Until Tomorrow - EXO story request shop // Closed

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Until Tomorrow is an EXO Fic Request shop where you can get the story you’ve always wanted to read but couldn’t find anywhere.

I’ve had this idea for a long while—since I joined AFF, actually. It’s been years since I messed around with requests and I miss how fun it was. Thus, I decided to start all over again, in a community I know no one.

I’m an amateur writer somewhere in Europe and speak/write English as my second language. So, there’s bound to be mistakes. That doesn’t mean I don’t do my best with eliminating all of them whilst proof-reading my stories.

I hope you get to request a story from me and I will un-doubtfully do my best to please you with the outcome!




slot # | username | status
1. a-xiuhan-h | finished
2. a-xiuhan-h | working on plot/structure
3. BelleAri | working on plot/structure
4. soosfaerie | finished
5. Sweetclassical | working on plot/structure
6. sparkyuling | working on plot/structure


From drabbles to long oneshots, you may request anything in between.

Dark to fluff, whatever you wish.

Any pairing you have in mind—as weird or unpopular as it might be.

I can write you anything as long as you follow these few, simple guidelines.



1. Read the rules BEFORE submitting your form

2. Fill in the form thoroughly. Don't leave out important information, otherwise, the story

will not turn out the way you want

3. Leave a comment below telling me you've submitted your form

4. Subscribe if you want to follow the updates

5. Comment once you see the story, telling me what you think! A critique is also welcomed

6. Upvote if you like the outcome

I will know when someone hasn't read the guidelines/rules. It's a simple thing I'm asking of you so please, for us to work together nicely, take a look at them.


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Chapter 1: I requested last night but fell asleep before I commented here hehe <3
Requested :)
Happy writing
hey! i already requested :)
2489 streak #4
Chapter 1: Hey! Just wanted to let you know that the form link goes to one that we are able to edit. You want to link the live form instead so that no one else can mess with the questions/available answer choices and that only you will be able to see people's responses to the form.

Anyway, hope you're having a great day and I may drop a request in the future!! ^^
a-xiuhan-h #5
hi, i don't know if my request is submitted or not??!! please forgive me if there are so much of my form!!!
hi. how do you request? :)