College - Graduation

Cool Hot Sweet L.O.V.E. (1.5) - A spin off
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"There you are! I've been looking for you. Why are you just sitting here? Let's dance!" Irene managed to catch the glass that was about to fall from Joy's hand as she was being pulled to the dance floor by Ilhoon. Changsub clucked his tongue at the pair.

"He's been having the hots for her but he's running out of time." He tsked. Irene sent him a wry glance.

"Are you trying to start another love plan project now?" She gulped her drink down and signalled for another glass.

"I'm over that now." He watched her finish another glass. "Are you trying to get wasted tonight?" He queried a little too politely.

"Well, there's nothing else to do is there? And it's open bar." She raised her glass at him before downing it in one go. 

"Hmm.. it's not like I have anything to do later anyway." He shrugged and clinked his glass with hers before they both downed their drinks.


"Did you know that you have one big eye?" Irene giggled. She tried to touch the eye in the middle of his face but missed.

"That's not my eye!" He tried to deflect. "Did you get it?"

"No!" She tried again.

"Oh no! Where did it go?" He shrieked.

"Oh no!" 

"Oh no!" 

"Oh dear. Let's get you both back." Joy sighed. Why was she always the sober one. She tried to haul Irene up and had to get help from two other girls to hoist Changsub up. "Where are the boys when you need them?" She seethed.

In the taxi, Irene and Changsub snuggled together with their arms around each other ("Did you know that one of your ears is bigger than the other?" Quipped Irene. "Really?" Changsub felt for his ears. "Oh no! I can't find them!" He cried. "Oh no!". "Oh no!"). Joy almost cried with relief when they finally arrived at the apartment that she and Irene shared. She begged the taxi driver to help her with Changsub and thanked him profusely after he deposited Changsub in Irene's room.

"Now, what do I do with both of you?" Joy mused. She watched the two giggling away while lying on the floor, laughing about something that remotely sounded like an ant and dust humping each other. "You know what, you two can have fun in here. I'm going to take a long hot shower." She closed the door behind her with a resounding click.


The next morning

"Oh!" Irene woke up with a startle. She tried to get up but immediately laid back down when the world started to spin around her. "Oh, my head." Her head was pounding as she tried to very slowly hoist herself up. But a hand stopped her, or more specifically an arm wrapped around her middle stopped her from moving. With big round eyes, she turned her gaze (glare) towards the owner of the offending arm and the sight that greeted her made her scream.

Changsub bolted upright at the loud scream. Too late, the headache slammed at him; and he swore as he cradled his throbbing head. "What the was that???" He hissed at the girl beside him. Then he stopped and stared.

Irene was shooting daggers at him with her eyes while trying to wrap herself with the blanket. Changsub looked down at his own state of undress and hurriedly grab a pillow to cover his body. "What.... what happened???"

"You tell me!" She hissed.

"I.. I can't remember anything!" He tried desperately to grab a piece of the blanket but she swatted his hand away.


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Chapter 10: love love love it <3
Chapter 9: I LOVE THIS
Chapter 9: What!? Just that???!! I mean of course cause the previous story actually told us that their friends were shocked that they were dating but.... but... I feel like i need more of them.... hahahahahaha xD Nice btw!! I like how you do the chapters and the title^^
yookgirin #4
Chapter 9: for real tho, this is the best fanfic ive ever read ㅠㅠ pls write epilogue or just write another fanfic.... [(whisper) sungjoy would be perfect)
Dhillats #5
Chapter 7: Woowww finallyyy update moreee chuseyoooo
bolmaenamu #6
Chapter 5: Please update authornim TT
xD4xin #7
Chapter 1: I finished Joy and Sungjae's story earlier this morning in a day, and I just want to tell you to keep going at it. I love your style of writing.
syukchan #8
Welcome back! I'm will wait for your updates..
Dhillats #9
Chapter 1: Love the story already hahahahah