Under Watchful Eyes - Part II

Temporarily Yours

VII. Under Watchful Eyes - Part II


“How about we go on a trip?”


“A trip?” Irene repeated, her voice a pitch higher or two than normal. She didn’t mean to sound so unsure or at least, not so openly to Minho. But yet again, her body betrayed her. Always more honest than she should be.


And as usual, Minho simply grinned and eased her worries.


“Relax. It’ll just be a one day thing. No staying overnight or whatever. We’ll leave early morning and then we’ll come back by evening.”


She focused her eyes on the open notebook before her. Hands scribbling what should be notes but are instead ineligible squiggles.


“Where would we be going?” she asked.


His eyes lit up.


“I’m sure you’ve heard about the fair going on in the city a few towns away?”


Who hadn’t heard? It was said to be grand and all sorts of fun. Rides. Carnival Games. Concerts. Foods of all varieties. Yet, despite hearing so much of it, she’d never once gone. It was tempting.


“What do you say?” Minho’s smile widened. “Share some cotton candy with me?”




Irene plants her feet and shakes herself out of Seulgi’s grip. Her eyes dart all around. Looking behind them at the double doors they had just exited, to the right where the field was, to the left, the other end of the school, and then forward at the parking lot. Not a single other person in sight. For now, that is.


“Seulgi, what if someone catches us?”


The taller girl raises a brow at her. Lips turning into a crooked smirk.


“Who’s going to catch us exactly? They’re all busy being at school.”


True, that was a rather good point. Still, it did little to lessen Irene’s nervousness. There’s always a chance of getting caught. And as one might have already guessed, Irene had never skipped before.


“Exactly how many times have you done this?” Irene inquires.


Like everyone else, she knew of Seulgi’s habit of disappearing throughout the school day. But she assumed it was something like hiding out on the school rooftop or resting undercover out by the bleachers in the field. It made sense as it was said that Seulgi selectively attended classes. You’d have to stay at school to be able to do that or relatively close at least. But now she wonders how often Seulgi actually left campus to go wander about.


Seulgi tilts her head to the side.


“I’ve lost count,” she nonchalantly confesses.


And Irene blinks at her, full of disbelief.


“How is it that you still maintain your grades?”


“How?” Seulgi shrugs her shoulders. “Because like you said before, I’m me.”


A heavy sigh escapes Irene. She’s sure that answer would have irritated a good handful of people especially since Seulgi ranked around the top fifteen of their class. Not as high as Irene but her standing was nothing to laugh at. In fact, it might be quite infuriating for some to learn that, despite missing classes and carrying such a reputation, Seulgi outranked most of their peers.


How? Well, perhaps Seulgi’s answer was indeed adequate enough. It’s because she was Kang Seulgi.


Irene bites her lip, weighing the consequences. Missing one day shouldn’t be too bad. But what if she misses a surprise quiz? Or what if they call home? She’d have to check and delete the message. And there’s no way Wendy wouldn’t find out. What if--


“Come on, lighten up,” Seulgi laughs at the seriousness of Irene’s expression. The latter hadn’t realized how deep in contemplation she was.


She gives Seulgi a long glance and then casts her eyes to the ground.


“I don’t know…”


An open hand suddenly appears in front of her and Irene gazes back up to see Seulgi grinning with eyes like crescents and not a trace of worry on her face.


“We’ll be fine. Have I let you down yet?”


Such a simple question. And yet, it was convincing enough..




Nervous and in slight panic--actually more than she’s willing to admit--Irene keeps an eye out the window. Hands gripping her seatbelt tight. Her heart feeling as if it were about to leap out of her chest. It’s not until they’re finally out of the parking lot and down the street, that she manages to calm down.


She tips her head back, sinking into the passenger’s seat, and loudly exhales, “Thank God.”


Earlier when they stealthily made their way to the parking lot and snuck into Seulgi’s truck, Irene nearly had a heart attack from the thunderous roaring of the engine come to life. Her face grew pale and she frantically urged Seulgi to hurry and leave as she fumbled to strap herself in. The latter simply laughed at her behavior but Irene was too afraid of getting caught to even care.


But now, they were out and they were safe.


At least, she hopes they are.


“It’s pretty cute how you panic so easily,” Seulgi smiles smugly to herself, making a left turn at the intersection. “You really haven’t skipped before, huh?”


Irene leers at her, “Shut up.”


She then relaxes her grip on the seat belt. Letting her hands fall into her lap.


“So where are we going?”


Seulgi keeps her eyes on the road as she drives.


“You get to decide our first destination,” she says with a thin smile. “Is there a place you’ve ever thought about going to while skipping school?”


Irene hums, pressing a finger to her lips in thought. She could think of a hundred things to do. But they were a hundred things that would be done at home and not at all spontaneous or exciting. Surely, Seulgi would tell her to come up with something better. One thing stuck out though, something she always saw in movies and tv shows.


“How about the arcade?” Irene carefully suggests. “I’ve never actually gone to one before.”


“What?” Seulgi finally spares her a glance. “Never?”




“Irene, are you aware that you have just admitted to a sin?” Seulgi slowly asks. “How have you never been to an arcade?”


The tinge of teasing in her voice was unmissable and Irene could feel her face flush.


“It’s not like I’ve never wanted to go to one. I just, well… I just haven’t,” Irene huffs with a pout.


The heartthrob erupts in laughter. Irene didn’t quite get what was so humorous about what she had said. All she did was give an honest suggestion. But Seulgi laughs all the same. Irene folds her arms across her chest and looks out the window. Laughter dies down and a finger pokes her cheek. Irene jerks from the touch and Seulgi begins to chuckle again, retracting her hand and returning it to the steering wheel. The smaller girl’s face turns a darker shade of red and she just knows, Seulgi was proudly smirking to herself.


“Arcade it is then.”




Sliding doors open and they step in. Lights flash all around, beams striking here and there, bulbs of red, blue, and green blinking repeatedly. It’s loud, incredibly loud. The sound of car engines. Punching and kicking. Something whirring. Something beeping. All of the shouting and laughing. Irene stands in awe, mouth slightly agape at the sight before her.


Seulgi pulls up next to her, slightly bending down, close enough so Irene could hear her amidst all the noise, “So, what game should I beat you at first?”


Irene jerks her head back and scoffs. Rolling her eyes at the girl beside her. Was there ever a moment Seulgi wasn’t cocky?


“Why are you so confident that you’ll beat me?”


This time, Seulgi’s the one who steps back, wearing an incredulous look on her face.


“No offense, babe,” she says, making sure to emphasize the pet name Irene loved oh so much, “but you haven’t set foot into an arcade until today. Do you really think you’re going to beat me at any game here?”


True, she’d never been to an arcade before. But games? Oh, that was a different story. Games, Irene knew very well. Seulgi would learn that soon enough.


Irene tucks her hair behind her left ear, giving a tiny careful smile. Sweet and seemingly innocent.


“Let’s find out.”




“I don’t understand,” she says, arms folded across her chest with eyes staring hard at the screen in front of her. The word Victory flashes repeatedly, taunting Seulgi. Because believe it or not, she wasn’t the winner. The tiny girl next to her jumping in triumph, the one who was enjoying her first visit at an arcade--she won. Against all odds. Against all logic. Against Seulgi.


That wasn’t right.


And it wasn’t just one victory. No.


It was a streak of twenty wins.


Seulgi remains baffled. Narrowing her eyes. Wondering how such a thing could have happened. Meanwhile, Irene continues her celebration. Pumping her first in the air. Giggling at the heartthrob’s ongoing defeat.


“I don’t get it,” Seulgi mutters to herself.


Irene stops, panting a bit from all her cheering.


“Surprised?” Irene grins with sparkling eyes. “Truth be told, I’m pretty good at games.”


Seulgi shifts her gaze to Irene.


“One more.”


“One more?” the shorter girl blinks. “Fine by me, which one?”


Seulgi wastes no time and walks towards a machine farther in the back. She picks up the blue gun controller for herself and then offers the red one to Irene. Another shooting game. They played about five or six of these already. And of course, they were all won by Irene.


This time would be different.


Because this one was Seulgi's favorite.


Irene takes the red gun offered to her and despite all of Seulgi’s losing, the heartthrob retains a faint smirk as she asks,






It starts.


No punches to pull. No mercy to give. Seulgi intends on playing full force. She had a reputation to keep. And as surprising as it was that Irene was some kind of freaky genius at games, there was no way Seulgi wouldn’t win at her best game.


Quiet concentration, her form stiffens. Fierce determination shines in her eyes, Keen and attentive. Not a single target escapes her. Her finger on the trigger doesn’t let up and Seulgi shoots and shoots and shoots until the timer hits zero.


She breathes it in, the smell of victory. Seulgi blows the imaginary smoke from the barrel of her gun.


“I win,” she smirks. Finally.


Irene doesn’t say a word. Instead, she points her gun at the screen. The reticle hovers over the words, Play Again?


“You want a rematch?” Seulgi scoffs and then gets into position. “Fine by me. I’ll just win again.”


Five minutes pass and sure enough, Seulgi was once again the victor. This time by a smaller point difference than the last match but that didn’t matter. The gap was still considerably large.


“What’d I tell you?” Seulgi boasts, unable to help herself as she tosses the gun back and forth from her right hand to her left. “Hey but don’t feel too bad, Irene. I mean, you won everything else. I don’t know how, but you did.”


Yet her few words of consolation did little to remove the fixated frown on Irene’s face. She had that same distressed look she always wore. The one Seulgi enjoyed seeing except this time, it wasn’t so cute. In fact, it was a bit scary as she seemed to be borderline angry. Or was that extreme frustration in her eyes?


“Again,” Irene says. Just that one word.


Seulgi fumbles, nearly dropping her controller.


“You want to play again?” Seulgi asks in case she had misheard. “Are you suddenly in love with this game? How many more times are we going to play?”


“Until I win,” Irene states, looking her dead in the eye. “Rule three.”


“Rule three? You’re making me play again? Babe, did you forget? According to that same rule, I can challenge that request.”


But Irene stands firm by what she’s said and puts her fist forward at the ready. Seulgi arches a brow at her and does the same. A silent count of three. And Seulgi clicks her tongue when Irene throws paper against her rock.


Once again, Irene points her gun at the rematch option. Seulgi sighs in mild annoyance as she begins to regret bringing Irene to the arcade in the first place. How could she have known that the girl was unexpectedly competitive?


“Fine,” Seulgi mutters to herself, holding her gun up, ready to start.




They do a match. Seulgi wins.


Another round. Seulgi wins.


One more. Seulgi wins.


The cycle repeats about six more times and it’s not Seulgi’s lack of skill that causes her to finally lose. No. It’s Irene’s sheer determination that beats down Seulgi’s pride and wills her to surrender, allowing Irene to ultimately come out victorious.


Irene jumps as high as she could with her tiny legs as Seulgi lazily sets the controller back where it belonged.


“Yes! I won!” Irene cheers, happily celebrating on her own.


“Yeah, after God knows how many rematches,” Seulgi mumbles under her breath.


“Did you say something, Seulgi?”


“Not at all,” the heartthrob smiles, casually brushing off the question. She glances at the time on her phone. “How about we look around some more?”




Instead of playing anymore versus games, they spend the rest of their time visiting all the crane machines. Now that Seulgi knew just how fixated Irene was on winning, these games were probably a safer bet. If she could at least win one little toy, that should be enough to satisfy her. And sure enough, when the girl somehow wins five different kinds of plushies, she’s completely elated. A perfect way to end their visit at the arcade. And so, Seulgi pulls Irene by the arm, dragging her through the front entrance.


“Wow! That was so fun!” Irene beams. She fixes her grip, strategically holding all five plushies in her short arms until Seulgi takes it upon herself to assist the girl, grabbing the biggest two to carry. Irene gives her a thankful nod. “I don’t know why, but I didn’t expect that I would enjoy the arcade so much. I’ll have to come here more often.”


“You know what I didn’t expect?” Seulgi asks.


Irene tilts her head in response.


“I didn’t expect you to be such a sore loser.”


Competitiveness was one thing. Seulgi didn’t mind that, she liked that surprise from Irene. On the other hand, her inability to accept losing was on some other level.


“Sore loser? What do you mean?” Irene blinks innocently, as if she had no clue as to what Seulgi was talking about. “How can I be a sore loser when I won everything?”


“You--” Seulgi began to object but with the way Irene batted her eyelashes, she instead shakes her head and laughs. Maybe Irene really didn’t have a clue. “You really are something else, huh?”


“What are you talking about, Seulgi?”


“Never mind, “Seulgi smirks. “Anyways, onto our next destination. Come on, adventure awaits.”


The heartthrob tucks the stuffed animal she was holding in her left hand, underneath her right arm and then wraps her left arm around Irene’s shoulders, dragging her along. They had little time to waste.




After a quick trip back to the truck to tuck away Irene’s prizes, Seulgi insisted they walk. Irene had looked at her questioningly but made no objections. It was one of the many things Seulgi found interesting about the girl. That despite her hesitance and reluctance to Seulgi’s plans, she was always open to trying. Not only that, but she was openly trusting as well. A trait that she found both admirable and foolish.


“Where are we going?” Irene asks as they crossed the street and veered off the sidewalk into a nearby alley.


Her steps quicken and she sticks close to Seulgi. Just one step behind, biting at the heels of Seulgi’s feet. The latter inwardly laughs, amused by Irene’s obvious apprehension.


“We’re taking a shortcut.”


“Through the alleys?” Irene shudders as she reaches out to cling onto Seulgi’s left sleeve. “Isn’t this sort of dangerous?”


Sort of dangerous? Oh, of course, it was dangerous. Just the other night when Seulgi was lurking around, there was a mugging in an alley a few streets away from where they were now. But Seulgi decides it’s best to refrain from telling Irene. The truth of potential danger would only scare her and the girl was already one to be easily frightened. Besides, Seulgi wouldn’t let anything happen.


“Yes, through the alleys. As for danger, you don’t have to worry about that,” Seulgi glances back at Irene and smirks. “I’m here.”


The girl immediately turns skeptical.


“Oh, I wasn’t aware that the Kang Seulgi was trained as well.”


Indeed, she was. That is, if you count boxing lessons from her Uncle when she was little. Which, without a doubt, Seulgi most certainly counted. As for formal training in any kind of martial arts or self-defense, she had none of that. But again, that was something she didn’t have to tell Irene. And the latter would be better off for it.


“Just a bit but more than enough to keep you safe,” Seulgi says full of confidence. “There’s no way I’d let my girlfriend get hurt, after all.”


Irene cringes at her statement and rolls her eyes. But it seems that it was enough to ease her worries as Seulgi feels the tiny fingers gripping her sleeve relax.


They walk quietly and in her peripheral vision, Seulgi could tell Irene’s head was turning from one direction to another, observing. There wasn’t much to take in. It was like any other ordinary alley. Trash littered the ground. Empty boxes lined the walls. And daylight lit the grey path, though just barely. Still, it was better than the pitch black of night.


Seulgi takes a left turn. Then, a right. And they continue forward until a chain-link fence barricades the path.


It was just past here.


The heartthrob turns around, finding a bewildered expression present on Irene’s face.


“Do you know how to jump a fence, Irene?”


“What? No!” Irene blinks, as if Seulgi had just asked her of the impossible.


“Perfect,” Seulgi grins, lightly bouncing on her feet. She steps next to Irene and looks at the fence, getting ready. Her eyes glance over to Irene one more time. She winks. “Time for you to learn. Watch closely, babe.”


And before Irene could utter a single word, Seulgi lunges forward in a brief run and then jumps. The fence rattles on impact as she plants her foot upon it and her hands grip the top. Immediately, she pushes off and hoists herself up, swinging her leg over. She hops down.




“You expect me to do that?!” Irene shouts all of a sudden.


Seulgi dusts her hands off and turns around. Through the spaces of the chain-link fence she sees how completely mortified Irene is.




The heartthrob puts on her best smile.


“Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it looks,” she reassures but Irene isn’t having it.


Her whole body objects. Arms forming an ‘x’. Head swiftly shaking back and forth. Seulgi suppresses all urges to laugh.


“Uh-uh, no way!”


“Irene, just listen to my instructions and you’ll do fine.”


Still, Irene refuses to comply, stomping her foot, scrutinizing the fence with eyes full of defiance.


“Why do I even need to jump it?”


“Uh, because there’s no other way around?” Seulgi points out the obvious. “And it’s an essential life skill.”


“Since when?” Irene scoffs.


For a few seconds, sirens wail nearby, getting louder and louder then softer and softer, until they drifted away. Seulgi didn’t want to have to do this, but Irene left her with no choice.


“Ever since you walked into the alley. How else are you going to escape potential muggers or stalkers?” Seulgi shrugs nonchalantly.


Instantly, Irene’s face pales, color draining in the blink of an eye, as if she had just seen a ghost. And although Seulgi feels a tinge bit of guilt, how else was she supposed to convince the girl to finally hurdle over?


“You said I didn’t have to worry about danger with you around!”


“Yeah but that was before there was a fence between us,” Seulgi retorts. “Come on, all you have to do is run, jump, and then pull yourself up. It’s harder than it looks.”


The other girl remains quiet with a deep scowl pulling at the corners of her lips. She was thinking, as she always did.


Seulgi sighs.


Sometimes, Irene could be so ridiculous. But that was part of the fun, wasn’t it?


“Trust me,” the heartthrob says as gentle as possible. Her eyes finding Irene’s, encouraging her.


Hesitation still present and fear quite obvious in the way she rubs her arm, Irene bites her lip and confirms what she has to do, “Run, jump, pull?”


A crooked grin spreads across Seulgi's face and she nods.


“Run, jump, pull.”


Irene takes a deep breath as she attempts to shake the nerves from her system. It was so bad that Seulgi could see the poor girl’s legs wobble, threatening to give out beneath her. She shut her eyes, hands clamping together as she mutters what Seulgi thinks is a prayer. The heartthrob cups her hands around like a megaphone.


“You got this, Irene!”


And Irene sprints forward with her whole body then leaps. The fence clanks loud and hard. Her hands barely reach the top but she manages to get a grip. With gritted teeth and all the strength she can muster, Irene pulls herself up. Just barely.


It wasn’t the most graceful sight but she was so close.


“That’s it! Almost there!” Seulgi shouts, watching Irene climb her way over. “Now, just hook your leg around and--”


It was a split second. The fastest Seulgi’s ever moved when Irene’s hands slip as she swings her legs over. No scream or yelp, she simply falls. And the heartthrob lunges forward without a thought, catching the smaller girl in her arms.


Seulgi stares down at Irene who was cowering with eyes shut tight, bracing for impact.


Idiot, Seulgi curses herself. She should have been more careful and watched Irene more closely.


“Hey, don't worry. You're not dead,” Seulgi softly chuckles. “I told you that you’d be fine, right?”


It takes a few seconds but Irene finally pries her eyes open, realizing she was completely unharmed. Her eyes dart all around. From the fence to the ground to the sky and then to Seulgi. It’s only then, when their eyes meet, that Seulgi realizes how light the girl is. Barely a strain in her arms. And she thinks of how fragile Irene is.


Easy to worry.


Easy to scare.


Easy to hurt.


Seulgi smiles down at her, “Nice job getting over here.”


Irene’s bottom lip quivers slightly and her eyes shimmer faintly, seemingly on the verge of tears. She punches Seulgi’s shoulder. Once. Twice. Three times in total. But each hit was softer than the last until she stops, hand barely forming a fist, gripping Seulgi’s shirt.


“Next time,” Irene mutters weakly, looking away, “you’re carrying me over the fence.”


Seulgi bows her head and laughs.


“I don’t know if that’s possible but you got it.”


Carefully, Seulgi sets Irene down but when her feet touch the ground, she wobbles. Struggling to stand, she latches onto Seulgi’s arm. Leaning against her. Cheek buried into the heartthrob’s sleeve. Seulgi her head, confused.


“Sorry, I just need to regain my balance.”




Seulgi begins to walk with Irene holding on tight, “Whatever you need.”




It wasn’t too far off now, Seulgi notes, judging from the increase of spray cans littering the ground as they proceed farther and farther down the alley. And despite having recovered from her earlier scare, Irene still clung onto Seulgi. Her attention constantly wandering. Probably nervous from Seulgi’s earlier statement about stalkers and muggers.


They pass an odd crevice on the wall to their left. Red bricks lay scattered on the ground.


Further ahead, an odd structure of tin cans and glass bottles glued together rested against the dumpster.


If Seulgi remembers correctly, they should take the upcoming right turn and so they do.


And as they continue onward, different colors marked the ground. Crazy lines of blue. Splotches of red. Spirals of yellow. Blotches of purple. Streaks of green. But the best part, wasn’t the mix of colors at their feet, it was the spectacular creations all along the walls of the alley. An open canvas for all. To which many visited. And many created.


A tiny gasp.


Seulgi turns to Irene. Surprise and wonder sparkling in her eyes.


“Welcome to the Hidden Artist Alley,” Seulgi announces.


Irene stays quiet, completely in awe. Staring at the high walls, eyes fluttering down and then back up, taking in all the various artwork. She walks aimlessly forward. Just a few steps and spins around to see everything.


“How did you know about this place?” Irene asks. Finally speaking for the first time since she almost fell off the fence.


Seulgi picks up a stray can, weighs it in her hand and shakes it. She grabs another and does the same. They both feel to be about half full. Good enough.


“I like to wander around,” she replies, smirk and all.


Irene’s brows knit together, full of worry.


“In alleys? By yourself?”

“Yep. How else would I find a cool place like this?”


It was a few years back. One restless night, lonely and quiet. At the time, Seulgi didn’t have a license and instead hitched a ride on the bus or from a friend. Otherwise, she walked. Quite often, too. She was out on the streets more than one might have thought. And as dangerous as it was, she liked wandering around at night. Basking in the moonlight. Roaming the empty streets. Sitting on the curb, just thinking to herself. Then, it was on one night when she was outrunning some rather sketchy fellows, she found this place.


A gem hidden in the maze of shadowy alleyways.


“It is pretty amazing,” Irene admits, twirling around once more to take it all in. Every inch of the walls were covered. Sporadic and explosive bursts of color that reached the skies and touched the ground. “You really do like art, huh?”


Seulgi smiles, remembering their first date at the art exhibit and how surprised Irene was.


“Of course. It’s a great form of expression and,” she stresses the last word as she approaches Irene, handing her one of the cans she picked up, ”it’s important to express one’s self. Here.”


Irene gingerly accepts the can, inspecting it all around before giving Seulgi a questioning look. The latter answers with a lopsided grin and a wink.


“Let loose and make something.”




She turns her head to the left. Maybe it was all about the angle? She turns her head to the right but it was still difficult to make out. Her eyes squint, nearly to the point that they were closed. Seulgi blinks and rubs her eyes. She had no idea what she was looking at.


“Can’t you tell what it is?” Irene says besides her.


“Honestly,” Seulgi scoffed, “I don’t know what the hell is going on.”


“What? No way!”


Irene scurries to the wall. She waves her arms in big circles, attempting to help Seulgi decipher and understand her creation. Not to be too harsh, but it was quite hard to discern Irene’s lines of red spray paint against the mix of different colors of all the other paintings and graffiti she sprayed over.


“Okay, look, this is one person and this is another person,” she explains, pointing at two giant splotches of red that were side by side. Looking at it a bit harder now, she could sort of see the hair, head, and body. “Both of them are holding guns, see?” Irene directs attention to some oddly shaped rectangles. “Do you get it now?”


“Kind of? I’m guessing that’s the hair and then the face--”


“Exactly!” Irene jumps, ecstatic. “Now, do you get it?”


Seulgi shakes her head, “Not really.”


“Oh my--” Irene’s shoulders slump and she groans, frustrated. “This one is you and this one is me,” she points to the figure on left and then the right. “We’re both holding guns from that game we played.”


Finally, it clicks.


“That’s what it is?” Seulgi scratches her cheek as she scrutinizes the spray-painted piece. “You made us of all things. Why?”


When she told Irene to let loose and create, well, she hardly expected something so... simple?


“Why?” Irene repeats as if the answer was obvious. “It’s to commemorate today. You said it’s important to express one’s self. Well,” she shrugs shyly, “what I wanted to express most of all in this moment was how grateful I am. And I wanted to do that by showing the fun I had and who I was with.”


For a moment, Seulgi is quiet. Her eyes trace the contours of Irene’s face as if the girl were hiding something. But she could find nothing. Not a single trace of a lie. And the heartthrob breaks her silence with laughter.


“What’s so funny? I put my best effort into that!” Irene complains, pushing Seulgi’s shoulder and the latter sways, still chuckling to herself. “Fine, then let me see what you made.”


Directly behind them, on the wall opposite of Irene’s painting, was Seulgi’s. The shorter girl walks towards it only to stop midstep. Jaw hanging ajar and eyes wide with surprise, she gasps. And as Seulgi finally recovers from her laughing fit, Irene blurts in awe, “What the hell? This is amazing, Seulgi!”


Actually, it wasn’t much. Or at least, Seulgi didn’t think so. In comparison to what Irene had made, hers was more abstract. Zigzags and jagged lines of red and blue crossing over each other. Spreading this way and that. And perhaps if one were to squint, they looked like overarching wings taking over the wall. Or maybe it was something else. Either way, Seulgi decided to leave it open to interpretation. For, she herself had no idea. She simply painted as she moved, letting it flow through her.


“I guess so, But you know what?” Seulgi rubs the back of her neck as she pulls up next to Irene, gaze falling to meet hers. “I like yours much better.”




“Yeah, I have to say, it won me over.”


An expression clear cut and straight to the point. No complicated feelings but just sincerity. There was something admirable in its simplicity. And there was beauty in such a feeling.


Seulgi glances at her phone for the time and then clicks her tongue. They took longer than expected. She had planned on showing Irene more but it would have to be for another time, it seems. She gives Irene a tiny nudge.


“Let’s get some food.”




After minutes of walking through the alleys, getting lost, and almost carrying Irene over another fence--but not quite--they order some burgers at a nearby food truck. Sitting on the sidewalk, they enjoy their small little break, munching on their food. Watching everyone pass by and all the cars drive up and down the street. It was a rather quiet afternoon. A peaceful way to the day.


Seulgi crumples up the burger wrapper in her hands, compressing it into a tiny ball. Too lazy to get up, she throws it at a trash bin a few feet away with success. Irene taps her shoulder, giving her wrapper to throw away as well. The heartthrob chuckles and disposes of it in the same fashion.


“Tired?” she asks.


“A little,” Irene sighs, hugging her knees.


They both sit quiet. Resting. Listening. Watching. From the corner of her eye, Seulgi observes Irene.


Irene looked smaller than usual, all huddled like that. And she hardly moved save for the slight way her body shifted with each breath. Head craned upwards, pointed towards the sky. She seemed mesmerized.


Seulgi, too, stares up at the clouds stretching across the sky, painted in shades of red and pink, as the sun began to hide behind the horizon.




Seulgi takes a deep breath as her gaze falls back down to the girl beside her.


“You like looking up at the sky, too?”


Irene simply nods, attention still fixated up above.


The heartthrob stands, dusting off her pants before offering her hand.


“Come on then, I’ve got one last thing to show you. A view that will have you swooning.”




As soon as Seulgi parks her truck, Irene bolts out the door. Running the fastest Seulgi’s ever seen her. She stands at the edge of the hill, hand pressed against the lone tree for support, catching her breath. This hill was not only the highest vantage point on the outskirts of the city, but also the best spot to view the sunset. And when Seulgi catches up to Irene, she can see her eyes filled with wonder and the smallest smile present on her lips.


“It’s so… pretty,” Irene slowly mutters.


Seulgi takes in the view.


“Told you.”


Suddenly, Irene begins rummaging through her pockets and pulls out her phone. After a few seconds. Seulgi hears the snap of pictures being taken. She turns to see Irene swiping through her new photos, looking happy and satisfied.


Silently, they watch the sunset. Basking in it’s fleeing warmth and fading light as the sun began to disappear, barely peeking over the horizon. Then, the heartthrob heavily sighs.


“We didn’t do as much as I wanted. I planned on showing you around more but it looks like we’re bad at time management,” Seulgi says. “But I suppose there’s always next time. I at least hope you enjoyed yourself?”


Irene nods, “Of course, I did. Can’t you tell? Although, I have to say, I wasn’t so thrilled about jumping fences.”


They laugh and continue to watch the scenery.


And unbeknownst to Irene, Seulgi bites the inside of her cheek in mild annoyance at herself. She shoves her hands in her pockets and in her right, she crumples the sticky note she’d shown to Irene earlier. Balling it up in the center of her fist. The initial plan was to see more than the Hidden Artist Alley. To venture beyond and show Irene all the little things people seemed to miss.


But it was poor planning on her part.


Next time, she had to be better.


“Were you serious about what you said before?” Irene suddenly asks as she looks up at Seulgi, snapping the latter out of her thoughts. “That you find places like that by wandering around a lot?”


Seulgi nods and her confirmation receives a rather odd response as Irene stares at her with keen eyes. Her attention begins to dwell a little too long.


“What?” Seulgi finally speaks up. “Do I have something on my face?”


“No,” Irene responds, almost mechanically. Still deep in thought.


“Then, what’s with the staring?”


“I was just thinking about you,” Irene, once again, answers absentmindedly.


The biggest smirk breaks across Seulgi’s face.


“Oh, you starting to fall for me, babe?”


And it’s through Seulgi’s expression that Irene snaps out of it and realizes how her words could have been taken. Though, Seulgi knew she didn’t mean it that way, it was still fun to for it.


“Don’t get cocky,” Irene snorts, looking away for a brief moment. “I was just thinking…” She pauses, tilting her head side to side. Her arms fold across her chest as she turns to face the heartthrob. “You’re a good person, Seulgi. Thank you.”


A good person.


Seulgi wonders where the thought came from.


She then sighs in the most dramatic fashion possible.


“And here I thought you were about to say something romantic.”


The smaller girl pushes Seulgi for her teasing but she giggles, nonetheless.


That wasn’t good.


Irene was starting to get used to her antics. Soon, it would become more difficult to poke fun at the girl. But it was bound to happen. As they spend more and more time together, it was only natural Irene would eventually become immune to her foolery.


After all, the fun could only last so long, Seulgi supposes.


As for how long--well, that was uncertain.


The heartthrob shrugs her shoulders and in all seriousness, she says, “I told you. I meant what I said when I agreed to help you.”


Gratitude was unneeded--for now, at the very least. It could all wait until everything was over. But Irene shakes her head and smiles.


“Yeah but still. I wanted to say thanks.” Irene looks out over the hill. The red sky had turned a shade of purple as the sun was nearly gone. Light was fading. The day was ending. Irene draws a deep breath, “You’re not going to let me down, right?”


Without the slightest hint of hesitation or doubt, Seulgi answers, “Never. I wouldn’t be Kang Seulgi if I did.”






I never really travelled much. Only once or twice as a kid. Just family vacations. Other than that, nothing else. Minho suggested we go to the fair. A small little road trip. And yet, just driving on the roads I’ve never been on, passing by forests I’ve never seen, and visiting the tiny towns I’ve never heard of, was exciting to me. And then the fair--the fair left me awestruck.


It felt like an adventure.


Something amazing out of a dream.


I only wish there was more.


If only we had more adventures.


What do you think, Seulgi? Am I foolish for cherishing such a moment?


“No,” Seulgi says aloud as if anyone could hear her answer.


She drops the purple parchment on her desk, letting it lie open, as she quietly thought to herself. Her fingers scratch at the arm of her chair. The desk lamp flickers. Once again, she forgot to replace the bulb. Seulgi sits up and reaches for a sticky note at the far corner of her bulletin board.


Anything can be an adventure.

Even the smallest thing.

What matters most is the fun.

And sometimes, who you’re with.


And like all the other notes before, Seulgi crumples it and tosses it in the trash.




a/n: I finally updated. I know it took me forever and I apologize lol My oneshot, Looking Through the Glass, just took me so long to write, it kind of drained me and I became even slower than usual. But this is a small little update and a little breather from the past 2 chapters with a little insight on Seulgi’s perspective =] but just a bit lol Anyways, I’ll keep this note short haha. Thank you to everyone who read, that includes silent readers as well. Thanks to all who commented and thank you to all the subscribers! I’m always grateful. And I know I always say this, but I’ll try to be faster on this next update! I’ve also got another small multi-chapter fic that I’m preparing so please look forward to it =] Until then, let’s all support Red Velvet’s comeback! Peek-A-Boo!


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A big thank you to seulhands for the amazing poster ;A;


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1060 streak #1
Author please comeback! :(((
Chapter 13: 🥲🥲🥲
woah it's been years since the last time i read this one. i hope you still continue writing this one
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
still wishing u will continue this book 😭🤍
433 streak #5
Chapter 13: This is so good. And we've barely gotten answers to anything, its a shame 😔
Brokenheartedb #6
Chapter 13: One of the best author :))
vmr210 #7
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: started this not knowing it was unfinished and fell in love with it, I hope someday we can get an ending to this story :)
highhihi #8
Chapter 13: I don’t want to pressure you but I’ve been rereading this story for some time now and I’m hoping all of us would get the ending that we deserve… hope to hear from you soon
Jensoo4everlove #9
Chapter 13: Idk but the fact that this story is incomplete but I still read it. And I don't regret it even a bit. This has to be like one of my fav tbh , it's just so simply beautiful. Like no heavy , lovey dovey moments but the pure bond Seulrene shared. Damn this incomplete story fills a void within. How much I want to know about Seulgi's side ughhh why do you have to leave such a masterpiece like this Author!? Why!!?? 💔😭😭😭
All I wanted to know was Seulgi's side.. Doesn't matter if this fic doesn't end.. Just Seulgi's side. Hhh author I hope you're okay.


Always makes me think.. What happened with Seulgi. And I don't like that I feel this empty feeling in my heart