably been the best thing you've done this year.

"Oh wow," He explained, looking out over the city with you. "Everything is so small and pretty, just like you," he added, smiling angelically as ever. He looked at you to try and catch a reaction, but you only playfully pushed his face away with your hand, causing a laugh out of him. "It's the truth, Y/N," He insisted, and you blushed. "I believe you."

The ferris wheel slowly made it's way to the tippy-top, and you and Jimin looked out some more before sitting down to talk about this and that while you finished your cotton candies, which lasted for a few more minutes, and then finally, your pod reached the bottom yet again, and Jimin helped you to get out safely. "See? That wasn't bad at all," he teased, throwing your cotton candy cones away in the nearest trashcan. You pushed him while laughing, pretending to be offended. "You're so adorable Y/N," Jimin commented, referencing to what you had said to him earlier, and then grabbed your hand once more as the two of you left the park and headed for the field. The stuffed Koala rested safely inside of a plastic bag that Jimin had asked for before playing a duck fishing game earlier, and you swung your arms back and forth happily, a cooler breeze rushing over you that caused the grass blades to sway more viciously than earlier. Suddenly, Jimin stopped in his tracks and sat criss-crossed in the grass, just looking up at the moon. You stood there absent-mindedly for a moment, wondering whether or not you should keep walking or join him in whatever he was doing. You walked up next to him and looked up at the moon too, simply because he was, but couldn't understand the silence. "What's wrong Jimin? What are you doing?" You asked, sitting down beside him. He then lay down on the grass with his hands propped behind his head, his calm face watching the sky.

"Let's just look at the stars for a bit," he suggested, and you laughed thinking it was silly, but shrugged and ended up laying down as well. The pitch black sky was pristine for star gazing, and they, ever so far away, held such brilliant light. It blew you away how amazing they looked from down below where you two were. Everything was so calm and serene, and Jimin rested his hand on yours. "This starry sky will never amount to how amazing and beautiful you are," he cheesily complimented, still looking up at the night sky. "I wish I could really let you know how I feel, but I don't think words can suffice," he said, and you smiled at the thought that he could say such things. "Thats so sw-" you begun, but were interrupted by a pair of very familiar lips that pressed themselves against yours. You were surprised that he disobeyed you, kissed you when you least expected it, but he leaned over you and it felt safe- still a bit promiscuous, but you didn't mind. You rose into the kiss and pushed off slowly, then sat together with your heads rested upon each other for some time, just admiring the sky and the night together. Later, you checked your phone and told Jimin it was 9:20, so he grabbed your hand to help you up, and the both of you walked back to his car.

The whole ride home, you two talked and laughed over the silly things that happened in the park, and how you were able to him laugh when nobody else could, and that definitely made you feel special. After talking for so long, you became tired and fell asleep with your head against the passenger's seat, dreaming peacefully about sweet things. You were awakened naturally when the car hit some bumps in the road, and stretched as you yawned. "You're finally awake," Jimin said with an admiring smile. "I'm gonna drop you off at your house, so you don't have to walk alone so late. Where do you live?" You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times before finally realizing where you were, and told him your address. "Gotcha, we're almost there." 

He pulled up to the front of your home and you told him to stay inside the car so that your mom wouldn't see him, but he got out anyway and opened your door, an arrogant smile plastered on his face. "I hope you have a good night," he said quietly, and kissed you on the cheek, then got back into his car and drove away. And you just stood there, watching him leave, disappearing around the corner as you placed a hand upon your cheek. Walking on cloud nine, you approached your front door with the bag that contained your Koala prize, and unlocked the door. After stepping inside, you realized that thankfully your mom was asleep, and that you were on time, therefore wouldn't get in trouble.

Once you got to your room, you changed out of your clothes and snuggled into bed, the whole day you had with Jimin relapsing from the very beginning, and every little detail played a big part in the short story that you two created. With a smile on your face, you fell into a deep sleep as your last thoughts were of his lips, and Jimin returned to his home and thought of you, and how much he wanted to hold you and love you forever.

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Chapter 8: Wait is it done??? If it is, that was one of the most heartfelt endings I've ever read
Chapter 5: ITS ME AGAIN
Chapter 4: This has been great so far!!
Chapter 4: Yeah jimin, why are you so freaking good looking
Chapter 1: Plz update I am waiting !! xD
InsfiresSwag #7
Chapter 4: It's sooo good. Please update
Chapter 4: SO CUTE ~ xD
UnbreakableRose #9
Chapter 3: Pwease updatee
Plz update