Walking the Line

Challenge Accepted - Peniel

A chime came from his phone as your incoming message sat at the top of his conversation list. Tapping your name, he happily read your response as a smile curled onto his lips.

Does noon work for you? I have to get some homework done beforehand. Also, would you like me to bring over some movies for us to watch as well?

Bring whatever you would like! I’m so excited to hang out with you! - P

Telling the truth, Peniel couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he sent the message to you.

“You like her, don’t you~” His roommate sang happily as he tossed a pillow at Peniel.

“Who?” Peniel tried to shake it off as his roommate rolled off of his chair and lunged towards Peniel trying to grab his phone to see who he was texting.

Peniel tried to keep his phone safe as his roommate tried everything to get to the device with no success.

“Who were you texting then?” His roommate questioned, holding a pillow over his head as a warning.

“_________” Peniel let your name slip through his lips again as another smile pulled his lips happily upwards.

“Aish!” His roommate hissed as he tossed the pillow down on Peniel.

“What?” Peniel giggled, catching the pillow and adjusting it to behind his head.

“Now I have to share this place with a man in love” His roommate giggled scooping up his controller back up in his hands before dancing a few moves from Infinite’s Man In Love.

Shaking his head, Peniel opened the newly incoming message as Jenny quickly spat single worded texts his way.

Just come over 10am tomorrow, you will see - P

The bright morning light poured through the dorm as Peniel’s sleepy feet shuffled across the carpet as he took a seat on the couch. Rubbing his hand against his eye and then combing his fingers through his hair, his roommate loudly dropped his bag by the door before coming over and sitting next to Peniel on the couch.

“Today is the big day” His roommate happily bounced beside him

“What do you mean?” Peniel mumbled in his deep morning voice.

“You are going to break up with Jenny and then you are going to get with _______” His roommate sang as Peniel turned his head to look at his roommate.

“How do you know?” He laughed, pushing his friend against the cushions on the couch.

“Trust me, man” His roommate laughed as there was a light knock on the front door.

“Destiny calls” His roommate laughed as Peniel let him up.

Watching his roommate trot over to the door, he moved his eyes down to his phone and tapped on a few of the messages and notifications that he missed while he was sleeping. Hearing the door open, he turned an ear towards the front door to listen in as to who visited them.

“Hi Jenny, what a nice surprise” His roommate tried to act happy, but his act didn’t last long as Jenny stepped inside.

“Is Peniel around, I need to speak with him please” Jenny folded her arms, her weight rested on one of her feet while her other leg was propped to the side.

“S-Sure he is right on the couch” His roommate stammered due to the fire burning within her eyes.

“Would you mind leaving us alone?” Jenny demanded as her heels clicked against the entryway tile. Nodding his head he slowly shuffled back to the kitchen. Passing by Peniel, he patted his shoulder.

“Good luck” His roommate whispered in passing.

Turning his head around, Peniel watched as she walked inside and sat down on the coffee table in front of him. A flattering yet revealing navy blue dress hugged her figure while white stilettos outfitted her feet and a cute white jean jacket covered her shoulders and arms.

“I’m here, what do you want to talk about?” Jenny crossed her legs, pulled her long black hair over her shoulders while she tried to look irresistible.

“I wanted to talk about us…” Peniel started while his roommate watched the scene play out from before him from his spot in the kitchen.

With the excitement of talking about their relationship, Jenny adjusted slightly on the table, a smile curling her lips as she tried to flaunt and ready herself as to what was to come.

“I’m breaking up with you” Peniel told her honestly, his eyes looking into hers as her body language changed completely from flirtatious to defensive.

“Why? What did I ever do to deserve this?” Jenny started to raise her voice with every word she spoke.

“A lot of things” Peniel slipped in with a soft voice hoping she wouldn’t hear.

“Excuse me?!” Jenny exclaimed as she had heard the muttered words of Peniel.

“You push me around, you never do what I want to do. I feel suffocated with you around. I never wanted to be with you in the first place, yes you are pretty and you look good on my hip but that is the only benefit of you.” Peniel knew he was diving off the deep end but he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Pretty?!” Jenny stood up in anger, “You think I am just pretty?!”

“Is that all you got from what I said?!” Peniel stood up, looking down at her, “I don’t like hanging around you, I don’t like being your pet and following you around everywhere. I don’t want to spend every waking hour with you, or send you cute texts just for you to reply with ‘I know’” Peniel’s tongue started to roll off his feelings rapidly.

“I did all of this for you and this is what I get?!” Jenny folded her arms across her chest trying to turn the tables to make him the bad guy.

“I wasn’t even the one that wanted this relationship, you told everyone that we were together. I didn’t know about it until one of my friends told me congratulations and then I had to ask him why.” Peniel explained.

Leaving her speechless, her tongue ran over her shinning lips, letting his words sink in her thoughts began to churn in her mind.

“Don’t make me the bad guy since it is clear who is who” Peniel added calmly.

“You really just asked me to come over so you could dump me?” Jenny questioned as hung open slightly in shock.

“Yeah…” Peniel rubbed the back of his neck before he gave her a nod before shuffling past her.

“Wait!” Jenny called quickly as she reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back around, she wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

Adding her passionate emotions into the kiss, she tried to convince him otherwise, trying to show him that they have a spark and that he was making a mistake. Peniel kept his eyes open as he let their lips touch for a second or two before he lifted his hands up and unwrapped himself from her hold.

“I’m sorry” Peniel’s grasp on her faltered as he walked over to the front door.

Getting the message, she was quiet as she walked over to the front door. Bowing to him, Peniel opened the front door to let her out before another face stood on the other side.


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Chapter 6: OH.MY.GOD :3:3:3:3:3 I might gonna roll around like a tiny human ball because this is too muuuuuuch ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I love it!!!!
momoxia #2
Chapter 6: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa you know what i did squeal so many times *and some blanket-kicks*XD i imagine how this this will be happen to me and peniel>.< and yes your fanfics are contagious;;) four thumbs up for you! *my thumbs and peniels(?)*heheheh
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 6: Once again, I'm glad that I read another non BAP Fic! Maybe I'll just read yours, as I love all of your stories, my heart went out to Peniel, I actually did know him, he's good friends with Youngjae from B.A.P ^_^ Jenny was atrocious, she was rude &I didn't deserve him at all!!! I'm so glad his roommate helped him see where his feelings were & what it meant, dread shouldn't happen with someone you love texts you. When she was about to walk out the door, I was like SAY SOMETHING!! I'm so glad he did, another great story! Glad I read it ^_^