Hawaii You?

Hawaii You?
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You jumped off your scooter for the fifth time this evening. Weekends were always the busiest days for the local pizza shop you worked for. Being a full time student, you didn’t have much income to live by. Luckily, you managed to work part time at Keso’s Pizza as a deliverer. It was a charming pizza parlor with very few workers, but it was sufficient.

You blew away the strands of hair that fell in front of your face as you took off your helmet, inwardly cringing at the sight of the pinkness in it. Your friends were s for daring you to dye your hair pink, but you were a for even doing it. Your colleague, Jongin, never seemed to miss an opportunity to make fun of your hair, but you never backed down from a dare - no matter how crazy it was.

“Yeonghee, a Hawaiian with extra pepperoni at the usual,” Gukjin, your daily manager, told you as he handed over the large sized pizza box. Gukjin was a middle-aged man with a strict face, but he had a heart of gold. You would be living off of ramen for the whole year if it wasn’t for him. Working at a pizza parlor did have its perks when you could take home some left overs after your shift.

Your mouth curved into an unconscious smile at the order, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the manager as he gave you a knowing look.  

There was only one house that ordered the same pizza almost every day, and it had become a routine for you to deliver it on Sundays through Wednesdays – which, coincidentally, were your only working days. It had almost been a month since they started to make daily orders to Keso’s and it had become the only highlight of your shift.

The sole reason being that the ones ordering were huge eye-candies. You remember how you had to restrain yourself from drooling at the beautiful sight in front you. The customers revealed to be two extremely good looking guys with hungry looks for pizza. Although the moment was short, it was the best three seconds of eye contact you’ve ever had with a stranger.


You sped down the familiar neighborhood road on your red Vespa as the wind whipped through your pink hair that stuck underneath the helmet. The weather was getting colder now that the fall season was getting closer. You slowed down once the green door you’d seen countless of times came into sight. Parking the scooter by the curb, you hastily took off your helmet and fervently tried to calm down your wild hair. It was a subconscious action to at least look presentable in front of two attractive guys.

Grabbing the pizza box from the back of your scooter, you made your way to the front door with tentative steps. You had no idea why you were all jittery when all you did was literally give the pizza, receive money and then leave.

You took in a deep breath before mustering the courage to knock firmly on the door.

You eyed the name plaque on the door, their names already memorized from all the times you had been delivering pizza.


Oh Sehun and Byun Baekhyun.


You waited a few seconds in silence before hearing a shuffle from inside the house.

The door opened slightly, revealing a black-haired male in casual attire. The latter wore a supreme white t-shirt matched with grey sweatpants. His hair was unstyled and a bit damp, indicating that he probably just came out of a shower. It looked so fluffy and you had to fight the urge of running your fingers through his soft locks. How he still managed to look this good was beyond your belief.

They way his hair fell over his droopy eyes made him out to look really young. You didn’t know how old he was, but you would have probably guessed a few years older than you. Out of the two of them, Baekhyun was definitely the one that caught your eye first. You had to admit, you were weak against his infectious smile.

“A Hawaiian with extra pepperoni?”

You wanted to applaud yourself for not stuttering.

Registering who you were, Baekhyun opened the door wider, giving you the chance to peer inside. Though it wasn’t the first time you had snuck a peek in, you restrained yourself from making it too obvious. Although your view was limited, it looked surprisingly neat to be a house consisting of only two guys.  

“Sehun, it’s the pizza!” Baekhyun shouted over his shoulder as he raked his gaze over you. You suddenly felt insecure standing there in your uniform, your hair probably looking like a bird nest.

You locked eyes with him and he gave you a smile that almost sent your knees buckle over. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he reached out for the pizza, “Hawaii you?”

You weren’t sure if you had heard him correctly, seeing as he never seemed to be initiating a longer conversation. All you did was deliver the pizza, receive money and then leave. That was the routine!

The unpreparedness that came along with his sudden question resulted in you looking like a mute fool as you stood in front of him in silence, not responding to his somewhat joke.

You opened your mouth in order to reply but his housemate suddenly popped out from behind him, waving a few bills at you.

“You can just keep the change,” Sehun said as he gave you a polite smile.

You returned his smile with a tight one and bowed before you fled the scene. You were already feeling red in the face for embarrassing yourself in front of Baekhyun. Gosh, he probably thinks you’re an anti-social robot.

To think it was only Sunday, which meant that you were bound to face them again the day after.


❖ ❖  ❖


“Can’t you send Jongin?” You whined to your daily manager as he handed you the Hawaiian.

“No, he has another deliver to cater to.” Gukjin sent Jongin a look, successfully making the tall male usher out the door in haste, but not before sending you a not-so-apologetic smile accompanied with a shrug.

“Sorry, shortcake,” Jongin hollered.

You gave him a playful glare at his insult to both your hair and your height.

After your tiny embarrassing incident from the day before, you weren’t sure if you were looking forward to your next delivery. Apparently, Gukjin was very adamant on sending you away.


You sighed as you yet again stood in front of the familiar green door with a freshly baked pizza in hand. You knocked on the wood, hearing a ruckus from behind it. A questioning frown settled over your forehead as seconds passed and no one had come to open the door. You jumped back in surprise when the door finally opened and Baekhyun’s head peeked out from the lower side. His hair looked disheveled and he was breathing heavily in order to catch his breath.

He gave you a sheepish smile as his eyes trailed down to your hands.

“Oh, it’s the pizza,” the male noted, his voice sounding strained. It looked like he had run a marathon, or wrestled, just before opening the door.

You unknowingly gave him a weirded out look at his crouching position, but held out the pizza nonetheless, “A Hawaiian with extra pepperoni?”

“Yeah.” He scrambled up and dusted away some invisible dirt on his knees before taking a hold on the box.

You were a bit taken aback at how nicely he had dressed. He was wearing a navy dark shirt matched with a pair of dark jeans. His hair was styled up, showing his handsome face in its wholesome. You were wondering if he was going anywhere or if this was actually how he usually dressed up.

Rummaging in his pocket, he took out some bills and gave it to you. He waved his hand at you, telling you to keep the change. Giving him a polite smile, you bowed and took off.

This was the routine you were familiar with. Delivering the pizza, receive money and then leave. This time, however, you couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed at the short time you spent in front of Baekhyun’s door.


Still in deep thoughts, you neared the familiar pizza parlor and parked the scooter in the back, expecting to make another delivery shortly.  

“Hawaiian with extra pepperoni,” Gukjin called out as soon as you entered the venue. You raised a brow at your manager, “Another one?”

The man only shrugged and handed you the box, “Maybe one wasn’t enough,” he voiced out.

You tilted your head and walked out to your scooter once again. You had never experienced a customer ordering twice during one evening, but it wasn’t uncommon. You couldn’t help but question it.


Leaving your red Vespa by the curb, you hurriedly took off your helmet and walked towards the green door.

Your fist hung in the air as Baekhyun immediately opened the door after your first knock. You awkwardly lowered your arm and presented the box with a smile, “Still hungry?”

The male gave you a flustered gaze, his shifty smile showing both his top and bottom teeth, “I guess we have an appetite.”

He stretched his hand out to give you the money and receive the pizza. You berated yourself for being such a middle-schooler when your hand came in contact with his. His hands were obviously bigger than yours but they were still beautiful and slim.

“What’s your name, by the way?” 

His sudden question brought you out from your daydreaming about his hands.  

Your lips pulled into another beaming smile at his blinking eyes. He’s so cute.


The latter nodded thoughtfully before breaking into a heart-fluttering smile, “That’s a pretty name.”

Your body stiffened at his response. You didn’t know if he was flirting with you or if he was simply being polite. The thought of him actually flirting with you was unimaginable though.

“For a pretty girl like me?” You joked in hopes of washing away your awkwardness.

The male let out a breath that sounded much like a laugh, “I’m Baekhyun.”

I know, you wanted to answer.

“That’s a pretty name.”

The corner of Baekhyun’s lips curved up at your comment, “For a pretty boy like me?” He batted his eyelashes at you in a joking manner.

You chuckled at the exchange, feeling much more comfortable with him.

Remembering the numerous orders you still had to deliver, you unwillingly excused yourself for having to leave.

Baekhyun gave you a cute smile, oddly resembling a puppy at that moment.

“I’ll see you, Yeonghee.”

You felt a warm, tingling sensation creep up your neck and into your face as you heard him say your name. You scurried to the scooter while discreetly fanning your face.

“Bye Yeonghee!” Sehun appeared behind Baekhyun and gave you an eager wave.

“I can’t wait to eat this pizza for the fou-“ His voice drowned out into a muffle as Baekhyun firmly shut the door.

You narrowed your eyes at the door, wondering why Baekhyun didn’t let him finish his sentence. Shrugging the matter away, you hurriedly put on your helmet and patted your warm cheeks as you realized that this was the longest conversation you have had with Baekhyun.

Groaning out loud, you mentally cursed yourself for making that stupid joke, ‘For a pretty girl like me?’

You disliked how flirty you sounded, but in your defense, you were pretty sure Baekhyun was being flirtatious too.


❖ ❖  ❖


“A Hawaiian with extra pepperoni at the usual,” Gukjin called out as soon as you arrived back from your last deliver. “Give them this extra pizza too. It’s on the house since they’re such frequent customers.”

“I can take it.” Jongin was about to reach out for the pizza until you slapped his hands away.

He gave you a bewildered stare as you grabbed the boxes, “No, it’s fine. I’ll deliv

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mysticworld 0 points #1
Chapter 3: Omg how come I hadn't seen this ff before?? Its unfair. Baekhyun and younghee are such cuties. Sehun too. Baekhyun is kinda like real life Baekhyun, whining and throwing tantrums behind the scenes like a baby but putting a confident facade before younghee.
I loveeee this fic so much it’s one of my comfort fic that I always find my way home to
Chapter 3: I loved every word and every detail of your story ! It is wonderful ♡
neenah_03 #4
Chapter 4: This was such a grell story! So wholesome and fun to read. Especially seeing poor baek being an awkward flustered loser around his crush HAHAAHSHS
K1ngexo1 #5
Oh my god i love this story a lot ??
Thank you for sharing author :))
JiLin1998 #7
Chapter 1: Wooooow. Did he just reject her?? I‘m done