Chapter 18

My Personal Angel


I missed you

Aaron pov
Class had already started and Gui wasn't here was was she

Gui pov
I ran throught the hallways as I reached my class Everyone looked at me
your late
Ms. Wu- The teacher said
Sorry I was-I began
Gui- I heard a familiar voice I looked up and I smiled
Calvin- I said
I ran to hug him
I missed you- I said
I missed you to Gui- Calvin said

Aaron and Hebe pov
I starred at them pain instantly filled my heart alot of emotion came at me all at once
jealousy pain saddness anger
Are they together

Gui pov
Ahem- I heard from Hebe an Aaron Calvin and I both looked at them

Hebe smiled at me and Calvin and held Aarons hand
Aaron looked at us and smiled
I felt pain in my heart and I held back my tears
I looked at Calvin and I knew he was hurt to was her...Hebe...she was the one who broke his heart
Calvin reached for my hand and I took it and smiled at him and I squeezed his hand to support him he knew I understood
Hebe and Aaron stared at us
so were did you to meet- Hebe and Aaron asked Calvin and I at the same time
we smiled
In America-We both said

Flash back
As I walked the streets of L.A I bumped into someone
Sorry Miss- the guy said I smiled

End of flash back
So I guess you and my brother are close- Aaron said
Brother- I thought
Oh he didn't tell you ..You now it's bad to lie in a relationship- Aaron said

Calvin pov
Gui and I were best friend since we first met and we both knew everything about eachother even our past and our love ones

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