Chapter 1

Sorry, I still love you (one-shot) - GuiWang


I will always love you ♥

[Gui Gui's POV]

The cool breeze blew against my hair.

I walked across the sandy patch,

Memories of him kept lingering in my mind.

[Flash Back]

" S-stop ! " I said in within my giggles.

Wang Zi continued tickling me.

" I-if y-you go on l-like this, I'll st-start ig-ignoring you! " I pretended to sound furious.

Less than a second, he stopped.

" Haha. " I laughed.

Wang Zi sighed and turned his back to face me.

I went up to him and tapped his shoulder, but, he ignored me.

" Why are you ignoring me ? " I stared at him with puppy eyes.

He turned to face another side.

" Hey... " My voice started to sound weak.

" Caught you. " He suddenly turned around and tickled me again.

[Flash Back End]

Why ?

Why does this have to happen to me ?

Why does he want to leave me for another person ?

Tears started rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

My legs started to wobble a little.

I squatted down.

Using my hands to cover my wet, teary face.

How I wished those memories could disappear,

Out of my mind.


They seem to linger more in my mind,

More than I expected.

[Flash Back]

" Wang Zi, what do you want to tell me ? " I asked,

Wang Zi was staring out of the window.

His attitude towards me was like the way he treated me the first time we met.

The cold, ignorant him.

He did not answer.

Slowly, I reached for his hand and grabbed it tightly.

" Tell me. "

He turned to face me.

His eyes were filled with sorrow.

" Let's break up. " He said, taking his hand off mine.

Those words hitted me.


My heart broke into pieces,

Like shards of glasses.

My vision started to turn blur.

The room was spinning in my mind.

I watched as Wang Zi walked out of the Cafe,

Not even Once,


Did he turn around.

The next thing I knew,

I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

[Flash Back End]

That's when I realised Wang Zi left me because of Xiao Xun.

That's when I realised I had Leukemia.

I landed up in the hospital after the loud thud.

The moment I woke up,

I saw my parents,

They were crying,

Crying non-stop.

I wondered what was going on.

What happened to me ?

Why did I faint all of a sudden ?

What's going on ?

So many question marks were appearing in my mind.


My parents chose to kept quiet when I asked them,

The questions that were appearing in my mind.

After they left,

I gathered up my courage to ask the doctor.

[Flash Back]

" Miss Wu, I am sorry to tell you that, you have Leukemia. Which is the cancer of the bone marrow. " The doctor said.


That sentence hitted me.

First, it was Wang Zi's break up.

Second, the sickness.

[Flash Back End]

I have Leukemia.

I can't live in this world any longer.

I would die any minute.



Any Moment,

I would fall to the ground,


That's when I leave this world.

This world of,







I clenched my fist tightly.

And turned to face the sea,

I stood up,



I felt better after that.

Turning around,

I needed to go back to the hospital.


I left the hospital without telling anyone.

There I was,

With my blue, long-sleeved blouse,

And blue long pants.

Those were the boring,

Hospital clothes.

After a few minutes,

I arrived at the hospital,

Which was located, somewhere near the beach.

I was surprised to see my parents talking to the doctor.

My mother was crying again.

I don't like to see her crying.

Especially, crying for me.


I feel so bad.

Just because I got Leukemia,

I made my parents sad.

I made them worried about me.

I made them, shed tears for me.

I don't like this feeling.

I hid at a corner and overheard their conversation.

" I am sorry to tell you this, Mrs Wu. " The doctor said.

" Why does this have to happen to her ? " My father patted my mother's shoulder.

" I am so sorry. Please let her spend her remaining days to the fullest. " The doctor said and walked away, head down.

I knew it.

I am dying soon.

Remaining Days.

How many days am I left with ?

3 ?

2 ?

or 1 ?

So, I am dying.

I am leaving this world.

" No. Gui Gui would not suffer such a fate. " My mother cried.

My father's eyes were turning red too.

I had my head down.


My vision started to turn blur.


I felt something,


Coming out from my nostrils.

I reached for my nose.


Blood was coming out from my nostrils.


I fell to the ground.

The moment I woke up,

I saw my parents,

My mother was grabbing my hand tightly.

I looked out at the window,

It was already Morning.

I fainted for a day, already.


I turned to face my mother.

" Ma. " I uttered the words, weakly.

" Yes ? " My mother held back her tears.

" Can I see Wang Zi ? " I asked.

" WHY DO YOU STILL WANT TO SEE THAT SCUMBAG !? " My father said, furiously.

" Please. Ma. I want to see him. " I pleaded my mother.

" You are not allowed to. That's it! " My father said.

" Just let her see him. Remember. " My mother turned around to see my father.

" Please. Pa. Let me see him. " I pleaded, weakly.

My father shook his head and heaved a sigh.

" Fine. " My father said.

" Thank You, Pa and Ma. " I smiled.

" Ma, can you call Wang Zi for me ? " I asked my mother.

" Sure, dear. " She said and reached for my phone.

She went out of the room to call Wang Zi.

I hope he would not reject my mother's offer.

Minutes later,

She came in, with a smile on her face.

" He'll be here, any minute. " My mother smiled.

" Hmm. " I smiled.

Silence broke out.

My mother walked to where my father was,


The ward's door open.

There he was,

He's here.

" Let's go have breakfast. " My mother winked to me.

Without waiting for an answer from my father,

She pulled him along, with her.

Wang Zi walked towards me,

and sat beside me.

" Wang Zi. " I mumbled.

He turned to face me.

" Gui. I- " Before he could continue,

I placed my finger on his lip.

" Bring me to the garden, will you ? " I stared at Wang Zi with my puppy eyes.

" Ok. " He answered swiftly.

I was about to get up,

When I felt my legs,

Turning wobbly.



I can't even walk.

I am too weak, to even walk.

" Are you Ok ? " Wang Zi stood in front of me.

" I am fine. " I answered.

" Then.. why aren't you getting up ? " He said.

" I... " I heasitated for a moment.

My foot reached for the ground.


My legs can't support my body.

I was about to fall to the ground,

When Wang Zi grabbed me by my arm.

" Get up here. " He pointed to his back.

I heasitated for a moment.

" I'll piggy-back you. " He said.

I got up, onto his back.

His warm, comfy back,

I missed it so much.

He pushed open the doors,

With me on his back.

Everybody were staring at us.

Even in the lift,

How I wish time could stop for awhile.


My wish did not come true.

A few seconds later,

The lift door opened.

Wang Zi carried me on his back,

We settled down on a bench.

" What a beautiful day. " I smiled.

" Yes, it is. " Wang Zi forced a smile.

" Wang Zi.. " I turned to face him.

I could feel my body,

Turning colder every minute.

" Ya ? " He faced me.

" Can I hug you ? " I asked.

Without even waiting for his answer,

He grabbed me by my arms.

There I was, with him in my arms.

My tears started rolling down my cheeks.

They rolled down to Wang Zi's shirt.

[Wang Zi's POV]

I could sense that she was crying.

It's because of me.

I broke up with her.

Just because of the threaten from Xiao Xun.

[Flash Back]

" Gui Gui has Leukemia. And the doctor treating her is my father. If you don't break up with her, I'll make my father kill her. " Xiao Xun smirked.

" NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO GUI GUI! " I shook my head.

" You should know what you're suppose to do. Leave her and come to me. " Xiao Xun turned to face me.

I nodded slightly.

Although Gui Gui had Leukemia,

And she's dying soon.

I wouldn't want her remaining days to decrease so quickly.

" I'll leave her. " I mumbled.

[Flash Back End]

" Sorry Gui Gui. " I whispered into Gui Gui's ear.

" Nevermind. No matter what, I'll forgive you. Because, I still love you. " She smiled.

" How are you with Xiao Xun ? " She asked.

She loves me too deeply.

She just want me to be happy.

Even if she is sad,

She would want me to be happy.

I knew her too well.

" Fine. " I answered.

I broke the hug and got down from the bench.

I sat on the grassy patch.

Gui Gui continued sitting on the bench.

" Do you remember the time when you brought me to gaze at the stars ? " Gui Gui said.

Who would forget that moment ?

I still love you, Gui Gui.

It's just that,

I don't want you to die so soon.


I have to keep my feelings to myself.

I nodded abit.

" Thanks for making my days so happy, last time. " She said.

I stood up from where I was and went to where she was,

" What are you doing ? " She looked up at me.

I carried her, bridal style and sat back down on the grassy patch, with her in my arms.

" Lay here. " I said, pointing to my lap.

Gui Gui smiled at me sweetly.

I remembered her saying that,

She love laying her head on my lap,

[Flash Back]

" My prince will always be with me. " Gui Gui lay on my lap.

I laughed aloud.

" Can I lay here forever ? " She asked me.

" Yes, forever and ever. " I grinned.

" Your lap would be my pillow. " Gui Gui smiled.

" Haha. It'll be. " I chuckled.

" I love laying on your lap. " Gui Gui closed her eyes.

[Flash Back End]

" Thank You, Wang Zi. " Gui Gui lay her head on my lap.

I felt like carrying her in my arms.

Forever and Ever.

" Gui... " I mumbled.

" Huh ? " Gui Gui answered.

Her face was pale.

I grabbed her hand tightly.

Her hands were turning cold too.

I could feel her body, turning weak and colder every minute.

" I am sorry to hurt you. I am sorry to break up with you. " I apologised to Gui Gui.

" I know everything already, Wang Zi. Ya Tou told me about it. You are forced to. " Gui Gui answered.

" I love you Wang Zi. No matter what, I'll always do. " Gui Gui smiled.

Her eyes were about to close.

I grabbed her hand much more tightly this time.

My eyes started to tear a little.

" Sorry, I still love you. " I said to Gui Gui.

Gui Gui smiled a little.

I knew that smile.

Her smile,

Is one of a kind.

Her smile,

Makes you happy.

Her smile,

Can brighten up anyone's day.

That's how special her smile is.

Her hands started to break free from my hand.

Her eyes started to close bit by bit.

Her body turned colder.

" I love you too. No matter where am I, I'll still love you. " Gui Gui voice turned weak.

" Gui Gui.. " My tears started to form in my eyes.

A tear rolled down from her cheek.

Her eyes,


Completely closed.

" GUI GUI! " I shouted her name.

She did not answer.

I shook her a little.

But, she did not react.

" Stop playing! " I said to her.

I started to cry uncontrollably.

I carried her in my arms and hugged her tightly.

My hand reached her nostrils,

She isn't breathing anymore.

" G-Gui... " I said in between my sobs.

" I-I l-l-love you... " I cried.

It's all too late.

Gui Gui left the world already.

She left for good.

She left Earth for Heaven.

" I'll always love you, no matter what. " I said.

I could sense that she was smiling.

Her soul was smiling.

Goodbye Gui Gui.

I will always love you.

With that, I continued carrying her lifeless body with tears rolling down my cheeks, every second.

I love you, Gui...

Done with the one-shot.
sad right ?
Haha :x

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